Bug 464146 - about:rights notification sometimes not shown with session restore....
[wine-gecko.git] / js / tests / jsDriver.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 # -*- Mode: Perl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
3 # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et tw=80:
4 # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
5 # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
7 # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
8 # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
9 # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
10 # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
12 # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
13 # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
14 # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
15 # License.
17 # The Original Code is JavaScript Core Tests.
19 # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
20 # Netscape Communications Corporation.
21 # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-1999
22 # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
24 # Contributor(s):
25 # Robert Ginda <rginda@netscape.com>
27 # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
28 # either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
29 # the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
30 # in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
31 # of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
32 # under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
33 # use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
34 # decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
35 # and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
36 # the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
37 # the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
39 # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
41 # Second cut at runtests.pl script originally by
42 # Christine Begle (cbegle@netscape.com)
43 # Branched 11/01/99
45 use strict;
46 use Getopt::Mixed "nextOption";
47 use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
48 use POSIX qw(sys_wait_h);
50 my $os_type = &get_os_type;
51 my $unixish = (($os_type ne "WIN") && ($os_type ne "MAC"));
52 my $path_sep = ($os_type eq "MAC") ? ":" : "/";
53 my $win_sep = ($os_type eq "WIN")? &get_win_sep : "";
54 my $redirect_command = ($os_type ne "MAC") ? " 2>&1" : "";
56 # command line option defaults
57 my $opt_suite_path;
58 my $opt_trace = 0;
59 my $opt_classpath = "";
60 my $opt_rhino_opt = 0;
61 my $opt_rhino_ms = 0;
62 my @opt_engine_list;
63 my $opt_engine_type = "";
64 my $opt_engine_params = "";
65 my $opt_user_output_file = 0;
66 my $opt_output_file = "";
67 my @opt_test_list_files;
68 my @opt_neg_list_files;
69 my $opt_shell_path = "";
70 my $opt_java_path = "";
71 my $opt_bug_url = "https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=";
72 my $opt_console_failures = 0;
73 my $opt_console_failures_line = 0;
74 my $opt_lxr_url = "http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/js/tests/";
75 my $opt_exit_munge = ($os_type ne "MAC") ? 1 : 0;
76 my $opt_timeout = 3600;
77 my $opt_enable_narcissus = 0;
78 my $opt_narcissus_path = "";
79 my $opt_no_quit = 0;
80 my $opt_report_summarized_results = 0;
82 # command line option definition
83 my $options = "b=s bugurl>b c=s classpath>c e=s engine>e f=s file>f " .
84 "h help>h i j=s javapath>j k confail>k K linefail>K R report>R l=s list>l " .
85 "L=s neglist>L o=s opt>o p=s testpath>p s=s shellpath>s t trace>t " .
86 "T=s timeout>T u=s lxrurl>u " .
87 "x noexitmunge>x n:s narcissus>n " .
88 "Q noquitinthandler>Q";
90 if ($os_type eq "MAC") {
91 $opt_suite_path = `directory`;
92 $opt_suite_path =~ s/[\n\r]//g;
93 $opt_suite_path .= ":";
94 } else {
95 $opt_suite_path = "./";
98 &parse_args;
100 my $user_exit = 0;
101 my ($engine_command, $html, $failures_reported, $tests_completed,
102 $exec_time_string);
103 my @failed_tests;
104 my @test_list = &get_test_list;
106 if ($#test_list == -1) {
107 die ("Nothing to test.\n");
110 if ($unixish && $opt_no_quit == 0) {
111 # on unix, ^C pauses the tests, and gives the user a chance to quit but
112 # report on what has been done, to just quit, or to continue (the
113 # interrupted test will still be skipped.)
114 # windows doesn't handle the int handler they way we want it to,
115 # so don't even pretend to let the user continue.
116 $SIG{INT} = 'int_handler';
119 my $current_test;
120 my $current_test_pid;
122 &main;
124 #End.
126 sub main {
127 my $start_time;
129 while ($opt_engine_type = pop (@opt_engine_list)) {
130 dd ("Testing engine '$opt_engine_type'");
132 $engine_command = &get_engine_command;
133 $html = "";
134 @failed_tests = ();
135 $failures_reported = 0;
136 $tests_completed = 0;
137 $start_time = time;
140 &execute_tests (@test_list);
142 my $exec_time = (time - $start_time);
143 my $exec_hours = int($exec_time / 60 / 60);
144 $exec_time -= $exec_hours * 60 * 60;
145 my $exec_mins = int($exec_time / 60);
146 $exec_time -= $exec_mins * 60;
147 my $exec_secs = ($exec_time % 60);
149 if ($exec_hours > 0) {
150 $exec_time_string = "$exec_hours hours, $exec_mins minutes, " .
151 "$exec_secs seconds";
152 } elsif ($exec_mins > 0) {
153 $exec_time_string = "$exec_mins minutes, $exec_secs seconds";
154 } else {
155 $exec_time_string = "$exec_secs seconds";
158 if (!$opt_user_output_file) {
159 $opt_output_file = &get_tempfile_name;
162 &write_results;
167 sub append_file_to_command {
168 my ($command, $file) = @_;
170 if ($opt_enable_narcissus == 1) {
171 $command .= " -e 'evaluate(\"load(\\\"$file\\\")\")'"
172 } else {
173 $command .= " -f $file";
177 sub execute_tests {
178 my (@test_list) = @_;
179 my ($test, $shell_command, $line, @output, $path);
180 my ($last_suite, $last_test_dir);
182 &status ("Executing " . ($#test_list + 1) . " test(s).");
184 foreach $test (@test_list) {
185 my ($suite, $test_dir, $test_file) = split($path_sep, $test);
186 # *-n.js is a negative test, expect exit code 3 (runtime error)
187 my $expected_exit = ($test =~ /\-n\.js$/) ? 3 : 0;
188 my ($got_exit, $exit_signal);
189 my $failure_lines;
190 my $bug_number;
191 my $status_lines;
192 my $result_lines;
194 # Allow the test to declare multiple possible success exit codes.
195 # This is useful in situations where the test fails if a
196 # crash occurs but passes if no crash occurs even if an
197 # out of memory error occurs.
198 my @expected_exit_list = ($expected_exit);
200 # user selected [Q]uit from ^C handler.
201 if ($user_exit) {
202 return;
205 $current_test = $test;
207 # Append the shell.js files to the shell_command if they're there.
208 # (only check for their existance if the suite or test_dir has changed
209 # since the last time we looked.)
210 if ($last_suite ne $suite || $last_test_dir ne $test_dir) {
211 $shell_command = &xp_path($engine_command);
213 $path = &xp_path($opt_suite_path ."shell.js");
214 if (-f $path) {
215 $shell_command = &append_file_to_command($shell_command,
216 $path);
219 $path = &xp_path($opt_suite_path . $suite . "/shell.js");
220 if (-f $path) {
221 $shell_command = &append_file_to_command($shell_command,
222 $path);
225 $path = &xp_path($opt_suite_path . $suite . "/" .
226 $test_dir . "/shell.js");
227 if (-f $path) {
228 $shell_command = &append_file_to_command($shell_command,
229 $path);
232 $last_suite = $suite;
233 $last_test_dir = $test_dir;
236 $path = &xp_path($opt_suite_path . $test);
237 my $command = &append_file_to_command($shell_command, $path);
239 $path = &xp_path($opt_suite_path ."js-test-driver-end.js");
240 if (-f $path) {
241 $command = &append_file_to_command($command,
242 $path);
245 &dd ("executing: " . $command);
247 my $jsout;
248 (undef, $jsout) = tempfile();
250 #XXX cloned from tinderbox. See sub kill_process
251 my $pid = fork; # Fork a child process to run the test
252 unless ($pid) {
253 open STDOUT, ">$jsout";
254 open STDERR, ">&STDOUT";
255 select STDOUT; $| = 1; # make STDOUT unbuffered
256 select STDERR; $| = 1; # make STDERR unbuffered
257 exec $command;
258 die "Could not exec $command";
261 $current_test_pid = $pid;
263 my $timed_out = 0;
264 my $dumped_core = 0;
265 my $loop_count = 0;
266 my $wait_pid = -1;
268 eval
270 local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "time out" };
271 alarm $opt_timeout;
272 $wait_pid = waitpid($pid, 0);
273 alarm 0;
276 if ($@ and $@ =~ /time out/)
278 kill_process($pid);
279 $timed_out = 1;
282 $current_test_pid = undef;
284 if ($opt_exit_munge == 1) {
285 # signal information in the lower 8 bits, exit code above that
286 $got_exit = ($? >> 8);
287 $exit_signal = ($? & 255);
288 } else {
289 # user says not to munge the exit code
290 $got_exit = $?;
291 $exit_signal = 0;
294 open (OUTPUT, "$jsout") or
295 die "failed to open temporary file $jsout: $!\n";
296 @output = <OUTPUT>;
297 close (OUTPUT);
298 unlink "$jsout";
299 @output = grep (!/js\>/, @output);
301 $failure_lines = "";
302 $bug_number = "";
303 $status_lines = "";
304 $result_lines = "";
306 foreach $line (@output) {
308 # watch for testcase to proclaim what exit code it expects to
309 # produce (0 by default)
310 if ($line =~ /expect(ed)?\s*exit\s*code\s*\:?\s*(\d+)/i) {
311 $expected_exit = $2;
312 push @expected_exit_list, ($expected_exit);
313 &dd ("Test case expects exit code $expected_exit");
316 # watch for failures
317 if ($line =~ /^\s*FAILED!/) {
318 $failure_lines .= $line;
321 # and watch for bugnumbers
322 # XXX This only allows 1 bugnumber per testfile, should be
323 # XXX modified to allow for multiple.
324 if ($line =~ /bugnumber\s*\:?\s*(.*)/i) {
325 my $bugline = $1;
326 $bugline =~ /(\d+)/;
327 $bug_number = $1;
330 # and watch for status
331 if ($line =~ /status/i) {
332 $status_lines .= $line;
335 # collect result summary lines
336 if ($line =~ /^jstest:/)
338 $result_lines .= $line;
342 if (!@output) {
343 @output = ("Testcase produced no output!");
346 if ($opt_report_summarized_results) {
347 print STDERR $result_lines;
348 if ($timed_out)
350 &report_summary_result($test, $bug_number, "FAILED TIMED OUT",
351 "", "", "",
352 join("\n",@output));
354 elsif (index(join(',', @expected_exit_list), $got_exit) == -1 ||
355 $exit_signal != 0) {
356 &report_summary_result($test, $bug_number, "FAILED",
357 "",
358 "Expected exit $expected_exit",
359 "Actual exit $got_exit, signal $exit_signal",
360 join("\n",@output));
362 elsif ($got_exit != 0) {
363 # abnormal termination but the test passed, so output a summary line
364 &report_summary_result($test, $bug_number, "PASSED",
365 "",
366 "Expected exit $expected_exit",
367 "Actual exit $got_exit, signal $exit_signal",
368 join("\n",@output));
371 elsif ($timed_out) {
372 # test was terminated due to timeout
373 &report_failure ($test, "TIMED OUT ($opt_timeout seconds) " .
374 "Complete testcase output was:\n" .
375 join ("\n",@output), $bug_number);
377 elsif (index(join(',', @expected_exit_list), $got_exit) == -1 ||
378 $exit_signal != 0) {
379 # full testcase output dumped on mismatched exit codes,
380 &report_failure ($test, "Expected exit code " .
381 "$expected_exit, got $got_exit\n" .
382 "Testcase terminated with signal $exit_signal\n" .
383 "Complete testcase output was:\n" .
384 join ("\n",@output), $bug_number);
385 } elsif ($failure_lines) {
386 # only offending lines if exit codes matched
387 &report_failure ($test, "$status_lines\n".
388 "Failure messages were:\n$failure_lines",
389 $bug_number);
392 &dd ("exit code $got_exit, exit signal $exit_signal.");
394 $tests_completed++;
398 sub write_results {
399 my ($list_name, $neglist_name);
400 my $completion_date = localtime;
401 my $failure_pct = int(($failures_reported / $tests_completed) * 10000) /
402 100;
403 &dd ("Writing output to $opt_output_file.");
405 if ($#opt_test_list_files == -1) {
406 $list_name = "All tests";
407 } elsif ($#opt_test_list_files < 10) {
408 $list_name = join (", ", @opt_test_list_files);
409 } else {
410 $list_name = "($#opt_test_list_files test files specified)";
413 if ($#opt_neg_list_files == -1) {
414 $neglist_name = "(none)";
415 } elsif ($#opt_test_list_files < 10) {
416 $neglist_name = join (", ", @opt_neg_list_files);
417 } else {
418 $neglist_name = "($#opt_neg_list_files skip files specified)";
421 open (OUTPUT, "> $opt_output_file") ||
422 die ("Could not create output file $opt_output_file");
424 print OUTPUT
425 ("<html><head>\n" .
426 "<title>Test results, $opt_engine_type</title>\n" .
427 "</head>\n" .
428 "<body bgcolor='white'>\n" .
429 "<a name='tippy_top'></a>\n" .
430 "<h2>Test results, $opt_engine_type</h2><br>\n" .
431 "<p class='results_summary'>\n" .
432 "Test List: $list_name<br>\n" .
433 "Skip List: $neglist_name<br>\n" .
434 ($#test_list + 1) . " test(s) selected, $tests_completed test(s) " .
435 "completed, $failures_reported failures reported " .
436 "($failure_pct% failed)<br>\n" .
437 "Engine command line: $engine_command<br>\n" .
438 "OS type: $os_type<br>\n");
440 if ($opt_engine_type =~ /^rhino/) {
441 open (JAVAOUTPUT, $opt_java_path . "java -fullversion " .
442 $redirect_command . " |");
444 print OUTPUT "<BR>";
445 close (JAVAOUTPUT);
448 print OUTPUT
449 ("Testcase execution time: $exec_time_string.<br>\n" .
450 "Tests completed on $completion_date.<br><br>\n");
452 if ($failures_reported > 0) {
453 my $output_file_failures = $opt_output_file;
454 $output_file_failures =~ s/(.*)\.html$/$1-failures.txt/;
455 open (OUTPUTFAILURES, "> $output_file_failures") ||
456 die ("Could not create failure output file $output_file_failures");
457 print OUTPUTFAILURES (join ("\n", @failed_tests));
458 print OUTPUTFAILURES "\n";
461 &status ("Wrote failures to '$output_file_failures'.");
463 print OUTPUT
464 ("[ <a href='#fail_detail'>Failure Details</a> | " .
465 "<a href='#retest_list'>Retest List</a> | " .
466 "<a href='$opt_lxr_url" . "menu.html'>Test Selection Page</a> ]<br>\n" .
467 "<hr>\n" .
468 "<a name='fail_detail'></a>\n" .
469 "<h2>Failure Details</h2><br>\n<dl>" .
470 $html .
471 "</dl>\n[ <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> | " .
472 "<a href='#fail_detail'>Top of Failures</a> ]<br>\n" .
473 "<hr>\n" .
474 "<a name='retest_list'></a>\n" .
475 "<h2>Retest List</h2><br>\n" .
476 "<pre>\n" .
477 "# Retest List, $opt_engine_type, " .
478 "generated $completion_date.\n" .
479 "FAILURE: # Original test base was: $list_name.\n" .
480 "FAILURE: # $tests_completed of " . ($#test_list + 1) .
481 " test(s) were completed, " .
482 "$failures_reported failures reported.\n" .
483 "FAILURE: Engine command line: $engine_command<br>\n" .
484 join ("\n", map { "FAILURE: $_" } @failed_tests) .
485 "\n</pre>\n" .
486 "[ <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> | " .
487 "<a href='#retest_list'>Top of Retest List</a> ]<br>\n");
488 } else {
489 print OUTPUT
490 ("<h1>Whoop-de-doo, nothing failed!</h1>\n");
493 print OUTPUT "</body>";
495 close (OUTPUT);
497 &status ("Wrote results to '$opt_output_file'.");
499 if ($opt_console_failures) {
500 &status ("$failures_reported test(s) failed");
505 sub parse_args {
506 my ($option, $value, $lastopt);
508 &dd ("checking command line options.");
510 Getopt::Mixed::init ($options);
511 $Getopt::Mixed::order = $Getopt::Mixed::RETURN_IN_ORDER;
513 while (($option, $value) = nextOption()) {
515 if ($option eq "b") {
516 &dd ("opt: setting bugurl to '$value'.");
517 $opt_bug_url = $value;
519 } elsif ($option eq "c") {
520 &dd ("opt: setting classpath to '$value'.");
521 $opt_classpath = $value;
523 } elsif (($option eq "e") || (($option eq "") && ($lastopt eq "e"))) {
524 &dd ("opt: adding engine $value.");
525 push (@opt_engine_list, $value);
527 } elsif ($option eq "f") {
528 if (!$value) {
529 die ("Output file cannot be null.\n");
531 &dd ("opt: setting output file to '$value'.");
532 $opt_user_output_file = 1;
533 $opt_output_file = $value;
535 } elsif ($option eq "h") {
536 &usage;
538 } elsif ($option eq "j") {
539 if (!($value =~ /[\/\\]$/)) {
540 $value .= "/";
542 &dd ("opt: setting java path to '$value'.");
543 $opt_java_path = $value;
545 } elsif ($option eq "k") {
546 &dd ("opt: displaying failures on console.");
547 $opt_console_failures=1;
549 } elsif ($option eq "K") {
550 &dd ("opt: displaying failures on console as single line.");
551 $opt_console_failures=1;
552 $opt_console_failures_line=1;
554 } elsif ($option eq "R") {
555 &dd ("opt: Report summarized test results.");
556 $opt_report_summarized_results=1;
558 } elsif ($option eq "l" || (($option eq "") && ($lastopt eq "l"))) {
559 $option = "l";
560 &dd ("opt: adding test list '$value'.");
561 push (@opt_test_list_files, $value);
563 } elsif ($option eq "L" || (($option eq "") && ($lastopt eq "L"))) {
564 $option = "L";
565 &dd ("opt: adding negative list '$value'.");
566 push (@opt_neg_list_files, $value);
568 } elsif ($option eq "o") {
569 $opt_engine_params = $value;
570 &dd ("opt: setting engine params to '$opt_engine_params'.");
572 } elsif ($option eq "p") {
573 $opt_suite_path = $value;
575 if ($os_type eq "MAC") {
576 if (!($opt_suite_path =~ /\:$/)) {
577 $opt_suite_path .= ":";
579 } else {
580 if (!($opt_suite_path =~ /[\/\\]$/)) {
581 $opt_suite_path .= "/";
585 &dd ("opt: setting suite path to '$opt_suite_path'.");
587 } elsif ($option eq "s") {
588 $opt_shell_path = $value;
589 &dd ("opt: setting shell path to '$opt_shell_path'.");
591 } elsif ($option eq "t") {
592 &dd ("opt: tracing output. (console failures at no extra charge.)");
593 $opt_console_failures = 1;
594 $opt_trace = 1;
596 } elsif ($option eq "u") {
597 &dd ("opt: setting lxr url to '$value'.");
598 $opt_lxr_url = $value;
600 } elsif ($option eq "x") {
601 &dd ("opt: turning off exit munging.");
602 $opt_exit_munge = 0;
604 } elsif ($option eq "T") {
605 $opt_timeout = $value;
606 &dd ("opt: setting timeout to $opt_timeout.");
608 } elsif ($option eq "n") {
609 &dd ("opt: enabling narcissus.");
610 $opt_enable_narcissus = 1;
611 if ($value) {
612 $opt_narcissus_path = $value;
615 } elsif ($option eq "Q") {
616 &dd ("opt: disabling interrupt handler.");
617 $opt_no_quit = 1;
619 } else {
620 &dd ("opt: unknown option $option '$value'.");
621 &usage;
624 $lastopt = $option;
628 Getopt::Mixed::cleanup();
630 if ($#opt_engine_list == -1) {
631 die "You must select a shell to test in.\n";
637 # print the arguments that this script expects
639 sub usage {
640 print STDERR
641 ("\nusage: $0 [<options>] \n" .
642 "(-b|--bugurl) Bugzilla URL.\n" .
643 " (default is $opt_bug_url)\n" .
644 "(-c|--classpath) Classpath (Rhino only.)\n" .
645 "(-e|--engine) <type> ... Specify the type of engine(s) to test.\n" .
646 " <type> is one or more of\n" .
647 " (smopt|smdebug|lcopt|lcdebug|xpcshell|" .
648 "rhino|rhinoi|rhinoms|rhinomsi|rhino9|rhinoms9).\n" .
649 "(-f|--file) <file> Redirect output to file named <file>.\n" .
650 " (default is " .
651 "results-<engine-type>-<date-stamp>.html)\n" .
652 "(-h|--help) Print this message.\n" .
653 "(-j|--javapath) Location of java executable.\n" .
654 "(-k|--confail) Log failures to console (also.)\n" .
655 "(-K|--linefail) Log failures to console as single line (also.)\n" .
656 "(-R|--report) Report summarized test results.\n" .
657 "(-l|--list) <file> ... List of tests to execute.\n" .
658 "(-L|--neglist) <file> ... List of tests to skip.\n" .
659 "(-o|--opt) <options> Options to pass to the JavaScript engine.\n" .
660 " (Make sure to quote them!)\n" .
661 "(-p|--testpath) <path> Root of the test suite. (default is ./)\n" .
662 "(-s|--shellpath) <path> Location of JavaScript shell.\n" .
663 "(-t|--trace) Trace script execution.\n" .
664 "(-T|--timeout) <seconds> Time in seconds before the test is terminated.\n" .
665 " (default is 3600).\n" .
666 "(-u|--lxrurl) <url> Complete URL to tests subdirectory on lxr.\n" .
667 " (default is $opt_lxr_url)\n" .
668 "(-x|--noexitmunge) Don't do exit code munging (try this if it\n" .
669 " seems like your exit codes are turning up\n" .
670 " as exit signals.)\n" .
671 "(-n|--narcissus)[=<path>] Run the test suite through Narcissus, run\n" .
672 " through the given shell. The optional path\n".
673 " is the path to Narcissus' js.js file.\n".
674 "(-Q|--noquitinthandler) Do not prompt user to Quit, Report or Continue\n".
675 " in the event of a user interrupt.\n"
677 exit (1);
682 # get the shell command used to start the (either) engine
684 sub get_engine_command {
686 my $retval;
688 if ($opt_engine_type eq "rhino") {
689 &dd ("getting rhino engine command.");
690 $opt_rhino_opt = 0;
691 $opt_rhino_ms = 0;
692 $retval = &get_rhino_engine_command;
693 } elsif ($opt_engine_type eq "rhinoi") {
694 &dd ("getting rhinoi engine command.");
695 $opt_rhino_opt = -1;
696 $opt_rhino_ms = 0;
697 $retval = &get_rhino_engine_command;
698 } elsif ($opt_engine_type eq "rhino9") {
699 &dd ("getting rhino engine command.");
700 $opt_rhino_opt = 9;
701 $opt_rhino_ms = 0;
702 $retval = &get_rhino_engine_command;
703 } elsif ($opt_engine_type eq "rhinoms") {
704 &dd ("getting rhinoms engine command.");
705 $opt_rhino_opt = 0;
706 $opt_rhino_ms = 1;
707 $retval = &get_rhino_engine_command;
708 } elsif ($opt_engine_type eq "rhinomsi") {
709 &dd ("getting rhinomsi engine command.");
710 $opt_rhino_opt = -1;
711 $opt_rhino_ms = 1;
712 $retval = &get_rhino_engine_command;
713 } elsif ($opt_engine_type eq "rhinoms9") {
714 &dd ("getting rhinomsi engine command.");
715 $opt_rhino_opt = 9;
716 $opt_rhino_ms = 1;
717 $retval = &get_rhino_engine_command;
718 } elsif ($opt_engine_type eq "xpcshell") {
719 &dd ("getting xpcshell engine command.");
720 $retval = &get_xpc_engine_command;
721 } elsif ($opt_engine_type =~ /^lc(opt|debug)$/) {
722 &dd ("getting liveconnect engine command.");
723 $retval = &get_lc_engine_command;
724 } elsif ($opt_engine_type =~ /^sm(opt|debug)$/) {
725 &dd ("getting spidermonkey engine command.");
726 $retval = &get_sm_engine_command;
727 } elsif ($opt_engine_type =~ /^ep(opt|debug)$/) {
728 &dd ("getting epimetheus engine command.");
729 $retval = &get_ep_engine_command;
730 } else {
731 die ("Unknown engine type selected, '$opt_engine_type'.\n");
734 $retval .= " $opt_engine_params";
736 if ($opt_enable_narcissus == 1) {
737 my $narcissus_path = &get_narcissus_path;
738 $retval .= " -f $narcissus_path";
741 &dd ("got '$retval'");
743 return $retval;
747 # get the path to the Narcissus js.js file.
749 sub get_narcissus_path {
750 my $retval;
752 if ($opt_narcissus_path) {
753 $retval = $opt_narcissus_path;
754 } else {
755 # For now, just assume that we're in js/tests.
756 $retval = "../narcissus/js.js";
759 if (!-e $retval) {
760 # XXX if it didn't exist, try something more fancy?
761 die "Unable to find Narcissus' js.js at $retval";
764 return $retval;
768 # get the shell command used to run rhino
770 sub get_rhino_engine_command {
771 my $retval = $opt_java_path . ($opt_rhino_ms ? "jview " : "java ");
773 if ($opt_shell_path) {
774 $opt_classpath = ($opt_classpath) ?
775 $opt_classpath . ":" . $opt_shell_path :
776 $opt_shell_path;
779 if ($opt_classpath) {
780 $retval .= ($opt_rhino_ms ? "/cp:p" : "-classpath") . " $opt_classpath ";
783 $retval .= "org.mozilla.javascript.tools.shell.Main";
785 if ($opt_rhino_opt) {
786 $retval .= " -opt $opt_rhino_opt";
789 return $retval;
794 # get the shell command used to run xpcshell
796 sub get_xpc_engine_command {
797 my $retval;
798 my $m5_home = @ENV{"MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME"} ||
799 die ("You must set MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME to use the xpcshell" ,
800 (!$unixish) ? "." : ", also " .
801 "setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the same directory may get rid of " .
802 "any 'library not found' errors.\n");
804 if (($unixish) && (!@ENV{"LD_LIBRARY_PATH"})) {
805 print STDERR "-#- WARNING: LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not set, xpcshell may " .
806 "not be able to find the required components.\n";
809 if (!($m5_home =~ /[\/\\]$/)) {
810 $m5_home .= "/";
813 $retval = $m5_home . "xpcshell";
815 if ($os_type eq "WIN") {
816 $retval .= ".exe";
819 $retval = &xp_path($retval);
821 if (($os_type ne "MAC") && !(-x $retval)) {
822 # mac doesn't seem to deal with -x correctly
823 die ($retval . " is not a valid executable on this system.\n");
826 return $retval;
831 # get the shell command used to run spidermonkey
833 sub get_sm_engine_command {
834 my $retval;
836 # Look for Makefile.ref style make first.
837 # (On Windows, spidermonkey can be made by two makefiles, each putting the
838 # executable in a diferent directory, under a different name.)
840 if ($opt_shell_path) {
841 # if the user provided a path to the shell, return that.
842 $retval = $opt_shell_path;
844 } else {
846 if ($os_type eq "MAC") {
847 $retval = $opt_suite_path . ":src:macbuild:JS";
848 } else {
849 $retval = $opt_suite_path . "../src/";
850 opendir (SRC_DIR_FILES, $retval);
851 my @src_dir_files = readdir(SRC_DIR_FILES);
852 closedir (SRC_DIR_FILES);
854 my ($dir, $object_dir);
855 my $pattern = ($opt_engine_type eq "smdebug") ?
856 'DBG.OBJ' : 'OPT.OBJ';
858 # scan for the first directory matching
859 # the pattern expected to hold this type (debug or opt) of engine
860 foreach $dir (@src_dir_files) {
861 if ($dir =~ $pattern) {
862 $object_dir = $dir;
863 last;
867 if (!$object_dir && $os_type ne "WIN") {
868 die ("Could not locate an object directory in $retval " .
869 "matching the pattern *$pattern. Have you built the " .
870 "engine?\n");
873 if (!(-x $retval . $object_dir . "/js.exe") && ($os_type eq "WIN")) {
874 # On windows, you can build with js.mak as well as Makefile.ref
875 # (Can you say WTF boys and girls? I knew you could.)
876 # So, if the exe the would have been built by Makefile.ref isn't
877 # here, check for the js.mak version before dying.
878 if ($opt_shell_path) {
879 $retval = $opt_shell_path;
880 if (!($retval =~ /[\/\\]$/)) {
881 $retval .= "/";
883 } else {
884 if ($opt_engine_type eq "smopt") {
885 $retval = "../src/Release/";
886 } else {
887 $retval = "../src/Debug/";
891 $retval .= "jsshell.exe";
893 } else {
894 $retval .= $object_dir . "/js";
895 if ($os_type eq "WIN") {
896 $retval .= ".exe";
899 } # mac/ not mac
901 $retval = &xp_path($retval);
903 } # (user provided a path)
906 if (($os_type ne "MAC") && !(-x $retval)) {
907 # mac doesn't seem to deal with -x correctly
908 die ($retval . " is not a valid executable on this system.\n");
911 return $retval;
916 # get the shell command used to run epimetheus
918 sub get_ep_engine_command {
919 my $retval;
921 if ($opt_shell_path) {
922 # if the user provided a path to the shell, return that -
923 $retval = $opt_shell_path;
925 } else {
926 my $dir;
927 my $os;
928 my $debug;
929 my $opt;
930 my $exe;
932 $dir = $opt_suite_path . "../../js2/src/";
934 if ($os_type eq "MAC") {
936 # On the Mac, the debug and opt builds lie in the same directory -
938 $os = "macbuild:";
939 $debug = "";
940 $opt = "";
941 $exe = "JS2";
942 } elsif ($os_type eq "WIN") {
943 $os = "winbuild/Epimetheus/";
944 $debug = "Debug/";
945 $opt = "Release/";
946 $exe = "Epimetheus.exe";
947 } else {
948 $os = "";
949 $debug = "";
950 $opt = ""; # <<<----- XXX THIS IS NOT RIGHT! CHANGE IT!
951 $exe = "epimetheus";
955 if ($opt_engine_type eq "epdebug") {
956 $retval = $dir . $os . $debug . $exe;
957 } else {
958 $retval = $dir . $os . $opt . $exe;
961 $retval = &xp_path($retval);
963 }# (user provided a path)
966 if (($os_type ne "MAC") && !(-x $retval)) {
967 # mac doesn't seem to deal with -x correctly
968 die ($retval . " is not a valid executable on this system.\n");
971 return $retval;
975 # get the shell command used to run the liveconnect shell
977 sub get_lc_engine_command {
978 my $retval;
980 if ($opt_shell_path) {
981 $retval = $opt_shell_path;
982 } else {
983 if ($os_type eq "MAC") {
984 die "Don't know how to run the lc shell on the mac yet.\n";
985 } else {
986 $retval = $opt_suite_path . "../src/liveconnect/";
987 opendir (SRC_DIR_FILES, $retval);
988 my @src_dir_files = readdir(SRC_DIR_FILES);
989 closedir (SRC_DIR_FILES);
991 my ($dir, $object_dir);
992 my $pattern = ($opt_engine_type eq "lcdebug") ?
993 'DBG.OBJ' : 'OPT.OBJ';
995 foreach $dir (@src_dir_files) {
996 if ($dir =~ $pattern) {
997 $object_dir = $dir;
998 last;
1002 if (!$object_dir) {
1003 die ("Could not locate an object directory in $retval " .
1004 "matching the pattern *$pattern. Have you built the " .
1005 "engine?\n");
1008 $retval .= $object_dir . "/";
1010 if ($os_type eq "WIN") {
1011 $retval .= "lcshell.exe";
1012 } else {
1013 $retval .= "lcshell";
1015 } # mac/ not mac
1017 $retval = &xp_path($retval);
1019 } # (user provided a path)
1022 if (($os_type ne "MAC") && !(-x $retval)) {
1023 # mac doesn't seem to deal with -x correctly
1024 die ("$retval is not a valid executable on this system.\n");
1027 return $retval;
1031 sub get_os_type {
1033 if ("\n" eq "\015") {
1034 return "MAC";
1037 my $uname = `uname -a`;
1039 if ($uname =~ /WIN/) {
1040 $uname = "WIN";
1041 } else {
1042 chop $uname;
1045 &dd ("get_os_type returning '$uname'.");
1046 return $uname;
1050 sub get_test_list {
1051 my @test_list;
1052 my @neg_list;
1054 if ($#opt_test_list_files > -1) {
1055 my $list_file;
1057 &dd ("getting test list from user specified source.");
1059 foreach $list_file (@opt_test_list_files) {
1060 push (@test_list, &expand_user_test_list($list_file));
1062 } else {
1063 &dd ("no list file, groveling in '$opt_suite_path'.");
1065 @test_list = &get_default_test_list($opt_suite_path);
1068 if ($#opt_neg_list_files > -1) {
1069 my $list_file;
1070 my $orig_size = $#test_list + 1;
1071 my $actually_skipped;
1073 &dd ("getting negative list from user specified source.");
1075 foreach $list_file (@opt_neg_list_files) {
1076 push (@neg_list, &expand_user_test_list($list_file));
1079 @test_list = &subtract_arrays (\@test_list, \@neg_list);
1081 $actually_skipped = $orig_size - ($#test_list + 1);
1083 &dd ($actually_skipped . " of " . $orig_size .
1084 " tests will be skipped.");
1085 &dd ((($#neg_list + 1) - $actually_skipped) . " skip tests were " .
1086 "not actually part of the test list.");
1091 # Don't run any shell.js files as tests; they are only utility files
1092 @test_list = grep (!/shell\.js$/, @test_list);
1094 # Don't run any browser.js files as tests; they are only utility files
1095 @test_list = grep (!/browser\.js$/, @test_list);
1097 # Don't run any jsref.js files as tests; they are only utility files
1098 @test_list = grep (!/jsref\.js$/, @test_list);
1100 return @test_list;
1105 # reads $list_file, storing non-comment lines into an array.
1106 # lines in the form suite_dir/[*] or suite_dir/test_dir/[*] are expanded
1107 # to include all test files under the specified directory
1109 sub expand_user_test_list {
1110 my ($list_file) = @_;
1111 my @retval = ();
1114 # Trim off the leading path separator that begins relative paths on the Mac.
1115 # Each path will get concatenated with $opt_suite_path, which ends in one.
1117 # Also note:
1119 # We will call expand_test_list_entry(), which does pattern-matching on $list_file.
1120 # This will make the pattern-matching the same as it would be on Linux/Windows -
1122 if ($os_type eq "MAC") {
1123 $list_file =~ s/^$path_sep//;
1126 if ($list_file =~ /\.js$/ || -d $opt_suite_path . $list_file) {
1128 push (@retval, &expand_test_list_entry($list_file));
1130 } else {
1132 open (TESTLIST, $list_file) ||
1133 die("Error opening test list file '$list_file': $!\n");
1135 while (<TESTLIST>) {
1136 s/\r*\n*$//;
1137 if (!(/\s*\#/)) {
1138 # It's not a comment, so process it
1139 push (@retval, &expand_test_list_entry($_));
1143 close (TESTLIST);
1147 return @retval;
1153 # Currently expect all paths to be RELATIVE to the top-level tests directory.
1154 # One day, this should be improved to allow absolute paths as well -
1156 sub expand_test_list_entry {
1157 my ($entry) = @_;
1158 my @retval;
1160 if ($entry =~ /\.js$/) {
1161 # it's a regular entry, add it to the list
1162 if (-f $opt_suite_path . $entry) {
1163 push (@retval, $entry);
1164 } else {
1165 status ("testcase '$entry' not found.");
1167 } elsif ($entry =~ /(.*$path_sep[^\*][^$path_sep]*)$path_sep?\*?$/) {
1168 # Entry is in the form suite_dir/test_dir[/*]
1169 # so iterate all tests under it
1170 my $suite_and_test_dir = $1;
1171 my @test_files = &get_js_files ($opt_suite_path .
1172 $suite_and_test_dir);
1173 my $i;
1175 foreach $i (0 .. $#test_files) {
1176 $test_files[$i] = $suite_and_test_dir . $path_sep .
1177 $test_files[$i];
1180 splice (@retval, $#retval + 1, 0, @test_files);
1182 } elsif ($entry =~ /([^\*][^$path_sep]*)$path_sep?\*?$/) {
1183 # Entry is in the form suite_dir[/*]
1184 # so iterate all test dirs and tests under it
1185 my $suite = $1;
1186 my @test_dirs = &get_subdirs ($opt_suite_path . $suite);
1187 my $test_dir;
1189 foreach $test_dir (@test_dirs) {
1190 my @test_files = &get_js_files ($opt_suite_path . $suite .
1191 $path_sep . $test_dir);
1192 my $i;
1194 foreach $i (0 .. $#test_files) {
1195 $test_files[$i] = $suite . $path_sep . $test_dir . $path_sep .
1196 $test_files[$i];
1199 splice (@retval, $#retval + 1, 0, @test_files);
1202 } else {
1203 die ("Don't know what to do with list entry '$entry'.\n");
1206 return @retval;
1211 # Grovels through $suite_path, searching for *all* test files. Used when the
1212 # user doesn't supply a test list.
1214 sub get_default_test_list {
1215 my ($suite_path) = @_;
1216 my @suite_list = &get_subdirs($suite_path);
1217 my $suite;
1218 my @retval;
1220 foreach $suite (@suite_list) {
1221 my @test_dir_list = get_subdirs ($suite_path . $suite);
1222 my $test_dir;
1224 foreach $test_dir (@test_dir_list) {
1225 my @test_list = get_js_files ($suite_path . $suite . $path_sep .
1226 $test_dir);
1227 my $test;
1229 foreach $test (@test_list) {
1230 $retval[$#retval + 1] = $suite . $path_sep . $test_dir .
1231 $path_sep . $test;
1236 return @retval;
1241 # generate an output file name based on the date
1243 sub get_tempfile_name {
1244 my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) =
1245 &get_padded_time (localtime);
1246 my $rv;
1248 if ($os_type ne "MAC") {
1249 $rv = "results-" . $year . "-" . $mon . "-" . $mday . "-" . $hour .
1250 $min . $sec . "-" . $opt_engine_type;
1251 } else {
1252 $rv = "res-" . $year . $mon . $mday . $hour . $min . $sec . "-" .
1253 $opt_engine_type
1256 return $rv . ".html";
1259 sub get_padded_time {
1260 my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = @_;
1262 $mon++;
1263 $mon = &zero_pad($mon);
1264 $year += 1900;
1265 $mday= &zero_pad($mday);
1266 $sec = &zero_pad($sec);
1267 $min = &zero_pad($min);
1268 $hour = &zero_pad($hour);
1270 return ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst);
1274 sub zero_pad {
1275 my ($string) = @_;
1277 $string = ($string < 10) ? "0" . $string : $string;
1278 return $string;
1281 sub subtract_arrays {
1282 my ($whole_ref, $part_ref) = @_;
1283 my @whole = @$whole_ref;
1284 my @part = @$part_ref;
1285 my $line;
1287 foreach $line (@part) {
1288 @whole = grep (!/$line/, @whole);
1291 return @whole;
1296 # Convert unix path to mac style.
1298 sub unix_to_mac {
1299 my ($path) = @_;
1300 my @path_elements = split ("/", $path);
1301 my $rv = "";
1302 my $i;
1304 foreach $i (0 .. $#path_elements) {
1305 if ($path_elements[$i] eq ".") {
1306 if (!($rv =~ /\:$/)) {
1307 $rv .= ":";
1309 } elsif ($path_elements[$i] eq "..") {
1310 if (!($rv =~ /\:$/)) {
1311 $rv .= "::";
1312 } else {
1313 $rv .= ":";
1315 } elsif ($path_elements[$i] ne "") {
1316 $rv .= $path_elements[$i] . ":";
1321 $rv =~ s/\:$//;
1323 return $rv;
1327 # Convert unix path to win style.
1329 sub unix_to_win {
1330 my ($path) = @_;
1332 if ($path_sep ne $win_sep) {
1333 $path =~ s/$path_sep/$win_sep/g;
1336 return $path;
1340 # Windows shells require "/" or "\" as path separator.
1341 # Find out the one used in the current Windows shell.
1343 sub get_win_sep {
1344 my $path = $ENV{"PATH"} || $ENV{"Path"} || $ENV{"path"};
1345 $path =~ /\\|\//;
1346 return $&;
1350 # Convert unix path to correct style based on platform.
1352 sub xp_path {
1353 my ($path) = @_;
1355 if ($os_type eq "MAC") {
1356 return &unix_to_mac($path);
1357 } elsif($os_type eq "WIN") {
1358 return &unix_to_win($path);
1359 } else {
1360 return $path;
1365 # given a directory, return an array of all subdirectories
1367 sub get_subdirs {
1368 my ($dir) = @_;
1369 my @subdirs;
1371 if ($os_type ne "MAC") {
1372 if (!($dir =~ /\/$/)) {
1373 $dir = $dir . "/";
1375 } else {
1376 if (!($dir =~ /\:$/)) {
1377 $dir = $dir . ":";
1380 opendir (DIR, $dir) || die ("couldn't open directory $dir: $!");
1381 my @testdir_contents = readdir(DIR);
1382 closedir(DIR);
1384 foreach (@testdir_contents) {
1385 if ((-d ($dir . $_)) && ($_ ne 'CVS') && ($_ ne '.') && ($_ ne '..')) {
1386 @subdirs[$#subdirs + 1] = $_;
1390 return @subdirs;
1394 # given a directory, return an array of all the js files that are in it.
1396 sub get_js_files {
1397 my ($test_subdir) = @_;
1398 my (@js_file_array, @subdir_files);
1400 opendir (TEST_SUBDIR, $test_subdir) || die ("couldn't open directory " .
1401 "$test_subdir: $!");
1402 @subdir_files = readdir(TEST_SUBDIR);
1403 closedir( TEST_SUBDIR );
1405 foreach (@subdir_files) {
1406 if ($_ =~ /\.js$/) {
1407 $js_file_array[$#js_file_array+1] = $_;
1411 return @js_file_array;
1414 sub report_failure {
1415 my ($test, $message, $bug_number) = @_;
1416 my $bug_line = "";
1418 $failures_reported++;
1420 $message =~ s/\n+/\n/g;
1421 $test =~ s/\:/\//g;
1423 if ($opt_console_failures) {
1424 if ($opt_console_failures_line) {
1425 # report_summary_result increments $failures_reported
1426 # decrement here to prevent overcounting of failures
1427 $failures_reported--;
1428 my $linemessage = $message;
1429 $linemessage =~ s/[\n\r]+/ /mg;
1430 $bug_number = "none" unless $bug_number;
1431 &report_summary_result($test, $bug_number, "FAILED",
1432 "",
1433 "",
1435 $linemessage);
1436 } elsif($bug_number) {
1437 print STDERR ("*-* Testcase $test failed:\nBug Number $bug_number".
1438 "\n$message\n");
1439 } else {
1440 print STDERR ("*-* Testcase $test failed:\n$message\n");
1444 $message =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
1445 $message =~ s/</&lt;/g;
1446 $message =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
1447 $message =~ s/\n/<br>\n/g;
1449 if ($bug_number) {
1450 my $bug_url = ($bug_number =~ /^\d+$/) ? "$opt_bug_url$bug_number" : $bug_number;
1451 $bug_line = "<a href='$bug_url' target='other_window'>".
1452 "Bug Number $bug_number</a>";
1455 if ($opt_lxr_url) {
1456 $test =~ /\/?([^\/]+\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+)$/;
1457 $test = $1;
1458 $html .= "<dd><b>".
1459 "Testcase <a target='other_window' href='$opt_lxr_url$test'>$1</a> " .
1460 "failed</b> $bug_line<br>\n";
1461 } else {
1462 $html .= "<dd><b>".
1463 "Testcase $test failed</b> $bug_line<br>\n";
1466 $html .= " [ ";
1468 $html .= "<a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>\n" .
1469 "<tt>$message</tt><br>\n";
1471 @failed_tests[$#failed_tests + 1] = $test;
1475 sub dd {
1477 if ($opt_trace) {
1478 print ("-*- ", @_ , "\n");
1483 sub status {
1485 print ("-#- ", @_ , "\n");
1489 sub int_handler {
1490 my $resp;
1492 if ($current_test_pid)
1494 print "User Interrupt: killing process $current_test_pid\n";
1495 kill_process($current_test_pid);
1498 do {
1499 print STDERR ("\n*** User Break: Just [Q]uit, Quit and [R]eport, [C]ontinue ?");
1500 $resp = <STDIN>;
1501 } until ($resp =~ /[QqRrCc]/);
1503 if ($resp =~ /[Qq]/) {
1504 print ("User Exit. No results were generated.\n");
1505 exit;
1506 } elsif ($resp =~ /[Rr]/) {
1507 $user_exit = 1;
1512 # XXX: These functions were pulled from
1513 # lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/tools/tinderbox/build-seamonkey-util.pl
1514 # need a general reusable library of routines for use in all test programs.
1516 sub kill_process {
1517 my ($target_pid) = @_;
1518 my $start_time = time;
1520 # Try to kill and wait 10 seconds, then try a kill -9
1521 my $sig;
1522 for $sig ('TERM', 'KILL') {
1523 print "kill $sig $target_pid\n";
1524 kill $sig => $target_pid;
1525 my $interval_start = time;
1526 while (time - $interval_start < 10) {
1527 # the following will work with 'cygwin' perl on win32, but not
1528 # with 'MSWin32' (ActiveState) perl
1529 my $pid = waitpid($target_pid, POSIX::WNOHANG());
1530 if (($pid == $target_pid and POSIX::WIFEXITED($?)) or $pid == -1) {
1531 my $secs = time - $start_time;
1532 $secs = $secs == 1 ? '1 second' : "$secs seconds";
1533 return;
1535 sleep 1;
1538 die "Unable to kill process: $target_pid";
1541 sub report_summary_result
1543 my ($test, $bug_number, $result, $description,
1544 $expected, $actual, $reason) = @_;
1546 $description =~ s/[\n\r]+/ /mg;
1547 $expected =~ s/[\n\r]+/ /mg;
1548 $actual =~ s/[\n\r]+/ /mg;
1549 $reason =~ s/[\n\r]+/ /mg;
1551 if ($result !~ /PASSED/)
1553 $failures_reported++;
1556 print STDERR ("jstest: $test " .
1557 "bug: $bug_number " .
1558 "result: $result " .
1559 "type: shell " .
1560 "description: $description " .
1561 "expected: $expected " .
1562 "actual: $actual " .
1563 "reason: $reason" .
1564 "\n");