Bug 470455 - test_database_sync_embed_visits.js leaks, r=sdwilsh
[wine-gecko.git] / accessible / tests / mochitest / test_nsIAccessible_name.html
1 <html>
3 <head>
4 <title>nsIAccessible::name calculation</title>
5 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
7 <script type="application/javascript"
8 src="chrome://mochikit/content/MochiKit/packed.js"></script>
9 <script type="application/javascript"
10 src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
11 <script type="application/javascript"
12 src="chrome://mochikit/content/a11y/accessible/common.js"></script>
13 <script type="application/javascript"
14 src="chrome://mochikit/content/a11y/accessible/nsIAccessible_name.js"></script>
16 <script type="application/javascript">
17 function doTest()
19 // aria-label
21 // Simple label provided via ARIA
22 testName("btn_simple_aria_label", "I am a button");
24 // aria-label and aria-labelledby, expect aria-label
25 testName("btn_both_aria_labels", "I am a button, two");
27 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
28 // aria-labelledby
30 // Single relation. The value of 'aria-labelledby' contains the ID of
31 // an element. Gets the name from text node of that element.
32 testName("btn_labelledby_text", "text");
34 // Multiple relations. The value of 'aria-labelledby' contains the IDs
35 // of elements. Gets the name from text nodes of those elements.
36 testName("btn_labelledby_texts", "text1 text2");
39 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
40 // Name from subtree (single relation labelled_by).
42 // Gets the name from text nodes contained by nested elements
43 testName("btn_labelledby_mixed", "nomore text");
45 // Gets the name from text nodes contained by nested elements, ignores
46 // hidden elements (bug 443081).
47 testName("btn_labelledby_mixed_hidden_child", "nomore text2");
49 // Gets the name from hidden text nodes contained by nested elements,
50 // (label element is hidden entirely), (bug 443081).
51 testName("btn_labelledby_mixed_hidden", "lala more hidden text");
53 // Gets the name from text nodes contained by nested elements having block
54 // representation (every text node value in the name should be devided by
55 // spaces)
56 testName("btn_labelledby_mixed_block", "text more text");
58 // Gets the name from text nodes contained by html:td (every text node
59 // value in the name should be devided by spaces).
60 // XXX: this case is rather a feature than strong wanted behaviour.
61 testName("btn_labelledby_mixed_table", "text space text");
63 // Gets the name from image accessible.
64 testName("btn_labelledby_mixed_img", "text image");
66 // Gets the name from input accessibles
67 // Note: if input have label elements then the name isn't calculated
68 // from them.
69 testName("btn_labelledby_mixed_input",
70 "input button Submit Query Reset input image");
72 // Gets the name from the title of object element.
73 testName("btn_labelledby_mixed_object", "object");
75 // Gets the name from text nodes. Element br adds space between them.
76 testName("btn_labelledby_mixed_br", "text text");
79 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
80 // label element
82 // The label element contains the button. The name is calculated from
83 // this button.
84 // Note: the name contains the content of the button.
85 testName("btn_label_inside", "text10text");
87 // The label element and the button are placed in the same form. Gets
88 // the name from the label subtree.
89 testName("btn_label_inform", "in form");
91 // The label element is placed outside of form where the button is.
92 // Do not take into account the label.
93 testName("btn_label_outform", "12");
95 // The label element and the button are in the same document. Gets the
96 // name from the label subtree.
97 testName("btn_label_indocument", "in document");
100 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
101 // name from children
103 // ARIA role button is presented allowing the name calculation from
104 // children.
105 testName("btn_children", "14");
107 // ARIA role option is presented allowing the name calculation from
108 // visible children (bug 443081).
109 testName("lb_opt1_children_hidden", "i am visible");
112 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
113 // title attribute
115 // If nothing is left. Let's try title attribute.
116 testName("btn_title", "title");
118 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
119 // textarea name
121 // textarea's name should have the value, which initially is specified by
122 // a text child.
123 testName("textareawithchild", "Story: Foo");
125 // new textarea name should reflect the value change.
126 var elem = document.getElementById("textareawithchild");
127 elem.value = "Bar";
129 testName("textareawithchild", "Story: Bar");
131 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
132 // label with nested combobox
134 testName("comboinmiddle", "Subscribe to ATOM feed.");
136 SimpleTest.finish();
139 SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish();
140 addLoadEvent(doTest);
141 </script>
143 </head>
145 <body>
147 <a target="_blank"
148 href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=444279"
149 title="mochitest for accessible name calculating">
150 Mozilla Bug 444279
151 </a>
152 <p id="display"></p>
153 <div id="content" style="display: none"></div>
154 <pre id="test">
155 </pre>
157 <!-- aria-label, simple label -->
158 <span id="btn_simple_aria_label" role="button" aria-label="I am a button"/>
159 <br/>
160 <!-- aria-label plus aria-labelledby -->
161 <span id="btn_both_aria_labels" role="button" aria-label="I am a button, two"
162 aria-labelledby="labelledby_text"/>
163 <br/>
165 <!-- aria-labelledby, single relation -->
166 <span id="labelledby_text">text</span>
167 <button id="btn_labelledby_text"
168 aria-labelledby="labelledby_text">1</button>
169 <br/>
171 <!-- aria-labelledby, multiple relations -->
172 <span id="labelledby_text1">text1</span>
173 <span id="labelledby_text2">text2</span>
174 <button id="btn_labelledby_texts"
175 aria-labelledby="labelledby_text1 labelledby_text2">2</button>
176 <br/>
178 <!-- the name from subtree, mixed content -->
179 <span id="labelledby_mixed">no<span>more text</span></span>
180 <button id="btn_labelledby_mixed"
181 aria-labelledby="labelledby_mixed">3</button>
182 <br/>
184 <!-- the name from subtree, mixed/hidden content -->
185 <span id="labelledby_mixed_hidden_child">
186 no<span>more
187 <span style="display: none;">hidden</span>
188 text2
189 <span style="visibility: hidden">hidden2</span>
190 </span>
191 </span>
192 <button id="btn_labelledby_mixed_hidden_child"
193 aria-labelledby="labelledby_mixed_hidden_child">3.1</button>
194 <br/>
196 <!-- the name from subtree, mixed/completely hidden content -->
197 <span id="labelledby_mixed_hidden"
198 style="display: none;">lala <span>more hidden </span>text</span></span>
199 <button id="btn_labelledby_mixed_hidden"
200 aria-labelledby="labelledby_mixed_hidden">3.2</button>
201 <br/>
203 <!-- the name from subtree, mixed content, block structure -->
204 <div id="labelledby_mixed_block"><div>text</div>more text</div></div>
205 <button id="btn_labelledby_mixed_block"
206 aria-labelledby="labelledby_mixed_block">4</button>
207 <br/>
209 <!-- the name from subtree, mixed content, table structure -->
210 <table><tr>
211 <td id="labelledby_mixed_table">text<span>space</span>text</td>
212 </tr></table>
213 <button id="btn_labelledby_mixed_table"
214 aria-labelledby="labelledby_mixed_table">5</button>
215 <br/>
217 <!-- the name from subtree, child img -->
218 <span id="labelledby_mixed_img">text<img alt="image"/></span>
219 <button id="btn_labelledby_mixed_img"
220 aria-labelledby="labelledby_mixed_img">6</button>
221 <br/>
223 <!-- the name from subtree, child inputs -->
224 <span id="labelledby_mixed_input">
225 <input type="button" id="input_button" title="input button"/>
226 <input type="submit" id="input_submit"/>
227 <input type="reset" id="input_reset"/>
228 <input type="image" id="input_image" title="input image"/>
229 </span>
230 <button id="btn_labelledby_mixed_input"
231 aria-labelledby="labelledby_mixed_input">7</button>
232 <br/>
234 <!-- the name from subtree, child object -->
235 <span id="labelledby_mixed_object">
236 <object data="about:blank" title="object"></object>
237 </span>
238 <button id="btn_labelledby_mixed_object"
239 aria-labelledby="labelledby_mixed_object">8</button>
240 <br/>
242 <!-- the name from subtree, child br -->
243 <span id="labelledby_mixed_br">text<br/>text</span>
244 <button id="btn_labelledby_mixed_br"
245 aria-labelledby="labelledby_mixed_br">9</button>
246 <br/>
248 <!-- label element, label contains the button -->
249 <label>text<button id="btn_label_inside">10</button>text</label>
250 <br/>
252 <!-- label element, label and the button are in the same form -->
253 <form>
254 <label for="btn_label_inform">in form</label>
255 <button id="btn_label_inform">11</button>
256 </form>
258 <!-- label element, label is outside of the form of the button -->
259 <label for="btn_label_outform">out form</label>
260 <form>
261 <button id="btn_label_outform">12</button>
262 </form>
264 <!-- label element, label and the button are in the same document -->
265 <label for="btn_label_indocument">in document</label>
266 <button id="btn_label_indocument">13</button>
268 <!-- name from children -->
269 <span id="btn_children" role="button">14</span>
271 <!-- name from children, hidden children -->
272 <div role="listbox" tabindex="0">
273 <div id="lb_opt1_children_hidden" role="option" tabindex="0">
274 <span>i am visible</span>
275 <span style="display:none">i am hidden</span>
276 </div>
277 </div>
279 <!-- name from title attribute -->
280 <span id="btn_title" role="group" title="title">15</span>
282 <!-- A textarea nested in a label with a text child (bug #453371). -->
283 <form>
284 <label>Story:
285 <textarea id="textareawithchild" name="name">Foo</textarea>
286 </label>
287 </form>
289 <!-- A label with a nested control in the middle -->
290 <form>
291 <label id="comboinmiddle">
292 Subscribe to
293 <select id="combo3" name="occupation">
294 <option>ATOM</option>
295 <option>RSS</option>
296 </select>
297 feed.
298 </label>
299 </form>
301 </body>
302 </html>