Bug 470455 - test_database_sync_embed_visits.js leaks, r=sdwilsh
[wine-gecko.git] / browser / components / preferences / main.xul
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
3 # -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
4 # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
5 # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
7 # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
8 # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
9 # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
10 # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
12 # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
13 # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
14 # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
15 # License.
17 # The Original Code is the Firefox Preferences System.
19 # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
20 # Ben Goodger.
21 # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005
22 # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
24 # Contributor(s):
25 # Ben Goodger <ben@mozilla.org>
26 # Jeff Walden <jwalden+code@mit.edu>
27 # Myk Melez <myk@mozilla.org>
29 # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
30 # either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
31 # the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
32 # in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
33 # of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
34 # under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
35 # use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
36 # decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
37 # and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
38 # the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
39 # the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
41 # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
43 <!DOCTYPE overlay [
44 <!ENTITY % brandDTD SYSTEM "chrome://branding/locale/brand.dtd">
45 <!ENTITY % mainDTD SYSTEM "chrome://browser/locale/preferences/main.dtd">
46 %brandDTD;
47 %mainDTD;
50 <overlay id="MainPaneOverlay"
51 xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul">
53 <prefpane id="paneMain"
54 onpaneload="gMainPane.init();"
55 helpTopic="prefs-main">
57 <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://browser/content/preferences/main.js"/>
59 <preferences id="mainPreferences">
60 <!-- XXX Button preferences -->
62 <!-- Startup -->
63 <preference id="browser.startup.page"
64 name="browser.startup.page"
65 type="int"/>
66 <preference id="browser.startup.homepage"
67 name="browser.startup.homepage"
68 type="wstring"/>
70 <preference id="pref.browser.homepage.disable_button.current_page"
71 name="pref.browser.homepage.disable_button.current_page"
72 type="bool"/>
73 <preference id="pref.browser.homepage.disable_button.bookmark_page"
74 name="pref.browser.homepage.disable_button.bookmark_page"
75 type="bool"/>
76 <preference id="pref.browser.homepage.disable_button.restore_default"
77 name="pref.browser.homepage.disable_button.restore_default"
78 type="bool"/>
80 <!-- Downloads -->
81 <preference id="browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting"
82 name="browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting"
83 type="bool"
84 onchange="gMainPane.showDownloadsWhenStartingPrefChanged();"/>
85 <preference id="browser.download.manager.closeWhenDone"
86 name="browser.download.manager.closeWhenDone"
87 type="bool"/>
88 <preference id="browser.download.useDownloadDir"
89 name="browser.download.useDownloadDir"
90 type="bool"/>
91 <preference id="browser.download.dir"
92 name="browser.download.dir"
93 type="file"
94 onchange="gMainPane.displayDownloadDirPref();"/>
95 <preference id="browser.download.folderList" name="browser.download.folderList" type="int"/>
97 </preferences>
99 <stringbundle id="bundlePreferences" src="chrome://browser/locale/preferences/preferences.properties"/>
101 <!-- Startup -->
102 <groupbox id="startupGroup">
103 <caption label="&startup.label;"/>
105 <hbox align="center">
106 <label value="&startupPage.label;" accesskey="&startupPage.accesskey;"
107 control="browserStartupPage"/>
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109 <menupopup>
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111 <menuitem label="&startupBlankPage.label;" value="0"/>
112 <menuitem label="&startupLastSession.label;" value="3"/>
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115 </hbox>
116 <separator class="thin"/>
117 <hbox align="center">
118 <label value="&location.label;" accesskey="&location.accesskey;" control="browserHomePage"/>
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120 type="autocomplete" autocompletesearch="history"
121 preference="browser.startup.homepage"/>
122 </hbox>
123 <hbox align="center" pack="end">
124 <button label="" accesskey="&useCurrentPage.accesskey;"
125 label1="&useCurrentPage.label;"
126 label2="&useMultiple.label;"
127 oncommand="gMainPane.setHomePageToCurrent();"
128 id="useCurrent"
129 preference="pref.browser.homepage.disable_button.current_page"/>
130 <button label="&useBookmark.label;" accesskey="&useBookmark.accesskey;"
131 oncommand="gMainPane.setHomePageToBookmark();"
132 id="useBookmark"
133 preference="pref.browser.homepage.disable_button.bookmark_page"/>
134 <button label="&restoreDefault.label;" accesskey="&restoreDefault.accesskey;"
135 oncommand="gMainPane.restoreDefaultHomePage();"
136 id="restoreDefaultHomePage"
137 preference="pref.browser.homepage.disable_button.restore_default"/>
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141 <!-- Downloads -->
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143 <caption label="&downloads.label;"/>
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146 accesskey="&showWhenDownloading.accesskey;"
147 preference="browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting"
148 onsyncfrompreference="return gMainPane.readShowDownloadsWhenStarting();"/>
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150 accesskey="&closeWhenDone.accesskey;" class="indent"
151 preference="browser.download.manager.closeWhenDone"/>
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156 preference="browser.download.useDownloadDir"
157 onsyncfrompreference="return gMainPane.readUseDownloadDir();">
158 <hbox id="saveToRow">
159 <radio id="saveTo" value="true"
160 label="&saveTo.label;"
161 accesskey="&saveTo.accesskey;"
162 aria-labelledby="saveTo downloadFolder"/>
163 <filefield id="downloadFolder" flex="1"
164 preference="browser.download.folderList"
165 preference-editable="true"
166 aria-labelledby="saveTo"
167 onsyncfrompreference="return gMainPane.displayDownloadDirPref();"
168 onsynctopreference="return gMainPane.getFolderListPref()"/>
169 <button id="chooseFolder" oncommand="gMainPane.chooseFolder();"
170 #ifdef XP_MACOSX
171 accesskey="&chooseFolderMac.accesskey;"
172 label="&chooseFolderMac.label;"
173 #else
174 accesskey="&chooseFolderWin.accesskey;"
175 label="&chooseFolderWin.label;"
176 #endif
177 preference="browser.download.folderList"
178 onsynctopreference="return gMainPane.getFolderListPref();"/>
179 </hbox>
180 <radio id="alwaysAsk" value="false"
181 label="&alwaysAsk.label;"
182 accesskey="&alwaysAsk.accesskey;"/>
183 </radiogroup>
184 </groupbox>
186 <hbox class="bottomBox">
187 <groupbox id="addonsMgrGroup" orient="horizontal" flex="1">
188 <caption label="&addonsMgr.label;"/>
190 <description control="manageAddons"
191 #ifdef XP_WIN
192 flex="1">&manageAddonsDescWin.label;</description>
193 #else
194 flex="1">&manageAddonsDescUnix2.label;</description>
195 #endif
196 <button id="manageAddons" label="&manageAddons.label;"
197 accesskey="&manageAddons.accesskey;"
198 oncommand="gMainPane.showAddonsMgr();"/>
199 </groupbox>
200 </hbox>
202 </prefpane>
204 </overlay>