Bug 470455 - test_database_sync_embed_visits.js leaks, r=sdwilsh
[wine-gecko.git] / content / html / document / test / test_documentAll.html
1 <html>
2 <!--
3 Tests for document.all
4 -->
5 <head>
6 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
7 <title>Tests for document.all</title>
8 <script type="text/javascript" src="/MochiKit/MochiKit.js"></script>
9 <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
10 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
11 </head>
12 <body>
13 <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=259332">Mozilla Bug 259332</a>
14 <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=393629">Mozilla Bug 393629</a>
15 <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=448904">Mozilla Bug 448904</a>
16 <p id="display">
17 </p>
18 <div id="content" style="display: none">
19 <a id="id1">A</a>
20 <a id="id2">B</a>
21 <a id="id2">C</a>
22 <a id="id3">D</a>
23 <a id="id3">E</a>
24 <a id="id3">F</a>
25 </div>
26 <pre id="test">
27 <script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
29 p = document.getElementById("content");
31 // Test that several elements with the same id or name behave correctly
32 function testNumSame() {
33 is(document.all.id0, null, "no ids");
34 is(document.all.id1, p.children[0], "one id");
35 is(document.all.id2[0], p.children[1], "two ids");
36 is(document.all.id2[1], p.children[2], "two ids");
37 is(document.all.id2.length, 2, "two length");
38 is(document.all.id3[0], p.children[3], "three ids");
39 is(document.all.id3[1], p.children[4], "three ids");
40 is(document.all.id3[2], p.children[5], "three ids");
41 is(document.all.id3.length, 3, "three length");
43 testNumSame();
44 p.innerHTML = p.innerHTML.replace("id=", "name=", "g");
45 testNumSame();
48 // Test that dynamic changes behave properly
50 // Add two elements and check that they are added to the correct lists
51 child = Array.prototype.slice.call(p.children);
52 child[6] = document.createElement("a");
53 child[6].id = "id0";
54 p.appendChild(child[6]);
55 child[7] = document.createElement("a");
56 child[7].id = "id1";
57 p.appendChild(child[7]);
58 is(document.all.id0, child[6], "now one id");
59 is(document.all.id1[0], child[0], "now two ids");
60 is(document.all.id1[1], child[7], "now two ids");
61 is(document.all.id1.length, 2, "now two length");
63 // Remove and element and check that the list shrinks
64 rC(child[1]);
65 is(document.all.id2, child[2], "now just one id");
67 // Change an id and check that its removed and added to the correct lists
68 child[4].name = "id1";
69 is(document.all.id1[0], child[0], "now three ids");
70 is(document.all.id1[1], child[4], "now three ids");
71 is(document.all.id1[2], child[7], "now three ids");
72 is(document.all.id1.length, 3, "now three length");
73 is(document.all.id3[1], child[5], "now just two ids");
74 is(document.all.id3.length, 2, "now two length");
76 // Remove all elements from a list and check that it goes empty
77 id3list = document.all.id3;
78 rC(child[3]);
79 is(id3list.length, 1, "now one length");
80 rC(child[5]);
81 is(document.all.id3, null, "now none");
82 is(id3list.length, 0, "now none length");
84 // Give an element both a name and id and check that it appears in two lists
85 p.insertBefore(child[1], child[2]); // restore previously removed
86 id1list = document.all.id1;
87 id2list = document.all.id2;
88 child[1].id = "id1";
89 is(id1list[0], child[0], "now four ids");
90 is(id1list[1], child[1], "now four ids");
91 is(id1list[2], child[4], "now four ids");
92 is(id1list[3], child[7], "now four ids");
93 is(id1list.length, 4, "now four length");
94 is(id2list[0], child[1], "still two ids");
95 is(id2list[1], child[2], "still two ids");
96 is(id2list.length, 2, "still two length");
99 // Check that document.all behaves list a list of all elements
100 allElems = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
101 ok(testArraysSame(document.all, allElems), "arrays same");
102 length = document.all.length;
103 expectedLength = length + p.getElementsByTagName("*").length + 1;
104 p.appendChild(p.cloneNode(true));
105 ok(testArraysSame(document.all, allElems), "arrays still same");
106 is(document.all.length, expectedLength, "grew correctly");
108 // Check which elements the 'name' attribute works on
109 var elementNames =
110 ['applet','abbr','acronym','address','area','a','b','base','basefont',
111 'bgsound','big','blink','blockquote','br','canvas','center','cite','code',
112 'col','colgroup','dd','del','dfn','dir','div','dir','dl','dt','em','embed',
113 'fieldset','font','form','frame','frameset','head','i','iframe','img',
114 'input','ins','isindex','kbd','keygen','label','li','legend','link','menu',
115 'multicol','noscript','noframes','object','spacer','table','td','td','th',
116 'thead','tfoot','tr','textarea','select','option','spacer','param',
117 'marquee','hr','title','hx','tt','u','ul','var','wbr','sub','sup','cite',
118 'code','q','nobr','ol','p','pre','s','samp','small','body','html','map',
119 'bdo','legend','listing','style','script','tbody','caption','meta',
120 'optgroup','button','span','strike','strong','td'].sort();
121 var hasName =
122 ['applet','a','embed','form','iframe','img','input','object','textarea',
123 'select','map','meta','button'].sort();
125 elementNames.forEach(function (name) {
126 nameval = 'namefor' + name;
128 e = document.createElement(name);
129 p.appendChild(e);
130 e.setAttribute('name', nameval);
132 if (name == hasName[0]) {
133 is(document.all[nameval], e, "should have name");
134 hasName.shift();
136 else {
137 is(document.all[nameval], null, "shouldn't have name");
140 is(hasName.length, 0, "found all names");
142 // Utility functions
143 function rC(node) {
144 node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
146 function testArraysSame(a1, a2) {
147 return Array.prototype.every.call(a1, function(e, index) {
148 return a2[index] === e;
149 }) && a1.length == a2.length;
151 </script>
152 </pre>
153 </body>
154 </html>