Bug 470455 - test_database_sync_embed_visits.js leaks, r=sdwilsh
[wine-gecko.git] / layout / svg / base / src / nsSVGGlyphFrame.h
1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
3 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
5 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
6 * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
10 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
11 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
12 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
13 * License.
15 * The Original Code is the Mozilla SVG project.
17 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
18 * Crocodile Clips Ltd..
19 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2002
20 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
22 * Contributor(s):
23 * Alex Fritze <alex.fritze@crocodile-clips.com> (original author)
25 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
26 * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
27 * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
28 * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
29 * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
30 * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
31 * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
32 * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
33 * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
34 * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
35 * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
37 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
39 #ifndef __NS_SVGGLYPHFRAME_H__
40 #define __NS_SVGGLYPHFRAME_H__
42 #include "nsSVGGeometryFrame.h"
43 #include "nsISVGGlyphFragmentLeaf.h"
44 #include "nsISVGChildFrame.h"
45 #include "gfxContext.h"
46 #include "gfxFont.h"
48 class nsSVGTextFrame;
49 class nsSVGGlyphFrame;
50 class CharacterIterator;
51 struct CharacterPosition;
53 typedef nsSVGGeometryFrame nsSVGGlyphFrameBase;
55 class nsSVGGlyphFrame : public nsSVGGlyphFrameBase,
56 public nsISVGGlyphFragmentLeaf, // : nsISVGGlyphFragmentNode
57 public nsISVGChildFrame
59 friend nsIFrame*
60 NS_NewSVGGlyphFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIContent* aContent,
61 nsIFrame* parentFrame, nsStyleContext* aContext);
62 protected:
63 nsSVGGlyphFrame(nsStyleContext* aContext)
64 : nsSVGGlyphFrameBase(aContext),
65 mTextRun(nsnull),
66 mWhitespaceHandling(COMPRESS_WHITESPACE)
68 ~nsSVGGlyphFrame()
70 ClearTextRun();
73 public:
74 // nsISupports interface:
75 NS_IMETHOD QueryInterface(const nsIID& aIID, void** aInstancePtr);
76 NS_IMETHOD_(nsrefcnt) AddRef() { return 1; }
77 NS_IMETHOD_(nsrefcnt) Release() { return 1; }
79 // nsIFrame interface:
80 NS_IMETHOD CharacterDataChanged(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
81 nsIContent* aChild,
82 PRBool aAppend);
84 virtual void DidSetStyleContext(nsStyleContext* aOldStyleContext);
86 NS_IMETHOD SetSelected(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
87 nsIDOMRange* aRange,
88 PRBool aSelected,
89 nsSpread aSpread,
90 SelectionType aType);
91 NS_IMETHOD GetSelected(PRBool *aSelected) const;
92 NS_IMETHOD IsSelectable(PRBool* aIsSelectable, PRUint8* aSelectStyle) const;
94 /**
95 * Get the "type" of the frame
97 * @see nsGkAtoms::svgGlyphFrame
99 virtual nsIAtom* GetType() const;
101 virtual PRBool IsFrameOfType(PRUint32 aFlags) const
103 // Set the frame state bit for text frames to mark them as replaced.
104 // XXX kipp: temporary
106 return nsSVGGlyphFrameBase::IsFrameOfType(aFlags & ~(nsIFrame::eReplaced));
109 #ifdef DEBUG
110 NS_IMETHOD GetFrameName(nsAString& aResult) const
112 return MakeFrameName(NS_LITERAL_STRING("SVGGlyph"), aResult);
114 #endif
116 // nsISVGChildFrame interface:
117 // These four always use the global transform, even if NS_STATE_NONDISPLAY_CHILD
118 NS_IMETHOD PaintSVG(nsSVGRenderState *aContext,
119 const nsIntRect *aDirtyRect);
120 NS_IMETHOD_(nsIFrame*) GetFrameForPoint(const nsPoint &aPoint);
121 NS_IMETHOD UpdateCoveredRegion();
122 NS_IMETHOD GetBBox(nsIDOMSVGRect **_retval);
124 NS_IMETHOD_(nsRect) GetCoveredRegion();
125 NS_IMETHOD InitialUpdate();
126 virtual void NotifySVGChanged(PRUint32 aFlags);
127 NS_IMETHOD NotifyRedrawSuspended();
128 NS_IMETHOD NotifyRedrawUnsuspended();
129 NS_IMETHOD SetMatrixPropagation(PRBool aPropagate);
130 virtual PRBool GetMatrixPropagation();
131 NS_IMETHOD_(PRBool) IsDisplayContainer() { return PR_FALSE; }
132 NS_IMETHOD_(PRBool) HasValidCoveredRect() { return PR_TRUE; }
134 // nsSVGGeometryFrame methods
135 NS_IMETHOD GetCanvasTM(nsIDOMSVGMatrix * *aCTM);
137 // nsISVGGlyphFragmentLeaf interface:
138 // These do not use the global transform if NS_STATE_NONDISPLAY_CHILD
139 NS_IMETHOD GetStartPositionOfChar(PRUint32 charnum, nsIDOMSVGPoint **_retval);
140 NS_IMETHOD GetEndPositionOfChar(PRUint32 charnum, nsIDOMSVGPoint **_retval);
141 NS_IMETHOD GetExtentOfChar(PRUint32 charnum, nsIDOMSVGRect **_retval);
142 NS_IMETHOD GetRotationOfChar(PRUint32 charnum, float *_retval);
144 * @param aForceGlobalTransform controls whether to use the
145 * global transform even when NS_STATE_NONDISPLAY_CHILD
147 NS_IMETHOD_(float) GetBaselineOffset(PRUint16 baselineIdentifier,
148 PRBool aForceGlobalTransform);
150 * @param aForceGlobalTransform controls whether to use the
151 * global transform even when NS_STATE_NONDISPLAY_CHILD
153 NS_IMETHOD_(float) GetAdvance(PRBool aForceGlobalTransform);
155 NS_IMETHOD_(void) SetGlyphPosition(float x, float y);
156 NS_IMETHOD_(nsSVGTextPathFrame*) FindTextPathParent();
157 NS_IMETHOD_(PRBool) IsStartOfChunk(); // == is new absolutely positioned chunk.
158 NS_IMETHOD_(void) GetAdjustedPosition(/* inout */ float &x, /* inout */ float &y);
160 NS_IMETHOD_(already_AddRefed<nsIDOMSVGLengthList>) GetX();
161 NS_IMETHOD_(already_AddRefed<nsIDOMSVGLengthList>) GetY();
162 NS_IMETHOD_(already_AddRefed<nsIDOMSVGLengthList>) GetDx();
163 NS_IMETHOD_(already_AddRefed<nsIDOMSVGLengthList>) GetDy();
164 NS_IMETHOD_(PRUint16) GetTextAnchor();
165 NS_IMETHOD_(PRBool) IsAbsolutelyPositioned();
167 // nsISVGGlyphFragmentNode interface:
168 // These do not use the global transform if NS_STATE_NONDISPLAY_CHILD
169 NS_IMETHOD_(PRUint32) GetNumberOfChars();
170 NS_IMETHOD_(float) GetComputedTextLength();
171 NS_IMETHOD_(float) GetSubStringLength(PRUint32 charnum, PRUint32 fragmentChars);
172 NS_IMETHOD_(PRInt32) GetCharNumAtPosition(nsIDOMSVGPoint *point);
173 NS_IMETHOD_(nsISVGGlyphFragmentLeaf *) GetFirstGlyphFragment();
174 NS_IMETHOD_(nsISVGGlyphFragmentLeaf *) GetNextGlyphFragment();
175 NS_IMETHOD_(void) SetWhitespaceHandling(PRUint8 aWhitespaceHandling);
177 protected:
178 friend class CharacterIterator;
180 // Use a power of 2 here. It's not so important to match
181 // nsIDeviceContext::AppUnitsPerDevPixel, but since we do a lot of
182 // multiplying by 1/GetTextRunUnitsFactor, it's good for it to be a
183 // power of 2 to avoid accuracy loss.
184 static PRUint32 GetTextRunUnitsFactor() { return 64; }
187 * @aParam aDrawScale font drawing must be scaled into user units
188 * by this factor
189 * @param aMetricsScale font metrics must be scaled into user units
190 * by this factor
191 * @param aForceGlobalTransform set to true if we should force use of
192 * the global transform; otherwise we won't use the global transform
193 * if we're a NONDISPLAY_CHILD
195 PRBool EnsureTextRun(float *aDrawScale, float *aMetricsScale,
196 PRBool aForceGlobalTransform);
197 void ClearTextRun();
199 PRBool GetCharacterData(nsAString & aCharacterData);
200 PRBool GetCharacterPositions(nsTArray<CharacterPosition>* aCharacterPositions,
201 float aMetricsScale);
203 void AddCharactersToPath(CharacterIterator *aIter,
204 gfxContext *aContext);
205 void AddBoundingBoxesToPath(CharacterIterator *aIter,
206 gfxContext *aContext);
207 void FillCharacters(CharacterIterator *aIter,
208 gfxContext *aContext);
210 void NotifyGlyphMetricsChange();
211 PRBool ContainsPoint(const nsPoint &aPoint);
212 PRBool GetGlobalTransform(gfxMatrix *aMatrix);
213 void SetupGlobalTransform(gfxContext *aContext);
214 nsresult GetHighlight(PRUint32 *charnum, PRUint32 *nchars,
215 nscolor *foreground, nscolor *background);
217 // Owning pointer, must call gfxTextRunWordCache::RemoveTextRun before deleting
218 gfxTextRun *mTextRun;
219 gfxPoint mPosition;
220 PRUint8 mWhitespaceHandling;
223 #endif