Bug 470165 - Cleanup the GTK nsFilePicker code; r+sr=roc
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1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
2 <html>
3 <head>
4 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
5 <title>Midas Specification</title>
6 <meta name="author" content="Kathleen Brade">
7 <style type="text/css">
8 td { vertical-align: top; }
9 </style>
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11 <body>
12 Last revised:&nbsp; August 23, 2005<br>
13 <br>
14 This document describes the rich text editing controls for web pages
15 available in recent mozilla browsers.<br>
16 <br>
17 <h1> Enabling Rich Text Editing in your web page:</h1>
18 <div style="margin-left: 40px;">Given a document, you can add the
19 attribute "designMode" and set it to "on" to get an editable document.&nbsp;
20 For example, in JavaScript, if you have an iframe with an id of 'edit', you
21 can get its contentDocument and set designMode to "on" like this:<br>
22 <div style="margin-left: 40px;"><code>document.getElementById("edit").contentDocument.designMode="on";</code></div>
23 <br>
24 Right now, you can't completely turn off editing by setting designMode
25 to "off."&nbsp; Setting designMode to "off" will prevent certain operations
26 from being handled but typing and other actions are still possible.<br>
27 </div>
28 <br>
29 <h1>Invoking Commands:</h1>
30 <h2>execCommand</h2>
31 <div style="margin-left: 40px;">Given a document that has rich text
32 editing enabled (see above), you can invoke specific commands on the
33 document by calling execCommand with 3 parameters.&nbsp; For example,
34 in JavaScript, if you have an editable document,
35 you can invoke the bold command by calling this:<br>
36 <div style="margin-left: 40px;"><code>editableDocument.execCommand("Bold",
37 false, null);</code></div><br>
38 Notes:&nbsp; If you haven't set designMode to "On", you will get an
39 error.&nbsp; This could also happen if you call execCommand with the wrong
40 document.<br>
41 <br>
42 There are 3 required parameters for execCommand:<br>
43 <ol>
44 <li>command string</li>
45 <li>boolean flag for showing UI</li>
46 <li>value string</li>
47 </ol>
48 The first parameter is a string which contains the command.&nbsp; The
49 second parameter is a boolean flag. &nbsp;If it is set to true, you will
50 get an error (NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED). &nbsp;The third parameter is a
51 string which is the value.&nbsp; Some commands will require details such
52 as the particular size you want to set when setting a font size.<br>
53 <br>
54 The section on Supported Commands will document each command and any
55 corresponding values needed.<br>
56 </div>
57 <div style="margin-left: 40px;"> </div>
58 <br>
59 <h2>queryCommandEnabled</h2>
60 <blockquote>This command operates on the editable document.&nbsp; There
61 is one required parameter (the command string). &nbsp;The result is a
62 boolean which is true if the command is can be done given the current
63 selection and/or caret position. &nbsp;The result is false if the command
64 should not be invoked (execCommand) given the current selection and/or
65 caret position.<br>
66 </blockquote>
67 <br>
68 <h2>queryCommandState</h2>
69 <blockquote>This section needs to be written.&nbsp; It can be called
70 similarly to IE implementation.<br>
71 </blockquote>
72 <br>
73 <h2>queryCommandValue</h2>
74 <blockquote> This section needs to be written.&nbsp; It can be called
75 similarly to IE implementation.
76 </blockquote>
77 <br>
78 <h1>Supported Commands:</h1>
79 <div style="margin-left: 40px;">The following list of commands is
80 presented in alphabetical order. &nbsp;The commands may be mixed case
81 or whatever makes your code more readable.<br>
82 <br>
83 <table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="1"
84 style="text-align: left; width: 100%;">
85 <tbody>
86 <tr>
87 <td>command</td>
88 <td>value</td>
89 <td>explanation / behavior</td>
90 </tr>
91 <tr>
92 <td>backcolor</td>
93 <td>????</td>
94 <td>This command will set the background color of the document.</td>
95 </tr>
96 <tr>
97 <td>bold</td>
98 <td>none</td>
99 <td>If there is no selection, the insertion
100 point will set bold for subsequently typed characters.<br>
101 <br>
102 If there is a selection and all of the characters are already bold, the
103 bold will be removed. &nbsp;Otherwise, all selected characters will become
104 bold.</td>
105 </tr>
106 <tr>
107 <td>contentReadOnly</td>
108 <td>true<br>false</td>
109 <td>This command will make the editor readonly (true) or editable
110 (false).&nbsp; Anticipated usage is for temporarily disabling input while
111 something else is occurring elsewhere in the web page.</td>
112 </tr>
113 <tr>
114 <td>copy</td>
115 <td>none</td>
116 <td>If there is a selection, this command will copy the selection
117 to the clipboard.&nbsp; If there isn't a selection, nothing will happen.<br>
118 <br>
119 note: this command won't work without setting a pref or using signed
120 JS.&nbsp; See: http://www.mozilla.org/editor/midasdemo/securityprefs.html<br>
121 <br>
122 note:&nbsp; the shortcut key will automatically trigger this command
123 (typically accel-C) with or without the signed JS or any code on the page to
124 handle it.</td>
125 </tr>
126 <tr>
127 <td>createlink</td>
128 <td>url (href)</td>
129 <td>This command will not do anything if no selection
130 is made. &nbsp;If there is a selection, a link will be inserted around
131 the selection with the url parameter as the href of the link.</td>
132 </tr>
133 <tr>
134 <td>cut</td>
135 <td>none</td>
136 <td>If there is a selection, this command will copy the selection
137 to the clipboard and remove the selection from the edit control.&nbsp;
138 If there isn't a selection, nothing will happen.<br>
139 <br>
140 note: this command won't work without setting a pref or using signed
141 JS.&nbsp; See: http://www.mozilla.org/editor/midasdemo/securityprefs.html<br>
142 <br>
143 note: &nbsp;the shortcut key will automatically trigger this command
144 (typically accel-X) with or without the signed JS or any code on the page to
145 handle it.</td>
146 </tr>
147 <tr>
148 <td>decreasefontsize</td>
149 <td>none</td>
150 <td>This command will add a &lt;small&gt; tag around selection or
151 at insertion point.</td>
152 </tr>
153 <tr>
154 <td>delete</td>
155 <td>none</td>
156 <td>This command will delete all text and objects that
157 are selected.</td>
158 </tr>
159 <tr>
160 <td>fontname</td>
161 <td>????</td>
162 <td>This command will set the fontface for a selection
163 or at the insertion point if there is no selection.</td>
164 </tr>
165 <tr>
166 <td>fontsize</td>
167 <td>????</td>
168 <td>This command will set the fontsize for a selection
169 or at the insertion point if there is no selection.</td>
170 </tr>
171 <tr>
172 <td>forecolor</td>
173 <td>????</td>
174 <td>This command will set the text color of the
175 selection or at the insertion point.</td>
176 </tr>
177 <tr>
178 <td>formatblock</td>
179 <td>&lt;h1&gt;<br>
180 &lt;h2&gt;<br>
181 &lt;h3&gt;<br>
182 &lt;h4&gt;<br>
183 &lt;h5&gt;<br>
184 &lt;h6&gt;<br>
185 &lt;pre&gt;<br>
186 &lt;address&gt;<br>
187 &lt;p&gt;<br>
188 p<br>
189 [this list may not be complete]</td>
190 <td><br></td>
191 </tr>
192 <tr>
193 <td>heading</td>
194 <td>&lt;h1&gt;<br>
195 &lt;h2&gt;<br>
196 &lt;h3&gt;<br>
197 &lt;h4&gt;<br>
198 &lt;h5&gt;<br>
199 &lt;h6&gt;</td>
200 <td><br></td>
201 </tr>
202 <tr>
203 <td>hilitecolor</td>
204 <td>????</td>
205 <td>This command will set the hilite color of the selection or at
206 the insertion point.&nbsp; It only works with usecss enabled.</td>
207 </tr>
208 <tr>
209 <td>increasefontsize</td>
210 <td>none</td>
211 <td>This command will add a
212 &lt;big&gt; tag around selection or at insertion point.</td>
213 </tr>
214 <tr>
215 <td>indent</td>
216 <td>none</td>
217 <td>Indent the block where the caret is located.</td>
218 </tr>
219 <tr>
220 <td>inserthorizontalrule</td>
221 <td>none</td>
222 <td>This command will insert a horizontal rule
223 (line) at the insertion point.<br>
224 <br>
225 Does it delete the selection?</td>
226 </tr>
227 <tr>
228 <td>inserthtml</td>
229 <td>valid html string</td>
230 <td>This command will insert the given html into the &lt;body&gt;
231 in place of the current selection or at the caret location.</td>
232 </tr>
233 <tr>
234 <td>insertimage</td>
235 <td>url (src)</td>
236 <td>This command will insert an image (referenced by
237 url) at the insertion point.<br>
238 <br>
239 Does it delete the selection?</td>
240 </tr>
241 <tr>
242 <td>insertorderedlist</td>
243 <td>none</td>
244 <td><br></td>
245 </tr>
246 <tr>
247 <td>insertunorderedlist</td>
248 <td>none</td>
249 <td><br></td>
250 </tr>
251 <tr>
252 <td>insertparagraph</td>
253 <td>none</td>
254 <td><br></td>
255 </tr>
256 <tr>
257 <td>italic</td>
258 <td>none</td>
259 <td>If there is no selection, the insertion
260 point will set italic for subsequently typed characters. &nbsp;<br>
261 <br>
262 If there is a selection and all of the characters are already italic,
263 the italic will be removed. &nbsp;Otherwise, all selected characters will
264 become italic.</td>
265 </tr>
266 <tr>
267 <td>justifycenter</td>
268 <td>none</td>
269 <td><br></td>
270 </tr>
271 <tr>
272 <td>justifyfull</td>
273 <td>none</td>
274 <td><br></td>
275 </tr>
276 <tr>
277 <td>justifyleft</td>
278 <td>none</td>
279 <td><br></td>
280 </tr>
281 <tr>
282 <td>justifyright</td>
283 <td>none</td>
284 <td><br></td>
285 </tr>
286 <tr>
287 <td>outdent</td>
288 <td>none</td>
289 <td>Outdent the block where the caret is located.&nbsp; If the
290 block is not indented prior to calling outdent, nothing will happen.<br>
291 <br>
292 note: &nbsp;is an error thrown if no outdenting is done?</td>
293 </tr>
294 <tr>
295 <td>paste</td>
296 <td>none</td>
297 <td>This command will paste the contents of the clipboard at the
298 location of the caret.&nbsp; If there is a selection, it will be deleted
299 prior to the insertion of the clipboard's contents.<br>
300 <br>
301 note: this command won't work without setting a pref or using signed
302 JS.<br>
303 <tt>user_pref("capability.policy.policynames", "allowclipboard");</tt><tt>
304 user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.Clipboard.paste",
305 "allAccess");</tt><br>
306 See: http://www.mozilla.org/editor/midasdemo/securityprefs.html<br>
307 <br>
308 note:&nbsp; the shortcut key will automatically trigger this command
309 (typically accel-V) with or without the signed JS or any code on the page to
310 handle it.</td>
311 </tr>
312 <tr>
313 <td>redo</td>
314 <td>none</td>
315 <td>This command will redo the previous undo action.&nbsp; If undo
316 was not the most recent action, this command will have no effect.<br>
317 <br>
318 note: &nbsp;the shortcut key will automatically trigger this command
319 (typically accel-shift-Z)</td>
320 </tr>
321 <tr>
322 <td>removeformat</td>
323 <td>none</td>
324 <td><br></td>
325 </tr>
326 <tr>
327 <td>selectall</td>
328 <td>none</td>
329 <td>This command will select all of the contents within the
330 editable area.<br>
331 <br>
332 note: &nbsp;the shortcut key will automatically trigger this command
333 (typically accel-A)</td>
334 </tr>
335 <tr>
336 <td>strikethrough</td>
337 <td>none</td>
338 <td>If there is no selection, the insertion point
339 will set strikethrough for subsequently typed characters.<br>
340 <br>
341 If there is a selection and all of the characters are already striked,
342 the strikethrough will be removed. Otherwise, all selected characters
343 will have a line drawn through them.</td>
344 </tr>
345 <tr>
346 <td>styleWithCSS</td>
347 <td>true<br>false</td>
348 <td>This command is used for
349 toggling the format of generated content.&nbsp; By default (at least
350 today), this is true.&nbsp; An example of the differences is that the
351 "bold" command will generate &lt;b&gt; if the styleWithCSS command is false
352 and generate css style attribute if the styleWithCSS command is true.</td>
353 </tr>
354 <tr>
355 <td>subscript</td>
356 <td>none</td>
357 <td>If there is no selection, the insertion point
358 will set subscript for subsequently typed characters. &nbsp;<br>
359 <br>
360 If there is a selection and all of the characters are already
361 subscripted, the subscript will be removed.&nbsp; Otherwise, all
362 selected characters will be drawn slightly lower than normal text.</td>
363 </tr>
364 <tr>
365 <td>superscript</td>
366 <td>none</td>
367 <td>If there is no selection, the insertion point
368 will set superscript for subsequently typed characters.<br>
369 <br>
370 If there is a selection and all of the characters are already
371 superscripted, the superscript will be removed.&nbsp; Otherwise, all
372 selected characters will be drawn slightly higher than normal text.</td>
373 </tr>
374 <tr>
375 <td>underline</td>
376 <td>none</td>
377 <td>If there is no selection, the insertion
378 point will set underline for subsequently typed characters.<br>
379 <br>
380 If there is a selection and all of the characters are already
381 underlined, the underline will be removed.&nbsp; Otherwise, all
382 selected characters will become underlined.</td>
383 </tr>
384 <tr>
385 <td>undo</td>
386 <td>none</td>
387 <td>This command will undo the previous action.&nbsp; If no action
388 has occurred in the document, then this command will have no effect.<br>
389 <br>
390 note: &nbsp;the shortcut key will automatically trigger this command
391 (typically accel-Z)</td>
392 </tr>
393 <tr>
394 <td>unlink</td>
395 <td>none</td>
396 <td><br></td>
397 </tr>
398 </tbody>
399 </table>
400 <br>
401 <table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="1"
402 style="text-align: left; width: 100%;">
403 <tbody>
404 <tr>
405 <td colspan="3">DEPRECATED COMMANDS</td>
406 </tr>
407 <tr>
408 <td>readonly</td>
409 <td>true<br>false</td>
410 <td>This command has been replaced with contentReadOnly.&nbsp; It
411 takes the same values as contentReadOnly, but the meaning of true and
412 false are inversed.</td>
413 </tr>
414 <tr>
415 <td>useCSS</td>
416 <td>truefalse</td>
417 <td>This command has been replaced with styleWithCSS.&nbsp; It takes
418 the same values as styleWithCSS, but the meaning of true and false are
419 inversed.</td>
420 </tr>
421 </tbody>
422 </table>
423 </div>
424 <br>
425 </body>
426 </html>