Bug 449371 Firefox/Thunderbird crashes at exit [@ gdk_display_x11_finalize], p=Brian...
[wine-gecko.git] / testing / performance / talos / run_tests.py
1 # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
2 # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
4 # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
5 # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
6 # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
9 # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
10 # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
11 # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
12 # License.
14 # The Original Code is standalone Firefox Windows performance test.
16 # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Google Inc.
17 # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006
18 # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
20 # Contributor(s):
21 # Annie Sullivan <annie.sullivan@gmail.com> (original author)
22 # Alice Nodelman <anodelman@mozilla.com>
24 # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
25 # either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
26 # the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
27 # in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
28 # of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
29 # under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
30 # use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
31 # decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
32 # and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
33 # the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
34 # the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
36 # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
38 """Runs extension performance tests.
40 This file runs Ts (startup time) and Tp (page load time) tests
41 for an extension with different profiles. It was originally
42 written for the Google Toolbar for Firefox; to make it work for
43 another extension modify get_xpi.py. To change the preferences
44 that are set on the profiles that are tested, edit the arrays in
45 the main function below.
46 """
48 __author__ = 'annie.sullivan@gmail.com (Annie Sullivan)'
51 import time
52 import yaml
53 import sys
54 import urllib
55 import tempfile
56 import os
57 import string
58 import socket
59 socket.setdefaulttimeout(480)
60 import getopt
62 import utils
63 from utils import talosError
64 import post_file
65 import ttest
67 def shortNames(name):
68 if name == "tp_loadtime":
69 return "tp"
70 elif name == "tp_js_loadtime":
71 return "tp_js_l"
72 elif name == "tp_Percent Processor Time":
73 return "tp_%cpu"
74 elif name == "tp_Working Set":
75 return "tp_memset"
76 elif name == "tp_Private Bytes":
77 return "tp_pbytes"
78 else:
79 return name
81 def process_Request(post):
82 str = ""
83 lines = post.split('\n')
84 for line in lines:
85 if line.find("RETURN:") > -1:
86 str += line.split(":")[3] + ":" + shortNames(line.split(":")[1]) + ":" + line.split(":")[2] + '\n'
87 utils.debug("process_Request line: " + line.replace("RETURN", ""))
88 return str
90 def send_to_csv(csv_dir, results):
91 import csv
92 for res in results:
93 browser_dump, counter_dump = results[res]
94 writer = csv.writer(open(os.path.join(csv_dir, res + '.csv'), "wb"))
95 if res in ('ts', 'twinopen'):
96 i = 0
97 writer.writerow(['i', 'val'])
98 for val in browser_dump:
99 val_list = val.split('|')
100 for v in val_list:
101 writer.writerow([i, v])
102 i += 1
103 else:
104 writer.writerow(['i', 'page', 'median', 'mean', 'min' , 'max', 'runs'])
105 for bd in browser_dump:
106 bd.rstrip('\n')
107 page_results = bd.splitlines()
108 i = 0
109 for mypage in page_results:
110 r = mypage.split(';')
111 #skip this line if it isn't the correct format
112 if len(r) == 1:
113 continue
114 r[1] = r[1].rstrip('/')
115 if r[1].find('/') > -1 :
116 page = r[1].split('/')[1]
117 else:
118 page = r[1]
119 writer.writerow([i, page, r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], '|'.join(r[6:])])
120 i += 1
121 for cd in counter_dump:
122 for count_type in cd:
123 writer = csv.writer(open(os.path.join(csv_dir, res + '_' + count_type + '.csv'), "wb"))
124 writer.writerow(['i', 'value'])
125 i = 0
126 for val in cd[count_type]:
127 writer.writerow([i, val])
128 i += 1
130 def post_chunk(results_server, results_link, id, filename):
131 tmpf = open(filename, "r")
132 file_data = tmpf.read()
133 try:
134 ret = post_file.post_multipart(results_server, results_link, [("key", "value")], [("filename", filename, file_data)])
135 except:
136 print "FAIL: error in post data"
137 sys.exit(0)
138 links = process_Request(ret)
139 utils.debug(id + ": sent results")
140 return links
142 def chunk_list(val_list):
143 """
144 divide up a list into manageable chunks
145 currently set at length 500
146 this is for a failure on mac os x with python 2.4.4
148 chunks = []
149 end = 500
150 while (val_list != []):
151 chunks.append(val_list[0:end])
152 val_list = val_list[end:len(val_list)]
153 return chunks
155 def send_to_graph(results_server, results_link, title, date, browser_config, results):
156 tbox = title
157 url_format = "http://%s/%s"
158 link_format= "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>"
159 #value, testname, tbox, timeval, date, branch, buildid, type, data
160 result_format = "%.2f,%s,%s,%d,%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,\n"
161 result_format2 = "%.2f,%s,%s,%d,%d,%s,%s,%s,\n"
162 links = ''
164 for res in results:
165 browser_dump, counter_dump = results[res]
166 utils.debug("Working with test: " + res)
167 utils.debug("Sending results: " + " ".join(browser_dump))
168 utils.stamped_msg("Transmitting test: " + res, "Started")
169 filename = tempfile.mktemp()
170 tmpf = open(filename, "w")
171 if res in ('ts', 'twinopen'):
172 i = 0
173 for val in browser_dump:
174 val_list = val.split('|')
175 for v in val_list:
176 tmpf.write(result_format % (float(v), res, tbox, i, date, browser_config['branch'], browser_config['buildid'], "discrete", "ms"))
177 i += 1
178 else:
179 # each line of the string is of the format i;page_name;median;mean;min;max;time vals\n
180 name = ''
181 if ((res == 'tp') or (res == 'tp_js')):
182 name = '_loadtime'
183 for bd in browser_dump:
184 bd.rstrip('\n')
185 page_results = bd.splitlines()
186 i = 0
187 for mypage in page_results:
188 r = mypage.split(';')
189 #skip this line if it isn't the correct format
190 if len(r) == 1:
191 continue
192 r[1] = r[1].rstrip('/')
193 if r[1].find('/') > -1 :
194 page = r[1].split('/')[1]
195 else:
196 page = r[1]
197 try:
198 val = float(r[2])
199 except ValueError:
200 print 'WARNING: value error for median in tp'
201 val = 0
202 tmpf.write(result_format % (val, res + name, tbox, i, date, browser_config['branch'], browser_config['buildid'], "discrete", page))
203 i += 1
204 tmpf.flush()
205 tmpf.close()
206 links += post_chunk(results_server, results_link, res, filename)
207 os.remove(filename)
208 for cd in counter_dump:
209 for count_type in cd:
210 val_list = cd[count_type]
211 chunks = chunk_list(val_list)
212 chunk_link = ''
213 i = 0
214 for chunk in chunks:
215 filename = tempfile.mktemp()
216 tmpf = open(filename, "w")
217 for val in chunk:
218 tmpf.write(result_format2 % (float(val), res + "_" + count_type.replace("%", "Percent"), tbox, i, date, browser_config['branch'], browser_config['buildid'], "discrete"))
219 i += 1
220 tmpf.flush()
221 tmpf.close()
222 chunk_link = post_chunk(results_server, results_link, '%s_%s (%d values)' % (res, count_type, len(chunk)), filename)
223 os.remove(filename)
224 links += chunk_link
225 utils.stamped_msg("Transmitting test: " + res, "Stopped")
227 first_results = ''
228 last_results = ''
229 full_results = '\nRETURN:<p style="font-size:smaller;">Details:<br>'
230 lines = links.split('\n')
231 for line in lines:
232 if line == "":
233 continue
234 values = line.split(":")
235 linkName = values[1]
236 if linkName in ('tp_pbytes', 'tp_%cpu'):
237 continue
238 if float(values[2]) > 0:
239 linkName += ":&nbsp;" + str(values[2])
240 url = url_format % (results_server, values[0])
241 link = link_format % (url, linkName)
242 first_results = first_results + "\nRETURN:" + link + '<br>'
243 else:
244 url = url_format % (results_server, values[0])
245 link = link_format % (url, linkName)
246 last_results = last_results + '| ' + link + ' '
247 full_results = first_results + full_results + last_results + '|</p>'
248 print full_results
250 def test_file(filename):
251 """Runs the Ts and Tp tests on the given config file and generates a report.
253 Args:
254 filename: the name of the file to run the tests on
257 browser_config = []
258 tests = []
259 title = ''
260 testdate = ''
261 csv_dir = ''
262 results_server = ''
263 results_link = ''
264 results = {}
266 # Read in the profile info from the YAML config file
267 config_file = open(filename, 'r')
268 yaml_config = yaml.load(config_file)
269 config_file.close()
270 for item in yaml_config:
271 if item == 'title':
272 title = yaml_config[item]
273 elif item == 'testdate':
274 testdate = yaml_config[item]
275 elif item == 'csv_dir':
276 csv_dir = os.path.normpath(yaml_config[item])
277 if not os.path.exists(csv_dir):
278 print "FAIL: path \"" + csv_dir + "\" does not exist"
279 sys.exit(0)
280 elif item == 'results_server':
281 results_server = yaml_config[item]
282 elif item == 'results_link' :
283 results_link = yaml_config[item]
284 if (results_link != results_server != ''):
285 if not post_file.link_exists(results_server, results_link):
286 sys.exit(0)
287 browser_config = {'preferences' : yaml_config['preferences'],
288 'extensions' : yaml_config['extensions'],
289 'firefox' : yaml_config['firefox'],
290 'branch' : yaml_config['branch'],
291 'buildid' : yaml_config['buildid'],
292 'profile_path' : yaml_config['profile_path'],
293 'env' : yaml_config['env'],
294 'dirs' : yaml_config['dirs'],
295 'init_url' : yaml_config['init_url']}
296 #normalize paths to work accross platforms
297 browser_config['firefox'] = os.path.normpath(browser_config['firefox'])
298 if browser_config['profile_path'] != {}:
299 browser_config['profile_path'] = os.path.normpath(browser_config['profile_path'])
300 for dir in browser_config['dirs']:
301 browser_config['dirs'][dir] = os.path.normpath(browser_config['dirs'][dir])
302 tests = yaml_config['tests']
303 config_file.close()
304 if (testdate != ''):
305 date = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(testdate, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')))
306 else:
307 date = int(time.time()) #TODO get this into own file
308 utils.debug("using testdate: %d" % date)
309 utils.debug("actual date: %d" % int(time.time()))
311 utils.stamped_msg(title, "Started")
312 for test in tests:
313 utils.stamped_msg("Running test " + test, "Started")
314 try:
315 browser_dump, counter_dump = ttest.runTest(browser_config, tests[test])
316 except talosError, e:
317 utils.stamped_msg("Failed " + test, "Stopped")
318 print 'FAIL: Busted: ' + test
319 print 'FAIL: ' + e.msg
320 sys.exit(0)
321 utils.debug("Received test results: " + " ".join(browser_dump))
322 results[test] = [browser_dump, counter_dump]
323 utils.stamped_msg("Completed test " + test, "Stopped")
324 utils.stamped_msg(title, "Stopped")
326 #process the results
327 if (results_server != '') and (results_link != ''):
328 #send results to the graph server
329 utils.stamped_msg("Sending results", "Started")
330 send_to_graph(results_server, results_link, title, date, browser_config, results)
331 utils.stamped_msg("Completed sending results", "Stopped")
332 if csv_dir != '':
333 send_to_csv(csv_dir, results)
335 if __name__=='__main__':
336 optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'dn', ['debug', 'noisy'])
337 for o, a in optlist:
338 if o in ('-d', "--debug"):
339 print 'setting debug'
340 utils.setdebug(1)
341 if o in ('-n', "--noisy"):
342 utils.setnoisy(1)
343 # Read in each config file and run the tests on it.
344 for arg in args:
345 utils.debug("running test file " + arg)
346 test_file(arg)