Bug 457358 - need to reset UTF8 converter after it encounters invalid input (pwmgr...
[wine-gecko.git] / layout / mathml / tests / stretchy.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
3    - Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
4    -
5    - The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
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13    - License.
14    -
15    - The Original Code is Mozilla MathML Project.
16    -
17    - The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
18    - The University of Queensland.
19    - Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999
20    - the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
21    -
22    - Contributor(s):
23    -  Roger B. Sidje <rbs@maths.uq.edu.au>
24    -
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37    - ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -->
39   "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0//EN"
40   "http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML2/dtd/xhtml-math11-f.dtd"
42   <!ENTITY mathml "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
44 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
46 <head>
47   <title>Testing stretchy MathML symbols</title>
48 </head>
49 <body>
51 Testing stretchy symbols -- view the source...
53 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
54 <msup>
55   <mrow>
56     <mo symmetric='false' minsize='3'>(</mo>
57     <mo>...</mo>
58     <msup>
59       <mrow>
60         <mo symmetric='false' minsize='2'>(</mo>
61         <msup>
62           <mrow>
63             <mo symmetric='false'>(</mo>
64             <msub><mi>a</mi><mn>0</mn></msub>
65             <mo>+</mo>
66             <msub><mi>a</mi><mn>1</mn></msub>
67             <mo symmetric='false'>)</mo>
68           </mrow>
69           <msub><mi>n</mi><mn>1</mn></msub>
70         </msup>
71         <mo>+</mo>
72         <msub><mi>a</mi><mn>2</mn></msub>
73         <mo symmetric='false' minsize='2'>)</mo>
74       </mrow>    
75       <msub><mi>n</mi><mn>2</mn></msub>
76     </msup>
77     <mo>+</mo><mo>...</mo><mo>+</mo>
78     <msup><mi>a</mi><mi>p</mi></msup>
79     <mo symmetric='false' minsize='3'>)</mo>
80   </mrow>
81   <msup><mi>n</mi><mi>p</mi></msup>
82 </msup>
83 </math>
86 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
87 <mrow>
88   <mi>A</mi>
89   <mo>=</mo>
90   <mfenced open="[" close="]">
91     <mtable>
92       <mtr>
93         <mtd><mi>x</mi></mtd>
94         <mtd><mi>y</mi></mtd>
95       </mtr>
96       <mtr>
97         <mtd><mi>z</mi></mtd>
98         <mtd><mi>w</mi></mtd>
99       </mtr>
100     </mtable>
101   </mfenced>
102 </mrow>
103 <mo>;</mo>
104 </math>
106 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
107 <mrow>
108     <mi>x</mi>
109     <mo>+</mo>
110     <mrow>
111         <mo>(</mo>
112         <mfrac linethickness="30">
113             <mi>a</mi>
114             <mi>b</mi>
115         </mfrac>
116         <mo stretchy="false">)</mo>
117     </mrow>
118 </mrow>
119 <mo>;</mo>
120 </math>
122 in binomial formulas
124 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
125 <mrow>
126     <mo>(</mo>
127     <mfrac linethickness="0">
128        <mi>n</mi>
129        <mi>p</mi>
130     </mfrac>
131     <mo>)</mo>
132 </mrow>
134 <mo>=</mo>
136 <mrow>
137     <mrow>
138        <mo>(</mo>
139        <mfrac linethickness="0">
140            <mrow><mi>n</mi><mo>-</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow>
141            <mi>p</mi>
142        </mfrac>
143        <mo>)</mo>
144     </mrow>
146     <mo>+</mo>
148     <mrow>
149        <mo>(</mo>
150        <mfrac linethickness="0">
151           <mrow><mi>n</mi><mo>-</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow>
152           <mrow><mi>p</mi><mo>-</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow>
153        </mfrac>
154        <mo>)</mo>
155     </mrow>
157     <mo>;</mo>
158 </mrow>
161 <mrow>
162   <msup>
163      <mrow>
164         <mo>(</mo>
165         <mi>a</mi>
166         <mo>+</mo>
167         <mi>b</mi>
168         <mo>)</mo>
169      </mrow>
170      <mi>n</mi>
171   </msup>
173   <mo>=</mo>
175   <msup>
176      <mi>a</mi>
177      <mi>n</mi>
178   </msup>
180   <mo>+</mo>
182   <mrow>
183      <mrow>
184         <mo>(</mo>
185         <mfrac linethickness="0">
186            <mi>n</mi>
187            <mi>1</mi>
188         </mfrac>
189         <mo>)</mo>
190      </mrow>
191      <msup>
192         <mi>a</mi>
193         <mrow><mi>n</mi><mo>-</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow>
194      </msup>
195      <mi>b</mi>
196   </mrow>
198   <mo>+</mo>
199   <mo>...</mo>
200   <mo>+</mo>
202   <mrow>
203      <mrow>
204         <mo>(</mo>
205         <mfrac linethickness="0">
206            <mi>n</mi>
207            <mi>p</mi>
208         </mfrac>
209         <mo>)</mo>
210      </mrow>
211      <msup>
212         <mi>a</mi>
213         <mrow><mi>n</mi><mo>-</mo><mi>p</mi></mrow>
214      </msup>
215      <msup>
216         <mi>b</mi>
217         <mi>p</mi>
218      </msup>
219   </mrow>
221   <mo>+</mo>
222   <mo>...</mo>
223   <mo>+</mo>
225   <msup>
226      <mi>b</mi>
227      <mi>n</mi>
228   </msup>
229 </mrow>
230 </math>
233 and elsewhere,
235 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
236 <mrow>
237 <mo symmetric='false'>{</mo>
239 <mrow>
240   <msub>
241      <mi>a</mi>
242      <mn>0</mn>
243   </msub>
244   <mo>+</mo>
245   <mfrac>
246      <mstyle scriptlevel="0">
247         <mn>1</mn>
248      </mstyle>
249      <mstyle scriptlevel="0">
250         <mrow>
251           <msub>
252              <mi>a</mi>
253              <mn>1</mn>
254           </msub>
255           <mo>+</mo>
256           <mfrac>
257             <mstyle scriptlevel="0">
258                <mn>1</mn>
259             </mstyle>
260             <mstyle scriptlevel="0">
261                <mrow>
262                  <msub>
263                     <mi>a</mi>
264                     <mn>2</mn>
265                  </msub>
266                  <mo>+</mo>
267                  <mfrac>
268                       <mstyle scriptlevel="0">               
269                       <mn>1</mn>
270                       </mstyle>
271                       <mstyle scriptlevel="0">                              
272                       <msub>
273                          <mi>a</mi>
274                          <mn>3</mn>
275                       </msub>
276                     </mstyle>
277                  </mfrac>      
278                </mrow>
279             </mstyle>
280           </mfrac>      
281         </mrow> 
282      </mstyle> 
283   </mfrac>  
284 </mrow>
285 </mrow>
287 <mo>;</mo>
289 <mover>
290    <mrow> <mi>aa</mi> <mo>+</mo> <mi>bb</mi> </mrow>
291    <mo>&OverBrace;</mo>
292 </mover>
294 <mo>;</mo>
296 <munder>
297    <mrow> <mi>b</mi> <mo>+</mo> <mi>c</mi> <mo>+</mo> <mi>d</mi></mrow>
298    <mo form="infix">&RightArrow;</mo>
299 </munder>
301 <mo>;</mo>
303 <munderover>
304    <mrow> <mi>a</mi> <mo>+</mo> <mi>b</mi> <mo>+</mo> 
305           <mi>c</mi> <mo>+</mo> <mi>d</mi></mrow>
306    <mo form="infix">&RightArrow;</mo>
307    <mo form="infix">&LeftArrow;</mo>
308 </munderover>
310 <mo>;</mo>
312      <mrow>
313          <mo>(</mo><mfrac>
314                      <mrow>
315                         <mn>1</mn>
316                         <mo>+</mo>
317                         <msqrt><mn>5</mn></msqrt>
318                      </mrow>
319                      <mn>2</mn>
320          </mfrac><mo>)</mo>  
321      </mrow>
323 <mo>;</mo>
325 <mrow>
326   <mi>x</mi>
327   <mo>=</mo>
328   <mfrac>
329     <mrow>
330       <mrow>
331         <mo>-</mo>
332         <mi>b</mi>
333       </mrow>
334       <mo>&PlusMinus;</mo>
335       <msqrt>
336         <mrow>
337           <msup>
338             <mi>b</mi>
339             <mn>2</mn>
340           </msup>
341           <mo>-</mo>
342           <mrow>
343             <mn>4</mn>
344             <mo>&InvisibleTimes;</mo>
345             <mi>a</mi>
346             <mo>&InvisibleTimes;</mo>
347             <mi>c</mi>
348           </mrow>
349         </mrow>
350       </msqrt>
351     </mrow>
352     <mrow>
353       <mn>2</mn>
354       <mo>&InvisibleTimes;</mo>
355       <mi>a</mi>
356     </mrow>
357   </mfrac>
358 </mrow>
360   <mrow>
361      <mo form="prefix">(</mo>
362      <mo form="prefix">{</mo>
363      <mo form="infix">&UpArrow;</mo>
364      <mrow>
365         <mo>&#x222B;</mo>
366         <mfrac linethickness="26">
367            <mfrac>     
368               <mrow><mi>n</mi>
369                     <mrow>
370                        <mo>{</mo>
371                        <mi>n</mi>
372                        <mo>+</mo>
373                        <mn>1</mn>
374                        <mo>)</mo>
375                     </mrow>
376               </mrow>
377               <mn>2</mn>
378            </mfrac>
379            <mi>y</mi>
380         </mfrac>
381         <mo>&DownArrow;</mo>
382         <mo form="postfix">}</mo>
383         <mo form="postfix">)</mo>
384      </mrow>
385   </mrow>
387 <mrow>
388         <mi>x</mi>
389         <mover>
390            <mo form="infix">&RightArrow;</mo>
391            <mtext> maps to </mtext>
392         </mover>
393         <mi>y</mi>
394 </mrow>
396 </math>
398 </body>
399 </html>