1 # Sample Talos configuration file
3 # The title of the report
4 title: firefox_testing
6 #*** output options ****
7 #uncomment to turn on dump to csv option
9 #comment out next two lines to disable send to graph server
10 results_server: 'url.of.graphserver'
11 results_link: '/bulk.cgi'
13 # Path to Firefox to test
14 firefox: firefox/firefox.exe
18 buildid: testbuildid
20 profile_path: base_profile
22 init_url: getInfo.html
24 # Preferences to set in the test (use "preferences : {}" for no prefs)
26 browser.EULA.override : true
27 security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy : false
28 browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser : false
29 browser.warnOnQuit : false
30 browser.link.open_newwindow : 2
31 dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows : true
32 dom.disable_open_during_load: false
33 dom.max_script_run_time : 0
34 browser.dom.window.dump.enabled: true
35 network.proxy.type : 1
36 network.proxy.http : localhost
37 network.proxy.http_port : 80
38 dom.disable_window_flip : true
39 dom.disable_window_move_resize : true
40 security.enable_java : false
41 extensions.checkCompatibility : false
42 extensions.update.notifyUser: false
44 # Extensions to install in test (use "extensions: {}" for none)
45 # Need quotes around guid because of curly braces
47 # "{12345678-1234-1234-1234-abcd12345678}" : c:\path\to\unzipped\xpi
48 # foo@sample.com : c:\path\to\other\unzipped\xpi
51 #any directories whose contents need to be installed in the browser before running the tests
52 # this assumes that the directories themselves already exist in the firefox path
54 chrome : page_load_test/chrome
55 components : page_load_test/components
57 # Environment variables to set during test (use env: {} for none)
61 # url : (REQUIRED) url to load into the given firefox browser
62 # url_mod : (OPTIONAL) a bit of code to be evaled and added to the given url during each cycle of the test
63 # resolution: (REQUIRED) how long (in seconds) to pause between counter sampling
64 # cycles : (REQUIRED) how many times to run the test
65 # timeout : (OPTIONAL) how many seconds the test can run before we consider it failed and quit (default 8 hours)
66 # counters : (REQUIRED) types of system activity to monitor during test run, can be empty
67 # For possible values of counters argument on Windows, see
68 # http://technet2.microsoft.com/WindowsServer/en/Library/86b5d116-6fb3-427b-af8c-9077162125fe1033.mspx?mfr=true
69 # Possible values on Linux and Mac:
70 # counters : ['Private Bytes', 'RSS']
71 # Standard windows values:
72 # counters : ['Working Set', 'Private Bytes', '% Processor Time']
74 # to set up a new test it must have the correct configuration options and drop information in a standard format
75 # the format is seen in the regular expressions in ttest.py
76 # to see how the data passed from the browser is processed see send_to_graph and send_to_csv in run_tests.py
79 url : startup_test/startup_test.html?begin=
80 url_mod : str(int(time.time()*1000))
86 url : '-tp page_load_test/manifest.txt -tpchrome -tpformat tinderbox -tpcycles 5'
89 win_counters : ['Working Set', 'Private Bytes', '% Processor Time']
90 unix_counters : [ 'Private Bytes', 'RSS']
92 url : '"http://localhost/page_load_test/framecycler.html?quit=1&cycles=5"'
95 win_counters : ['Working Set', 'Private Bytes', '% Processor Time']
96 unix_counters : [ 'Private Bytes', 'RSS']
98 url: '-tp page_load_test/dhtml/dhtml.manifest -tpchrome -tpformat tinderbox -tpcycles 5'
104 url: '-tp page_load_test/gfx/gfx.manifest -tpchrome -tpformat tinderbox -tpcycles 5 -tprender'
110 url: '-tp page_load_test/svg/svg.manifest -tpchrome -tpformat tinderbox -tpcycles 5'
116 url: startup_test/twinopen/winopen.xul?phase1=20
122 url: '-tp page_load_test/jss/jss.manifest -tpchrome -tpformat tinderbox -tpcycles 1'
128 url: '-tp page_load_test/sunspider/sunspider.manifest -tpchrome -tpformat tinderbox -tpcycles 5'