4 * Copyright 2002 Ove Kaaven
6 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
22 %option noinput nounput noyy_top_state
23 %option 8bit never-interactive prefix="parser_"
27 cident [a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*
30 int [0-9]+({l_suffix}?{u_suffix}?|{u_suffix}?{l_suffix}?)?
32 hex 0(x|X){hexd}+({l_suffix}?{u_suffix}?|{u_suffix}?{l_suffix}?)?
33 uuid {hexd}{8}-{hexd}{4}-{hexd}{4}-{hexd}{4}-{hexd}{12}
34 double [0-9]+\.[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)*
56 #define YY_NO_UNISTD_H
64 #include "parser.tab.h"
66 extern char *temp_name;
68 static void addcchar(char c);
69 static char *get_buffered_cstring(void);
73 static int cbufalloc = 0;
75 static int kw_token(const char *kw);
76 static int attr_token(const char *kw);
78 #define MAX_IMPORT_DEPTH 10
84 } import_stack[MAX_IMPORT_DEPTH];
85 int import_stack_ptr = 0;
87 /* converts an integer in string form to an unsigned long and prints an error
89 static unsigned long xstrtoul(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
94 l = strtoul(nptr, endptr, base);
95 if (l == ULONG_MAX && errno == ERANGE)
96 error_loc("integer constant %s is too large\n", nptr);
100 UUID *parse_uuid(const char *u)
102 UUID* uuid = xmalloc(sizeof(UUID));
104 /* it would be nice to use UuidFromStringA */
105 uuid->Data1 = strtoul(u, NULL, 16);
106 uuid->Data2 = strtoul(u+9, NULL, 16);
107 uuid->Data3 = strtoul(u+14, NULL, 16);
109 memcpy(b, u+19, 2); uuid->Data4[0] = strtoul(b, NULL, 16);
110 memcpy(b, u+21, 2); uuid->Data4[1] = strtoul(b, NULL, 16);
111 memcpy(b, u+24, 2); uuid->Data4[2] = strtoul(b, NULL, 16);
112 memcpy(b, u+26, 2); uuid->Data4[3] = strtoul(b, NULL, 16);
113 memcpy(b, u+28, 2); uuid->Data4[4] = strtoul(b, NULL, 16);
114 memcpy(b, u+30, 2); uuid->Data4[5] = strtoul(b, NULL, 16);
115 memcpy(b, u+32, 2); uuid->Data4[6] = strtoul(b, NULL, 16);
116 memcpy(b, u+34, 2); uuid->Data4[7] = strtoul(b, NULL, 16);
123 **************************************************************************
124 * The flexer starts here
125 **************************************************************************
128 <INITIAL,ATTR>^{ws}*\#{ws}* yy_push_state(PP_LINE);
133 lineno = (int)strtol(yytext, &cptr, 10);
135 error_loc("Malformed '#...' line-directive; invalid linenumber\n");
136 fname = strchr(cptr, '"');
138 error_loc("Malformed '#...' line-directive; missing filename\n");
140 cptr = strchr(fname, '"');
142 error_loc("Malformed '#...' line-directive; missing terminating \"\n");
144 line_number = lineno - 1; /* We didn't read the newline */
146 input_name = xstrdup(fname);
148 <INITIAL,ATTR>\" yy_push_state(QUOTE); cbufidx = 0;
151 parser_lval.str = get_buffered_cstring();
154 <INITIAL,ATTR>L\" yy_push_state(WSTRQUOTE);
157 parser_lval.str = get_buffered_cstring();
161 <QUOTE,WSTRQUOTE>\\\" addcchar(yytext[1]);
162 <QUOTE,WSTRQUOTE>\\. addcchar('\\'); addcchar(yytext[1]);
163 <QUOTE,WSTRQUOTE>. addcchar(yytext[0]);
164 <INITIAL,ATTR>\[ yy_push_state(ATTR); return '[';
165 <ATTR>\] yy_pop_state(); return ']';
166 <ATTR>{cident} return attr_token(yytext);
168 parser_lval.uuid = parse_uuid(yytext);
171 <INITIAL,ATTR>{hex} {
172 parser_lval.num = xstrtoul(yytext, NULL, 0);
175 <INITIAL,ATTR>{int} {
176 parser_lval.num = xstrtoul(yytext, NULL, 0);
180 parser_lval.dbl = strtod(yytext, NULL);
183 SAFEARRAY{ws}*/\( return tSAFEARRAY;
184 {cident} return kw_token(yytext);
185 <INITIAL,ATTR>\n line_number++;
187 <INITIAL,ATTR>\<\< return SHL;
188 <INITIAL,ATTR>\>\> return SHR;
189 <INITIAL,ATTR>\-\> return MEMBERPTR;
194 <INITIAL,ATTR>\|\| return LOGICALOR;
196 <INITIAL,ATTR>\.\.\. return ELLIPSIS;
197 <INITIAL,ATTR>. return yytext[0];
199 if (import_stack_ptr)
206 int parser_wrap(void)
217 /* This table MUST be alphabetically sorted on the kw field */
218 static const struct keyword keywords[] = {
223 {"__fastcall", tFASTCALL},
224 {"__int3264", tINT3264},
226 {"__pascal", tPASCAL},
227 {"__stdcall", tSTDCALL},
229 {"_fastcall", tFASTCALL},
230 {"_pascal", tPASCAL},
231 {"_stdcall", tSTDCALL},
232 {"boolean", tBOOLEAN},
237 {"coclass", tCOCLASS},
239 {"cpp_quote", tCPPQUOTE},
240 {"default", tDEFAULT},
241 {"dispinterface", tDISPINTERFACE},
244 {"error_status_t", tERRORSTATUST},
247 {"handle_t", tHANDLET},
250 {"importlib", tIMPORTLIB},
253 {"interface", tINTERFACE},
254 {"library", tLIBRARY},
256 {"methods", tMETHODS},
259 {"properties", tPROPERTIES},
260 {"register", tREGISTER},
266 {"stdcall", tSTDCALL},
269 {"typedef", tTYPEDEF},
271 {"unsigned", tUNSIGNED},
275 #define NKEYWORDS (sizeof(keywords)/sizeof(keywords[0]))
277 /* keywords only recognized in attribute lists
278 * This table MUST be alphabetically sorted on the kw field
280 static const struct keyword attr_keywords[] =
282 {"aggregatable", tAGGREGATABLE},
283 {"allocate", tALLOCATE},
284 {"annotation", tANNOTATION},
285 {"appobject", tAPPOBJECT},
287 {"async_uuid", tASYNCUUID},
288 {"auto_handle", tAUTOHANDLE},
289 {"bindable", tBINDABLE},
290 {"broadcast", tBROADCAST},
291 {"byte_count", tBYTECOUNT},
292 {"call_as", tCALLAS},
293 {"callback", tCALLBACK},
295 {"comm_status", tCOMMSTATUS},
296 {"context_handle", tCONTEXTHANDLE},
297 {"context_handle_noserialize", tCONTEXTHANDLENOSERIALIZE},
298 {"context_handle_serialize", tCONTEXTHANDLENOSERIALIZE},
299 {"control", tCONTROL},
300 {"defaultcollelem", tDEFAULTCOLLELEM},
301 {"defaultvalue", tDEFAULTVALUE},
302 {"defaultvtable", tDEFAULTVTABLE},
303 {"displaybind", tDISPLAYBIND},
304 {"dllname", tDLLNAME},
306 {"endpoint", tENDPOINT},
308 {"explicit_handle", tEXPLICITHANDLE},
310 {"helpcontext", tHELPCONTEXT},
311 {"helpfile", tHELPFILE},
312 {"helpstring", tHELPSTRING},
313 {"helpstringcontext", tHELPSTRINGCONTEXT},
314 {"helpstringdll", tHELPSTRINGDLL},
317 {"idempotent", tIDEMPOTENT},
319 {"immediatebind", tIMMEDIATEBIND},
320 {"implicit_handle", tIMPLICITHANDLE},
322 {"in_line", tIN_LINE},
323 {"input_sync", tINPUTSYNC},
325 {"length_is", tLENGTHIS},
327 {"nonbrowsable", tNONBROWSABLE},
328 {"noncreatable", tNONCREATABLE},
329 {"nonextensible", tNONEXTENSIBLE},
332 {"oleautomation", tOLEAUTOMATION},
333 {"optional", tOPTIONAL},
335 {"pointer_default", tPOINTERDEFAULT},
336 {"propget", tPROPGET},
337 {"propput", tPROPPUT},
338 {"propputref", tPROPPUTREF},
342 {"readonly", tREADONLY},
344 {"requestedit", tREQUESTEDIT},
345 {"restricted", tRESTRICTED},
347 {"size_is", tSIZEIS},
349 {"strict_context_handle", tSTRICTCONTEXTHANDLE},
351 {"switch_is", tSWITCHIS},
352 {"switch_type", tSWITCHTYPE},
353 {"transmit_as", tTRANSMITAS},
356 {"v1_enum", tV1ENUM},
358 {"version", tVERSION},
359 {"wire_marshal", tWIREMARSHAL},
363 #define KWP(p) ((const struct keyword *)(p))
365 static int kw_cmp_func(const void *s1, const void *s2)
367 return strcmp(KWP(s1)->kw, KWP(s2)->kw);
370 static int kw_token(const char *kw)
372 struct keyword key, *kwp;
374 kwp = bsearch(&key, keywords, NKEYWORDS, sizeof(keywords[0]), kw_cmp_func);
376 parser_lval.str = xstrdup(kwp->kw);
379 parser_lval.str = xstrdup(kw);
380 return is_type(kw) ? aKNOWNTYPE : aIDENTIFIER;
383 static int attr_token(const char *kw)
385 struct keyword key, *kwp;
387 kwp = bsearch(&key, attr_keywords, sizeof(attr_keywords)/sizeof(attr_keywords[0]),
388 sizeof(attr_keywords[0]), kw_cmp_func);
390 parser_lval.str = xstrdup(kwp->kw);
396 static void addcchar(char c)
398 if(cbufidx >= cbufalloc)
401 cbuffer = xrealloc(cbuffer, cbufalloc * sizeof(cbuffer[0]));
402 if(cbufalloc > 65536)
403 parser_warning("Reallocating string buffer larger than 64kB\n");
405 cbuffer[cbufidx++] = c;
408 static char *get_buffered_cstring(void)
411 return xstrdup(cbuffer);
414 void pop_import(void)
416 int ptr = import_stack_ptr-1;
419 yy_delete_buffer( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER );
420 yy_switch_to_buffer( import_stack[ptr].state );
425 temp_name = import_stack[ptr].temp_name;
426 input_name = import_stack[ptr].input_name;
427 line_number = import_stack[ptr].line_number;
433 struct imports *next;
436 int do_import(char *fname)
440 struct imports *import;
441 int ptr = import_stack_ptr;
444 import = first_import;
445 while (import && strcmp(import->name, fname))
446 import = import->next;
447 if (import) return 0; /* already imported */
449 import = xmalloc(sizeof(struct imports));
450 import->name = xstrdup(fname);
451 import->next = first_import;
452 first_import = import;
454 /* don't search for a file name with a path in the include directories,
455 * for compatibility with MIDL */
456 if (strchr( fname, '/' ) || strchr( fname, '\\' ))
457 path = strdup( fname );
458 else if (!(path = wpp_find_include( fname, input_name )))
459 error_loc("Unable to open include file %s\n", fname);
461 import_stack[ptr].temp_name = temp_name;
462 import_stack[ptr].input_name = input_name;
463 import_stack[ptr].line_number = line_number;
468 ret = wpp_parse_temp( path, NULL, &temp_name );
471 if((f = fopen(temp_name, "r")) == NULL)
472 error_loc("Unable to open %s\n", temp_name);
474 import_stack[ptr].state = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
475 yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer(f, YY_BUF_SIZE));
479 void abort_import(void)
483 for (ptr=0; ptr<import_stack_ptr; ptr++)
484 unlink(import_stack[ptr].temp_name);