1 -- http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/asn1/database/itu-t/h/h282/1999/RDC-PROTOCOL.asn
3 -- Module RDC-PROTOCOL (H.282:02/1998)
4 RDC-PROTOCOL {itu-t(0) recommendation(0) h 282 version(0) 1} DEFINITIONS
9 -- ==========================================================================
10 -- Part 1: Message Components
11 -- ==========================================================================
12 H221NonStandardIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (4..255))
14 -- First four octets shall be country code and
15 -- Manufacturer code, assigned as specified in
16 -- H.221 Annex A for NS-cap and NS-comm
17 Key ::= CHOICE -- Identifier of a standard or non-standard object
20 h221NonStandard H221NonStandardIdentifier
23 NonStandardParameter ::= SEQUENCE {key Key,
27 Handle ::= INTEGER(0..4294967295)
29 NonStandardIdentifier ::= CHOICE {
31 h221nonStandard H221NonStandardIdentifier
36 (SIZE (0..255)) -- Basic Multilingual Plane of ISO/IEC 10646-1 (Unicode)
39 DeviceClass ::= CHOICE {
42 streamPlayerRecorder NULL,
46 nonStandardDevice NonStandardIdentifier
49 DeviceID ::= INTEGER(0..127)
51 StreamID ::= INTEGER(0..65535)
53 DeviceProfile ::= SEQUENCE {
55 audioSourceFlag BOOLEAN,
56 audioSinkFlag BOOLEAN,
57 videoSourceFlag BOOLEAN,
58 videoSinkFlag BOOLEAN,
59 remoteControlFlag BOOLEAN,
60 instanceNumber INTEGER(0..255),
61 deviceName TextString OPTIONAL,
65 StreamProfile ::= SEQUENCE {
67 videoStreamFlag BOOLEAN,
68 sourceChangeFlag BOOLEAN,
69 streamName TextString OPTIONAL,
73 CapabilityID ::= CHOICE {
74 standard INTEGER(0..65535), -- Assigned by this specification
78 NonCollapsingCapabilities ::=
80 SEQUENCE {capabilityID CapabilityID,
82 CHOICE {deviceList SET SIZE (0..127) OF DeviceProfile,
83 streamList SET SIZE (0..127) OF StreamProfile
87 -- Attribute parameter types
89 Day ::= INTEGER(1..31)
91 Month ::= INTEGER(1..12)
93 Year ::= INTEGER(1980..2999)
95 Hour ::= INTEGER(0..23)
97 Minute ::= INTEGER(0..59)
99 DeviceText ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (0..32))
101 PanPosition ::= INTEGER(-18000..18000) -- 100ths of a degree
104 TiltPosition ::= INTEGER(-18000..18000) -- 100ths of a degree
107 ZoomPosition ::= INTEGER(-1023..1023)
109 IrisPosition ::= INTEGER(-127..127)
111 FocusPosition ::= INTEGER(-127..127)
113 CameraPanSpeed ::= INTEGER(1..18000) -- 100ths of a degree/sec
116 CameraTiltSpeed ::= INTEGER(1..18000) -- 100ths of a degree/sec
119 BackLight ::= INTEGER(0..255)
121 WhiteBalance ::= INTEGER(0..255)
123 PresetNumber ::= INTEGER(1..255)
125 StreamPlayerState ::= CHOICE {
132 searchingForwards NULL,
133 searchingBackwards NULL,
135 programUnavailable NULL
138 DevicePresetCapability ::= SEQUENCE {
139 maxNumber PresetNumber,
142 SEQUENCE {presetNumber PresetNumber,
143 storeModeSupported BOOLEAN,
144 presetTextLabel DeviceText} OPTIONAL
147 CameraFilterCapability ::= SEQUENCE {
148 maxNumberOfFilters INTEGER(2..255),
151 SEQUENCE {filterNumber INTEGER(1..255),
152 filterTextLabel DeviceText} OPTIONAL
155 CameraLensCapability ::= SEQUENCE {
156 maxNumberOfLens INTEGER(2..255),
159 SEQUENCE {lensNumber INTEGER(1..255),
160 lensTextLabel DeviceText} OPTIONAL
163 ExternalCameraLightCapability ::= SEQUENCE {
164 maxNumber INTEGER(1..10),
167 SEQUENCE {lightNumber INTEGER(1..10),
168 lightLabel DeviceText} OPTIONAL
171 CameraPanSpeedCapability ::= SEQUENCE {
172 maxSpeed CameraPanSpeed,
173 minSpeed CameraPanSpeed,
174 speedStepSize CameraPanSpeed
177 CameraTiltSpeedCapability ::= SEQUENCE {
178 maxSpeed CameraTiltSpeed,
179 minSpeed CameraTiltSpeed,
180 speedStepSize CameraTiltSpeed
183 MaxBacklight ::= INTEGER(1..255)
185 MaxWhiteBalance ::= INTEGER(1..255)
187 MinZoomPositionSetSize ::= INTEGER(1..1023)
189 MinFocusPositionStepSize ::= INTEGER(1..127)
191 MinIrisPositionStepSize ::= INTEGER(1..127)
193 PanPositionCapability ::= SEQUENCE {
194 maxLeft INTEGER(-18000..0), -- Max pan left
195 maxRight INTEGER(0..18000), -- Max pan right
196 minStepSize INTEGER(1..18000)
199 TiltPositionCapability ::= SEQUENCE {
200 maxDown INTEGER(-18000..0), -- Max tilt down
201 maxUp INTEGER(0..18000), -- Max tilt up
202 minStepSize INTEGER(1..18000)
205 MinZoomMagnificationStepSize ::= INTEGER(1..1000)
207 MaxNumberOfSlides ::= INTEGER(1..1024)
209 MaxSlideDisplayTime ::= INTEGER(1..255) -- Max time in seconds
212 MaxNumberOfPrograms ::= INTEGER(1..1023)
214 PlayBackSpeedCapability ::= SEQUENCE {
215 multiplierFactors SET SIZE (1..64) OF INTEGER(10..1000),
216 divisorFactors SET SIZE (1..64) OF INTEGER(10..1000)
219 VideoInputsCapability ::= SEQUENCE {
220 numberOfDeviceInputs INTEGER(2..64),
221 numberOfDeviceRows INTEGER(1..64),
222 -- The Optional Device list is only included if the inputs are configurable
225 SEQUENCE {deviceClass DeviceClass,
226 deviceIdentifier DeviceID} OPTIONAL
229 AudioInputsCapability ::= SEQUENCE {
230 numberOfDeviceInputs INTEGER(2..64),
231 -- The Optional Device list is only included if the inputs are configurable
234 SEQUENCE {deviceClass DeviceClass,
235 deviceIdentifier DeviceID} OPTIONAL
238 DeviceAttribute ::= CHOICE {
239 deviceStateSupported NULL,
240 deviceDateSupported NULL,
241 deviceTimeSupported NULL,
242 devicePresetSupported DevicePresetCapability,
243 irisModeSupported NULL,
244 focusModeSupported NULL,
245 pointingModeSupported NULL,
246 cameraLensSupported CameraLensCapability,
247 cameraFilterSupported CameraFilterCapability,
248 homePositionSupported NULL,
249 externalCameraLightSupported ExternalCameraLightCapability,
250 clearCameraLensSupported NULL,
251 cameraPanSpeedSupported CameraPanSpeedCapability,
252 cameraTiltSpeedSupported CameraTiltSpeedCapability,
253 backLightModeSupported NULL,
254 backLightSettingSupported MaxBacklight,
255 whiteBalanceSettingSupported MaxWhiteBalance,
256 whiteBalanceModeSupported NULL,
257 calibrateWhiteBalanceSupported NULL,
258 focusImageSupported NULL,
259 captureImageSupported NULL,
260 panContinuousSupported NULL,
261 tiltContinuousSupported NULL,
262 zoomContinuousSupported NULL,
263 focusContinuousSupported NULL,
264 irisContinuousSupported NULL,
265 zoomPositionSupported MinZoomPositionSetSize,
266 focusPositionSupported MinFocusPositionStepSize,
267 irisPositionSupported MinIrisPositionStepSize,
268 panPositionSupported PanPositionCapability,
269 tiltPositionSupported TiltPositionCapability,
270 zoomMagnificationSupported MinZoomMagnificationStepSize,
271 panViewSupported NULL,
272 tiltViewSupported NULL,
273 selectSlideSupported MaxNumberOfSlides,
274 selectNextSlideSupported NULL,
275 slideShowModeSupported NULL,
276 playSlideShowSupported NULL,
277 setSlideDisplayTimeSupported MaxSlideDisplayTime,
278 continuousRewindSupported NULL,
279 continuousFastForwardSupported NULL,
280 searchBackwardsSupported NULL,
281 searchForwardsSupported NULL,
283 selectProgramSupported MaxNumberOfPrograms,
284 nextProgramSupported NULL,
285 gotoNormalPlayTimePointSupported NULL,
286 readStreamPlayerStateSupported NULL,
287 readProgramDurationSupported NULL,
288 continuousPlayBackModeSupported NULL,
289 playbackSpeedSupported PlayBackSpeedCapability,
291 setAudioOutputStateSupported NULL,
292 playToNormalPlayTimePointSupported NULL,
293 recordSupported NULL,
294 recordForDurationSupported NULL,
295 configurableVideoInputsSupported VideoInputsCapability,
296 videoInputsSupported VideoInputsCapability,
297 configurableAudioInputsSupported AudioInputsCapability,
298 audioInputsSupported AudioInputsCapability,
299 -- Attributes for Device Events
300 deviceLockStateChangedSupported NULL,
301 deviceAvailabilityChangedSupported NULL,
302 cameraPannedToLimitSupported NULL,
303 cameraTiltedToLimitSupported NULL,
304 cameraZoomedToLimitSupported NULL,
305 cameraFocusedToLimitSupported NULL,
306 autoSlideShowFinishedSupported NULL,
307 streamPlayerStateChangeSupported NULL,
308 streamPlayerProgramChangeSupported NULL,
309 nonStandardAttributeSupported NonStandardParameter,
313 DeviceState ::= CHOICE {active NULL,
317 DeviceDate ::= SEQUENCE {day Day,
322 DeviceTime ::= SEQUENCE {hour Hour,
326 DevicePreset ::= SEQUENCE {
327 presetNumber PresetNumber,
328 mode CHOICE {store NULL,
332 Mode ::= CHOICE {manual NULL,
336 PointingToggle ::= CHOICE {manual NULL,
341 SelectExternalLight ::= CHOICE {lightNumber INTEGER(1..10),
345 PanContinuous ::= SEQUENCE {
351 timeOut INTEGER(50..1000) -- Milliseconds
354 TiltContinuous ::= SEQUENCE {
360 timeOut INTEGER(50..1000) -- Milliseconds
363 ZoomContinuous ::= SEQUENCE {
365 CHOICE {telescopic NULL,
369 timeOut INTEGER(50..1000) -- Milliseconds
372 FocusContinuous ::= SEQUENCE {
378 timeOut INTEGER(50..1000) -- Milliseconds
381 IrisContinuous ::= SEQUENCE {
387 timeOut INTEGER(50..1000) -- Milliseconds
390 PositioningMode ::= CHOICE {relative NULL,
394 CameraLensNumber ::= INTEGER(1..255)
396 CameraFilterNumber ::= INTEGER(1..255)
398 SetZoomPosition ::= SEQUENCE {
399 zoomPosition ZoomPosition,
400 positioningMode PositioningMode
403 SetFocusPosition ::= SEQUENCE {
404 focusPosition FocusPosition,
405 positioningMode PositioningMode
408 SetIrisPosition ::= SEQUENCE {
409 irisPosition IrisPosition,
410 positioningMode PositioningMode
413 SetPanPosition ::= SEQUENCE {
414 panPosition PanPosition,
415 positioningMode PositioningMode
418 SetTiltPosition ::= SEQUENCE {
419 tiltPosition TiltPosition,
420 positioningMode PositioningMode
423 ZoomMagnification ::= INTEGER(10..1000)
425 PanView ::= INTEGER(-1000..1000)
427 TiltView ::= INTEGER(-1000..1000)
429 SlideNumber ::= INTEGER(0..1023)
431 SelectDirection ::= CHOICE {next NULL,
435 AutoSlideShowControl ::= CHOICE {start NULL,
440 AutoSlideDisplayTime ::=
441 INTEGER(1..255) -- Automatic slide display time in seconds
444 ProgramNumber ::= INTEGER(1..1023)
446 ProgramDuration ::= SEQUENCE {
447 hours INTEGER(0..24),
448 minutes INTEGER(0..59),
449 seconds INTEGER(0..59),
450 microseconds INTEGER(0..99999)
453 PlaybackSpeed ::= SEQUENCE {
454 scaleFactor INTEGER(10..1000),
455 multiplyFactor BOOLEAN -- TRUE to multiply, FALSE to divide
458 RecordForDuration ::= SEQUENCE {
459 hours INTEGER(0..24),
460 minutes INTEGER(0..59),
461 seconds INTEGER(0..59)
464 DeviceInputs ::= SEQUENCE {
465 -- When used with the configurableVideoInputs type this device list must only contain
466 -- devices that source a video stream.
467 -- When used with the configurableAudioInputs type this device list must only contain
468 -- devices that source an audio stream.
471 SEQUENCE {deviceClass DeviceClass,
472 deviceIdentifier DeviceID}
475 ControlAttribute ::= CHOICE {
476 setDeviceState DeviceState,
477 setDeviceDate DeviceDate,
478 setDeviceTime DeviceTime,
479 setDevicePreset DevicePreset,
482 setBackLightMode Mode,
483 setPointingMode PointingToggle,
484 selectCameraLens CameraLensNumber,
485 selectCameraFilter CameraFilterNumber,
486 gotoHomePosition NULL,
487 selectExternalLight SelectExternalLight,
488 clearCameraLens NULL,
489 setCameraPanSpeed CameraPanSpeed,
490 setCameraTiltSpeed CameraTiltSpeed,
491 setBackLight BackLight,
492 setWhiteBalance WhiteBalance,
493 setWhiteBalanceMode Mode,
494 calibrateWhiteBalance NULL,
497 panContinuous PanContinuous,
498 tiltContinuous TiltContinuous,
499 zoomContinuous ZoomContinuous,
500 focusContinuous FocusContinuous,
501 setZoomPosition SetZoomPosition,
502 setFocusPosition SetFocusPosition,
503 setIrisPosition SetIrisPosition,
504 setPanPosition SetPanPosition,
505 setTiltPosition SetTiltPosition,
506 setZoomMagnification ZoomMagnification,
508 setTiltView TiltView,
509 selectSlide SlideNumber,
510 selectNextSlide SelectDirection,
511 playAutoSlideShow AutoSlideShowControl,
512 setAutoSlideDisplayTime AutoSlideDisplayTime,
513 continuousRewindControl BOOLEAN, -- TRUE to start, FALSE to Stop
514 continuousFastForwardControl BOOLEAN, -- TRUE to start, FALSE to Stop
515 searchBackwardsControl BOOLEAN, -- TRUE to start, FALSE to Stop
516 searchForwardsControl BOOLEAN, -- TRUE to start, FALSE to Stop
517 pause BOOLEAN, -- TRUE to pause, FALSE to release
518 selectProgram ProgramNumber,
519 nextProgramSelect SelectDirection,
520 gotoNormalPlayTimePoint ProgramDuration,
521 continuousPlayBackMode BOOLEAN, -- TRUE to set continuous mode
522 setPlaybackSpeed PlaybackSpeed,
523 play BOOLEAN, -- TRUE to pause, FALSE to release
524 setAudioOutputMute BOOLEAN, -- TRUE to mute, FALSE to unmute
525 playToNormalPlayTimePoint ProgramDuration,
526 record BOOLEAN, -- TRUE to start, FALSE to Stop
527 recordForDuration RecordForDuration,
528 configureVideoInputs DeviceInputs, -- Device list contains Video devices
529 configureAudioInputs DeviceInputs, -- Device list contains Audio Devices
530 nonStandardControl NonStandardParameter,
534 StatusAttributeIdentifier ::= CHOICE {
538 getdevicePreset NULL,
541 getBacklightMode NULL,
542 getPointingMode NULL,
544 getCameraFilter NULL,
545 getExternalLight NULL,
546 getCameraPanSpeed NULL,
547 getCameraTiltSpeed NULL,
548 getBackLightMode NULL,
550 getWhiteBalance NULL,
551 getWhiteBalanceMode NULL,
552 getZoomPosition NULL,
553 getFocusPosition NULL,
554 getIrisPosition NULL,
556 getTiltPosition NULL,
557 getSelectedSlide NULL,
558 getAutoSlideDisplayTime NULL,
559 getSelectedProgram NULL,
560 getStreamPlayerState NULL,
561 getCurrentProgramDuration NULL,
562 getPlaybackSpeed NULL,
563 getAudioOutputState NULL,
564 getConfigurableVideoInputs NULL,
566 getConfigurableAudioInputs NULL,
568 getNonStandardStatus NonStandardIdentifier,
572 CurrentDeviceState ::= CHOICE {deviceState DeviceState,
576 CurrentDeviceDate ::= SEQUENCE {
577 currentDay CHOICE {day Day,
579 currentMonth CHOICE {month Month,
581 currentYear CHOICE {year Year,
585 CurrentDeviceTime ::= SEQUENCE {
586 currentHour CHOICE {hour Hour,
588 currentMinute CHOICE {minute Minute,
592 CurrentDevicePreset ::= CHOICE {preset PresetNumber,
596 CurrentMode ::= CHOICE {mode Mode,
600 CurrentPointingMode ::= CHOICE {
606 CurrentCameraLensNumber ::= CHOICE {
607 lensNumber CameraLensNumber,
611 CurrentCameraFilterNumber ::= CHOICE {
612 lensNumber CameraFilterNumber,
616 CurrentExternalLight ::= CHOICE {
617 lightNumber INTEGER(1..10),
622 CurrentCameraPanSpeed ::= CHOICE {speed CameraPanSpeed,
626 CurrentCameraTiltSpeed ::= CHOICE {speed CameraTiltSpeed,
630 CurrentBackLight ::= CHOICE {backLight BackLight,
634 CurrentWhiteBalance ::= CHOICE {whiteBalance WhiteBalance,
638 CurrentZoomPosition ::= CHOICE {zoomPosition ZoomPosition,
642 CurrentFocusPosition ::= CHOICE {
643 focusPosition FocusPosition,
647 CurrentIrisPosition ::= CHOICE {irisPosition IrisPosition,
651 CurrentPanPosition ::= CHOICE {panPosition PanPosition,
655 CurrentTiltPosition ::= CHOICE {tiltPosition TiltPosition,
659 CurrentSlide ::= CHOICE {slide SlideNumber,
663 CurrentAutoSlideDisplayTime ::= CHOICE {
664 time AutoSlideDisplayTime,
668 CurrentSelectedProgram ::= CHOICE {program ProgramNumber,
672 CurrentStreamPlayerState ::= CHOICE {state StreamPlayerState,
676 CurrentPlaybackSpeed ::= CHOICE {speed PlaybackSpeed,
680 CurrentAudioOutputMute ::= CHOICE {
681 mute BOOLEAN, -- TRUE if muted
685 StatusAttribute ::= CHOICE {
686 currentdeviceState CurrentDeviceState,
687 currentDeviceDate CurrentDeviceDate,
688 currentDeviceTime CurrentDeviceTime,
689 currentDevicePreset CurrentDevicePreset,
690 currentIrisMode CurrentMode,
691 currentFocusMode CurrentMode,
692 currentBackLightMode CurrentMode,
693 currentPointingMode CurrentPointingMode,
694 currentCameraLens CurrentCameraLensNumber,
695 currentCameraFilter CurrentCameraFilterNumber,
696 currentExternalLight CurrentExternalLight,
697 currentCameraPanSpeed CurrentCameraPanSpeed,
698 currentCameraTiltSpeed CurrentCameraTiltSpeed,
699 currentBackLight CurrentBackLight,
700 currentWhiteBalance CurrentWhiteBalance,
701 currentWhiteBalanceMode CurrentMode,
702 currentZoomPosition CurrentZoomPosition,
703 currentFocusPosition CurrentFocusPosition,
704 currentIrisPosition CurrentIrisPosition,
705 currentPanPosition CurrentPanPosition,
706 currentTiltPosition CurrentTiltPosition,
707 currentSlide CurrentSlide,
708 currentAutoSlideDisplayTime CurrentAutoSlideDisplayTime,
709 currentSelectedProgram CurrentSelectedProgram,
710 currentstreamPlayerState CurrentStreamPlayerState,
711 currentProgramDuration ProgramDuration,
712 currentPlaybackSpeed CurrentPlaybackSpeed,
713 currentAudioOutputMute CurrentAudioOutputMute,
714 configurableVideoInputs DeviceInputs,
715 videoInputs DeviceInputs,
716 configurableAudioInputs DeviceInputs,
717 audioInputs DeviceInputs,
718 nonStandardStatus NonStandardParameter,
722 DeviceEventIdentifier ::= CHOICE {
723 requestDeviceLockChanged NULL,
724 requestDeviceAvailabilityChanged NULL,
725 requestCameraPannedToLimit NULL,
726 requestCameraTiltedToLimit NULL,
727 requestCameraZoomedToLimit NULL,
728 requestCameraFocusedToLimit NULL,
729 requestAutoSlideShowFinished NULL,
730 requestStreamPlayerStateChange NULL,
731 requestStreamPlayerProgramChange NULL,
732 requestNonStandardEvent NonStandardIdentifier,
736 CameraPannedToLimit ::= CHOICE {left NULL,
740 CameraTiltedToLimit ::= CHOICE {up NULL,
744 CameraZoomedToLimit ::= CHOICE {telescopic NULL,
748 CameraFocusedToLimit ::= CHOICE {near NULL,
752 DeviceEvent ::= CHOICE {
753 deviceLockChanged BOOLEAN, -- TRUE if now locked FALSE if now unlocked
754 deviceAvailabilityChanged BOOLEAN, -- TRUE if available FALSE if now unavailable
755 cameraPannedToLimit CameraPannedToLimit,
756 cameraTiltedToLimit CameraTiltedToLimit,
757 cameraZoomedToLimit CameraZoomedToLimit,
758 cameraFocusedToLimit CameraFocusedToLimit,
759 autoSlideShowFinished NULL,
760 streamPlayerStateChange StreamPlayerState,
761 streamPlayerProgramChange ProgramNumber,
762 nonStandardEvent NonStandardParameter,
766 -- ==========================================================================
767 -- Part 2: PDU Messages
768 -- ==========================================================================
769 SourceSelectRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
770 requestHandle Handle,
771 deviceClass DeviceClass,
773 streamIdentifier StreamID,
777 SourceSelectResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
778 requestHandle Handle,
780 CHOICE {successful NULL,
782 deviceUnavailable NULL,
783 invalidStreamID NULL,
784 currentDeviceIsLocked NULL,
785 deviceIncompatible NULL,
790 SourceEventsRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
791 requestHandle Handle,
792 streamIdentifier StreamID,
793 sourceEventNotify BOOLEAN, -- TRUE to request source events
797 SourceEventsResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
798 requestHandle Handle,
799 deviceClass DeviceClass,
802 CHOICE {successful NULL,
803 eventsNotSupported NULL,
804 invalidStreamID NULL,
809 SourceChangeEventIndication ::= SEQUENCE {
810 deviceClass DeviceClass,
815 DeviceAttributeRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
816 requestHandle Handle,
817 deviceClass DeviceClass,
822 DeviceAttributeResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
823 requestHandle Handle,
824 deviceAttributeList SET OF DeviceAttribute OPTIONAL,
826 CHOICE {successful NULL,
833 DeviceLockRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
834 requestHandle Handle,
835 deviceClass DeviceClass,
837 lockFlag BOOLEAN, -- TRUE to lock
841 DeviceLockResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
842 requestHandle Handle,
844 CHOICE {successful NULL,
847 lockingNotSupported NULL,
848 deviceAlreadyLocked NULL,
853 DeviceLockEnquireRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
854 requestHandle Handle,
855 deviceClass DeviceClass,
860 DeviceLockEnquireResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
861 requestHandle Handle,
863 CHOICE {lockRequired NULL,
864 lockNotRequired NULL,
870 DeviceLockTerminatedIndication ::= SEQUENCE {
871 deviceClass DeviceClass,
876 DeviceControlRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
877 requestHandle Handle,
878 deviceClass DeviceClass,
880 controlAttributeList SET SIZE (1..8) OF ControlAttribute,
884 DeviceStatusEnquireRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
885 requestHandle Handle,
886 deviceClass DeviceClass,
888 statusAttributeIdentifierList SET SIZE (1..16) OF StatusAttributeIdentifier,
892 DeviceStatusEnquireResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
893 requestHandle Handle,
894 statusAttributeList SET SIZE (1..16) OF StatusAttribute OPTIONAL,
896 CHOICE {successful NULL,
899 deviceUnavailable NULL,
900 deviceAttributeError NULL,
905 ConfigureDeviceEventsRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
906 requestHandle Handle,
907 deviceClass DeviceClass,
909 deviceEventIdentifierList SET OF DeviceEventIdentifier,
913 ConfigureDeviceEventsResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
914 requestHandle Handle,
916 CHOICE {successful NULL,
919 deviceUnavailable NULL,
920 deviceAttributeError NULL,
925 DeviceEventNotifyIndication ::= SEQUENCE {
926 deviceClass DeviceClass,
928 deviceEventList SET SIZE (1..8) OF DeviceEvent,
932 NonStandardPDU ::= SEQUENCE {nonStandardData NonStandardParameter,
936 -- ==========================================================================
937 -- Part 3: Messages sent using lower layer protocol
938 -- ==========================================================================
941 response ResponsePDU,
942 indication IndicationPDU
945 RequestPDU ::= CHOICE {
946 sourceSelectRequest SourceSelectRequest,
947 sourceEventsRequest SourceEventsRequest,
948 deviceAttributeRequest DeviceAttributeRequest,
949 deviceLockRequest DeviceLockRequest,
950 deviceLockEnquireRequest DeviceLockEnquireRequest,
951 deviceControlRequest DeviceControlRequest,
952 deviceStatusEnquireRequest DeviceStatusEnquireRequest,
953 configureDeviceEventsRequest ConfigureDeviceEventsRequest,
954 nonStandardRequest NonStandardPDU,
958 ResponsePDU ::= CHOICE {
959 sourceSelectResponse SourceSelectResponse,
960 sourceEventsResponse SourceEventsResponse,
961 deviceAttributeResponse DeviceAttributeResponse,
962 deviceLockResponse DeviceLockResponse,
963 deviceLockEnquireResponse DeviceLockEnquireResponse,
964 deviceStatusEnquireResponse DeviceStatusEnquireResponse,
965 configureDeviceEventsResponse ConfigureDeviceEventsResponse,
966 nonStandardResponse NonStandardPDU,
970 IndicationPDU ::= CHOICE {
971 sourceChangeEventIndication SourceChangeEventIndication,
972 deviceLockTerminatedIndication DeviceLockTerminatedIndication,
973 deviceEventNotifyIndication DeviceEventNotifyIndication,
974 nonStandardIndication NonStandardPDU,
980 -- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D