Kerberos: add kerberos_inject_longterm_key() helper function
[wireshark-sm.git] / epan / dissectors / asn1 / its / ISO_TS_19321.asn
1 -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2 -- ISO TS 19321
3 --
4 -- This ASN.1 was generateds: 30.08.2016
5 --
6 -- Due to typos in the published version,
7 -- small ASN.1 syntax adaptations have been executed
8 --
9 -- Published version location:
10 --
11 -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
13 IVI {iso (1) standard (0) ivi (19321) version1 (1)}
18 ItsPduHeader, Altitude, DangerousGoodsBasic , DeltaLatitude, DeltaLongitude, DeltaReferencePosition, Heading, HeadingValue, Latitude, LanePosition, Longitude, ReferencePosition, RoadType, SpecialTransportType, Speed, StationType, TimestampIts, VehicleRole
19 FROM ITS-Container {  itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts (102894) cdd (2) version (2) }
21 AxleWeightLimits, DieselEmissionValues, ExhaustEmissionValues, EngineCharacteristics, EnvironmentalCharacteristics, PassengerCapacity , Provider, SoundLevel, VehicleDimensions,  VehicleWeightLimits
22 FROM EfcDsrcApplication {iso(1) standard(0) 14906 application(0) version5(5)}
24 EuVehicleCategoryCode, Iso3833VehicleType
25 FROM ElectronicRegistrationIdentificationVehicleDataModule {iso(1) standard(0) iso24534 (24534) vehicleData (1) version1 (1)}
28 VarLengthNumber
29 FROM CITSapplMgmtIDs {iso(1) standard(0) cits-applMgmt (17419) ids (1) version1 (1)}
31 -- Wireshark modification
32 IviIdentificationNumber
33 FROM ETSI-ITS-CDD {itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) 102894 cdd (2) major-version-4 (4) minor-version-1 (1)}
36 -- End of IMPORTS
39 --Definition of IVI message to be send over the air is outside of the scope and given for information only:
42         header  ItsPduHeader,
43         ivi     IviStructure
46 --Definition of IVI Structure
50 IviStructure::= SEQUENCE{
51         mandatory               IVIManagementContainer,
52         optional                SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF IviContainer OPTIONAL
53         }
55 --Definition of Containers
57 IviContainer::= CHOICE {
58         glc             GeographicLocationContainer,
59         giv             GeneralIviContainer,
60         rcc             RoadConfigurationContainer,
61         tc              TextContainer,
62         lac             LayoutContainer,
63         ...     -- extension for future containers
64         }
66 -- Prefix IVI added due to naming collision with data element ManagementContainer of Module DENM-PDU-Descriptions
67 IVIManagementContainer::= SEQUENCE {
68         serviceProviderId                       Provider,
69         iviIdentificationNumber         IviIdentificationNumber,
70         timeStamp                                       TimestampIts OPTIONAL,
71         validFrom                                       TimestampIts OPTIONAL,
72         validTo                                         TimestampIts OPTIONAL,
73         connectedIviStructures          SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF IviIdentificationNumber OPTIONAL,
74         iviStatus                                       IviStatus,
75         ...
76         }
78 GeographicLocationContainer::= SEQUENCE {
79         referencePosition                       ReferencePosition,
80         referencePositionTime           TimestampIts OPTIONAL,
81         referencePositionHeading        Heading OPTIONAL,
82         referencePositionSpeed          Speed OPTIONAL,
83         parts                                           SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16,...)) OF GlcPart,
84         ...
85         }
87 GlcPart::= SEQUENCE {
88         zoneId                                          Zid,
89         laneNumber                                      LanePosition OPTIONAL,
90         zoneExtension                           INTEGER (0..255) OPTIONAL,
91         zoneHeading                                     HeadingValue OPTIONAL,
92         zone                                            Zone OPTIONAL,
93         ...
94         }
96 GeneralIviContainer::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16,...)) OF GicPart
98 GicPart::= SEQUENCE {
99         detectionZoneIds                        SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF Zid OPTIONAL,
100         its-Rrid                                VarLengthNumber OPTIONAL,
101         relevanceZoneIds                SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF Zid OPTIONAL,
102         direction                               Direction OPTIONAL,
103         driverAwarenessZoneIds  SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF Zid OPTIONAL,
104         minimumAwarenessTime    INTEGER (0..255) OPTIONAL,
105         applicableLanes                 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF LanePosition OPTIONAL,
106         iviType                                 IviType,
107         iviPurpose                              IviPurpose OPTIONAL,
108         laneStatus                              LaneStatus OPTIONAL,
109         vehicleCharacteristics  SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8, ...)) OF CompleteVehicleCharacteristics OPTIONAL,
110         driverCharacteristics   DriverCharacteristics OPTIONAL,
111         layoutId                                INTEGER(1..4,...) OPTIONAL,
112         preStoredlayoutId               INTEGER(1..64,...) OPTIONAL,
113         roadSignCodes                   SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF RSCode,
114         extraText                               SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF Text (WITH COMPONENTS {layoutComponentId, language, textContent (SIZE(1..32))}) OPTIONAL,
115         ...
116         }
118 RoadConfigurationContainer::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16,...)) OF RccPart
120 RccPart::= SEQUENCE{
121         zoneIds                         SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF Zid,
122         roadType                        RoadType,
123         laneConfiguration       SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16,...)) OF LaneInformation,
124         ...
125         }
127 TextContainer::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16,...)) OF TcPart
129 TcPart::= SEQUENCE {
130         detectionZoneIds                        SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF Zid OPTIONAL,
131         relevanceZoneIds                SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF Zid,
132         direction                               Direction OPTIONAL,
133         driverAwarenessZoneIds  SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF Zid OPTIONAL,
134         minimumAwarenessTime    INTEGER (0..255) OPTIONAL,
135         applicableLanes                 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF LanePosition OPTIONAL,
136         layoutId                                INTEGER(1..4,...) OPTIONAL,
137         preStoredlayoutId               INTEGER(1..64,...) OPTIONAL,
138         text                                    SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF Text OPTIONAL,
139         data                                    OCTET STRING,
140         ...
141         }
143 LayoutContainer::=SEQUENCE{
144         layoutId                        INTEGER(1..4,...),
145         height                          INTEGER(10..73) OPTIONAL,
146         width                           INTEGER(10..265) OPTIONAL,
147         layoutComponents        SEQUENCE SIZE (1..4,...) OF LayoutComponent,
148         ...
149                 }
151 --  Definition of Data Frames & Elements
153 AbsolutePosition::= SEQUENCE{
154         latitude Latitude,
155         longitude Longitude
156                 }
158 AbsolutePositionWAltitude::= SEQUENCE{
159         latitude Latitude,
160         longitude Longitude,
161         altitude Altitude
162         }
164 AnyCatalogue::=SEQUENCE{
165         owner                   Provider,
166         version                 INTEGER(0..255),
167         pictogramCode   INTEGER(0..65535),
168         value                   INTEGER (0..65535) OPTIONAL,
169         unit                    RSCUnit OPTIONAL,
170         attributes              ISO14823Attributes OPTIONAL
171         }
173 ComparisonOperator ::= INTEGER {
174         greaterThan                             (0),
175         greaterThanOrEqualTo    (1),
176         lessThan                                (2),
177         lessThanOrEqualTo               (3)
178 } (0..3)
180 CompleteVehicleCharacteristics::= SEQUENCE{
181         tractor         TractorCharacteristics OPTIONAL,
182         trailer         SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF TrailerCharacteristics OPTIONAL,
183         train           TrainCharacteristics OPTIONAL
184         }
186 ComputedSegment::= SEQUENCE {
187         zoneId                          Zid,
188         laneNumber                      LanePosition,
189         laneWidth                       IVILaneWidth,
190         offsetDistance          INTEGER (-32768..32767) OPTIONAL,
191         offsetPosition          DeltaReferencePosition  OPTIONAL
192         }
194 DeltaPosition::=SEQUENCE{
195         deltaLatitude           DeltaLatitude,
196         deltaLongitude          DeltaLongitude
197                 }
199 Direction::= INTEGER{
200         sameDirection                   (0),
201         oppositeDirection               (1),
202         bothDirections                  (2),
203         valueNotUsed                    (3)
204         } (0..3)
206 Distance::= SEQUENCE {
207         value   INTEGER(1..16384),
208         unit    RSCUnit (2..4|6..8)
209                 }
211 DistanceOrDuration::= SEQUENCE {
212         value   INTEGER(1..16384),
213         unit    RSCUnit (2..9)
214                 }
216 DriverCharacteristics::= INTEGER{
217         unexperiencedDrivers            (0),
218         experiencedDrivers                      (1),
219         rfu1                                            (2),
220         rfu2                                            (3)
221         } (0..3)
223 GoodsType::= INTEGER {
224         ammunition                                      (0),
225         chemicals                                       (1),
226         empty                                           (2),
227         fuel                                            (3),
228         glass                                           (4),
229         dangerous                                       (5),
230         liquid                                          (6),
231         liveStock                                       (7),
232         dangerousForPeople                      (8),
233         dangerousForTheEnvironment      (9),
234         dangerousForWater                       (10),
235         perishableProducts                      (11),
236         pharmaceutical                          (12),
237         vehicles                                        (13)
238         -- other values  reserved for future use
239         } (0..15,...)
242 ISO14823Attributes::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8,...)) OF CHOICE{
243         dtm DTM,        -- Date/Time/Period
244         edt     EDT,    -- Exemption status of Date/Time/Period
245         dfl     DFL,    -- Directional Flow of Lane
246         ved     VED,    -- Vehicle Dimensions
247         spe     SPE,    -- Speed
248         roi     ROI,    -- Rate of Incline
249         dbv     DBV,    -- Distance Between Vehicles
250         ddd     DDD     -- Destination/Direction/Distance
251         }
253 ISO14823Code ::= SEQUENCE{
254         pictogramCode           SEQUENCE {
255                 countryCode             OCTET STRING (SIZE (2)) OPTIONAL,
256         serviceCategoryCode     CHOICE {
257                         trafficSignPictogram              ENUMERATED {dangerWarning, regulatory, informative,...},
258                         publicFacilitiesPictogram         ENUMERATED {publicFacilities, ...},
259             ambientOrRoadConditionPictogram   ENUMERATED {ambientCondition, roadCondition,...},
260                  ...},
261          pictogramCategoryCode   SEQUENCE {
262                   nature            INTEGER (1..9),
263                   serialNumber      INTEGER (0..99)
264             }},
265       attributes        ISO14823Attributes OPTIONAL
266       }
268 -- Wireshark modification
269 -- IviIdentificationNumber::= INTEGER(1..32767,...)
271 IviPurpose::= INTEGER {
272         safety                                  (0),
273         environmental                   (1),
274         trafficOptimisation     (2)
275         } (0..3)
277 IviStatus::= INTEGER {
278         new                     (0),
279         update                  (1),
280         cancellation    (2),
281         negation                (3)
282         -- other values  reserved for future use
283         }(0..7)
285 IviType::= INTEGER {
286         immediateDangerWarningMessages                  (0),
287         regulatoryMessages                                              (1),
288         trafficRelatedInformationMessages               (2),
289         pollutionMessages                                               (3),
290         notTrafficRelatedInformationMessages    (4)
291         -- other values  reserved for future use
292         } (0..7)
294 LaneInformation::= SEQUENCE{
295         laneNumber                      LanePosition,
296         direction                       Direction,
297         validity                        DTM OPTIONAL,
298         laneType                        LaneType,
299         laneTypeQualifier       CompleteVehicleCharacteristics OPTIONAL,
300         laneStatus                      LaneStatus,
301         laneWidth               IVILaneWidth OPTIONAL,
302         ...
303         }
305 LaneStatus::= INTEGER {
306         open                            (0),
307         closed                          (1),
308         mergeR                          (2),
309         mergeL                          (3),
310         mergeLR                         (4),
311         provisionallyOpen       (5),
312         diverging                       (6)
313         -- value 7 reserved for future use
314 } (0..7, ...)
316 LaneType::= INTEGER{
317         traffic                         (0),
318         through                         (1),
319         reversible                      (2),
320         acceleration            (3),
321         deceleration            (4),
322         leftHandTurning         (5),
323         rightHandTurning        (6),
324         dedicatedVehicle        (7),
325         bus                                     (8),
326         taxi                            (9),
327         hov                                     (10),
328         hot                                     (11),
329         pedestrian                      (12),
330         bikeLane                        (13),
331         median              (14),
332         striping                        (15),
333         trackedVehicle          (16),
334         parking                         (17),
335         emergency                       (18),
336         verge                           (19)
337 -- values 20 to 31 reserved for future use
338         }(0..31)
340 -- Prefix IVI added due to naming collision with data element LaneWidth of Module DSRC
341 IVILaneWidth::= INTEGER (0..1023)
343 LayoutComponent::=SEQUENCE{
344         layoutComponentId       INTEGER(1..8,...),
345         height                          INTEGER(10..73),
346         width                           INTEGER(10..265),
347         x                                       INTEGER(10..265),
348         y                                       INTEGER(10..73),
349         textScripting           INTEGER {horizontal (0),  vertical (1)}(0..1)
350         }
352 LoadType::= SEQUENCE{
353         goodsType                               GoodsType,
354         dangerousGoodsType              DangerousGoodsBasic,
355         specialTransportType    SpecialTransportType
356         }
358 PolygonalLine::= CHOICE {
359         deltaPositions                                  SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32,...)) OF DeltaPosition,
360         deltaPositionsWithAltitude              SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32,...)) OF DeltaReferencePosition,
361         absolutePositions                               SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF AbsolutePosition,
362         absolutePositionsWithAltitude   SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF AbsolutePositionWAltitude,
363         ...
364         }
366 RSCode::= SEQUENCE{
367         layoutComponentId       INTEGER(1..4,...) OPTIONAL,
368         code                            CHOICE {
369                 viennaConvention        VcCode, -- see Vienna Convention Annex A
370                 iso14823                        ISO14823Code,
371                 itisCodes                       INTEGER (0..65535), -- see SAE J2540
372                 anyCatalogue            AnyCatalogue,
373                 ...
374                 }}
376 RSCUnit::= INTEGER {
377         kmperh                          (0),
378         milesperh                       (1),
379         kilometer                       (2),
380         meter                           (3),
381         decimeter                       (4),
382         centimeter                      (5),
383         mile                            (6),
384         yard                            (7),
385         foot                            (8),
386         minutesOfTime           (9),
387         tonnes                          (10), --1000 kg, not Ton!
388         hundredkg                       (11),
389         pound                           (12), --lbs
390         rateOfIncline           (13)
391         -- other value reserved for future use
392         } (0..15)
395 Segment::= SEQUENCE {
396         line                    PolygonalLine,
397         laneWidth               IVILaneWidth OPTIONAL
398         }
400 Text::= SEQUENCE {
401         layoutComponentId       INTEGER(1..4,...) OPTIONAL,
402         language                        BIT STRING (SIZE(10)),
403         textContent                     UTF8String
404         }
406 TractorCharacteristics::=SEQUENCE{
407         equalTo                 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF  VehicleCharacteristicsFixValues OPTIONAL,
408     notEqualTo          SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF  VehicleCharacteristicsFixValues OPTIONAL,
409         ranges          SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF  VehicleCharacteristicsRanges OPTIONAL
412 TrailerCharacteristics::=SEQUENCE{
413         equalTo         SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF VehicleCharacteristicsFixValues (WITH COMPONENTS {..., euroAndCo2value ABSENT, engineCharacteristics ABSENT}) OPTIONAL,
414         notEqualTo      SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF VehicleCharacteristicsFixValues (WITH COMPONENTS {..., euroAndCo2value ABSENT, engineCharacteristics ABSENT}) OPTIONAL,
415         ranges          SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF VehicleCharacteristicsRanges (WITH COMPONENTS {comparisonOperator, limits (WITH COMPONENTS {..., exhaustEmissionValues ABSENT, dieselEmissionValues ABSENT, soundLevel ABSENT})})  OPTIONAL
416         }
418 TrainCharacteristics::= TractorCharacteristics
420 VcClass::= INTEGER {
421         classA  (0),
422         classB  (1),
423         classC  (2),
424         classD  (3),
425         classE  (4),
426         classF  (5),
427         classG  (6),
428         classH  (7)
429         } (0..7)
431 VcCode::= SEQUENCE {
432         roadSignClass   VcClass,  -- see Vienna Convention
433         roadSignCode    INTEGER (1..64),
434         vcOption                VcOption, -- e.g. the "a" in H, 3a
435         validity                SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF DTM OPTIONAL,
436         value                   INTEGER (0..65535) OPTIONAL,
437         unit                    RSCUnit OPTIONAL
438         }
440 VcOption::= INTEGER {
441         none    (0),
442         a               (1),
443         b               (2),
444         c               (3),
445         d               (4),
446         e               (5),
447         f               (6),
448         g               (7)
449         } (0..7)
451 VehicleCharacteristicsFixValues::= CHOICE{
452         simpleVehicleType                       StationType,
453         euVehicleCategoryCode           EuVehicleCategoryCode,
454         iso3833VehicleType                      Iso3833VehicleType,
455         euroAndCo2value                         EnvironmentalCharacteristics,
456         engineCharacteristics           EngineCharacteristics,
457         loadType                                        LoadType,
458         usage                                           VehicleRole,
459         ...}
461 VehicleCharacteristicsRanges::= SEQUENCE{
462         comparisonOperator                      ComparisonOperator,
463         limits                                  CHOICE{
464                 numberOfAxles                           INTEGER(0..7),
465                 vehicleDimensions                       VehicleDimensions,
466                 vehicleWeightLimits                     VehicleWeightLimits,
467                 axleWeightLimits                        AxleWeightLimits,
468                 passengerCapacity                       PassengerCapacity,
469                 exhaustEmissionValues           ExhaustEmissionValues,
470                 dieselEmissionValues            DieselEmissionValues,
471                 soundLevel                                      SoundLevel,
472                 ...}}
474 Weight::= SEQUENCE {
475                         value   INTEGER(1..16384),
476                         unit    RSCUnit (10..12)
477                 }
479 Zid::= INTEGER (1..32,...)
481 Zone::= CHOICE {
482         segment                         Segment,
483         area                            PolygonalLine,
484         computedSegment         ComputedSegment,
485         ...
486         }
488 -- Definition of the single ISO 14823 Attributes
491 DTM ::= SEQUENCE {
492         year            SEQUENCE { -- contains SYR and EYR
493                 syr     INTEGER(2000..2127,...),
494                 eyr             INTEGER(2000..2127,...)
495                                         } OPTIONAL,
496         month-day       SEQUENCE { -- contains SMD and EMD
497                 smd             MonthDay,
498                 emd     MonthDay
499                                         } OPTIONAL,
500         pmd             PMD OPTIONAL,
501         hourMinutes SEQUENCE { -- contains SHM and EHM
502                 shm     HoursMinutes,
503                 ehm     HoursMinutes
504         } OPTIONAL,
505         dayOfWeek  DayOfWeek OPTIONAL, -- corresponds to SDY and EDY
506         period HoursMinutes OPTIONAL -- corresponds to LDM
509 MonthDay ::= SEQUENCE {
510         month   INTEGER (1..12),
511         day             INTEGER (1..31)
514 PMD::= BIT STRING {national-holiday (0), even-days(1), odd-days(2), market-day(3) } (SIZE (4))
516 HoursMinutes ::= SEQUENCE {
517         hours           INTEGER (0..23), -- number of hours after midnight
518         mins            INTEGER (0..59) -- number of minutes after the hour
519         }
521 -- Prefix IVI added due to naming collision with data element DayOfWeek of Module DSRC
522 DayOfWeek ::= BIT STRING {unused(0), monday(1), tuesday(2), wednesday(3), thursday(4), friday(5), saturday(6), sunday(7)} (SIZE (8))
524 EDT ::= DTM
528 DFL::= INTEGER {
529     sDL (1) , -- Straight Direction Only
530     sLT (2) , -- Straight and Left Turn Only
531     sRT (3) , -- Straight and Right Turn Only
532     lTO (4) , -- Left Turn Only
533     rTO (5) , -- Right Turn Only
534     cLL (6) , -- Convergence from the Left Lane
535     cRI (7) , -- Convergence from the Right Lane
536     oVL (8)   -- Oncoming Vehicles Lane
537                } (1..8)
540         hei                             Distance OPTIONAL,
541         wid                             Distance OPTIONAL,
542         vln                             Distance OPTIONAL,
543         wei                             Weight OPTIONAL
544                 }
547         spm             INTEGER(0..250) OPTIONAL,
548         mns             INTEGER(0..250) OPTIONAL,
549         unit    RSCUnit(0..1)
550         }
552 ROI::= INTEGER(1..32)
554 DBV::= Distance
555 -- changes: from DDD_IO to DDD-IO
557         dcj                     INTEGER(1..128) OPTIONAL,
558         dcr                     INTEGER(1..128)OPTIONAL,
559         tpl                     INTEGER(1..128)OPTIONAL,
560         ioList          SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8,...)) OF DDD-IO
561         }
562 -- changes: from DDD_IO to DDD-IO
564                 drn                     INTEGER(0..7),
565                 dp                      SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF DestinationPlace OPTIONAL,
566                 dr                      SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF DestinationRoad OPTIONAL,
567                 rne                     INTEGER(1..999) OPTIONAL,
568                 stnId           INTEGER(1..999) OPTIONAL,
569                 stnText         UTF8String OPTIONAL,
570                 dcp                     DistanceOrDuration OPTIONAL,
571                 ddp                     DistanceOrDuration OPTIONAL
572                 }
573 -- changes: from DDD_DEP to DDD-DEP
574 DestinationPlace::= SEQUENCE{
575                 depType         DDD-DEP,
576                 -- Encoding problem: to be checked if the statement is ASN.1 compatible
577                 -- depRSCode    ISO14823Code (WITH COMPONENTS {..., attributes ABSENT}) OPTIONAL,
578                 depRSCode       ISO14823Code OPTIONAL,
579                 depBlob         OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
580                 plnId           INTEGER(1..999) OPTIONAL,
581                 plnText         UTF8String OPTIONAL
582                 }
583 -- changes: from DDD_DER to DDD-DER
584 DestinationRoad::=SEQUENCE{
585                 derType         DDD-DER,
586                 ronId           INTEGER(1..999) OPTIONAL,
587                 ronText         UTF8String OPTIONAL
588                 }
589 -- changes: from DDD_DER to DDD-DER
591         none                                    (0),
592         nationalHighway                 (1),
593         localHighway                    (2),
594         tollExpresswayMotorway  (3),
595         internationalHighway    (4),
596         highway                                 (5),
597         expressway                              (6),
598         nationalRoad                    (7),
599         regionalProvincialRoad  (8),
600         localRoad                               (9),
601         motorwayJunction                (10),
602         diversion                               (11),
603         rfu1                                    (12),
604         rfu2                                    (13),
605         rfu3                                    (14),
606         rfu4                                    (15)
607         } (0..15, ...)
608 -- changes: from DDD_DEP to DDD-DEP
610         none                            (0),
611         importantArea           (1),
612         principalArea           (2),
613         generalArea                     (3),
614         wellKnownPoint          (4),
615         country                         (5),
616         city                            (6),
617         street                          (7),
618         industrialArea          (8),
619         historicArea            (9),
620         touristicArea           (10),
621         culturalArea            (11),
622         touristicRoute          (12),
623         recommendedRoute        (13),
624         touristicAttraction     (14),
625         geographicArea          (15)
626         } (0..15, ...)