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[wireshark-sm.git] / epan / dissectors / asn1 / isdn-sup / Diversion-Operations.asn
1 --
2 -- ETSI EN 300 207-1 V3.1.1 (2001-06)
3 --
5 Diversion-Operations {etsi(0) xx(207) operations-and-errors(1)}
11 EXPORTS             ActivationDiversion, 
12                     DeactivationDiversion,
13                     ActivationStatusNotificationDiv,
14                     DeactivationStatusNotificationDiv,
15                     InterrogationDiversion,
16                     InterrogateServedUserNumbers,
17                     DiversionInformation,
18                     CallDeflection,
19                     CallRerouteing,
20                     DivertingLegInformation1,
21                     DivertingLegInformation2,
22                     DivertingLegInformation3,
23                     InvalidDivertedToNr,
24                     SpecialServiceNr,
25                     DiversionToServedUserNr,
26                     IncomingCallAccepted,
27                     NumberOfDiversionsExceeded,
28                     NotActivated,
29                     RequestAlreadyAccepted,
30                     invalidDivertedToNr,
31                     specialServiceNr,
32                     diversionToServedUserNr,
33                     incomingCallAccepted,
34                     numberOfDiversionsExceeded,
35                     notActivated,
36                     requestAlreadyAccepted,
37 ServedUserNr;
39 IMPORTS  OPERATION, ERROR FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects 
40     {joint-iso-itu-t (2) remote-operations (4) informationObjects(5) version1(0)} 
42                     notSubscribed,
43                     notAvailable,
44                     invalidServedUserNr,
45                     basicServiceNotProvided,
46                     supplementaryServiceInteractionNotAllowed,
47                     resourceUnavailable
48                     FROM General-Errors
49                         {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) 196 general-errors(2)}
51                     PresentedAddressScreened,
52                     PresentedNumberUnscreened,
53                     Address,
54                     PartyNumber,
55                     PartySubaddress,
56                     PresentationAllowedIndicator
58                     FROM Addressing-Data-Elements
59                         {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) 196 addressing-data-elements(6)}
61                     BasicService
62                     FROM Basic-Service-Elements
63                         {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) 196 basic-service-elements(8)}
65                     Q931InformationElement
66                     FROM Embedded-Q931-Types
67                         {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) 196 embedded-q931-types(7)};
70         activationDiversion OPERATION ::= {
71            ARGUMENT       ActivationDiversionArg 
72            RETURN RESULT     FALSE 
74            ERRORS {
75                         notSubscribed,
76                         notAvailable,
77                         invalidServedUserNr,
78                         supplementaryServiceInteractionNotAllowed,
79                         basicServiceNotProvided,
80                         resourceUnavailable,
81                         invalidDivertedToNr,
82                         specialServiceNr,
83                         diversionToServedUserNr,
84                         invalidNoReplyTimerValue}
85            CODE        local:  7} 
87     ActivationDiversionArg ::= SEQUENCE {
88         procedure               Procedure,
89         basicService            BasicService,
90         forwardedToAddress      Address,
91         servedUserNr            ServedUserNr,
92                 noReplyTimer                NoReplyTimer OPTIONAL
93         }
98 -- End of ActivationDiversion operation definition
100         deactivationDiversion OPERATION ::= {
101            ARGUMENT       DeactivationDiversionArg 
102            RETURN RESULT     FALSE 
103            ALWAYS RESPONDS  FALSE 
104        ERRORS {
105         notSubscribed |
106         notAvailable |
107         invalidServedUserNr |
108         NotActivated}
109            CODE        local:  8} 
111         DeactivationDiversionArg   ::=  SEQUENCE {   
112                 procedure               Procedure,
113         basicService            BasicService,
114         servedUserNr            ServedUserNr
115         }
118 -- End of DeactivationDiversion operation definition
120         activationStatusNotificationDiv OPERATION ::= {
121            ARGUMENT      ActivationStatusNotificationDivArg 
122            RETURN RESULT     FALSE 
123            ALWAYS RESPONDS  FALSE 
124            CODE        local:  9} 
126     ActivationStatusNotificationDivArg ::= SEQUENCE {
127         procedure               Procedure,
128         basicService            BasicService,
129         forwardedToAddresss     Address,
130         servedUserNr            ServedUserNr}
132 -- End of ActivationStatusNotificationDiv operation definition
134         deactivationStatusNotificationDiv OPERATION ::= {
135            ARGUMENT      DeactivationStatusNotificationDivArg 
136            RETURN RESULT     FALSE 
137            ALWAYS RESPONDS  FALSE 
138            CODE        local:  10} 
140     DeactivationStatusNotificationDivArg ::= SEQUENCE {
141         procedure               Procedure,
142         basicService            BasicService,
143         servedUserNr            ServedUserNr}
145 -- End of DeactivationStatusNotificationDiv operation definition
147         interrogationDiversion  OPERATION ::= {
148            ARGUMENT      InterrogationDiversionArg 
149            RESULT                InterrogationDiversionRes 
150         ERRORS {
151             notSubscribed |
152             notAvailable |
153             invalidServedUserNr}
154            CODE        local:  11} 
156     InterrogationDiversionArg ::= SEQUENCE {
157         procedure               Procedure,
158         basicService            BasicService DEFAULT allServices,
159         servedUserNr            ServedUserNr}
161         InterrogationDiversionRes ::=  IntResultList
164 -- End of InterrogationDiversion operation definition
166         interrogateServedUserNumbers  OPERATION ::= {
167            RESULT     InterrogateServedUserNumbersRes 
168         ERRORS {
169             notSubscribed |
170             notAvailable}
171            CODE        local:  17} 
173         InterrogateServedUserNumbersRes ::= ServedUserNumberList
175 -- End of InterrogateServedUserNumbers operation definition
177         diversionInformation    OPERATION ::= {
178            ARGUMENT      DiversionInformationArg 
179            RETURN RESULT     FALSE 
180            ALWAYS RESPONDS  FALSE 
181            CODE        local:  12} 
183                 DiversionInformationArg ::= SEQUENCE {
184                         diversionReason         DiversionReason,
185                         basicService            BasicService,
186                         servedUserSubaddress    PartySubaddress OPTIONAL,
187                         callingAddress          [0] PresentedAddressScreened OPTIONAL,
188                         originalCalledNr        [1] PresentedNumberUnscreened OPTIONAL,
189                         lastDivertingNr         [2] PresentedNumberUnscreened OPTIONAL,
190                         lastDivertingReason     [3] DiversionReason OPTIONAL,
191                         userInfo                Q931InformationElement OPTIONAL}
193 -- The User-user information element, as specified in EN 300 286-1 [19]  clause 7.3.3 , shall be 
194 --embedded in the userInfo parameter.
196 -- End of DiversionInformation operation definition
198         callDeflection    OPERATION ::= {
199            ARGUMENT      CallDeflectionArg 
200            RETURN RESULT     FALSE 
201            ERRORS {
202                         notSubscribed |
203                         notAvailable |
204                         invalidDivertedToNr |
205                         specialServiceNr |
206                         diversionToServedUserNr |
207                         incomingCallAccepted |
208                         numberOfDiversionsExceeded |
209                         supplementaryServiceInteractionNotAllowed |
210                         requestAlreadyAccepted}
211            CODE        local:  13} 
213     CallDeflectionArg ::= SEQUENCE {
214         deflectionAddress                   Address,
215         presentationAllowedDivertedToUser   PresentationAllowedIndicator
216                                             OPTIONAL}
218 -- End of CallDeflection operation definition
220         callRerouteing    OPERATION ::= {
221            ARGUMENT      CallRerouteingArg 
222            RETURN RESULT     FALSE 
223            ALWAYS RESPONDS  FALSE 
224        ERRORS {
225         notSubscribed |
226         notAvailable |
227         supplementaryServiceInteractionNotAllowed |
228         resourceUnavailable |
229         invalidDivertedToNr |
230         specialServiceNr |
231         diversionToServedUserNr |
232         numberOfDiversionsExceeded}
233            CODE        local:  14} 
235     CallRerouteingArg ::= SEQUENCE {
236         rerouteingReason        DiversionReason,
237         calledAddress           Address,
238         rerouteingCounter       DiversionCounter,
239         q931InfoElement         Q931InformationElement,
240         lastRerouteingNr        [1] PresentedNumberUnscreened,
241         subscriptionOption      [2] SubscriptionOption
242                                     DEFAULT noNotification,
243         callingPartySubaddress  [3] PartySubaddress OPTIONAL}
245 -- The User-user information element (optional), High layer compatibility information element
246 -- (optional), Bearer capability information element and Low layer compatibility information 
247 -- element (optional) as specified in EN 300 403-1 [11] clause 4.5 shall be embedded in the 
248 -- q931InfoElement.
251 -- End of CallRerouteing operation definition
253         divertingLegInformation1    OPERATION ::= {
254            ARGUMENT      DivertingLegInformation1Arg 
255            RETURN RESULT     FALSE 
256            ALWAYS RESPONDS  FALSE 
257            CODE        local:  18} 
259         DivertingLegInformation1Arg ::= SEQUENCE {
260                 diversionReason         DiversionReason,
261                 subscriptionOption      SubscriptionOption,
262                 divertedToNumber        PresentedNumberUnscreened OPTIONAL}
264 -- End of DivertingLegInformation1 operation definition
267         divertingLegInformation2    OPERATION ::= {
268            ARGUMENT      DivertingLegInformation2Arg 
269            RETURN RESULT     FALSE 
270            ALWAYS RESPONDS  FALSE 
271            CODE        local:  15} 
273     DivertingLegInformation2Arg ::= SEQUENCE {
274         diversionCounter        DiversionCounter,
275         diversionReason         DiversionReason,
276         divertingNr             [1] PresentedNumberUnscreened OPTIONAL,
277         originalCalledNr        [2] PresentedNumberUnscreened OPTIONAL}
279 -- End of DivertingLegInformation2 operation definition
280         divertingLegInformation3    OPERATION ::= {
281            ARGUMENT      DivertingLegInformation3Arg 
282            RETURN RESULT     FALSE 
283            ALWAYS RESPONDS  FALSE 
284            CODE        local:  19} 
286     DivertingLegInformation3Arg ::=      PresentationAllowedIndicator
288 -- End of DivertingLegInformation3 operation definition
290 IntResultList               ::= SET SIZE (0..29) OF IntResult
292 IntResult                   ::= SEQUENCE   {servedUserNr          ServedUserNr,
293                                             basicService          BasicService,
294                                             procedure             Procedure,
295                                             forwardedToAddress    Address}
297 ServedUserNr                ::= CHOICE     {individualNumber      PartyNumber,
298                                             allNumbers            NULL}
300 DiversionCounter            ::= INTEGER (1..5)
302 SubscriptionOption          ::= ENUMERATED {noNotification                    (0),
303                                             notificationWithoutDivertedToNr   (1),
304                                             notificationWithDivertedToNr      (2)}
306 Procedure                   ::= ENUMERATED {cfu         (0),
307                                             cfb         (1),
308                                             cfnr        (2)}
310 ServedUserNumberList        ::= SET SIZE (0..99) OF PartyNumber
312 DiversionReason             ::= ENUMERATED {unknown     (0),
313                                             cfu         (1),
314                                             cfb         (2),
315                                             cfnr        (3),
316                                             cdAlerting  (4),
317                                             cdImmediate (5)}
319 NoReplyTimer                                            ::= INTEGER (1..180)
321 InvalidDivertedToNr         ::= ERROR
322 invalidDivertedToNr  ERROR ::= { CODE  local: 12}
324 SpecialServiceNr            ::= ERROR
325 specialServiceNr  ERROR ::= { CODE  local: 14}
327 DiversionToServedUserNr     ::= ERROR
328 diversionToServedUserNr  ERROR ::= { CODE  local: 15}
330 IncomingCallAccepted        ::= ERROR
331 incomingCallAccepted  ERROR ::= { CODE  local: 23}
333 NumberOfDiversionsExceeded  ::= ERROR
334 numberOfDiversionsExceeded  ERROR ::= { CODE  local: 24}
336 NotActivated                ::= ERROR
337 notActivated  ERROR ::= { CODE  local: 46}
339 RequestAlreadyAccepted      ::= ERROR
340 requestAlreadyAccepted  ERROR ::= { CODE  local: 48}
342 InvalidNoReplyTimerValue    ::= ERROR
343 --invalidNoReplyTimerValue  ERROR ::= { CODE  local: xx}
345 --deactivationDiversion               DeactivationDiversion               ::= localValue  8
346 --activationStatusNotificationDiv     ActivationStatusNotificationDiv     ::= localValue  9
347 --deactivationStatusNotificationDiv   DeactivationStatusNotificationDiv   ::= localValue 10
348 --interrogationDiversion              InterrogationDiversion              ::= localValue 11
349 --interrogateServedUserNumbers        InterrogateServedUserNumbers        ::= localValue 17
350 --diversionInformation                DiversionInformation                ::= localValue 12
351 --callDeflection                      CallDeflection                      ::= localValue 13
352 --callRerouteing                      CallRerouteing                      ::= localValue 14
353 --divertingLegInformation1            DivertingLegInformation1            ::= localValue 18
354 --divertingLegInformation3            DivertingLegInformation3            ::= localValue 19
355 --divertingLegInformation2            DivertingLegInformation2            ::= localValue 15
356 --invalidDivertedToNr                 InvalidDivertedToNr                 ::= localValue 12
357 --specialServiceNr                    SpecialServiceNr                    ::= localValue 14
358 --diversionToServedUserNr             DiversionToServedUserNr             ::= localValue 15
359 --incomingCallAccepted                IncomingCallAccepted                ::= localValue 23
360 --numberOfDiversionsExceeded          NumberOfDiversionsExceeded          ::= localValue 24
361 --notActivated                        NotActivated                        ::= localValue 46
362 --requestAlreadyAccepted              RequestAlreadyAccepted              ::= localValue 48
364 END -- of Diversion-Operations