2 # kpm-v2 conformation file
17 E2SM-KPM-EventTriggerDefinition
18 E2SM-KPM-ActionDefinition
19 E2SM-KPM-IndicationHeader
20 E2SM-KPM-IndicationMessage
21 E2SM-KPM-RANfunction-Description
47 #.FN_BODY RANfunction-Name/ranFunction-ShortName VAL_PTR=&value_tvb
50 if (!actx->pinfo->fd->visited) {
51 /* N.B. too early to work out exact dissector, as don't have OID yet */
52 e2ap_store_ran_function_mapping(actx->pinfo, tree, value_tvb,
53 tvb_get_string_enc(actx->pinfo->pool, value_tvb, 0, tvb_captured_length(value_tvb), ENC_ASCII));
57 #.FN_BODY RANfunction-Name/ranFunction-E2SM-OID VAL_PTR = ¶meter_tvb
58 tvbuff_t *parameter_tvb;
60 e2ap_update_ran_function_mapping(actx->pinfo, tree, parameter_tvb,
61 tvb_get_string_enc(actx->pinfo->pool, parameter_tvb, 0,
62 tvb_captured_length(parameter_tvb), ENC_ASCII));
65 #.FN_BODY E2SM-KPM-IndicationHeader-Format1/colletStartTime
66 int ts_offset = offset;
68 /* Add as a generated field the timestamp decoded */
69 const char *time_str = tvb_ntp_fmt_ts_sec(tvb, (ts_offset+7)/8);
70 proto_item *ti = proto_tree_add_string(tree, hf_kpm_v2_timestamp_string, tvb, (ts_offset+7)/8, 4, time_str);
71 proto_item_set_generated(ti);
74 # Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html
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