3 -- Taken from Ecma International
4 -- Standard ECMA-282, 3rd edition (December 2001)
5 -- http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-282.htm
8 PUM-Registration-Operations-asn1-97
9 { iso (1) standard (0) pss1-pum-registration (17876) pum-registration-operations-asn1-97 (1) }
14 IMPORTS OPERATION, ERROR FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects
15 { joint-iso-itu-t (2) remote-operations (4) informationObjects (5) version1(0)}
16 EXTENSION, Extension{} FROM Manufacturer-specific-service-extension-class-asn1-97
17 { iso (1) standard (0) pss1-generic-procedures (11582) msi-class-asn1-97 (11) }
18 notAvailable, invalidServedUserNr, supplementaryServiceInteractionNotAllowed
19 FROM General-Error-List
20 { ccitt recommendation q 950 general-error-list (1) }
21 PartyNumber FROM Addressing-Data-Elements-asn1-97
22 { iso (1) standard (0) pss1-generic-procedures (11582)
23 addressing-data-elements-asn1-97 (20) }
24 BasicService FROM Call-Diversion-Operations-asn1-97
25 { iso (1) standard (0) pss1-call-diversion (13873)
26 call-diversion-operations-asn1-97 (1) }
27 pisnEnquiry FROM WTM-Location-Registration-Operations-asn1-97
28 { iso (1) standard (0) pss1-location-registration (15429)
29 wtmlr-operations-asn1-97 (1) };
31 PUM-Registration-Operations OPERATION ::= { pumRegistr | pumDelReg | pumDe-reg |
32 pumInterrog | pisnEnquiry }
34 pumRegistr OPERATION ::= {
35 -- Registration (sent from the Visitor PINX to the Home PINX or
36 -- from a Remote PINX to the Visitor PINX)
37 ARGUMENT PumRegistrArg
39 ERRORS { invalidServedUserNr | notAuthorized | unspecified |
40 notAvailable | temporarilyUnavailable |
41 supplementaryServiceInteractionNotAllowed |
42 pumUserNotSubscribedToThisServiceOpt |
43 pumUserFailedAuthentication | hostingAddrInvalid }
46 pumDelReg OPERATION ::= {
47 -- Delete Registration (sent from the Home PINX to the Previous Visitor PINX)
50 ERRORS { notAvailable | temporarilyUnavailable | unspecified |
51 supplementaryServiceInteractionNotAllowed }
53 pumDe-reg OPERATION ::= {
54 -- De-registration (sent from the Visitor PINX or Remote PINX to the Home PINX)
57 ERRORS { invalidServedUserNr | notAuthorized | unspecified |
58 supplementaryServiceInteractionNotAllowed |
59 pumUserNotSubscribedToThisServiceOpt |
60 pumUserFailedAuthentication | hostingAddrInvalid |
61 pumUserNotRegistered }
63 pumInterrog OPERATION ::= {
64 -- Interrogation (sent from the Visitor PINX or Remote PINX to the Home PINX and
65 -- from the Home PINX to the Visitor PINX)
66 ARGUMENT PumInterrogArg
68 ERRORS { invalidServedUserNr | notAuthorized | unspecified |
69 supplementaryServiceInteractionNotAllowed |
70 pumUserFailedAuthentication | hostingAddrInvalid |
71 pumUserNotRegistered }
73 PumRegistrArg ::= SEQUENCE { pumUserId CHOICE { pumNumber PartyNumber,
74 -- The PISN number of the PUM user,
75 -- always a Complete Number.
76 alternativeId AlternativeId },
77 basicService BasicService,
78 -- specific basic service or all basic services,
79 hostingAddr PartyNumber,
80 -- The PISN number of the hosting user,
81 -- always a Complete Number.
82 activatingUserAddr [0] PartyNumber OPTIONAL,
83 -- The PISN number of the activating user,
84 -- always a Complete Number.
85 -- Mandatory if sent from a Remote PINX, else not included.
86 serviceOption ServiceOption DEFAULT inCallRegistration,
87 -- Type of registration (InCall, OutCall or AllCall)
88 sessionParams SessionParams OPTIONAL,
89 -- Duration of session, Number of outgoing calls
90 userPin CHOICE { pumUserPin [6] IMPLICIT UserPin,
91 activatingUserPin [7] IMPLICIT UserPin } OPTIONAL,
92 argExtension PumrExtension OPTIONAL }
94 PumRegistrRes ::= SEQUENCE { pumNumber PartyNumber,
95 serviceOption ServiceOption OPTIONAL,
96 -- Type of registration (InCall, OutCall or AllCall)
97 sessionParams SessionParams OPTIONAL,
98 -- Duration of session, Number of outgoing calls
99 argExtension PumrExtension OPTIONAL }
100 DummyRes ::= CHOICE { null NULL,
101 extension [ 1 ] IMPLICIT Extension{{PUMRExtSet}},
102 sequOfExtn [ 2 ] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF
103 Extension{{PUMRExtSet}} }
104 PumDelRegArg ::= SEQUENCE { pumUserId CHOICE { pumNumber PartyNumber,
105 -- The PISN number of the PUM user,
106 -- always a Complete Number.
107 alternativeId AlternativeId },
108 basicService BasicService,
109 -- specific basic service or all basic services,
110 hostingAddr PartyNumber,
111 -- The PISN number of the hosting user,
112 -- always a Complete Number.
113 serviceOption ServiceOption,
114 -- Type of registration session (InCall, OutCall or AllCall)
115 argExtension PumrExtension OPTIONAL }
116 PumDe-regArg ::= SEQUENCE { pumUserId CHOICE { pumNumber PartyNumber,
117 -- The PISN number of the PUM user,
118 -- always a Complete Number.
119 alternativeId AlternativeId },
120 basicService BasicService,
121 -- specific basic service or all basic services,
122 hostingAddr [0] PartyNumber OPTIONAL,
123 -- The PISN number of the hosting user,
124 -- always a Complete Number.
125 -- Not included if serviceOption indicates 'inCallRegistration',
126 -- optional if serviceOption indicates 'outCallRegistration'
127 -- or 'allCallRegistration'.
128 activatingUserAddr [1] PartyNumber OPTIONAL,
129 -- The PISN number of the activating user,
130 -- always a Complete Number.
131 -- Mandatory if sent from a Remote PINX, else not included.
132 serviceOption ServiceOption DEFAULT inCallRegistration,
133 -- Type of registration session (InCall, OutCall or AllCall)
134 -- If serviceOption indicates 'outCallRegistration' and
135 -- hostingAddr is omitted, the de-registration applies to
136 -- all OutCall registrations of this PUM user.
137 -- If serviceOption indicates 'allCallRegistration' and
138 -- hostingAddr is omitted, the de-registration applies to the
139 -- AllCall and all OutCall registrations of this PUM user.
140 userPin CHOICE { pumUserPin [6] IMPLICIT UserPin,
141 activatingUserPin [7] IMPLICIT UserPin } OPTIONAL,
142 argExtension PumrExtension OPTIONAL }
144 PumInterrogArg ::= SEQUENCE { pumUserId CHOICE { pumNumber PartyNumber,
145 -- The PISN number of the PUM user,
146 -- always a Complete Number.
147 alternativeId AlternativeId },
148 basicService BasicService,
149 -- specific basic service or all basic services,
150 hostingAddr [0] PartyNumber OPTIONAL,
151 -- The PISN number of the hosting user,
152 -- always a Complete Number.
153 -- Omission indicates 'all hosting addresses'.
154 activatingUserAddr [1] PartyNumber OPTIONAL,
155 -- The PISN number of the activating user,
156 -- always a Complete Number.
157 serviceOption [2] ServiceOption OPTIONAL,
159 -- True = Only Home PINX information (default)
160 -- False = Complete information
161 userPin CHOICE { pumUserPin [6] IMPLICIT UserPin,
162 activatingUserPin [7] IMPLICIT UserPin } OPTIONAL,
163 argExtension PumrExtension OPTIONAL }
164 PumInterrogRes ::= SET SIZE(1..8) OF
165 SEQUENCE { basicService [0] IMPLICIT BasicService OPTIONAL,
166 -- specific basic service or all basic services,
167 -- (Home PINX information)
168 hostingAddr [1] PartyNumber OPTIONAL,
169 -- The PISN number of the hosting user,
170 -- always a Complete Number.
171 -- (Home PINX information)
172 serviceOption [2] IMPLICIT ServiceOption OPTIONAL,
173 -- Type of registration session
174 -- (InCall, OutCall or AllCall)
175 -- (Home PINX information)
176 interrogParams SessionParams OPTIONAL,
177 -- Time left in registration session,
178 -- Number of outgoing calls left
179 -- (Visitor PINX information)
180 argExtension PumrExtension OPTIONAL }
181 AlternativeId ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20))
182 ServiceOption ::= ENUMERATED { inCallRegistration (0),
183 outCallRegistration (1),
184 allCallRegistration (2) }
185 SessionParams ::= SEQUENCE { durationOfSession [ 1 ] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL,
186 -- Duration of session in seconds,
187 -- default if omitted: duration of session unlimited.
188 numberOfOutgCalls [ 2 ] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL }
189 -- Default if omitted: number of outgoing calls unlimited.
190 UserPin ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20))
192 PumrExtension ::= CHOICE {
193 extension [ 4 ] IMPLICIT Extension {{PUMRExtSet}},
194 sequOfExtn [ 5 ] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF
195 Extension{{PUMRExtSet}} }
196 PUMRExtSet EXTENSION ::= {...}unspecified ERROR ::= { PARAMETER
197 Extension{{PUMRExtSet}}
199 notAuthorized ERROR ::= { CODE local: 1007}
200 temporarilyUnavailable ERROR ::= { CODE local: 1000}
201 pumUserNotSubscribedToThisServiceOpt ERROR ::= { CODE local: 1019}
202 pumUserFailedAuthentication ERROR ::= { CODE local: 1020}
203 hostingAddrInvalid ERROR ::= { CODE local: 1021}
204 pumUserNotRegistered ERROR ::= { CODE local: 1022}
205 END -- of PUM-Registration-Operations-asn1-97