2 # snmp conformation file
13 Message/community Community
14 Trap-PDU/_untag/generic-trap GenericTrap
15 Trap-PDU/_untag/specific-trap SpecificTrap
18 Messagev2u/datav2u/plaintext v2u_plaintext
19 BulkPDU/request-id bulkPDU_request-id
23 snmp_conv_info_t *snmp_info = snmp_find_conversation_and_get_conv_data(actx->pinfo);
25 actx->private_data = snmp_info;
27 #.FN_PARS Version VAL_PTR = &snmp_version
36 snmp_request_response_t *srrp;
37 snmp_conv_info_t *snmp_info = (snmp_conv_info_t *)actx->private_data;
39 col_clear(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO);
42 if( (pdu_type!=-1) && snmp_PDUs_vals[pdu_type].strptr ){
43 col_prepend_fstr(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "%%s", snmp_PDUs_vals[pdu_type].strptr);
45 /* pdu_type is the index, not the tag so convert it to the tag value */
46 pdu_type = snmp_PDUs_vals[pdu_type].value;
48 srrp=snmp_match_request_response(tvb, actx->pinfo, tree, RequestID, pdu_type, snmp_info);
50 tap_queue_packet(snmp_tap, actx->pinfo, srrp);
57 #.FN_BODY PDU/request-id VAL_PTR = &RequestID
61 #.FN_BODY Integer32 VAL_PTR = &RequestID
65 #.FN_BODY Trap-PDU/_untag
67 enterprise_oid = NULL;
71 if (snmp_version != 0) {
72 expert_add_info(actx->pinfo, tree, &ei_snmp_trap_pdu_obsolete);
75 #.FN_PARS Trap-PDU/_untag/generic-trap VAL_PTR = &generic_trap
77 #.FN_BODY Trap-PDU/_untag/specific-trap VAL_PTR = &specific_trap
78 unsigned specific_trap;
82 if (generic_trap == 6) { /* enterprise specific */
83 const char *specific_str = snmp_lookup_specific_trap (specific_trap);
85 proto_item_append_text(actx->created_item, " (%%s)", specific_str);
91 #.FN_PARS EnterpriseOID FN_VARIANT = _str VAL_PTR = &enterprise_oid
93 #.FN_BODY EnterpriseOID
98 if (display_oid && enterprise_oid) {
99 name = oid_resolved_from_string(actx->pinfo->pool, enterprise_oid);
101 col_append_fstr (actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " %%s", name);
107 #.FN_PARS HeaderData/msgSecurityModel
109 VAL_PTR = &MsgSecurityModel
111 #.FN_PARS UsmSecurityParameters/msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots
113 VAL_PTR = &usm_p.boots
115 #.FN_PARS UsmSecurityParameters/msgAuthoritativeEngineTime
117 VAL_PTR = &usm_p.snmp_time
119 #.FN_BODY UsmSecurityParameters/msgAuthoritativeEngineID
121 offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index, &usm_p.engine_tvb);
122 if (usm_p.engine_tvb) {
123 proto_tree* engine_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(%(ACTX)s->created_item,ett_engineid);
124 dissect_snmp_engineid(engine_tree, actx->pinfo, usm_p.engine_tvb, 0, tvb_reported_length_remaining(usm_p.engine_tvb,0));
127 #.FN_BODY SnmpEngineID
128 tvbuff_t* param_tvb = NULL;
130 offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index, ¶m_tvb);
132 proto_tree* engine_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(%(ACTX)s->created_item,ett_engineid);
133 dissect_snmp_engineid(engine_tree, actx->pinfo, param_tvb, 0, tvb_reported_length_remaining(param_tvb,0));
136 #.FN_PARS UsmSecurityParameters/msgUserName
137 VAL_PTR = &usm_p.user_tvb
139 #.FN_BODY UsmSecurityParameters/msgAuthenticationParameters
140 offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(false, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index, &usm_p.auth_tvb);
141 if (usm_p.auth_tvb) {
142 usm_p.auth_item = %(ACTX)s->created_item;
143 usm_p.auth_offset = tvb_offset_from_real_beginning(usm_p.auth_tvb);
145 #.FN_PARS UsmSecurityParameters/msgPrivacyParameters
146 VAL_PTR = &usm_p.priv_tvb
148 #.FN_BODY ScopedPduData/encryptedPDU
150 offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(false, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_snmp_encryptedPDU, &crypt_tvb);
152 if( usm_p.encrypted && crypt_tvb
154 && usm_p.user_assoc->user.privProtocol ) {
156 const char* error = NULL;
157 proto_tree* encryptedpdu_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(%(ACTX)s->created_item,ett_encryptedPDU);
158 tvbuff_t* cleartext_tvb = usm_p.user_assoc->user.privProtocol(&usm_p, crypt_tvb, actx->pinfo, &error );
160 if (! cleartext_tvb) {
161 proto_tree_add_expert_format(encryptedpdu_tree, actx->pinfo, &ei_snmp_failed_decrypted_data_pdu,
162 crypt_tvb, 0, -1, "Failed to decrypt encryptedPDU: %%s", error);
164 col_set_str(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "encryptedPDU: Failed to decrypt");
168 proto_item* decrypted_item;
169 proto_tree* decrypted_tree;
171 if (! check_ScopedPdu(cleartext_tvb)) {
172 proto_tree_add_expert(encryptedpdu_tree, actx->pinfo, &ei_snmp_decrypted_data_bad_formatted, cleartext_tvb, 0, -1);
174 col_set_str(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "encryptedPDU: Decrypted data not formatted as expected");
180 add_new_data_source(actx->pinfo, cleartext_tvb, "Decrypted ScopedPDU");
182 decrypted_item = proto_tree_add_item(encryptedpdu_tree, hf_snmp_decryptedPDU,cleartext_tvb,0,-1,ENC_NA);
183 decrypted_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(decrypted_item,ett_decrypted);
184 dissect_snmp_ScopedPDU(false, cleartext_tvb, 0, actx, decrypted_tree, -1);
187 col_set_str(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "encryptedPDU: privKey Unknown");
190 #.FN_BODY SNMPv3Message/msgSecurityParameters
192 switch(MsgSecurityModel){
193 case SNMP_SEC_USM: /* 3 */
194 offset = get_ber_identifier(tvb, offset, NULL, NULL, NULL);
195 offset = get_ber_length(tvb, offset, NULL, NULL);
196 offset = dissect_snmp_UsmSecurityParameters(false, tvb, offset, actx, tree, -1);
197 usm_p.user_assoc = get_user_assoc(usm_p.engine_tvb, usm_p.user_tvb, actx->pinfo);
199 case SNMP_SEC_ANY: /* 0 */
200 case SNMP_SEC_V1: /* 1 */
201 case SNMP_SEC_V2C: /* 2 */
207 #.FN_FTR SNMPv3Message
209 if( usm_p.authenticated
210 && usm_p.user_assoc ) {
211 const char* error = NULL;
212 proto_item* authen_item;
213 proto_tree* authen_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(usm_p.auth_item,ett_authParameters);
214 uint8_t* calc_auth = NULL;
215 unsigned calc_auth_len = 0;
217 usm_p.authOK = snmp_usm_auth(actx->pinfo, usm_p.user_assoc->user.authModel, &usm_p, &calc_auth, &calc_auth_len, &error );
220 expert_add_info_format( actx->pinfo, usm_p.auth_item, &ei_snmp_verify_authentication_error, "Error while verifying Message authenticity: %s", error );
222 expert_field* expert;
224 authen_item = proto_tree_add_boolean(authen_tree, hf_snmp_msgAuthentication, tvb, 0, 0, usm_p.authOK);
225 proto_item_set_generated(authen_item);
228 expert = &ei_snmp_authentication_ok;
230 const char* calc_auth_str = bytes_to_str_punct(actx->pinfo->pool, calc_auth,calc_auth_len,' ');
231 proto_item_append_text(authen_item, " calculated = %s", calc_auth_str);
232 expert = &ei_snmp_authentication_error;
235 expert_add_info( actx->pinfo, authen_item, expert);
243 #.FN_BODY HeaderData/msgFlags VAL_PTR = ¶meter_tvb
244 tvbuff_t *parameter_tvb = NULL;
248 uint8_t v3_flags = tvb_get_uint8(parameter_tvb, 0);
249 proto_tree* flags_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(%(ACTX)s->created_item,ett_msgFlags);
251 proto_tree_add_item(flags_tree, hf_snmp_v3_flags_report, parameter_tvb, 0, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
252 proto_tree_add_item(flags_tree, hf_snmp_v3_flags_crypt, parameter_tvb, 0, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
253 proto_tree_add_item(flags_tree, hf_snmp_v3_flags_auth, parameter_tvb, 0, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
255 usm_p.encrypted = v3_flags & TH_CRYPT ? true : false;
256 usm_p.authenticated = v3_flags & TH_AUTH ? true : false;
263 HeaderData/msgSecurityModel TYPE = FT_UINT32 DISPLAY = BASE_DEC STRINGS = VALS(sec_models)
264 UsmSecurityParameters/msgUserName TYPE = FT_STRING DISPLAY = BASE_NONE STRINGS = NULL