1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3 This file was created by NSISDialogDesigner
4 https://coolsoft.altervista.org/nsisdialogdesigner
7 <Dialog Name="AdditionalTasksPage" Title="Additional Tasks" Subtitle="Create shortcuts and associate file extensions.">
8 <CreateFunctionCustomScript>; Defined in stratoshark.nsi
9 Call InitAdditionalTasksPage</CreateFunctionCustomScript>
10 <Label Name="ExtensionsLabel" Location="22, 151" Size="372, 52" Text="Extensions include 5vw, acp, apc, atc, bfr, cap, enc, erf, fdc, ipfix, lcap, mplog, ntar, out, pcap, pcapng, pklg, pkt, rf5, scap, snoop, syc, tpc, tr1, trace, trc, vwr, wpc, and wpz." TabIndex="0" />
11 <CheckBox Name="AssociateExtensionsCheckBox" Location="22, 126" Size="406, 14" Text="Associate trace file extensions with Stratoshark" TabIndex="1" />
12 <CheckBox Name="QuickLaunchCheckBox" Location="22, 74" Size="406, 14" Text="Stratoshark Quick Launch Icon" TabIndex="2" />
13 <CheckBox Name="DesktopIconCheckBox" Location="22, 54" Size="406, 14" Text="Stratoshark Desktop Icon" TabIndex="3" />
14 <CheckBox Name="StartMenuCheckBox" Location="22, 34" Size="406, 14" Text="Stratoshark Start Menu Item" TabIndex="4" />
15 <Label Name="FileExtensionsLabel" Location="12, 101" Size="426, 14" Text="Associate File Extensions" Font="Microsoft Sans Serif, 8.25pt, style=Bold" TabIndex="5" />
16 <Label Name="CreateShortcutsLabel" Location="12, 9" Size="426, 14" Text="Create Shortcuts" Font="Microsoft Sans Serif, 8.25pt, style=Bold" TabIndex="6" />