1 This document is an attempt, to explain how to use the wimax plugin
7 The wimax plugin is a standalone Wireshark plugin that contains a set
8 of WiMax Protocol dissectors. The plugin registers the WiMax Protocol
9 dissectors without attached to any packet type. So none of the
10 dissectors will be called by the Wireshark because there is no any
11 packet type hookup to the plugin. However, it is very simple to add
12 the WiMax Protocol decoding capability into any of the packet decoder
13 by searching and calling the WiMax Protocol dissectors since they are
14 registered to Wireshark already (see WiMAX M2M Encapsulation Protocol
18 WiMax Protocol dissector list
20 WiMax Burst Dissectors:
21 1. wimax_cdma_code_burst_handler - WiMax CDMA Code Attribute Burst dissector.
22 2. wimax_fch_burst_handler - WiMax FCH Burst dissector.
23 3. wimax_ffb_burst_handler - WiMax Fast Feedback Burst dissector.
24 4. wimax_pdu_burst_handler - WiMax PDU Burst dissector.
25 5. wimax_hack_burst_handler - WiMax HACK Burst dissector.
26 6. wimax_phy_attributes_burst_handler - WiMax PHY Attributes Burst dissector.
29 7. mac_header_type_1_handler - WiMax TYPE I MAC Header PDU dissector.
30 8. mac_header_type_2_handler - WiMax TYPE II MAC Header PDU dissector.
31 9. mac_header_generic_handler - WiMax Generic MAC Header PDU dissector.
32 10. mac_mgmt_msg_handler - WiMax MAC Management Messages dissector.
34 WiMax Utility dissectors:
35 11. wimax_service_flow_encodings_decoder - WiMax Service Flow Encodings dissector.
36 12. wimax_error_parameter_set_decoder - WiMax Error Parameter Set dissector.
37 13. wimax_security_negotiation_parameters_decoder - WiMax Security Negotiation Parameter dissector.
38 14. wimax_pkm_tlv_encoded_attributes_decoder - WiMax PKM TLV Encoded Attributes dissector.
39 15. wimax_tek_parameters_decoder - WiMax TEK Parameters dissector.
40 16. wimax_pkm_configuration_settings_decoder - WiMax PKM Configuration Settings dissector.
41 17. wimax_sa_descriptor_decoder - WiMax SA Descriptor dissector.
42 18. wimax_cryptographic_suite_list_decoder - WiMax Cryptographic Suite List dissector.
43 19. wimax_security_capabilities_decoder - WiMax Security Capabilities dissector.
44 20. wimax_common_tlv_encoding_decoder - WiMax Common TLV Encoding dissector.
45 19. wimax_vendor_specific_information_decoder - WiMax Vendor-Specific Information dissector.
50 To use any of the dissectors listed above:
52 1. Call Wireshark function: handle = find_dissector("dissector_name")
53 to get the dissector's handler.
54 Example: mgt_msg_handle = find_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_handler");
56 2. If find_dissector() finds the dissector successfully a non-NULL
57 handle will be returned. Then call another Wireshark function:
58 call_dissector(handle, tvb, pinfo, tree) to call the dissector
59 corresponding to the handle.
61 Here, handle is the value returned by find_dissector() function.
62 tvb is the pointer of the data buffer which contains the exact
63 content defined by the IEEE 802.16 standards for the dissector.
64 pinfo is the pointer to the packet information from Wireshark.
65 tree is the pointer to the display tree or sub-tree.
66 Example: call_dissector(mgt_msg_handle, mgt_msg_tvb, pinfo, mgt_msg_tree);
68 3. The WiMax Utility dissectors should be called directly.
73 1. All the burst data has to be defragged before passing it to the
74 WiMax burst dissectors.
76 2. The wimax_pdu_burst_handler will automatically call
77 mac_header_generic_handler, mac_header_type_1_handler and
78 mac_header_type_2_handler based on the PDU contents.
80 3. The mac_header_generic_handler will automatically call
81 mac_mgmt_msg_handler based on the PDU payload.
83 4. All the dissectors can be called independently but the data passed
84 to the dissectors has to contain exact content defined by the
85 IEEE 802.16 standards.