1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!-- All attributes of the Keyring element are mandatory. For details on how to calculate/verify the Signature attribute, see below -->
3 <!-- "oKGio6SlpqeoqaqrrK2urw==" = $ A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF -->
4 <!-- "sLGys7S1tre4ubq7vL2+vw==" = $ B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF -->
5 <Keyring xmlns="http://knx.org/xml/keyring/1" Project="Family Home" Created="2015-03-04T20:55:58.0160546Z" CreatedBy="ETS 5.5 Build 456" Signature="MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Ng==">
6 <!-- A backbone element is included if the project has a secure IP backbone or the keyring contains at least one IP Routing interface -->
7 <!-- The Latency and BackboneKey attributes are only included if the project has a secure IP backbone -->
8 <!-- BackboneKey := Base64( AES128-CBC( PBKDF2( HMAC-SHA256, KeyringPassword, "1.keyring.ets.knx.org", 65536, 128), MSB128(SHA256(this.Keyring.Created), Project.BackboneKey as byte[])) --> (1)
9 <Backbone MulticastAddress="" Latency="1000" Key="oKGio6SlpqeoqaqrrK2urw=="/>
10 <!-- There might be 0..n interface elements. Possible types are "USB", "Tunneling" or "Routing". There is no support for "Eiblib/IP". -->
11 <!-- Depending on the type of interface different interface attributes are possible. -->
12 <!-- USB interfaces only appear in the keying if used for Data Security communication. They only have the mandatory attribute "IndividualAddress". -->
13 <Interface Type="USB" IndividualAddress="2.1.56">
14 <!-- Interfaces used for Data Security communication have a list of group addresses which will be communicated over this interface. -->
15 <!-- Each interface group has a mandatory list of trusted senders that are allowed to send telegrams to this group address. -->
16 <Group Address="3971" Senders="1.1.1 1.1.3 1.1.4"/>
17 <Group Address="3972" Senders="1.1.2 1.1.4"/>
18 <Group Address="14271" Senders="1.1.1"/>
20 <!-- Tunneling interfaces might appear in the keying because either they are used for Data Security communication or access to the interface itself is protected (or both). -->
21 <!-- KNXnet/IP Tunneling interfaces have as a mandatary attribute the KNX individual address of the host device. -->
22 <!-- If the Tunneling interface is used for Data Security communication, the attribute "IndividualAddress" is mandatory, otherwise it's optional. -->
23 <!-- Secured Tunneling interfaces need to have the "UserID" and "Password" attributes. An "Authentication" attribute containing the interface's device authenication code is optional. -->
24 <!-- Password := Base64( AES128-CBC( PBKDF2( HMAC-SHA256, KeyringPassword, "1.keyring.ets.knx.org", 65536, 128), MSB128(SHA256(this.Keyring.Created)), RandomBytes(8)+PKCS#7Padding( Device.BusAccess(IA).Password, 24) as byte[])) --> (1)
25 <!-- Authentication := Base64( AES128-CBC( PBKDF2( HMAC-SHA256, KeyringPassword, "1.keyring.ets.knx.org", 65536, 128), MSB128(SHA256(this.Keyring.Created)), RandomBytes(8)+PKCS#7Padding( Device.AthenticationCode, 24) as byte[])) --> (1)
26 <Interface Type="Tunneling" Host="2.1.0" IndividualAddress="2.1.56" UserID="3" Password="A3BzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQnUA3BzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQnUw=" Authentication="A3BzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQnUA3BzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQnUw="/>
27 <!-- If the Backbone (KNXnet/IP Routing) interface is used for Data Security communication, the attribute "IndividualAddress" is mandatory, otherwise it's optional. -->
28 <!-- If no "IndividualAddress" attribute is present, backbone interface elements shall be omitted altogether as all necessary information is part of the Backbone element already. -->
29 <Interface Type="Backbone" IndividualAddress="0.0.123">
30 <Group Address="256" Senders="1.1.1 1.1.3 1.1.4"/>
31 <Group Address="3972" Senders="1.1.2 1.1.4"/>
33 <!-- The "GroupAddresses" collection shall only be present if the keyring contains interface groups for Data Security communication. -->
34 <!-- The "Address" and "Key" attributes are mandatory for every "GroupAddresses/Group" element. -->
35 <!-- Key := Base64( AES128-CBC( PBKDF2( HMAC-SHA256, KeyringPassword, "1.keyring.ets.knx.org", 65536, 128), MSB128(SHA256(this.Keyring.Created)), GroupAddress.Key as byte[])) --> (1)
37 <Group Address="256" Key="oKGio6SlpqeoqaqrrK2urw=="/>
38 <Group Address="3971" Key="oKGio6SlpqeoqaqrrK2urw=="/>
39 <Group Address="3972" Key="oKGio6SlpqeoqaqrrK2urw=="/>
40 <Group Address="14271" Key="oKGio6SlpqeoqaqrrK2urw=="/>
42 <!-- Keyings exported for the whole project (for backup or diagnostic purposes) shall contain one "Device" entry for every secure device. -->
43 <!-- For interface keyings the "Devices" list is optional and shall only be present if sequence numbers are known for devices referenced as interface group senders. -->
44 <!-- The "ToolKey" attribute shall only be present if the keying was exported for the whole project. -->
45 <!-- The "SeqNr" attribute is optional and shall only be present if a received sequence number for a given device is known. -->
46 <!-- ToolKey := Base64( AES128-CBC( PBKDF2( HMAC-SHA256, KeyringPassword, "1.keyring.ets.knx.org", 65536, 128), MSB128(SHA256(this.Keyring.Created)), Device.ToolKey as byte[])) --> (1)
47 <!-- Secured IP-enabled devices need to have the "ManagementPassword" attribute. An "Authentication" attribute containing the device's authenication code is optional. -->
48 <!-- ManagementPassword := Base64( AES128-CBC( PBKDF2( HMAC-SHA256, KeyringPassword, "1.keyring.ets.knx.org", 65536, 128), MSB128(SHA256(this.Keyring.Created)), RandomBytes(8)+PKCS#7Padding( Device.ManagementPassword, 24) as byte[])) --> (1)
49 <!-- Authentication := Base64( AES128-CBC( PBKDF2( HMAC-SHA256, KeyringPassword, "1.keyring.ets.knx.org", 65536, 128), MSB128(SHA256(this.Keyring.Created)), RandomBytes(8)+PKCS#7Padding( Device.AthenticationCode, 24) as byte[])) --> (1)
50 <!-- The "ManagementPassword" and "Authentication" attributes shall only be present if the keying was exported for the whole project. -->
52 <Device IndividualAddress="1.1.1" ToolKey="sLGys7S1tre4ubq7vL2+vw==" SequenceNumber="45678"/>
53 <Device IndividualAddress="1.1.2" ToolKey="sLGys7S1tre4ubq7vL2+vw==" SequenceNumber="34567"/>
54 <Device IndividualAddress="1.1.3" ToolKey="sLGys7S1tre4ubq7vL2+vw==" SequenceNumber="23456"/>
55 <Device IndividualAddress="1.1.4" ToolKey="sLGys7S1tre4ubq7vL2+vw==" SequenceNumber="12345"/>
56 <Device IndividualAddress="2.1.0" ToolKey="sLGys7S1tre4ubq7vL2+vw==" SequenceNumber="1234" ManagementPassword="A3BzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQnUA3BzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQnUw=" Authentication="A3BzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQnUA3BzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQnUw="/>