Revert "TODO epan/dissectors/asn1/kerberos/packet-kerberos-template.c new GSS flags"
[wireshark-sm.git] / tools /
1 #!/usr/bin/python3
3 # Martin Mathieson
4 # Look for and removes unnecessary includes in .cpp or .c files
5 # Run from wireshark source folder as e.g.,
6 # ./tools/ --build-folder ~/wireshark-build/ --folder epan/dissectors/
8 # Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
9 # By Gerald Combs <>
10 # Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
12 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
15 import subprocess
16 import os
17 import sys
18 import shutil
19 import argparse
20 import signal
21 from pathlib import Path
24 # Try to exit soon after Ctrl-C is pressed.
25 should_exit = False
27 def signal_handler(sig, frame):
28 global should_exit
29 should_exit = True
30 print('You pressed Ctrl+C - exiting')
32 signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
34 # For text colouring/highlighting.
35 class bcolors:
36 HEADER = '\033[95m'
37 OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
38 OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
39 ADDED = '\033[45m'
40 WARNING = '\033[93m'
41 FAIL = '\033[91m'
42 ENDC = '\033[0m'
43 BOLD = '\033[1m'
44 UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
48 # command-line args
50 # Controls which dissector files should be checked. If no args given, will just
51 # scan whole epan/dissectors folder.
52 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check calls in dissectors')
53 # required
54 parser.add_argument('--build-folder', action='store', required=True,
55 help='specify individual dissector file to test')
56 parser.add_argument('--file', action='append',
57 help='specify individual dissector file to test')
58 parser.add_argument('--folder', action='store', default=os.path.join('epan', 'dissectors'),
59 help='specify folder to test, relative to current/wireshark folder')
60 parser.add_argument('--commits', action='store',
61 help='last N commits to check')
62 parser.add_argument('--open', action='store_true',
63 help='check open files')
64 parser.add_argument('--first-file', action='store',
65 help='first file in folder to test')
66 parser.add_argument('--last-file', action='store',
67 help='last file in folder to test')
68 args = parser.parse_args()
71 test_folder = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), args.folder)
74 # Usually only building one module, so no -j benefit?
75 make_command = ['cmake', '--build', args.build_folder]
76 if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
77 make_command += ['--config', 'RelWithDebInfo']
81 # A list of header files that it is not safe to uninclude, as doing so
82 # has been seen to cause link failures against implemented functions...
83 # TODO: some of these could probably be removed on more permissive platforms.
84 includes_to_keep = {
85 'config.h',
86 'epan/packet.h',
87 'stdlib.h',
88 'math.h',
89 'errno.h',
90 'string.h',
91 'prefs.h',
92 # These are probably mostly redundant in that they are now covered by the check
93 # for 'self-includes'...
94 'x11-keysym.h',
95 'packet-atm.h',
96 'packet-atalk.h',
97 'packet-ppp.h',
98 'packet-scsi-mmc.h',
99 'packet-tls.h'
103 # Build stats.
104 class BuildStats:
105 def __init__(self):
106 self.files_examined = 0
107 self.includes_tested = 0
108 self.includes_deleted = 0
109 self.files_not_built_list = []
110 self.generated_files_ignored = []
111 self.includes_to_keep_kept = 0
113 def showSummary(self):
114 print('\n\n')
115 print('Summary')
116 print('=========')
117 print('files examined: %d' % self.files_examined)
118 print('includes tested: %d' % self.includes_tested)
119 print('includes deleted: %d' % self.includes_deleted)
120 print('files not built: %d' % len(self.files_not_built_list))
121 for abandoned_file in self.files_not_built_list:
122 print(' %s' % abandoned_file)
123 print('generated files not tested: %d' % len(self.generated_files_ignored))
124 for generated_file in self.generated_files_ignored:
125 print(' %s' % generated_file)
126 print('includes kept as not safe to remove: %d' % self.includes_to_keep_kept)
128 stats = BuildStats()
131 # We want to confirm that this file is actually built as part of the build.
132 # To do this, add some nonsense to the front of the file and confirm that the
133 # build then fails. If it doesn't, won't want to remove #includes from that file!
134 def test_file_is_built(filename):
135 print('test_file_is_built(', filename, ')')
136 temp_filename = filename + '.tmp'
138 f_read = open(filename, 'r')
139 write_filename = filename + '.new'
140 f_write = open(write_filename, 'w')
141 # Write the file with nonsense at start.
142 f_write.write('NO WAY THIS FILE BUILDS!!!!!')
143 # Copy remaining lines as-is.
144 for line in f_read:
145 f_write.write(line)
146 f_read.close()
147 f_write.close()
148 # Backup file, and do this build with the one we wrote.
149 shutil.copy(filename, temp_filename)
150 shutil.copy(write_filename, filename)
152 # Try the build.
153 result =
154 # Restore proper file & delete temp files
155 shutil.copy(temp_filename, filename)
156 os.remove(temp_filename)
157 os.remove(write_filename)
159 if result == 0:
160 # Build succeeded so this file wasn't in it
161 return False
162 else:
163 # Build failed so this file *is* part of it
164 return True
167 # Function to test removal of each #include from a file in turn.
168 # At the end, only those that appear to be needed will be left.
169 def test_file(filename):
170 global stats
172 print('\n------------------------------')
173 print(bcolors.OKBLUE, bcolors.BOLD, 'Testing', filename, bcolors.ENDC)
175 temp_filename = filename + '.tmp'
177 # Test if file seems to be part of the build.
178 is_built = test_file_is_built(filename)
179 if not is_built:
180 print(bcolors.WARNING, '***** File not used in build, so ignore!!!!', bcolors.ENDC)
181 # TODO: should os.path.join with root before adding?
182 stats.files_not_built_list.append(filename)
183 return
184 else:
185 print('This file is part of the build')
187 # OK, we are going to test removing includes from this file.
188 tested_line_number = 0
190 # Don't want to delete 'self-includes', so prepare filename.
191 module_name = Path(filename).stem
192 module_header = module_name + '.h'
194 # Loop around, finding all possible include lines to comment out
195 while (True):
196 if should_exit:
197 exit(1)
199 have_deleted_line = False
200 result = 0
202 # Open read & write files
203 f_read = open(filename, 'r')
204 write_filename = filename + '.new'
205 f_write = open(write_filename, 'w')
207 # Walk the file again looking for another place to comment out an include
208 this_line_number = 1
209 hash_if_level = 0
211 for line in f_read:
212 this_line_deleted = False
214 # Maintain view of how many #if or #ifdefs we are in.
215 # Don't want to remove any includes that may not be active in this build.
216 if line.startswith('#if'):
217 hash_if_level = hash_if_level + 1
219 if line.startswith('#endif'):
220 if hash_if_level > 1:
221 hash_if_level = hash_if_level - 1
223 # Consider deleting this line have haven't already reached.
224 if (not have_deleted_line and (tested_line_number < this_line_number)):
226 # Test line for starting with #include, and eligible for deletion.
227 if line.startswith('#include ') and hash_if_level == 0 and line.find(module_header) == -1:
228 # Check that this isn't a header file that known unsafe to uninclude.
229 allowed_to_delete = True
230 for entry in includes_to_keep:
231 if line.find(entry) != -1:
232 allowed_to_delete = False
233 stats.includes_to_keep_kept += 1
234 continue
236 if allowed_to_delete:
237 # OK, actually doing it.
238 have_deleted_line = True
239 this_line_deleted = True
240 tested_line_number = this_line_number
242 # Write line to output file, unless this very one was deleted.
243 if not this_line_deleted:
244 f_write.write(line)
245 this_line_number = this_line_number + 1
247 # Close both files.
248 f_read.close()
249 f_write.close()
251 # If we commented out a line, try to build file without it.
252 if (have_deleted_line):
253 # Test a build. 0 means success, others are failures.
254 shutil.copy(filename, temp_filename)
255 shutil.copy(write_filename, filename)
257 # Try build
258 result =
259 if result == 0:
260 print(bcolors.OKGREEN +bcolors.BOLD + 'Good build' + bcolors.ENDC)
261 # Line was eliminated so decrement line counter
262 tested_line_number = tested_line_number - 1
263 # Inc successes counter
264 stats.includes_deleted += 1
265 # Good - promote this version by leaving it here!
267 # Occasionally fails so delete this file each time.
268 # TODO: this is very particular to dissector target...
269 if sys.argv[1] == 'dissectors':
270 os.remove(os.path.join(args.build_folder, 'vc100.pdb'))
271 else:
272 print(bcolors.FAIL +bcolors.BOLD + 'Bad build' + bcolors.ENDC)
273 # Never mind, go back to previous building version
274 shutil.copy(temp_filename, filename)
276 # Inc counter of tried
277 stats.includes_tested += 1
279 else:
280 # Reached the end of the file without making changes, so nothing doing.
281 # Delete temporary files
282 if os.path.isfile(temp_filename):
283 os.remove(temp_filename)
284 if os.path.isfile(write_filename):
285 os.remove(write_filename)
286 return
288 # Test for whether a the given file is under source control
289 def under_version_control(filename):
290 # TODO: git command to see if under version control. Check retcode of 'git log <filename>' ?
291 return True
293 # Test for whether the given file was automatically generated.
294 def generated_file(filename):
295 # Special known case.
296 if filename == 'register.c':
297 return True
299 # Open file
300 f_read = open(filename, 'r')
301 lines_tested = 0
302 for line in f_read:
303 # The comment to say that its generated is near the top, so give up once
304 # get a few lines down.
305 if lines_tested > 10:
306 f_read.close()
307 return False
308 if (line.find('Generated automatically') != -1 or
309 line.find('Generated Automatically') != -1 or
310 line.find('Autogenerated from') != -1 or
311 line.find('is autogenerated') != -1 or
312 line.find('automatically generated by Pidl') != -1 or
313 line.find('Created by: The Qt Meta Object Compiler') != -1 or
314 line.find('This file was generated') != -1 or
315 line.find('This filter was automatically generated') != -1 or
316 line.find('This file is auto generated, do not edit!') != -1):
318 f_read.close()
319 return True
320 lines_tested = lines_tested + 1
322 # OK, looks like a hand-written file!
323 f_read.close()
324 return False
326 def isBuildableFile(filename):
327 return filename.endswith('.c') or filename.endswith('.cpp')
330 def findFilesInFolder(folder, recursive=False):
331 dissector_files = []
333 if recursive:
334 for root, subfolders, files in os.walk(folder):
335 for f in files:
336 if should_exit:
337 return
338 f = os.path.join(root, f)
339 dissector_files.append(f)
340 else:
341 for f in sorted(os.listdir(folder)):
342 if should_exit:
343 return
344 filename = os.path.join(folder, f)
345 dissector_files.append(filename)
347 return [x for x in filter(isBuildableFile, dissector_files)]
350 ######################################################################################
352 ######################################################################################
354 # Work out which files we want to look at.
355 files = []
356 if args.file:
357 # Add specified file(s)
358 for f in args.file:
359 if not os.path.isfile(f):
360 print('Chosen file', f, 'does not exist.')
361 exit(1)
362 else:
363 files.append(f)
364 elif args.folder:
365 # Add all files from a given folder.
366 folder = args.folder
367 if not os.path.isdir(folder):
368 print('Folder', folder, 'not found!')
369 exit(1)
370 # Find files from folder.
371 print('Looking for files in', folder)
372 files = findFilesInFolder(folder, recursive=False)
375 # If first-file/last-file are given, will need to trim files accordingly
376 if args.first_file:
377 idx = files.index(args.first_file)
378 if idx == -1:
379 print('first-file entry', args.first_file, 'not in list of files to be checked')
380 exit(1)
381 else:
382 files = files[idx:]
384 if args.last_file:
385 idx = files.index(args.last_file)
386 if idx == -1:
387 print('last-file entry', args.last_file, 'not in list of files to be checked')
388 exit(1)
389 else:
390 files = files[:idx+1]
393 # Confirm that the build is currently passing, if not give up now.
394 print(bcolors.OKBLUE,bcolors.BOLD,
395 'Doing an initial build to check we have a stable base.',
396 bcolors.ENDC)
397 result =
398 if result != 0:
399 print(bcolors.FAIL, bcolors.BOLD, 'Initial build failed - give up now!!!!', bcolors.ENDC)
400 exit (-1)
404 # Test each file.
405 for filename in files:
407 # Want to filter out generated files that are not checked in.
408 if not generated_file(filename) and under_version_control(filename):
409 # OK, try this file
410 test_file(filename)
412 # Inc counter
413 stats.files_examined += 1
414 else:
415 if generated_file(filename):
416 reason = 'generated file...'
417 if not under_version_control(filename):
418 reason = 'not under source control'
419 print('Ignoring %s: %s' % (filename, reason))
423 # Show summary stats of run
424 stats.showSummary()