1 [[PrefaceTypographicConventions]]
3 === Typographic Conventions
5 The following table shows the typographic conventions that are used in this guide.
7 // https://github.com/oreillymedia/orm_book_samples/blob/master/asciidoc_only/preface.asciidoc
9 // AsciiDoc allows alternative markup for some styles, specifically
10 // 'single quotes' and _underlines_ for italics and +plus signs+ and
11 // `backticks` for monospaces.
12 // Asciidoctor’s modern mode is more strict, and only allows _underline_
13 // italics and `backtick` monospaces.
14 // https://asciidoctor.org/docs/migration/
16 .Typographic Conventions
17 [options="header",cols="1,3,3"]
19 |Style|Description|Example
20 |_Italic_ |File names, folder names, and extensions |_C:\Development\wireshark_.
21 |`Monospace` |Commands, flags, and environment variables|CMake’s `-G` option.
22 |**`Bold Monospace`** |Commands that should be run by the user|Run **`cmake -G Ninja ..`**.
23 |btn:[Button] |Dialog and window buttons |Press btn:[Launch] to go to the Moon.
24 |kbd:[Key] |Keyboard shortcut |Press kbd:[Ctrl+Down] to move to the next packet.
25 |menu:Menu[] |Menu item |Select menu:Go[Next Packet] to move to the next packet.
30 Important and notable items are marked as follows:
35 You should pay attention to a warning, otherwise data loss might occur.
41 Act carefully (i.e., exercise care).
45 .This is important information
47 RTFM - Read The Fine Manual
53 Tips are helpful for your everyday work using Wireshark.
59 A note will point you to common mistakes and things that might not be obvious.
62 ==== Shell Prompt and Source Code Examples
64 .Bourne shell, normal user
67 $ git config --global log.abbrevcommit true
70 .Bourne shell, root user
76 .Command Prompt (cmd.exe)
78 >rem This is a comment
84 PS$># This is a comment
92 /* This method dissects foos */
94 dissect_foo_message(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_)
96 /* TODO: implement your dissecting code */
97 return tvb_captured_length(tvb);