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"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
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"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"bfr" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
688 <Component Id=
689 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
691 <Verb Id=
"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
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"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"cap" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
697 <Component Id=
698 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
700 <Verb Id=
"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
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"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"ems" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
706 <Component Id=
707 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
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"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
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"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"enc" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
715 <Component Id=
716 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
718 <Verb Id=
"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
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"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"erf" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
724 <Component Id=
725 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
727 <Verb Id=
"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
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"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"fdc" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
733 <Component Id=
734 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
735 <Extension Id=
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"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
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"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"ipfix" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
742 <Component Id=
743 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
744 <Extension Id=
745 <Verb Id=
"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
748 <RegistryValue Root=
"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"lcap" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
751 <Component Id=
752 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
753 <Extension Id=
754 <Verb Id=
"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
757 <RegistryValue Root=
"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"mplog" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
760 <Component Id=
761 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
762 <Extension Id=
763 <Verb Id=
"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
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"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"ntar" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
769 <Component Id=
770 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
772 <Verb Id=
"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
775 <RegistryValue Root=
"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"out" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
778 <Component Id=
779 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
780 <Extension Id=
781 <Verb Id=
"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
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"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"pcap" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
787 <Component Id=
788 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
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"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
793 <RegistryValue Root=
"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"pcapng" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
796 <Component Id=
797 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
798 <Extension Id=
799 <Verb Id=
"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
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"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"pklg" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
805 <Component Id=
806 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
808 <Verb Id=
"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
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"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"pkt" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
814 <Component Id=
815 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
817 <Verb Id=
"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
820 <RegistryValue Root=
"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"rf5" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
823 <Component Id=
824 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
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"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
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"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"scap" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
832 <Component Id=
833 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
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"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
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"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"snoop" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
841 <Component Id=
842 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
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"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
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"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"syc" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
850 <Component Id=
851 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
853 <Verb Id=
"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
856 <RegistryValue Root=
"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"tpc" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
859 <Component Id=
860 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
862 <Verb Id=
"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
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"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"tr1" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
868 <Component Id=
869 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
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"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
874 <RegistryValue Root=
"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"trace" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
877 <Component Id=
878 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
880 <Verb Id=
"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
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"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"trc" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
886 <Component Id=
887 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
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"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
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"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"vwr" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
895 <Component Id=
896 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
898 <Verb Id=
"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
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"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"wpc" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
904 <Component Id=
905 <ProgId Id=
"$(var.WiresharkFileAssociation)" Description=
907 <Verb Id=
"open" Command=
"open" TargetFile=
"filWireshark_exe" Argument=
910 <RegistryValue Root=
"HKCU" Key=
"Software\$(var.WiresharkName)" Name=
"wpz" Type=
"integer" Value=
"1" KeyPath=
916 <!-- C-runtime redistributable -->
918 <DirectoryRef Id=
919 <Merge Id=
"VCRedist" SourceFile=
"$(var.VCRedistDir)\Microsoft_$(var.VCRedistVersion)_CRT_$(var.Platform).msm" DiskId=
"1" Language=