TODO epan/dissectors/asn1/kerberos/packet-kerberos-template.c new GSS flags
[wireshark-sm.git] / test / lua / tvb.lua
1 ----------------------------------------
2 -- script-name: tvb.lua
3 -- This tests the Tvb/TvbRange and proto_add_XXX_item API.
4 ----------------------------------------
5 local testlib = require("testlib")
7 local FRAME = "frame"
8 local OTHER = "other"
10 -- expected number of runs per type
14 -- The number of tests in a specific category (other than FRAME) is the
15 -- number of times execute() is called by any function below testing().
16 -- From the user's perspective, it can be calculated with the following
17 -- formula:
19 -- N = number of execute() you call +
20 -- number of verifyFields() * (1 + number of fields) +
21 -- number of verifyResults() * (1 + 2 * number of values)
23 -- if one happens to know the number of fields and the number of values.
25 local n_frames = 1
26 local taptests = { [FRAME]=n_frames, [OTHER]=391*n_frames }
28 testlib.init(taptests)
30 ------------- test script ------------
32 ----------------------------------------
33 -- creates a Proto object for our testing
34 local test_proto = Proto("test","Test Protocol")
36 local numinits = 0
37 function test_proto.init()
38 numinits = numinits + 1
39 if numinits == 2 then
40 testlib.getResults()
41 end
42 end
45 ----------------------------------------
46 -- a table of all of our Protocol's fields
47 range_string = {
48 { 0, 200, "The first part" },
49 { 201, 233, "The second part" },
50 { 234, 255, "The last part" },
53 local testfield =
55 basic =
57 STRING = ProtoField.string ("test.basic.string", "Basic string"),
58 BOOLEAN = ProtoField.bool ("test.basic.boolean", "Basic boolean", 16, {"yes","no"}, 0x0001),
59 UINT8 = ProtoField.uint8 ("test.basic.uint8", "Basic uint8 with range string", base.RANGE_STRING, range_string ),
60 UINT16 = ProtoField.uint16 ("test.basic.uint16", "Basic uint16"),
61 UINT32 = ProtoField.uint32 ("test.basic.uint32", "Basic uint32 test with a unit string", base.UINT_STRING, { "femtoFarads" }),
62 INT24 = ProtoField.int24 ("test.basic.uint24", "Basic uint24"),
63 BYTES = ProtoField.bytes ("test.basic.bytes", "Basic Bytes"),
64 UINT_BYTES = ProtoField.ubytes ("test.basic.ubytes", "Basic Uint Bytes"),
65 OID = ProtoField.oid ("test.basic.oid", "Basic OID"),
66 REL_OID = ProtoField.rel_oid("test.basic.rel_oid", "Basic Relative OID"),
67 ABSOLUTE_LOCAL = ProtoField.absolute_time("test.basic.absolute.local","Basic absolute local"),
68 ABSOLUTE_UTC = ProtoField.absolute_time("test.basic.absolute.utc", "Basic absolute utc", base.UTC),
69 IPv4 = ProtoField.ipv4 ("test.basic.ipv4", "Basic ipv4 address"),
70 IPv6 = ProtoField.ipv6 ("test.basic.ipv6", "Basic ipv6 address"),
71 ETHER = ProtoField.ether ("test.basic.ether", "Basic ethernet address"),
72 -- GUID = ProtoField.guid ("test.basic.guid", "Basic GUID"),
75 time =
77 ABSOLUTE_LOCAL = ProtoField.absolute_time("test.time.absolute.local","Time absolute local"),
78 ABSOLUTE_UTC = ProtoField.absolute_time("test.time.absolute.utc", "Time absolute utc", base.UTC),
81 bytes =
83 BYTES = ProtoField.bytes ("test.bytes.bytes", "Bytes"),
84 UINT_BYTES = ProtoField.ubytes ("test.bytes.ubytes", "Uint Bytes"),
85 OID = ProtoField.oid ("test.bytes.oid", "OID"),
86 REL_OID = ProtoField.rel_oid("test.bytes.rel_oid", "Relative OID"),
87 -- GUID = ProtoField.guid ("test.bytes.guid", "GUID"),
91 -- create a flat array table of the above that can be registered
92 local pfields = {}
93 for _,t in pairs(testfield) do
94 for k,v in pairs(t) do
95 pfields[#pfields+1] = v
96 end
97 end
99 -- register them
100 test_proto.fields = pfields
102 print("test_proto ProtoFields registered")
105 local getfield =
107 basic =
109 STRING = ("test.basic.string"),
110 BOOLEAN = ("test.basic.boolean"),
111 UINT8 = ("test.basic.uint8"),
112 UINT16 = ("test.basic.uint16"),
113 INT24 = ("test.basic.uint24"),
114 BYTES = ("test.basic.bytes"),
115 UINT_BYTES = ("test.basic.ubytes"),
116 OID = ("test.basic.oid"),
117 REL_OID = ("test.basic.rel_oid"),
118 ABSOLUTE_LOCAL = ("test.basic.absolute.local"),
119 ABSOLUTE_UTC = ("test.basic.absolute.utc"),
120 IPv4 = ("test.basic.ipv4"),
121 IPv6 = ("test.basic.ipv6"),
122 ETHER = ("test.basic.ether"),
123 -- GUID = ("test.basic.guid"),
126 time =
128 ABSOLUTE_LOCAL = ("test.time.absolute.local"),
129 ABSOLUTE_UTC = ("test.time.absolute.utc"),
132 bytes =
134 BYTES = ("test.bytes.bytes"),
135 UINT_BYTES = ("test.bytes.ubytes"),
136 OID = ("test.bytes.oid"),
137 REL_OID = ("test.bytes.rel_oid"),
138 -- GUID = ("test.bytes.guid"),
142 print("test_proto Fields created")
144 local function addMatchFields(match_fields, ... )
145 match_fields[#match_fields + 1] = { ... }
148 local function getFieldInfos(name)
149 local base, field = name:match("([^.]+)%.(.+)")
150 if not base or not field then
151 error("failed to get base.field from '" .. name .. "'")
153 local t = { getfield[base][field]() }
154 return t
157 local function verifyFields(name, match_fields)
158 local finfos = getFieldInfos(name)
160 testlib.test(OTHER, "verify-fields-size-" .. name, #finfos == #match_fields,
161 "#finfos=" .. #finfos .. ", #match_fields=" .. #match_fields)
163 for i, t in ipairs(match_fields) do
164 if type(t) ~= 'table' then
165 error("verifyFields didn't get a table inside the matches table")
167 if #t ~= 1 then
168 error("verifyFields matches table's table is not size 1")
170 local result = finfos[i]()
171 local value = t[1]
172 print(
173 name .. " got:",
174 "\n\tfinfos [" .. i .. "]='" .. tostring( result ) .. "'",
175 "\n\tmatches[" .. i .. "]='" .. tostring( value ) .. "'"
177 testlib.test(OTHER, "verify-fields-value-" .. name .. "-" .. i, result == value )
182 local function addMatchValues(match_values, ... )
183 match_values[#match_values + 1] = { ... }
186 local function addMatchFieldValues(match_fields, match_values, match_both, ...)
187 addMatchFields(match_fields, match_both)
188 addMatchValues(match_values, match_both, ...)
191 local result_values = {}
192 local function resetResults()
193 result_values = {}
196 local function treeAddPField(...)
197 local t = { pcall ( TreeItem.add_packet_field, ... ) }
198 if t[1] == nil then
199 return nil, t[2]
201 -- it gives back a TreeItem, then the results
202 if typeof(t[2]) ~= 'TreeItem' then
203 return nil, "did not get a TreeItem returned from TreeItem.add_packet_field, "..
204 "got a '" .. typeof(t[2]) .."'"
207 if #t ~= 4 then
208 return nil, "did not get 3 return values from TreeItem.add_packet_field"
211 result_values[#result_values + 1] = { t[3], t[4] }
213 return true
216 local function verifyResults(name, match_values)
217 testlib.test(OTHER, "verify-results-size-" .. name, #result_values == #match_values,
218 "#result_values=" .. #result_values ..
219 ", #match_values=" .. #match_values)
221 for j, t in ipairs(match_values) do
222 if type(t) ~= 'table' then
223 error("verifyResults didn't get a table inside the matches table")
225 for i, match in ipairs(t) do
226 local r = result_values[j][i]
227 print(
228 name .. " got:",
229 "\n\tresults[" .. j .. "][" .. i .. "]='" .. tostring( r ) .. "'",
230 "\n\tmatches[" .. j .. "][" .. i .. "]='" .. tostring( match ) .. "'"
232 local result_type, match_type
233 if type(match) == 'userdata' then
234 match_type = typeof(match)
235 else
236 match_type = type(match)
238 if type(r) == 'userdata' then
239 result_type = typeof(r)
240 else
241 result_type = type(r)
243 testlib.test(OTHER, "verify-results-type-" .. name .. "-" .. i, result_type == match_type )
244 testlib.test(OTHER, "verify-results-value-" .. name .. "-" .. i, r == match )
249 -- Compute the difference in seconds between local time and UTC
250 -- from
251 local function get_timezone()
252 local now = os.time()
253 return os.difftime(now, os.time("!*t", now)))
255 local timezone = get_timezone()
256 print ("timezone = " .. timezone)
258 ----------------------------------------
259 -- The following creates the callback function for the dissector.
260 -- The 'tvbuf' is a Tvb object, 'pktinfo' is a Pinfo object, and 'root' is a TreeItem object.
261 function test_proto.dissector(tvbuf,pktinfo,root)
263 testlib.countPacket(FRAME)
264 testlib.countPacket(OTHER)
266 testlib.testing(OTHER, "Basic string")
268 local tree = root:add(test_proto, tvbuf:range(0,tvbuf:len()))
270 -- create a fake Tvb to use for testing
271 local teststring = "this is the string for the first test"
272 local bytearray =, true)
273 local tvb_string = bytearray:tvb("Basic string")
275 local function callTreeAdd(tree,...)
276 tree:add(...)
279 local string_match_fields = {}
281 testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-tvb_get_string", tvb_string:range():string() == teststring )
283 testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-string", tree:add(testfield.basic.STRING, tvb_string:range(0,tvb_string:len())) ~= nil )
284 addMatchFields(string_match_fields, teststring)
286 testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-string", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.STRING, tvb_string:range() ) )
287 addMatchFields(string_match_fields, teststring)
289 verifyFields("basic.STRING", string_match_fields)
291 ----------------------------------------
292 testlib.testing(OTHER, "Basic boolean")
294 local barray_bytes_hex = "00FF00018000"
295 local barray_bytes =
296 local tvb_bytes = barray_bytes:tvb("Basic bytes")
297 local bool_match_fields = {}
299 testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-boolean", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.BOOLEAN, tvb_bytes:range(0,2)) )
300 addMatchFields(bool_match_fields, true)
302 testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-boolean", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.BOOLEAN, tvb_bytes:range(2,2)) )
303 addMatchFields(bool_match_fields, true)
305 testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-boolean", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.BOOLEAN, tvb_bytes:range(4,2)) )
306 addMatchFields(bool_match_fields, false)
308 verifyFields("basic.BOOLEAN", bool_match_fields )
310 ----------------------------------------
311 testlib.testing(OTHER, "Basic uint16")
313 local uint16_match_fields = {}
315 testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-uint16", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.UINT16, tvb_bytes:range(0,2)) )
316 addMatchFields(uint16_match_fields, 255)
318 testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-uint16", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.UINT16, tvb_bytes:range(2,2)) )
319 addMatchFields(uint16_match_fields, 1)
321 testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-uint16", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.UINT16, tvb_bytes:range(4,2)) )
322 addMatchFields(uint16_match_fields, 32768)
324 verifyFields("basic.UINT16", uint16_match_fields)
326 ----------------------------------------
327 testlib.testing(OTHER, "Basic uint16-le")
329 local function callTreeAddLE(tree,...)
330 tree:add_le(...)
333 testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-uint16-le", pcall (callTreeAddLE, tree, testfield.basic.UINT16, tvb_bytes:range(0,2)) )
334 addMatchFields(uint16_match_fields, 65280)
336 testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-uint16-le", pcall (callTreeAddLE, tree, testfield.basic.UINT16, tvb_bytes:range(2,2)) )
337 addMatchFields(uint16_match_fields, 256)
339 testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-uint16-le", pcall (callTreeAddLE, tree, testfield.basic.UINT16, tvb_bytes:range(4,2)) )
340 addMatchFields(uint16_match_fields, 128)
342 verifyFields("basic.UINT16", uint16_match_fields)
344 ----------------------------------------
345 testlib.testing(OTHER, "Basic int24")
347 local int24_match_fields = {}
349 testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-int24", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.INT24, tvb_bytes:range(0,3)) )
350 addMatchFields(int24_match_fields, 65280)
352 testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-int24", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.INT24, tvb_bytes:range(3,3)) )
353 addMatchFields(int24_match_fields, 98304)
355 verifyFields("basic.INT24", int24_match_fields)
357 ----------------------------------------
358 testlib.testing(OTHER, "Basic int24-le")
360 testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-int24", pcall (callTreeAddLE, tree, testfield.basic.INT24, tvb_bytes:range(0,3)) )
361 addMatchFields(int24_match_fields, 65280)
363 testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-int24", pcall (callTreeAddLE, tree, testfield.basic.INT24, tvb_bytes:range(3,3)) )
364 addMatchFields(int24_match_fields, 32769)
366 verifyFields("basic.INT24", int24_match_fields)
368 ----------------------------------------
369 testlib.testing(OTHER, "Basic bytes")
371 local bytes_match_fields = {}
373 testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-tvb_get_string_bytes",
374 string.lower(tostring(tvb_bytes:range():bytes())) == string.lower(barray_bytes_hex))
376 testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-bytes", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.BYTES, tvb_bytes:range()) )
377 addMatchFields(bytes_match_fields, barray_bytes)
379 -- TODO: it's silly that tree:add_packet_field() requires an encoding argument
380 -- need to fix that separately in a bug fix
381 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-bytes", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.basic.BYTES,
382 tvb_bytes:range(), ENC_BIG_ENDIAN))
383 addMatchFields(bytes_match_fields, barray_bytes)
385 verifyFields("basic.BYTES", bytes_match_fields)
387 ----------------------------------------
388 testlib.testing(OTHER, "Basic uint bytes")
390 local len_string = string.format("%02x", barray_bytes:len())
391 local barray_uint_bytes = .. barray_bytes
392 local tvb_uint_bytes = barray_uint_bytes:tvb("Basic UINT_BYTES")
393 local uint_bytes_match_fields = {}
395 testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-uint-bytes", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.UINT_BYTES,
396 tvb_uint_bytes:range(0,1)) )
397 addMatchFields(uint_bytes_match_fields, barray_bytes)
399 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-uint-bytes", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.basic.UINT_BYTES,
400 tvb_uint_bytes:range(0,1), ENC_BIG_ENDIAN) )
401 addMatchFields(uint_bytes_match_fields, barray_bytes)
403 verifyFields("basic.UINT_BYTES", uint_bytes_match_fields)
405 ----------------------------------------
406 testlib.testing(OTHER, "Basic OID")
408 -- note: the tvb being dissected and compared isn't actually a valid OID.
409 -- tree:add() and tree:add_packet-field() don't care about its validity right now.
411 local oid_match_fields = {}
413 testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-oid", pcall(callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.OID, tvb_bytes:range()) )
414 addMatchFields(oid_match_fields, barray_bytes)
416 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-oid", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.basic.OID,
417 tvb_bytes:range(), ENC_BIG_ENDIAN) )
418 addMatchFields(oid_match_fields, barray_bytes)
420 verifyFields("basic.OID", oid_match_fields)
422 ----------------------------------------
423 testlib.testing(OTHER, "Basic REL_OID")
425 -- note: the tvb being dissected and compared isn't actually a valid OID.
426 -- tree:add() and tree:add_packet-field() don't care about its validity right now.
428 local rel_oid_match_fields = {}
430 testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-rel-oid", pcall(callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.REL_OID, tvb_bytes:range()))
431 addMatchFields(rel_oid_match_fields, barray_bytes)
433 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-rel_oid", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.basic.REL_OID,
434 tvb_bytes:range(), ENC_BIG_ENDIAN) )
435 addMatchFields(rel_oid_match_fields, barray_bytes)
437 verifyFields("basic.REL_OID", rel_oid_match_fields)
439 -- TODO: a FT_GUID is not really a ByteArray, so we can't simply treat it as one
440 -- local barray_guid ="00FF0001 80001234 567890AB CDEF00FF")
441 -- local tvb_guid = barray_guid:tvb("Basic GUID")
442 -- local guid_match_fields = {}
444 -- testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-guid", pcall(callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.GUID, tvb_guid:range()) )
445 -- addMatchFields(guid_match_fields, barray_guid)
447 -- testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-guid", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.basic.GUID,
448 -- tvb_guid:range(), ENC_BIG_ENDIAN) )
449 -- addMatchFields(guid_match_fields, barray_guid)
451 -- verifyFields("basic.GUID", guid_match_fields)
453 ----------------------------------------
454 testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add ipv6")
456 local tvb ="20010db8 00000000 0000ff00 00428329"):tvb("IPv6")
457 local IPv6 = testfield.basic.IPv6
458 local ipv6_match_fields = {}
460 testlib.test(OTHER, "ipv6", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, IPv6, tvb:range(0,16)))
461 addMatchFields(ipv6_match_fields, Address.ipv6('2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329'))
463 verifyFields("basic.IPv6", ipv6_match_fields)
465 ----------------------------------------
466 testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add ipv4")
468 local tvb ="7f000001"):tvb("IPv4")
469 local IPv4 = testfield.basic.IPv4
470 local ipv4_match_fields = {}
472 testlib.test(OTHER, "ipv4", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, IPv4, tvb:range(0,4)))
473 addMatchFields(ipv4_match_fields, Address.ip(''))
475 -- TODO: currently, tree:add_le only works for numeric values, not IPv4
476 -- addresses. Test this in the future.
478 -- testlib.test(OTHER, "ipv4", pcall (callTreeAddLE, tree, IPv4, tvb:range(0,4)))
479 -- addMatchFields(ipv4_match_fields, Address.ip(''))
481 verifyFields("basic.IPv4", ipv4_match_fields)
483 ----------------------------------------
484 testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add ether")
486 local tvb ="010203040506"):tvb("Ether")
487 local tvb0 ="000000000000"):tvb("Ether0")
488 local ether = testfield.basic.ETHER
489 local ether_match_fields = {}
491 testlib.test(OTHER, "ether", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, ether, tvb:range(0,6)))
492 addMatchFields(ether_match_fields, Address.ether('01:02:03:04:05:06'))
494 testlib.test(OTHER, "ether0", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, ether, tvb0:range(0,6)))
495 addMatchFields(ether_match_fields, Address.ether('11:22:33'))
497 verifyFields("basic.ETHER", ether_match_fields)
499 ----------------------------------------
500 testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add_packet_field Bytes")
502 resetResults()
503 bytes_match_fields = {}
504 local bytes_match_values = {}
506 -- something to make this easier to read
507 local function addMatch(...)
508 addMatchFieldValues(bytes_match_fields, bytes_match_values, ...)
511 local bytesstring1 = "deadbeef0123456789DEADBEEFabcdef"
512 local bytesstring = -- the binary version of above, for comparing
513 local bytestvb1 =, true):tvb("Bytes hex-string 1")
514 local bytesstring2 = " de:ad:be:ef:01:23:45:67:89:DE:AD:BE:EF:ab:cd:ef"
515 local bytestvb2 = .. "-f0-00 foobar", true):tvb("Bytes hex-string 2")
517 local bytestvb1_decode = bytestvb1:range():bytes(ENC_STR_HEX + ENC_SEP_NONE + ENC_SEP_COLON + ENC_SEP_DASH)
518 testlib.test(OTHER, "tvb_get_string_bytes", string.lower(tostring(bytestvb1_decode)) == string.lower(tostring(bytesstring1)))
520 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-bytes1", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.bytes.BYTES,
521 bytestvb1:range(),
524 addMatch(bytesstring, string.len(bytesstring1))
526 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-bytes2", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.bytes.BYTES,
527 bytestvb2:range(),
530 addMatch(bytesstring, string.len(bytesstring2))
532 verifyResults("add_pfield-bytes", bytes_match_values)
533 verifyFields("bytes.BYTES", bytes_match_fields)
535 -- extra test of ByteArray
536 local b64padded ="dGVzdA==", true):base64_decode():raw()
537 local b64unpadded ="dGVzdA", true):base64_decode():raw()
538 testlib.test(OTHER, "bytearray_base64_padded", b64padded == "test")
539 testlib.test(OTHER, "bytearray_base64_unpadded", b64unpadded == "test")
542 ----------------------------------------
543 testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add_packet_field OID")
545 resetResults()
546 bytes_match_fields = {}
547 bytes_match_values = {}
549 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-oid1", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.bytes.OID,
550 bytestvb1:range(),
553 addMatch(bytesstring, string.len(bytesstring1))
555 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-oid2", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.bytes.OID,
556 bytestvb2:range(),
559 addMatch(bytesstring, string.len(bytesstring2))
561 verifyResults("add_pfield-oid", bytes_match_values)
562 verifyFields("bytes.OID", bytes_match_fields)
565 ----------------------------------------
566 testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add_packet_field REL_OID")
568 resetResults()
569 bytes_match_fields = {}
570 bytes_match_values = {}
572 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-rel_oid1", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.bytes.REL_OID,
573 bytestvb1:range(),
576 addMatch(bytesstring, string.len(bytesstring1))
578 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-rel_oid2", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.bytes.REL_OID,
579 bytestvb2:range(),
582 addMatch(bytesstring, string.len(bytesstring2))
584 verifyResults("add_pfield-rel_oid", bytes_match_values)
585 verifyFields("bytes.REL_OID", bytes_match_fields)
588 ----------------------------------------
589 testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add Time")
591 local tvb ="00000000 00000000 0000FF0F 00FF000F"):tvb("Time")
592 local ALOCAL = testfield.time.ABSOLUTE_LOCAL
593 local alocal_match_fields = {}
595 testlib.test(OTHER, "time-local", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, ALOCAL, tvb:range(0,8)) )
596 addMatchFields(alocal_match_fields, NSTime())
598 testlib.test(OTHER, "time-local", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, ALOCAL, tvb:range(8,8)) )
599 addMatchFields(alocal_match_fields, NSTime( 0x0000FF0F, 0x00FF000F) )
601 testlib.test(OTHER, "time-local-le", pcall (callTreeAddLE, tree, ALOCAL, tvb:range(0,8)) )
602 addMatchFields(alocal_match_fields, NSTime())
604 testlib.test(OTHER, "time-local-le", pcall (callTreeAddLE, tree, ALOCAL, tvb:range(8,8)) )
605 addMatchFields(alocal_match_fields, NSTime( 0x0FFF0000, 0x0F00FF00 ) )
607 verifyFields("time.ABSOLUTE_LOCAL", alocal_match_fields)
609 local AUTC = testfield.time.ABSOLUTE_UTC
610 local autc_match_fields = {}
612 testlib.test(OTHER, "time-utc", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, AUTC, tvb:range(0,8)) )
613 addMatchFields(autc_match_fields, NSTime())
615 testlib.test(OTHER, "time-utc", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, AUTC, tvb:range(8,8)) )
616 addMatchFields(autc_match_fields, NSTime( 0x0000FF0F, 0x00FF000F) )
618 testlib.test(OTHER, "time-utc-le", pcall (callTreeAddLE, tree, AUTC, tvb:range(0,8)) )
619 addMatchFields(autc_match_fields, NSTime())
621 testlib.test(OTHER, "time-utc-le", pcall (callTreeAddLE, tree, AUTC, tvb:range(8,8)) )
622 addMatchFields(autc_match_fields, NSTime( 0x0FFF0000, 0x0F00FF00 ) )
624 verifyFields("time.ABSOLUTE_UTC", autc_match_fields )
626 ----------------------------------------
627 testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add_packet_field Time bytes")
629 resetResults()
630 local autc_match_values = {}
632 -- something to make this easier to read
633 addMatch = function(...)
634 addMatchFieldValues(autc_match_fields, autc_match_values, ...)
637 -- tree:add_packet_field(ALOCAL, tvb:range(0,8), ENC_BIG_ENDIAN)
638 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-time-bytes-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb:range(0,8), ENC_BIG_ENDIAN) )
639 addMatch( NSTime(), 8)
641 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-time-bytes-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb:range(8,8), ENC_BIG_ENDIAN) )
642 addMatch( NSTime( 0x0000FF0F, 0x00FF000F), 16)
644 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-time-bytes-local-le", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb:range(0,8), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN) )
645 addMatch( NSTime(), 8)
647 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-time-bytes-local-le", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb:range(8,8), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN) )
648 addMatch( NSTime( 0x0FFF0000, 0x0F00FF00 ), 16)
650 verifyFields("time.ABSOLUTE_UTC", autc_match_fields)
652 verifyResults("add_pfield-time-bytes-local", autc_match_values)
654 ----------------------------------------
655 testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add_packet_field Time string ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME")
657 resetResults()
658 autc_match_values = {}
660 local datetimestring1 = "2013-03-01T22:14:48+00:00" -- this is 1362176088 seconds epoch time
661 local tvb1 =, true):tvb("Date_Time string 1")
662 local datetimestring2 = " 2013-03-02T03:14:48+05:00" -- this is 1362176088 seconds epoch time
663 local tvb2 = .. " foobar", true):tvb("Date_Time string 2")
664 local datetimestring3 = " 2013-03-01T16:44-05:30" -- this is 1362176040 seconds epoch time
665 local tvb3 =, true):tvb("Date_Time string 3")
666 local datetimestring4 = "2013-03-02T01:44:00+03:30" -- this is 1362176040 seconds epoch time
667 local tvb4 =, true):tvb("Date_Time string 4")
668 local datetimestring5 = "2013-03-01T22:14:48Z" -- this is 1362176088 seconds epoch time
669 local tvb5 =, true):tvb("Date_Time string 5")
670 local datetimestring6 = "2013-03-01T22:14Z" -- this is 1362176040 seconds epoch time
671 local tvb6 =, true):tvb("Date_Time string 6")
673 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb1:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME) )
674 addMatch( NSTime( 1362176088, 0), string.len(datetimestring1))
676 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb2:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME) )
677 addMatch( NSTime( 1362176088, 0), string.len(datetimestring2))
679 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb3:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME) )
680 addMatch( NSTime( 1362176040, 0), string.len(datetimestring3))
682 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb4:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME) )
683 addMatch( NSTime( 1362176040, 0), string.len(datetimestring4))
685 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb5:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME) )
686 addMatch( NSTime( 1362176088, 0), string.len(datetimestring5))
688 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb6:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME) )
689 addMatch( NSTime( 1362176040, 0), string.len(datetimestring6))
691 verifyFields("time.ABSOLUTE_UTC", autc_match_fields)
693 verifyResults("add_pfield-datetime-local", autc_match_values)
695 ----------------------------------------
696 testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add_packet_field Time string ENC_ISO_8601_DATE")
698 resetResults()
699 autc_match_values = {}
701 local datestring1 = "2013-03-01" -- this is 1362096000 seconds epoch time
702 local d_tvb1 =, true):tvb("Date string 1")
703 local datestring2 = " 2013-03-01" -- this is 1362096000 seconds epoch time
704 local d_tvb2 = .. " foobar", true):tvb("Date string 2")
706 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-date-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, d_tvb1:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE) )
707 addMatch( NSTime( 1362096000, 0), string.len(datestring1))
709 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-date-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, d_tvb2:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE) )
710 addMatch( NSTime( 1362096000, 0), string.len(datestring2))
712 verifyFields("time.ABSOLUTE_UTC", autc_match_fields)
714 verifyResults("add_pfield-date-local", autc_match_values)
716 ----------------------------------------
717 testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add_packet_field Time string ENC_ISO_8601_TIME")
719 resetResults()
720 autc_match_values = {}
722 local timestring1 = "22:14:48" -- this is 80088 seconds
723 local t_tvb1 =, true):tvb("Time string 1")
724 local timestring2 = " 22:14:48" -- this is 80088 seconds
725 local t_tvb2 = .. " foobar", true):tvb("Time string 2")
727 local now ="!*t")
728 now.hour = 22
729 now.min = 14
730 now.sec = 48
731 local timebase = os.time( now )
732 timebase = timebase + timezone
733 print ("timebase = " .. tostring(timebase) .. ", timezone=" .. timezone)
735 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-time-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, t_tvb1:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_TIME) )
736 addMatch( NSTime( timebase, 0), string.len(timestring1))
738 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-time-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, t_tvb2:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_TIME) )
739 addMatch( NSTime( timebase, 0), string.len(timestring2))
741 verifyFields("time.ABSOLUTE_UTC", autc_match_fields)
743 verifyResults("add_pfield-time-local", autc_match_values)
745 ----------------------------------------
746 testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add_packet_field Time string ENC_IMF_DATE_TIME")
748 resetResults()
749 autc_match_values = {}
751 local imfstring1 = "Fri, 01 Mar 13 22:14:48 GMT" -- this is 1362176088 seconds epoch time
752 local imf_tvb1 =, true):tvb("Internet Message Format Time string 1")
753 local imfstring2 = " Fri, 01 Mar 13 22:14:48 GMT" -- this is 1362176088 seconds epoch time
754 local imf_tvb2 = .. " foobar", true):tvb("Internet Message Format Time string 2")
755 local imfstring3 = "Fri, 01 Mar 2013 22:14:48 GMT" -- this is 1362176088 seconds epoch time
756 local imf_tvb3 =, true):tvb("Internet Message Format Time string 3")
757 local imfstring4 = " Fri, 01 Mar 2013 22:14:48 GMT" -- this is 1362176088 seconds epoch time
758 local imf_tvb4 = .. " foobar", true):tvb("Internet Message Format Time string 4")
760 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-time-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, imf_tvb1:range(), ENC_IMF_DATE_TIME) )
761 addMatch( NSTime( 1362176088, 0), string.len(imfstring1))
763 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-time-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, imf_tvb2:range(), ENC_IMF_DATE_TIME) )
764 addMatch( NSTime( 1362176088, 0), string.len(imfstring2))
766 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-time-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, imf_tvb3:range(), ENC_IMF_DATE_TIME) )
767 addMatch( NSTime( 1362176088, 0), string.len(imfstring3))
769 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-time-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, imf_tvb4:range(), ENC_IMF_DATE_TIME) )
770 addMatch( NSTime( 1362176088, 0), string.len(imfstring4))
772 verifyFields("time.ABSOLUTE_UTC", autc_match_fields)
774 verifyResults("add_pfield-imf-date-time-local", autc_match_values)
776 ----------------------------------------
777 testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add_packet_field Time string ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME_BASIC")
779 resetResults()
780 autc_match_values = {}
782 local datetimestring1 = "20130301T221448+0000" -- this is 1362176088 seconds epoch time
783 local tvb1 =, true):tvb("Date_Time string 1")
784 local datetimestring2 = " 20130301171448-0500" -- this is 1362176088 seconds epoch time
785 local tvb2 = .. " foobar", true):tvb("Date_Time string 2")
786 local datetimestring3 = " 20130301T1644-0530" -- this is 1362176040 seconds epoch time
787 local tvb3 =, true):tvb("Date_Time string 3")
788 local datetimestring4 = "20130302 014400+0330" -- this is 1362176040 seconds epoch time
789 local tvb4 =, true):tvb("Date_Time string 4")
790 local datetimestring5 = "20130301T221448Z" -- this is 1362176088 seconds epoch time
791 local tvb5 =, true):tvb("Date_Time string 5")
792 local datetimestring6 = "201303012214Z" -- this is 1362176040 seconds epoch time
793 local tvb6 =, true):tvb("Date_Time string 6")
795 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb1:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME_BASIC) )
796 addMatch( NSTime( 1362176088, 0), string.len(datetimestring1))
798 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb2:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME_BASIC) )
799 addMatch( NSTime( 1362176088, 0), string.len(datetimestring2))
801 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb3:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME_BASIC) )
802 addMatch( NSTime( 1362176040, 0), string.len(datetimestring3))
804 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb4:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME_BASIC) )
805 addMatch( NSTime( 1362176040, 0), string.len(datetimestring4))
807 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb5:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME_BASIC) )
808 addMatch( NSTime( 1362176088, 0), string.len(datetimestring5))
810 testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb6:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME_BASIC) )
811 addMatch( NSTime( 1362176040, 0), string.len(datetimestring6))
813 verifyFields("time.ABSOLUTE_UTC", autc_match_fields)
815 verifyResults("add_pfield-datetime-local", autc_match_values)
817 ----------------------------------------
818 testlib.testing(OTHER, "TvbRange subsets")
820 resetResults()
822 local offset = 5
823 local len = 10
824 local b_offset = 3
825 local b_len = 2
826 local range
827 local range_raw
828 local expected
830 -- This is the same data from the "tree:add_packet_field Bytes" test
831 -- copied here for clarity
832 local bytesstring1 = "deadbeef0123456789DEADBEEFabcdef"
833 local bytestvb1 =, true):tvb("Bytes hex-string 1")
835 -- tvbrange with no offset or length (control test case)
836 range = bytestvb1()
837 range_raw = range:raw()
838 expected = range:bytes():raw()
839 testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_raw", range_raw == expected,
840 string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected))
841 range_raw = range:raw(b_offset)
842 expected = range:bytes():raw(b_offset)
843 testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_raw_offset", range_raw == expected,
844 string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected))
845 range_raw = range:raw(0, b_len)
846 expected = range:bytes():raw(0, b_len)
847 testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_raw_len", range_raw == expected,
848 string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected))
849 range_raw = range:raw(b_offset, b_len)
850 expected = range:bytes():raw(b_offset, b_len)
851 testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_raw_offset_len", range_raw == expected,
852 string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected))
854 -- tvbrange with len only
855 range = bytestvb1(0, len)
856 range_raw = range:raw()
857 expected = range:bytes():raw()
858 testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_len_raw", range_raw == expected,
859 string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected))
860 range_raw = range:raw(b_offset)
861 expected = range:bytes():raw(b_offset)
862 testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_len_raw_offset", range_raw == expected,
863 string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected))
864 range_raw = range:raw(0, b_len)
865 expected = range:bytes():raw(0, b_len)
866 testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_len_raw_len", range_raw == expected,
867 string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected))
868 range_raw = range:raw(b_offset, b_len)
869 expected = range:bytes():raw(b_offset, b_len)
870 testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_len_raw_offset_len", range_raw == expected,
871 string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected))
873 -- tvbrange with offset only
874 range = bytestvb1(offset)
875 range_raw = range:raw()
876 expected = range:bytes():raw()
877 testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_offset_raw", range_raw == expected,
878 string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected))
879 range_raw = range:raw(b_offset)
880 expected = range:bytes():raw(b_offset)
881 testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_offset_raw_offset", range_raw == expected,
882 string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected))
883 range_raw = range:raw(0, b_len)
884 expected = range:bytes():raw(0, b_len)
885 testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_offset_raw_len", range_raw == expected,
886 string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected))
887 range_raw = range:raw(b_offset, b_len)
888 expected = range:bytes():raw(b_offset, b_len)
889 testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_offset_raw_offset_len", range_raw == expected,
890 string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected))
892 -- tvbrange with offset and len
893 range = bytestvb1(offset, len)
894 range_raw = range:raw()
895 expected = range:bytes():raw()
896 testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_offset_len_raw", range_raw == expected,
897 string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected))
898 range_raw = range:raw(b_offset)
899 expected = range:bytes():raw(b_offset)
900 testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_offset_len_raw_offset", range_raw == expected,
901 string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected))
902 range_raw = range:raw(0, b_len)
903 expected = range:bytes():raw(0, b_len)
904 testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_offset_len_raw_len", range_raw == expected,
905 string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected))
906 range_raw = range:raw(b_offset, b_len)
907 expected = range:bytes():raw(b_offset, b_len)
908 testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_offset_len_raw_offset_len", range_raw == expected,
909 string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected))
911 ----------------------------------------
913 testlib.pass(FRAME)
916 ----------------------------------------
917 -- we want to have our protocol dissection invoked for a specific UDP port,
918 -- so get the udp dissector table and add our protocol to it
919 DissectorTable.get("udp.port"):add(65333, test_proto)
920 DissectorTable.get("udp.port"):add(65346, test_proto)
922 print("test_proto dissector registered")