sq epan/dissectors/pidl/rcg/rcg.cnf
[wireshark-sm.git] / tools / check_typed_item_calls.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 # Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
3 # By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
4 # Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
6 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
8 import os
9 import re
10 import argparse
11 import signal
12 import subprocess
14 # This utility scans the dissector code for various issues.
15 # TODO:
16 # - Create maps from type -> display types for hf items (see display (FIELDDISPLAY)) in docs/README.dissector
19 # Try to exit soon after Ctrl-C is pressed.
20 should_exit = False
22 def signal_handler(sig, frame):
23 global should_exit
24 should_exit = True
25 print('You pressed Ctrl+C - exiting')
27 signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
30 warnings_found = 0
31 errors_found = 0
33 def name_has_one_of(name, substring_list):
34 for word in substring_list:
35 if name.lower().find(word) != -1:
36 return True
37 return False
39 # An individual call to an API we are interested in.
40 # Used by APICheck below.
41 class Call:
42 def __init__(self, function_name, hf_name, macros, line_number=None, offset=None, length=None, fields=None):
43 self.hf_name = hf_name
44 self.line_number = line_number
45 self.fields = fields
46 self.length = None
47 if length:
48 try:
49 #if offset.find('*') != -1 and offset.find('*') != 0 and offset.find('8') != -1:
50 # print(hf_name, function_name, offset)
51 self.length = int(length)
52 except Exception:
53 if length.isupper():
54 if length in macros:
55 try:
56 self.length = int(macros[length])
57 except Exception:
58 pass
59 pass
62 # These are variable names that have been seen to be used in calls..
63 common_hf_var_names = { 'hf_index', 'hf_item', 'hf_idx', 'hf_x', 'hf_id', 'hf_cookie', 'hf_flag',
64 'hf_dos_time', 'hf_dos_date', 'hf_value', 'hf_num',
65 'hf_cause_value', 'hf_uuid',
66 'hf_endian', 'hf_ip', 'hf_port', 'hf_suff', 'hf_string', 'hf_uint',
67 'hf_tag', 'hf_type', 'hf_hdr', 'hf_field', 'hf_opcode', 'hf_size',
68 'hf_entry', 'field' }
70 item_lengths = {}
71 item_lengths['FT_CHAR'] = 1
72 item_lengths['FT_UINT8'] = 1
73 item_lengths['FT_INT8'] = 1
74 item_lengths['FT_UINT16'] = 2
75 item_lengths['FT_INT16'] = 2
76 item_lengths['FT_UINT24'] = 3
77 item_lengths['FT_INT24'] = 3
78 item_lengths['FT_UINT32'] = 4
79 item_lengths['FT_INT32'] = 4
80 item_lengths['FT_UINT40'] = 5
81 item_lengths['FT_INT40'] = 5
82 item_lengths['FT_UINT48'] = 6
83 item_lengths['FT_INT48'] = 6
84 item_lengths['FT_UINT56'] = 7
85 item_lengths['FT_INT56'] = 7
86 item_lengths['FT_UINT64'] = 8
87 item_lengths['FT_INT64'] = 8
88 item_lengths['FT_ETHER'] = 6
89 item_lengths['FT_IPv4'] = 4
90 item_lengths['FT_IPv6'] = 16
92 # TODO: other types...
95 # A check for a particular API function.
96 class APICheck:
97 def __init__(self, fun_name, allowed_types, positive_length=False):
98 self.fun_name = fun_name
99 self.allowed_types = allowed_types
100 self.positive_length = positive_length
101 self.calls = []
103 if fun_name.startswith('ptvcursor'):
104 # RE captures function name + 1st 2 args (always ptvc + hfindex)
105 self.p = re.compile('[^\n]*' + self.fun_name + r'\s*\(([a-zA-Z0-9_]+),\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)')
106 elif fun_name.find('add_bitmask') == -1:
107 # Normal case.
108 # RE captures function name + 1st 2 args (always tree + hfindex + length)
109 self.p = re.compile('[^\n]*' + self.fun_name + r'\s*\(([a-zA-Z0-9_]+),\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+),\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+,\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+,\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)')
110 else:
111 # _add_bitmask functions.
112 # RE captures function name + 1st + 4th args (always tree + hfindex)
113 # 6th arg is 'fields'
114 self.p = re.compile('[^\n]*' + self.fun_name + r'\s*\(([a-zA-Z0-9_]+),\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+,\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+,\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*,\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\s*,\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*,')
116 self.file = None
117 self.mask_allowed = True
118 if fun_name.find('proto_tree_add_bits_') != -1:
119 self.mask_allowed = False
122 def find_calls(self, file, macros):
123 self.file = file
124 self.calls = []
126 with open(file, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f:
127 contents = f.read()
128 lines = contents.splitlines()
129 total_lines = len(lines)
130 for line_number,line in enumerate(lines):
131 # Want to check this, and next few lines
132 to_check = lines[line_number-1] + '\n'
133 # Nothing to check if function name isn't in it
134 if to_check.find(self.fun_name) != -1:
135 # Ok, add the next file lines before trying RE
136 for i in range(1, 4):
137 if to_check.find(';') != -1:
138 break
139 elif line_number+i < total_lines:
140 to_check += (lines[line_number-1+i] + '\n')
141 m = self.p.search(to_check)
142 if m:
143 fields = None
144 length = None
146 if self.fun_name.find('add_bitmask') != -1:
147 fields = m.group(3)
148 else:
149 if self.p.groups == 3:
150 length = m.group(3)
152 # Add call. We have length if re had 3 groups.
153 self.calls.append(Call(self.fun_name,
154 m.group(2),
155 macros,
156 line_number=line_number,
157 length=length,
158 fields=fields))
160 # Return true if bit position n is set in value.
161 def check_bit(self, value, n):
162 return (value & (0x1 << n)) != 0
164 def does_mask_cover_value(self, mask, value):
165 # Walk past any l.s. 0 bits in value
166 n = 0
168 # Walk through any bits that are set and check they are in mask
169 while self.check_bit(value, n) and n <= 63:
170 if not self.check_bit(mask, n):
171 return False
172 n += 1
174 return True
176 def check_against_items(self, items_defined, items_declared, items_declared_extern, check_missing_items=False,
177 field_arrays=None):
178 global errors_found
179 global warnings_found
181 for call in self.calls:
183 # Check lengths, but for now only for APIs that have length in bytes.
184 if self.fun_name.find('add_bits') == -1 and call.hf_name in items_defined:
185 if call.length and items_defined[call.hf_name].item_type in item_lengths:
186 if item_lengths[items_defined[call.hf_name].item_type] < call.length:
187 # Don't warn if adding value - value is unlikely to just be bytes value
188 if self.fun_name.find('_add_uint') == -1:
189 print('Warning:', self.file + ':' + str(call.line_number),
190 self.fun_name + ' called for', call.hf_name, ' - ',
191 'item type is', items_defined[call.hf_name].item_type, 'but call has len', call.length)
192 warnings_found += 1
194 # Needs a +ve length
195 if self.positive_length and call.length is not None:
196 if call.length != -1 and call.length <= 0:
197 print('Error: ' + self.fun_name + '(.., ' + call.hf_name + ', ...) called at ' +
198 self.file + ':' + str(call.line_number) +
199 ' with length ' + str(call.length) + ' - must be > 0 or -1')
200 errors_found += 1
202 if call.hf_name in items_defined:
203 # Is type allowed?
204 if items_defined[call.hf_name].item_type not in self.allowed_types:
205 print('Error: ' + self.fun_name + '(.., ' + call.hf_name + ', ...) called at ' +
206 self.file + ':' + str(call.line_number) +
207 ' with type ' + items_defined[call.hf_name].item_type)
208 print(' (allowed types are', self.allowed_types, ')\n')
209 errors_found += 1
210 # No mask allowed
211 if not self.mask_allowed and items_defined[call.hf_name].mask_value != 0:
212 print('Error: ' + self.fun_name + '(.., ' + call.hf_name + ', ...) called at ' +
213 self.file + ':' + str(call.line_number) +
214 ' with mask ' + items_defined[call.hf_name].mask + ' (must be zero!)\n')
215 errors_found += 1
217 if self.fun_name.find('add_bitmask') != -1 and call.hf_name in items_defined and field_arrays:
218 if call.fields in field_arrays:
219 if (items_defined[call.hf_name].mask_value and
220 field_arrays[call.fields][1] != 0 and items_defined[call.hf_name].mask_value != field_arrays[call.fields][1]):
221 # TODO: only really a problem if bit is set in array but not in top-level item?
222 if not self.does_mask_cover_value(items_defined[call.hf_name].mask_value,
223 field_arrays[call.fields][1]):
224 print('Warning:', self.file, call.hf_name, call.fields, "masks don't match. root=",
225 items_defined[call.hf_name].mask,
226 "array has", hex(field_arrays[call.fields][1]))
227 warnings_found += 1
229 if check_missing_items:
230 if call.hf_name in items_declared and call.hf_name not in items_defined and call.hf_name not in items_declared_extern:
231 #not in common_hf_var_names:
232 print('Warning:', self.file + ':' + str(call.line_number),
233 self.fun_name + ' called for "' + call.hf_name + '"', ' - but no item found')
234 warnings_found += 1
237 # Specialization of APICheck for add_item() calls
238 class ProtoTreeAddItemCheck(APICheck):
239 def __init__(self, ptv=None):
241 # RE will capture whole call.
243 if not ptv:
244 # proto_item *
245 # proto_tree_add_item(proto_tree *tree, int hfindex, tvbuff_t *tvb,
246 # const gint start, gint length, const unsigned encoding)
247 self.fun_name = 'proto_tree_add_item'
248 self.p = re.compile('[^\n]*' + self.fun_name + r'\s*\(\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+?,\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+?),\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_\+\s]+?,\s*([^,.]+?),\s*(.+),\s*([^,.]+?)\);')
249 else:
250 # proto_item *
251 # ptvcursor_add(ptvcursor_t *ptvc, int hfindex, gint length,
252 # const unsigned encoding)
253 self.fun_name = 'ptvcursor_add'
254 self.p = re.compile('[^\n]*' + self.fun_name + r'\s*\([^,.]+?,\s*([^,.]+?),\s*([^,.]+?),\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\>]+)')
257 def find_calls(self, file, macros):
258 self.file = file
259 self.calls = []
260 with open(file, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f:
262 contents = f.read()
263 lines = contents.splitlines()
264 total_lines = len(lines)
265 for line_number,line in enumerate(lines):
266 # Want to check this, and next few lines
267 to_check = lines[line_number-1] + '\n'
268 # Nothing to check if function name isn't in it
269 fun_idx = to_check.find(self.fun_name)
270 if fun_idx != -1:
271 # Ok, add the next file lines before trying RE
272 for i in range(1, 5):
273 if to_check.find(';') != -1:
274 break
275 elif line_number+i < total_lines:
276 to_check += (lines[line_number-1+i] + '\n')
277 # Lose anything before function call itself.
278 to_check = to_check[fun_idx:]
279 m = self.p.search(to_check)
280 if m:
281 # Throw out if parens not matched
282 if m.group(0).count('(') != m.group(0).count(')'):
283 continue
285 enc = m.group(4)
286 hf_name = m.group(1)
287 if not enc.startswith('ENC_'):
288 if enc not in { 'encoding', 'enc', 'client_is_le', 'cigi_byte_order', 'endian', 'endianess', 'machine_encoding', 'byte_order', 'bLittleEndian',
289 'p_mq_parm->mq_str_enc', 'p_mq_parm->mq_int_enc',
290 'iEnc', 'strid_enc', 'iCod', 'nl_data->encoding',
291 'argp->info->encoding', 'gquic_info->encoding', 'writer_encoding',
292 'tds_get_int2_encoding(tds_info)',
293 'tds_get_int4_encoding(tds_info)',
294 'tds_get_char_encoding(tds_info)',
295 'info->encoding',
296 'item->encoding',
297 'DREP_ENC_INTEGER(drep)', 'string_encoding', 'item', 'type',
298 'dvb_enc_to_item_enc(encoding)',
299 'packet->enc',
301 'DREP_ENC_INTEGER(hdr->drep)',
302 'dhcp_uuid_endian',
303 'payload_le',
304 'local_encoding',
305 'big_endian',
306 'hf_data_encoding',
308 'big_endian ? ENC_BIG_ENDIAN : ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN',
309 '(skip == 1) ? ENC_BIG_ENDIAN : ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN',
310 'pdu_info->sbc', 'pdu_info->mbc',
311 'seq_info->txt_enc | ENC_NA',
313 'dhcp_secs_endian',
314 'is_mdns ? ENC_UTF_8|ENC_NA : ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA',
315 'xl_encoding',
316 'my_frame_data->encoding_client', 'my_frame_data->encoding_results'
319 global warnings_found
321 print('Warning:', self.file + ':' + str(line_number),
322 self.fun_name + ' called for "' + hf_name + '"', 'check last/enc param:', enc, '?')
323 warnings_found += 1
324 self.calls.append(Call(self.fun_name, hf_name, macros, line_number=line_number, offset=m.group(2), length=m.group(3)))
326 def check_against_items(self, items_defined, items_declared, items_declared_extern,
327 check_missing_items=False, field_arrays=None):
328 # For now, only complaining if length if call is longer than the item type implies.
330 # Could also be bugs where the length is always less than the type allows.
331 # Would involve keeping track (in the item) of whether any call had used the full length.
333 global warnings_found
335 for call in self.calls:
336 if call.hf_name in items_defined:
337 if call.length and items_defined[call.hf_name].item_type in item_lengths:
338 if item_lengths[items_defined[call.hf_name].item_type] < call.length:
339 # On balance, it is not worth complaining about these - the value is unlikely to be
340 # just the value found in these bytes..
341 if self.fun_name.find('_add_uint') == -1:
342 print('Warning:', self.file + ':' + str(call.line_number),
343 self.fun_name + ' called for', call.hf_name, ' - ',
344 'item type is', items_defined[call.hf_name].item_type, 'but call has len', call.length)
345 warnings_found += 1
346 elif check_missing_items:
347 if call.hf_name in items_declared and call.hf_name not in items_declared_extern:
348 #not in common_hf_var_names:
349 print('Warning:', self.file + ':' + str(call.line_number),
350 self.fun_name + ' called for "' + call.hf_name + '"', ' - but no item found')
351 warnings_found += 1
355 ##################################################################################################
356 # This is a set of items (by filter name) where we know that the bitmask is non-contiguous,
357 # but is still believed to be correct.
358 known_non_contiguous_fields = { 'wlan.fixed.capabilities.cfpoll.sta',
359 'wlan.wfa.ie.wme.qos_info.sta.reserved',
360 'btrfcomm.frame_type', # https://os.itec.kit.edu/downloads/sa_2006_roehricht-martin_flow-control-in-bluez.pdf
361 'capwap.control.message_element.ac_descriptor.dtls_policy.r', # RFC 5415
362 'couchbase.extras.subdoc.flags.reserved',
363 'wlan.fixed.capabilities.cfpoll.ap', # These are 3 separate bits...
364 'wlan.wfa.ie.wme.tspec.ts_info.reserved', # matches other fields in same sequence
365 'zbee_zcl_se.pp.attr.payment_control_configuration.reserved', # matches other fields in same sequence
366 'zbee_zcl_se.pp.snapshot_payload_cause.reserved', # matches other fields in same sequence
367 'ebhscr.eth.rsv', # matches other fields in same sequence
368 'v120.lli', # non-contiguous field (http://www.acacia-net.com/wwwcla/protocol/v120_l2.htm)
369 'stun.type.class',
370 'bssgp.csg_id', 'tiff.t6.unused', 'artnet.ip_prog_reply.unused',
371 'telnet.auth.mod.enc', 'osc.message.midi.bender', 'btle.data_header.rfu',
372 'stun.type.method', # figure 3 in rfc 5389
373 'tds.done.status', # covers all bits in bitset
374 'hf_iax2_video_csub', # RFC 5456, table 8.7
375 'iax2.video.subclass',
376 'dnp3.al.ana.int',
377 'pwcesopsn.cw.lm',
378 'gsm_a.rr.format_id', # EN 301 503
379 'siii.mst.phase', # comment in code seems convinced
380 'xmcp.type.class',
381 'xmcp.type.method',
382 'hf_hiqnet_flags',
383 'hf_hiqnet_flagmask',
384 'hf_h223_mux_mpl',
385 'rdp.flags.pkt',
386 'erf.flags.if_raw', # confirmed by Stephen Donnelly
387 'oran_fh_cus.sReSMask'
389 ##################################################################################################
392 field_widths = {
393 'FT_BOOLEAN' : 64, # TODO: Width depends upon 'display' field
394 'FT_CHAR' : 8,
395 'FT_UINT8' : 8,
396 'FT_INT8' : 8,
397 'FT_UINT16' : 16,
398 'FT_INT16' : 16,
399 'FT_UINT24' : 24,
400 'FT_INT24' : 24,
401 'FT_UINT32' : 32,
402 'FT_INT32' : 32,
403 'FT_UINT40' : 40,
404 'FT_INT40' : 40,
405 'FT_UINT48' : 48,
406 'FT_INT48' : 48,
407 'FT_UINT56' : 56,
408 'FT_INT56' : 56,
409 'FT_UINT64' : 64,
410 'FT_INT64' : 64
413 def is_ignored_consecutive_filter(filter):
414 ignore_filters = {
415 'elf.sh_type',
416 'elf.p_type',
417 'btavrcp.pdu_id',
418 'netlogon.dummy_string',
419 'opa.reserved',
420 'wassp.data.mu_mac',
421 'thrift.type',
422 'quake2.game.client.command.move.angles',
423 'ipp.enum_value',
424 'idrp.error.subcode',
425 'ftdi-ft.lValue',
426 '6lowpan.src',
427 'couchbase.flex_frame.frame.id',
428 'rtps.param.id',
429 'rtps.locator.port',
430 'sigcomp.udvm.value',
431 'opa.mad.attributemodifier.n',
432 'smb.cmd',
433 'sctp.checksum',
434 'dhcp.option.end',
435 'nfapi.num.bf.vector.bf.value',
436 'dnp3.al.range.abs',
437 'dnp3.al.range.quantity',
438 'dnp3.al.index',
439 'dnp3.al.size',
440 'ftdi-ft.hValue',
441 'homeplug_av.op_attr_cnf.data.sw_sub',
442 'radiotap.he_mu.preamble_puncturing',
443 'ndmp.file',
444 'ocfs2.dlm.lvb',
445 'oran_fh_cus.reserved',
446 'qnet6.kif.msgsend.msg.read.xtypes0-7',
447 'qnet6.kif.msgsend.msg.write.xtypes0-7',
448 'mih.sig_strength',
449 'couchbase.flex_frame.frame.len',
450 'nvme-rdma.read_to_host_req',
451 'rpcap.dummy',
452 'sflow.flow_sample.output_interface',
453 'socks.results',
454 'opa.mad.attributemodifier.p',
455 'v5ua.efa',
456 'zbncp.data.tx_power',
457 'zbncp.data.nwk_addr',
458 'zbee_zcl_hvac.pump_config_control.attr.ctrl_mode',
459 'nat-pmp.external_port',
460 'zbee_zcl.attr.float',
461 'wpan-tap.phr.fsk_ms.mode',
462 'mysql.exec_flags',
463 'pim.metric_pref',
464 'modbus.regval_float',
465 'alcap.cau.value',
466 'bpv7.crc_field',
467 'at.chld.mode',
468 'btl2cap.psm',
469 'srvloc.srvtypereq.nameauthlistlen',
470 'a11.ext.code',
471 'adwin_config.port',
472 'afp.unknown',
473 'ansi_a_bsmap.mid.digit_1',
474 'ber.unknown.OCTETSTRING',
475 'btatt.handle',
476 'btl2cap.option_flushto',
477 'cip.network_segment.prod_inhibit',
478 'cql.result.rows.table_name',
479 'dcom.sa.vartype',
480 'f5ethtrailer.slot',
481 'ipdr.cm_ipv6_addr',
482 'mojito.kuid',
483 'mtp3.priority',
484 'pw.cw.length',
485 'rlc.ciphered_data',
486 'vp8.pld.pictureid',
487 'gryphon.sched.channel',
488 'pn_io.ioxs',
489 'pn_dcp.block_qualifier_reset',
490 'pn_dcp.suboption_device_instance',
491 'nfs.attr',
492 'nfs.create_session_flags',
493 'rmt-lct.toi64',
494 'gryphon.data.header_length',
495 'quake2.game.client.command.move.movement',
496 'isup.parameter_type',
497 'cip.port',
498 'adwin.fifo_no',
499 'bthci_evt.hci_vers_nr',
500 'gryphon.usdt.stmin_active',
501 'dnp3.al.anaout.int',
502 'dnp3.al.ana.int',
503 'dnp3.al.cnt',
504 'bthfp.chld.mode',
505 'nat-pmp.pml',
506 'isystemactivator.actproperties.ts.hdr',
507 'rtpdump.txt_addr',
508 'unistim.vocoder.id',
509 'mac.ueid',
510 'cip.symbol.size',
511 'dnp3.al.range.start',
512 'dnp3.al.range.stop',
513 'gtpv2.mp',
514 'gvcp.cmd.resend.firstpacketid',
515 'gvcp.cmd.resend.lastpacketid',
516 'wlan.bf.reserved',
517 'opa.sa.reserved',
518 'rmt-lct.ext_tol_transfer_len',
519 'pn_io.error_code2',
520 'gryphon.ldf.schedsize',
521 'wimaxmacphy.burst_opt_mimo_matrix_indicator',
522 'ccsds.packet_type',
523 'iso15765.flow_control.stmin',
524 'msdo.PieceSize',
525 'opa.clasportinfo.redirect.reserved',
526 'p_mul.unused',
527 'opa.pm.dataportcounters.reserved',
528 'opa.switchinfo.switchcapabilitymask.reserved',
529 'nvme-rdma.read_from_host_resp',
530 'nvme-rdma.write_to_host_req',
531 'netlink-route.ifla_linkstats.rx_errors.fifo_errs',
532 'mtp3mg.japan_spare',
533 'ixveriwave.errors.ip_checksum_error',
534 'bpsec.asb.result_count',
535 'btle.control.phys.le_coded_phy',
536 'gsm_rlcmac.ul.gprs_multislot_class_exist',
537 'tpm.resp.size',
538 'sasp.flags.quiesce',
539 'canopen.sdo.n',
540 'cigi.celestial_sphere_control.date',
541 'corosync_totemsrp.orf_token.seq',
542 'dec_dna.flags.msglen',
543 'hiqnet.device',
544 'ipdr.cm_ipv6_addr_len',
545 'ipdr.cm_ipv6_addr_string',
546 'mpeg_descr.phone.nat_code_len'
548 if filter in ignore_filters:
549 return True
552 ignore_patterns = [
553 re.compile(r'^nstrace.trcdbg.val(\d+)'),
554 re.compile(r'^mpls_pm.timestamp\d\..*'),
555 re.compile(r'alcap.*bwt.*.[b|f]w'),
556 re.compile(r'btle.control.phys.le_[1|2]m_phy'),
557 re.compile(r'ansi_a_bsmap.cm2.scm.bc_entry.opmode[0|1]'),
558 re.compile(r'cemi.[n|x]')
560 for patt in ignore_patterns:
561 if patt.match(filter):
562 return True
564 return False
567 class ValueString:
568 def __init__(self, file, name, vals, macros, do_extra_checks=False):
569 self.file = file
570 self.name = name
571 self.raw_vals = vals
572 self.parsed_vals = {}
573 self.seen_labels = set()
574 self.valid = True
575 self.min_value = 99999
576 self.max_value = -99999
578 # Now parse out each entry in the value_string
579 matches = re.finditer(r'\{\s*([0-9_A-Za-z]*)\s*,\s*(".*?")\s*}\s*,', self.raw_vals)
580 for m in matches:
581 value,label = m.group(1), m.group(2)
582 if value in macros:
583 value = macros[value]
584 elif any(c not in '0123456789abcdefABCDEFxX' for c in value):
585 self.valid = False
586 return
588 try:
589 # Read according to the appropriate base.
590 if value.lower().startswith('0x'):
591 value = int(value, 16)
592 elif value.startswith('0b'):
593 value = int(value[2:], 2)
594 elif value.startswith('0'):
595 value = int(value, 8)
596 else:
597 value = int(value, 10)
598 except Exception:
599 return
601 global warnings_found
603 # Check for value conflict before inserting
604 if do_extra_checks and value in self.parsed_vals and label == self.parsed_vals[value]:
605 print('Warning:', self.file, ': value_string', self.name, '- value ', value, 'repeated with same string - ', label)
606 warnings_found += 1
608 # Same value, different label
609 if value in self.parsed_vals and label != self.parsed_vals[value]:
610 print('Warning:', self.file, ': value_string', self.name, '- value ', value, 'repeated with different values - was',
611 self.parsed_vals[value], 'now', label)
612 warnings_found += 1
613 else:
614 # Add into table, while checking for repeated label
615 self.parsed_vals[value] = label
616 if do_extra_checks and label in self.seen_labels:
617 # These are commonly repeated..
618 exceptions = [ 'reserved', 'invalid', 'unused', 'not used', 'unknown', 'undefined', 'spare',
619 'unallocated', 'not assigned', 'implementation specific', 'unspecified',
620 'other', 'for further study', 'future', 'vendor specific', 'obsolete', 'none',
621 'shall not be used', 'national use', 'unassigned', 'oem', 'user defined',
622 'manufacturer specific', 'not specified', 'proprietary', 'operator-defined',
623 'dynamically allocated', 'user specified', 'xxx', 'default', 'planned', 'not req',
624 'deprecated', 'not measured', 'unspecified', 'nationally defined', 'nondisplay', 'general',
625 'tbd' ]
626 excepted = False
627 for ex in exceptions:
628 if label.lower().find(ex) != -1:
629 excepted = True
630 break
632 if not excepted and len(label)>2:
633 print('Warning:', self.file, ': value_string', self.name, '- label ', label, 'repeated')
634 warnings_found += 1
635 else:
636 self.seen_labels.add(label)
638 if value > self.max_value:
639 self.max_value = value
640 if value < self.min_value:
641 self.min_value = value
643 def extraChecks(self):
644 global warnings_found
646 # Look for one value missing in range (quite common...)
647 num_items = len(self.parsed_vals)
648 span = self.max_value - self.min_value + 1
649 if num_items > 4 and span > num_items and (span-num_items <=1):
650 for val in range(self.min_value, self.max_value):
651 if val not in self.parsed_vals:
652 print('Warning:', self.file, ': value_string', self.name, '- value', val, 'missing?', '(', num_items, 'entries)')
653 global warnings_found
654 warnings_found += 1
656 # Do most of the labels match the number?
657 matching_label_entries = set()
658 for val in self.parsed_vals:
659 if self.parsed_vals[val].find(str(val)) != -1:
660 # TODO: pick out multiple values rather than concat into wrong number
661 parsed_value = int(''.join(d for d in self.parsed_vals[val] if d.isdecimal()))
662 if val == parsed_value:
663 matching_label_entries.add(val)
665 if len(matching_label_entries) >= 4 and len(matching_label_entries) > 0 and len(matching_label_entries) < num_items and len(matching_label_entries) >= num_items-1:
666 # Be forgiving about first or last entry
667 first_val = list(self.parsed_vals)[0]
668 last_val = list(self.parsed_vals)[-1]
669 if first_val not in matching_label_entries or last_val not in matching_label_entries:
670 return
671 print('Warning:', self.file, ': value_string', self.name, 'Labels match value except for 1!', matching_label_entries, num_items, self)
673 # Do all labels start with lower-or-upper char?
674 startLower,startUpper = 0,0
675 for val in self.parsed_vals:
676 first_letter = self.parsed_vals[val][1]
677 if first_letter.isalpha():
678 if first_letter.isupper():
679 startUpper += 1
680 else:
681 startLower += 1
682 if startLower > 0 and startUpper > 0:
683 if startLower+startUpper > 10 and (startLower <=3 or startUpper <=3):
684 standouts = []
685 if startLower < startUpper:
686 standouts += [self.parsed_vals[val] for val in self.parsed_vals if self.parsed_vals[val][1].islower()]
687 if startLower > startUpper:
688 standouts += [self.parsed_vals[val] for val in self.parsed_vals if self.parsed_vals[val][1].isupper()]
690 print('Note:', self.file, ': value_string', self.name, 'mix of upper', startUpper, 'and lower', startLower, standouts)
693 def __str__(self):
694 return self.name + '= { ' + self.raw_vals + ' }'
697 class RangeStringEntry:
698 def __init__(self, min, max, label):
699 self.min = min
700 self.max = max
701 self.label = label
703 def hides(self, min, max):
704 return min >= self.min and max <= self.max
706 def __str__(self):
707 return '(' + str(self.min) + ', ' + str(self.max) + ') -> ' + self.label
710 class RangeString:
711 def __init__(self, file, name, vals, macros, do_extra_checks=False):
712 self.file = file
713 self.name = name
714 self.raw_vals = vals
715 self.parsed_vals = []
716 self.seen_labels = set()
717 self.valid = True
718 self.min_value = 99999
719 self.max_value = -99999
721 # Now parse out each entry in the value_string
722 matches = re.finditer(r'\{\s*([0-9_A-Za-z]*)\s*,\s*([0-9_A-Za-z]*)\s*,\s*(".*?")\s*\}\s*,', self.raw_vals)
723 for m in matches:
724 min,max,label = m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3)
725 if min in macros:
726 min = macros[min]
727 elif any(c not in '0123456789abcdefABCDEFxX' for c in min):
728 self.valid = False
729 return
730 if max in macros:
731 max = macros[max]
732 elif any(c not in '0123456789abcdefABCDEFxX' for c in max):
733 self.valid = False
734 return
736 try:
737 # Read according to the appropriate base.
738 if min.lower().startswith('0x'):
739 min = int(min, 16)
740 elif min.startswith('0b'):
741 min = int(min[2:], 2)
742 elif min.startswith('0'):
743 min = int(min, 8)
744 else:
745 min = int(min, 10)
747 if max.lower().startswith('0x'):
748 max = int(max, 16)
749 elif max.startswith('0b'):
750 max = int(max[2:], 2)
751 elif max.startswith('0'):
752 max = int(max, 8)
753 else:
754 max = int(max, 10)
755 except Exception:
756 return
758 # Now check what we've found.
759 global warnings_found
761 if min < self.min_value:
762 self.min_value = min
763 # For overall max value, still use min of each entry.
764 # It is common for entries to extend to e.g. 0xff, but at least we can check for items
765 # that can never match if we only check the min.
766 if min > self.max_value:
767 self.max_value = min
769 # This value should not be entirely hidden by earlier entries
770 for prev in self.parsed_vals:
771 if prev.hides(min, max):
772 print('Warning:', self.file, ': range_string label', label, 'hidden by', prev)
773 warnings_found += 1
775 # Min should not be > max
776 if min > max:
777 print('Warning:', self.file, ': range_string', self.name, 'entry', label, 'min', min, '>', max)
778 warnings_found += 1
780 # Check label.
781 if label[1:-1].startswith(' ') or label[1:-1].endswith(' '):
782 print('Warning:', self.file, ': range_string', self.name, 'entry', label, 'starts or ends with space')
783 warnings_found += 1
785 # OK, add this entry
786 self.parsed_vals.append(RangeStringEntry(min, max, label))
788 # TODO: mark as not valid if not all pairs were successfully parsed?
790 def extraChecks(self):
791 global warnings_found
793 # if in all cases min==max, suggest value_string instead?
794 could_use_value_string = True
795 for val in self.parsed_vals:
796 if val.min != val.max:
797 could_use_value_string = False
798 break
800 # Look for gaps
801 gaps = [] # N.B. could become huge if added every number, so only record first number inside each gap
802 current = None
803 for val in self.parsed_vals:
804 if current:
805 if val.min > current+1:
806 gaps.append(current+1)
807 current = val.max
809 # Check whether each gap is actually covered.
810 for n in gaps:
811 covered = False
812 for val in self.parsed_vals:
813 if n >= val.min and n <= val.max:
814 covered = True
815 break
816 if not covered:
817 print('Warning:', self.file, ': range_string', self.name, 'value', str(n) + '-?', '(' + str(hex(n)) +'-?)', 'not covered by any entries')
818 warnings_found += 1
820 if could_use_value_string:
821 print('Warning:', self.file, ': range_string', self.name, 'could be value_string instead!')
822 warnings_found += 1
824 # TODO: can multiple values be coalesced into fewer?
825 # TODO: Partial overlapping?
829 class StringString:
830 def __init__(self, file, name, vals, macros, do_extra_checks=False):
831 self.file = file
832 self.name = name
833 self.raw_vals = vals
834 self.parsed_vals = {}
836 terminated = False
837 global errors_found
839 # Now parse out each entry in the string_string
840 matches = re.finditer(r'\{\s*(["0-9_A-Za-z\s\-]*?)\s*,\s*(["0-9_A-Za-z\s\-]*)\s*', self.raw_vals)
841 for m in matches:
842 key = m.group(1).strip()
843 value = m.group(2).strip()
844 if key in self.parsed_vals:
845 print('Error:', self.file, ': string_string', self.name, 'entry', key, 'has been added twice (values',
846 self.parsed_vals[key], 'and now', value, ')')
847 errors_found += 1
849 else:
850 self.parsed_vals[key] = value
851 # TODO: Also allow key to be "0" ?
852 if (key in { "NULL" }) and value == "NULL":
853 terminated = True
855 if not terminated:
856 print('Error:', self.file, ': string_string', self.name, "is not terminated with { NULL, NULL }")
857 errors_found += 1
859 def extraChecks(self):
860 pass
861 # TODO: ?
865 # Look for value_string entries in a dissector file. Return a dict name -> ValueString
866 def findValueStrings(filename, macros, do_extra_checks=False):
867 vals_found = {}
869 #static const value_string radio_type_vals[] =
871 # { 0, "FDD"},
872 # { 1, "TDD"},
873 # { 0, NULL }
876 with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f:
877 contents = f.read()
879 # Remove comments so as not to trip up RE.
880 contents = removeComments(contents)
882 matches = re.finditer(r'.*const value_string\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*\[\s*\]\s*\=\s*\{([\{\}\d\,a-zA-Z0-9_\-\*\#\.:\/\(\)\'\s\"]*)\};', contents)
883 for m in matches:
884 name = m.group(1)
885 vals = m.group(2)
886 vals_found[name] = ValueString(filename, name, vals, macros, do_extra_checks)
888 return vals_found
890 # Look for range_string entries in a dissector file. Return a dict name -> RangeString
891 def findRangeStrings(filename, macros, do_extra_checks=False):
892 vals_found = {}
894 #static const range_string symbol_table_shndx_rvals[] = {
895 # { 0x0000, 0x0000, "Undefined" },
896 # { 0x0001, 0xfeff, "Normal Section" },
897 # { 0, 0, NULL }
900 with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f:
901 contents = f.read()
903 # Remove comments so as not to trip up RE.
904 contents = removeComments(contents)
906 matches = re.finditer(r'.*const range_string\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*\[\s*\]\s*\=\s*\{([\{\}\d\,a-zA-Z0-9_\-\*\#\.:\/\(\)\'\s\"]*)\};', contents)
907 for m in matches:
908 name = m.group(1)
909 vals = m.group(2)
910 vals_found[name] = RangeString(filename, name, vals, macros, do_extra_checks)
912 return vals_found
914 # Look for string_string entries in a dissector file. Return a dict name -> StringString
915 def findStringStrings(filename, macros, do_extra_checks=False):
916 vals_found = {}
918 #static const string_string ice_candidate_types[] = {
919 # { "host", "Host candidate" },
920 # { "srflx", "Server reflexive candidate" },
921 # { 0, NULL }
924 with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f:
925 contents = f.read()
927 # Remove comments so as not to trip up RE.
928 contents = removeComments(contents)
930 matches = re.finditer(r'.*const string_string\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*\[\s*\]\s*\=\s*\{([\{\}\d\,a-zA-Z0-9_\-\*\#\.:\/\(\)\'\s\"]*)\};', contents)
931 for m in matches:
932 name = m.group(1)
933 vals = m.group(2)
934 vals_found[name] = StringString(filename, name, vals, macros, do_extra_checks)
936 return vals_found
939 # Look for expert entries in a dissector file. Return ExpertEntries object
940 def findExpertItems(filename, macros):
941 with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f:
942 contents = f.read()
944 # Remove comments so as not to trip up RE.
945 contents = removeComments(contents)
947 # Look for array of definitions. Looks something like this
948 #static ei_register_info ei[] = {
949 # { &ei_oran_unsupported_bfw_compression_method, { "oran_fh_cus.unsupported_bfw_compression_method", PI_UNDECODED, PI_WARN, "Unsupported BFW Compression Method", EXPFILL }},
950 # { &ei_oran_invalid_sample_bit_width, { "oran_fh_cus.invalid_sample_bit_width", PI_UNDECODED, PI_ERROR, "Unsupported sample bit width", EXPFILL }},
953 expertEntries = ExpertEntries(filename)
955 definition_matches = re.finditer(r'static ei_register_info\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*\[\]\s*=\s*\{(.*?)\};', contents, re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
956 for d in definition_matches:
957 entries = d.group(2)
959 # Now separate out each entry
960 matches = re.finditer(r'\{\s*&([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*\,\s*\{\s*\"(.*?)\"\s*\,\s*([A-Z_]*)\,\s*([A-Z_]*)\,\s*\"(.*?)\"\s*\,\s*EXPFILL\s*\}\s*\}',
961 entries, re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
962 for match in matches:
963 expertEntry = ExpertEntry(filename, name=match.group(1), filter=match.group(2), group=match.group(3),
964 severity=match.group(4), summary=match.group(5))
965 expertEntries.AddEntry(expertEntry)
967 return expertEntries
969 def findDeclaredTrees(filename):
970 trees = []
971 with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f:
972 contents = f.read()
974 # Remove comments so as not to trip up RE.
975 contents = removeComments(contents)
977 definition_matches = re.finditer(r'static int\s*\s*(ett_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*;', contents, re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
978 for d in definition_matches:
979 trees.append(d.group(1))
981 return trees
983 def findDefinedTrees(filename, declared):
984 with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f:
985 contents = f.read()
987 # Remove comments so as not to trip up RE.
988 contents = removeComments(contents)
990 # Look for array of definitions. Looks something like this
991 # static int *ett[] = {
992 # &ett_oran,
993 # &ett_oran_ecpri_pcid,
994 # &ett_oran_ecpri_rtcid,
995 # &ett_oran_ecpri_seqid
996 # };
998 trees = set()
1000 # Not insisting that this array is static..
1001 definition_matches = re.finditer(r'int\s*\*\s*(?:const|)\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]*?ett[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*\[\]\s*=\s*\{(.*?)\};', contents, re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
1002 for d in definition_matches:
1003 entries = d.group(1)
1005 # Now separate out each entry
1006 matches = re.finditer(r'\&(ett_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)',
1007 entries, re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
1008 for match in matches:
1009 ett = match.group(1)
1011 if ett not in declared:
1012 # N.B., this check will avoid matches with arrays (which won't match 'declared' re)
1013 continue
1015 # Don't think this can happen..
1016 #if ett in trees:
1017 # print('Warning:', filename, ett, 'appears twice!!!')
1018 trees.add(match.group(1))
1019 return trees
1021 def checkExpertCalls(filename, expertEntries):
1022 with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f:
1023 contents = f.read()
1025 # Remove comments so as not to trip up RE.
1026 contents = removeComments(contents)
1028 # Look for array of definitions. Looks something like this
1029 # expert_add_info(NULL, tree, &ei_oran_invalid_eaxc_bit_width);
1030 # OR
1031 # expert_add_info_format(pinfo, ti_data_length, &ei_data_length, "Data Length %d is too small, should be %d", data_length, payload_size - ECPRI_MSG_TYPE_4_PAYLOAD_MIN_LENGTH);
1032 matches = re.finditer(r'expert_add_info(?:_format|)\s*\(([a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\s*,\s*([a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\s*,\s*(&[a-zA-Z_0-9]*)', contents, re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
1033 for m in matches:
1034 item = m.group(3)[1:]
1035 expertEntries.VerifyCall(item)
1039 # These are the valid values from expert.h
1040 valid_groups = set(['PI_GROUP_MASK', 'PI_CHECKSUM', 'PI_SEQUENCE',
1046 valid_levels = set(['PI_COMMENT', 'PI_CHAT', 'PI_NOTE',
1047 'PI_WARN', 'PI_ERROR'])
1050 # An individual entry
1051 class ExpertEntry:
1052 def __init__(self, filename, name, filter, group, severity, summary):
1053 self.name = name
1054 self.filter = filter
1055 self.group = group
1056 self.severity = severity
1057 self.summary = summary
1059 global errors_found, warnings_found
1061 # Some immediate checks
1062 if group not in valid_groups:
1063 print('Error:', filename, 'Expert group', group, 'is not in', valid_groups)
1064 errors_found += 1
1066 if severity not in valid_levels:
1067 print('Error:', filename, 'Expert severity', severity, 'is not in', valid_levels)
1068 errors_found += 1
1070 # Checks on the summary field
1071 if summary.startswith(' '):
1072 print('Warning:', filename, 'Expert info summary', '"' + summary + '"', 'for', name, 'starts with space')
1073 warnings_found += 1
1074 if summary.endswith(' '):
1075 print('Warning:', filename, 'Expert info summary', '"' + summary + '"', 'for', name, 'ends with space')
1076 warnings_found += 1
1078 # The summary field is shown in the expert window without substituting args..
1079 if summary.find('%') != -1:
1080 print('Warning:', filename, 'Expert info summary', '"' + summary + '"', 'for', name, 'has format specifiers in it?')
1081 warnings_found += 1
1085 # Collection of entries for this dissector
1086 class ExpertEntries:
1087 def __init__(self, filename):
1088 self.filename = filename
1089 self.entries = []
1090 self.summaries = set() # key is (name, severity)
1091 self.reverselookup = {} # summary -> previous-item
1092 self.filters = set()
1094 def AddEntry(self, entry):
1095 self.entries.append(entry)
1097 global errors_found, warnings_found
1099 # If summaries are not unique, can't tell apart from expert window (need to look into frame to see details)
1100 if (entry.summary, entry.severity) in self.summaries:
1101 print('Warning:', self.filename, 'Expert summary', '"' + entry.summary + '"',
1102 'has already been seen (now in', entry.name, '- previously in', self.reverselookup[entry.summary], ')')
1103 warnings_found += 1
1104 self.summaries.add((entry.summary, entry.severity))
1105 self.reverselookup[entry.summary] = entry.name
1107 # Not sure if anyone ever filters on these, but check if are unique
1108 if entry.filter in self.filters:
1109 print('Warning:', self.filename, 'Expert filter', '"' + entry.filter + '"', 'has already been seen (now in', entry.name+')')
1110 warnings_found += 1
1111 self.filters.add(entry.filter)
1113 def VerifyCall(self, item):
1114 # TODO: ignore if wasn't declared in self.filename?
1115 for entry in self.entries:
1116 if entry.name == item:
1117 # Found,
1118 return
1120 # None matched...
1121 if item not in [ 'hf', 'dissect_hf' ]:
1122 global warnings_found
1123 print('Warning:', self.filename, 'Expert info added with', '"' + item + '"', 'was it was not registered (in this file)')
1124 warnings_found += 1
1128 # The relevant parts of an hf item. Used as value in dict where hf variable name is key.
1129 class Item:
1131 # Keep the previous few items
1132 previousItems = []
1134 def __init__(self, filename, hf, filter, label, item_type, display, strings, macros,
1135 value_strings, range_strings,
1136 mask=None, check_mask=False, mask_exact_width=False, check_label=False,
1137 check_consecutive=False, blurb=''):
1138 self.filename = filename
1139 self.hf = hf
1140 self.filter = filter
1141 self.label = label
1142 self.blurb = blurb
1143 self.mask = mask
1144 self.strings = strings
1145 self.mask_exact_width = mask_exact_width
1147 global warnings_found, errors_found
1149 if blurb == '0':
1150 print('Error:', filename, hf, ': - filter "' + filter +
1151 '" has blurb of 0 - if no string, please set NULL instead')
1152 errors_found += 1
1154 self.set_mask_value(macros)
1156 if check_consecutive:
1157 for previous_index,previous_item in enumerate(Item.previousItems):
1158 if previous_item.filter == filter:
1159 if label != previous_item.label:
1160 if not is_ignored_consecutive_filter(self.filter):
1161 print('Warning:', filename, hf, ': - filter "' + filter +
1162 '" appears ' + str(previous_index+1) + ' items before - labels are "' + previous_item.label + '" and "' + label + '"')
1163 warnings_found += 1
1165 # Add this one to front of (short) previous list
1166 Item.previousItems = [self] + Item.previousItems
1167 if len(Item.previousItems) > 5:
1168 # Get rid of oldest one now
1169 #Item.previousItems = Item.previousItems[:-1]
1170 Item.previousItems.pop()
1172 self.item_type = item_type
1174 self.display = display
1175 self.set_display_value(macros)
1177 # Optionally check label (short and long).
1178 if check_label:
1179 self.check_label(label, 'label')
1180 #self.check_label(blurb, 'blurb')
1181 self.check_blurb_vs_label()
1183 # Optionally check that mask bits are contiguous
1184 if check_mask:
1185 if self.mask_read and mask not in { 'NULL', '0x0', '0', '0x00' }:
1186 self.check_contiguous_bits(mask)
1187 self.check_num_digits(self.mask)
1188 # N.B., if last entry in set is removed, see around 18,000 warnings
1189 self.check_digits_all_zeros(self.mask)
1191 # N.B. these checks are already done by checkApis.pl
1192 if strings.find('RVALS') != -1 and display.find('BASE_RANGE_STRING') == -1:
1193 print('Warning: ' + filename, hf, 'filter "' + filter + ' strings has RVALS but display lacks BASE_RANGE_STRING')
1194 warnings_found += 1
1196 # For RVALS, is BASE_RANGE_STRING also set (checked by checkApis.pl)?
1197 if strings.find('VALS_EXT_PTR') != -1 and display.find('BASE_EXT_STRING') == -1:
1198 print('Warning: ' + filename, hf, 'filter "' + filter + ' strings has VALS_EXT_PTR but display lacks BASE_EXT_STRING')
1199 warnings_found += 1
1201 # For VALS, lookup the corresponding ValueString and try to check range.
1202 vs_re = re.compile(r'VALS\(([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\)')
1203 m = vs_re.search(strings)
1204 if m:
1205 self.vs_name = m.group(1)
1206 if self.vs_name in value_strings:
1207 vs = value_strings[self.vs_name]
1208 self.check_value_string_range(vs.min_value, vs.max_value)
1210 # For RVALS, lookup the corresponding RangeString and try to check range.
1211 rs_re = re.compile(r'RVALS\(([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\)')
1212 m = rs_re.search(strings)
1213 if m:
1214 self.rs_name = m.group(1)
1215 if self.rs_name in range_strings:
1216 rs = range_strings[self.rs_name]
1217 self.check_range_string_range(rs.min_value, rs.max_value)
1219 # Could/should this item be FT_FRAMENUM ?
1220 #if ((self.label.lower().find(' frame') != -1 or self.label.lower().find('frame ') != -1) and self.label.lower().find('frames') == -1 and
1221 # (self.label.lower().find('in') != -1 or self.label.lower().find('for') != -1) and
1222 # self.item_type == 'FT_UINT32' and self.mask_value == 0x0):
1223 # print('Warning: ' + self.filename, self.hf, 'filter "' + self.filter + '", label "' + label + '"', 'item type is', self.item_type, '- could be FT_FRANENUM?')
1224 # warnings_found += 1
1227 def __str__(self):
1228 return 'Item ({0} {1} "{2}" {3} type={4}:{5} {6} mask={7})'.format(self.filename, self.hf, self.label, self.filter, self.item_type, self.display, self.strings, self.mask)
1230 def check_label(self, label, label_name):
1231 global warnings_found
1233 # TODO: this is masking a bug where the re for the item can't cope with macro for containing ',' for mask arg..
1234 if label.count('"') == 1:
1235 return
1237 if label.startswith(' ') or label.endswith(' '):
1238 print('Warning: ' + self.filename, self.hf, 'filter "' + self.filter, label_name, '"' + label + '" begins or ends with a space')
1239 warnings_found += 1
1241 if (label.count('(') != label.count(')') or
1242 label.count('[') != label.count(']') or
1243 label.count('{') != label.count('}')):
1244 # Ignore if includes quotes, as may be unbalanced.
1245 if label.find("'") == -1:
1246 print('Warning: ' + self.filename, self.hf, 'filter "' + self.filter + '"', label_name, '"' + label + '"', 'has unbalanced parens/braces/brackets')
1247 warnings_found += 1
1248 if self.item_type != 'FT_NONE' and label.endswith(':'):
1249 print('Warning: ' + self.filename, self.hf, 'filter "' + self.filter + '"', label_name, '"' + label + '"', 'ends with an unnecessary colon')
1250 warnings_found += 1
1252 def check_blurb_vs_label(self):
1253 global warnings_found
1254 if self.blurb == "NULL":
1255 return
1257 # Is the label longer than the blurb?
1258 # Generated dissectors tend to write the type into the blurb field...
1259 #if len(self.label) > len(self.blurb):
1260 # print('Warning:', self.filename, self.hf, 'label="' + self.label + '" blurb="' + self.blurb + '"', "- label longer than blurb!!!")
1262 # Is the blurb just the label in a different order?
1263 label_words = self.label.lower().split(' ')
1264 label_words.sort()
1265 blurb_words = self.blurb.lower().split(' ')
1266 blurb_words.sort()
1268 # Subset - often happens when part specific to that field is dropped
1269 if set(label_words) > set(blurb_words):
1270 print('Warning:', self.filename, self.hf, 'label="' + self.label + '" blurb="' + self.blurb + '"', "- words in blurb are subset of label words")
1271 warnings_found += 1
1273 # Just a re-ordering (but may also contain capitalization changes.)
1274 if blurb_words == label_words:
1275 print('Warning:', self.filename, self.hf, 'label="' + self.label + '" blurb="' + self.blurb + '"', "- blurb words are label words (re-ordered?)")
1276 warnings_found += 1
1278 # TODO: could have item know protocol name(s) from file this item was found in, and complain if blurb is just prot-name + label ?
1281 def set_mask_value(self, macros):
1282 try:
1283 self.mask_read = True
1284 # PIDL generator adds annoying parenthesis and spaces around mask..
1285 self.mask = self.mask.strip('() ')
1287 # Substitute mask if found as a macro..
1288 if self.mask in macros:
1289 self.mask = macros[self.mask]
1290 elif any(c not in '0123456789abcdefABCDEFxX' for c in self.mask):
1291 self.mask_read = False
1292 self.mask_value = 0
1293 #print(self.filename, 'Could not read:', '"' + self.mask + '"')
1294 return
1296 # Read according to the appropriate base.
1297 if self.mask.startswith('0x'):
1298 self.mask_value = int(self.mask, 16)
1299 elif self.mask.startswith('0'):
1300 self.mask_value = int(self.mask, 8)
1301 else:
1302 self.mask_value = int(self.mask, 10)
1303 except Exception:
1304 self.mask_read = False
1305 self.mask_value = 0
1307 #if not self.mask_read:
1308 # print('Could not read:', self.mask)
1311 def set_display_value(self, macros):
1312 try:
1313 self.display_read = True
1314 display = self.display
1316 # Substitute display if found as a macro..
1317 if display in macros:
1318 display = macros[display]
1319 elif any(c not in '0123456789abcdefABCDEFxX' for c in display):
1320 self.display_read = False
1321 self.display_value = 0
1322 return
1324 # Read according to the appropriate base.
1325 if self.display.startswith('0x'):
1326 self.display_value = int(display, 16)
1327 elif self.display.startswith('0'):
1328 self.display_value = int(display, 8)
1329 else:
1330 self.display_value = int(display, 10)
1331 except Exception:
1332 self.display_read = False
1333 self.display_value = 0
1336 def check_value_string_range(self, vs_min, vs_max):
1337 item_width = self.get_field_width_in_bits()
1339 if item_width is None:
1340 # Type field defined by macro?
1341 return
1343 if self.mask_value > 0:
1344 # Distance between first and last '1'
1345 bitBools = bin(self.mask_value)[2:]
1346 mask_width = bitBools.rfind('1') - bitBools.find('1') + 1
1347 else:
1348 # No mask is effectively a full mask..
1349 mask_width = item_width
1351 item_max = (2 ** mask_width)
1352 if vs_max > item_max:
1353 global warnings_found
1354 print('Warning:', self.filename, self.hf, 'filter=', self.filter,
1355 self.strings, "has max value", vs_max, '(' + hex(vs_max) + ')', "which doesn't fit into", mask_width, 'bits',
1356 '( mask is', hex(self.mask_value), ')')
1357 warnings_found += 1
1359 def check_range_string_range(self, rs_min, rs_max):
1360 item_width = self.get_field_width_in_bits()
1362 if item_width is None:
1363 # Type field defined by macro?
1364 return
1366 if self.mask_value > 0:
1367 # Distance between first and last '1'
1368 bitBools = bin(self.mask_value)[2:]
1369 mask_width = bitBools.rfind('1') - bitBools.find('1') + 1
1370 else:
1371 # No mask is effectively a full mask..
1372 mask_width = item_width
1374 item_max = (2 ** mask_width)
1375 if rs_max > item_max:
1376 global warnings_found
1377 print('Warning:', self.filename, self.hf, 'filter=', self.filter,
1378 self.strings, "has values", rs_min, rs_max, '(' + hex(rs_max) + ')', "which doesn't fit into", mask_width, 'bits',
1379 '( mask is', hex(self.mask_value), ')')
1380 warnings_found += 1
1385 # Return true if bit position n is set in value.
1386 def check_bit(self, value, n):
1387 return (value & (0x1 << n)) != 0
1389 # Output a warning if non-contiguous bits are found in the mask (uint64_t).
1390 # Note that this legitimately happens in several dissectors where multiple reserved/unassigned
1391 # bits are conflated into one field.
1392 # - there is probably a cool/efficient way to check this (+1 => 1-bit set?)
1393 def check_contiguous_bits(self, mask):
1394 if not self.mask_value:
1395 return
1397 # Do see legitimate non-contiguous bits often for these..
1398 if name_has_one_of(self.hf, ['reserved', 'unknown', 'unused', 'spare']):
1399 return
1400 if name_has_one_of(self.label, ['reserved', 'unknown', 'unused', 'spare']):
1401 return
1404 # Walk past any l.s. 0 bits
1405 n = 0
1406 while not self.check_bit(self.mask_value, n) and n <= 63:
1407 n += 1
1408 if n==63:
1409 return
1411 mask_start = n
1412 # Walk through any bits that are set
1413 while self.check_bit(self.mask_value, n) and n <= 63:
1414 n += 1
1415 n += 1
1417 if n >= 63:
1418 return
1420 # Look up the field width
1421 field_width = 0
1422 if self.item_type not in field_widths:
1423 print('unexpected item_type is ', self.item_type)
1424 field_width = 64
1425 else:
1426 field_width = self.get_field_width_in_bits()
1429 # Its a problem is the mask_width is > field_width - some of the bits won't get looked at!?
1430 mask_width = n-1-mask_start
1431 if field_width is not None and (mask_width > field_width):
1432 # N.B. No call, so no line number.
1433 print(self.filename + ':', self.hf, 'filter=', self.filter, self.item_type, 'so field_width=', field_width,
1434 'but mask is', mask, 'which is', mask_width, 'bits wide!')
1435 global warnings_found
1436 warnings_found += 1
1437 # Now, any more zero set bits are an error!
1438 if self.filter in known_non_contiguous_fields or self.filter.startswith('rtpmidi'):
1439 # Don't report if we know this one is Ok.
1440 # TODO: also exclude items that are used as root in add_bitmask() calls?
1441 return
1442 while n <= 63:
1443 if self.check_bit(self.mask_value, n):
1444 print('Warning:', self.filename, self.hf, 'filter=', self.filter, ' - mask with non-contiguous bits',
1445 mask, '(', hex(self.mask_value), ')')
1446 warnings_found += 1
1447 return
1448 n += 1
1450 def get_field_width_in_bits(self):
1451 if self.item_type == 'FT_BOOLEAN':
1452 if self.display == 'NULL':
1453 return 8 # i.e. 1 byte
1454 elif self.display == 'SEP_DOT': # from proto.h, only meant for FT_BYTES
1455 return 64
1456 else:
1457 try:
1458 # For FT_BOOLEAN, modifier is just numerical number of bits. Round up to next nibble.
1459 return int((int(self.display) + 3)/4)*4
1460 except Exception:
1461 return None
1462 else:
1463 if self.item_type in field_widths:
1464 # Lookup fixed width for this type
1465 return field_widths[self.item_type]
1466 else:
1467 return None
1469 def check_num_digits(self, mask):
1470 if mask.startswith('0x') and len(mask) > 3:
1471 global warnings_found
1472 global errors_found
1474 width_in_bits = self.get_field_width_in_bits()
1475 # Warn if odd number of digits. TODO: only if >= 5?
1476 if len(mask) % 2 and self.item_type != 'FT_BOOLEAN':
1477 print('Warning:', self.filename, self.hf, 'filter=', self.filter, ' - mask has odd number of digits', mask,
1478 'expected max for', self.item_type, 'is', int(width_in_bits/4))
1479 warnings_found += 1
1481 if self.item_type in field_widths:
1482 # Longer than it should be?
1483 if width_in_bits is None:
1484 return
1485 if len(mask)-2 > width_in_bits/4:
1486 extra_digits = mask[2:2+(len(mask)-2 - int(width_in_bits/4))]
1487 # Its definitely an error if any of these are non-zero, as they won't have any effect!
1488 if extra_digits != '0'*len(extra_digits):
1489 print('Error:', self.filename, self.hf, 'filter=', self.filter, 'mask', self.mask, "with len is", len(mask)-2,
1490 "but type", self.item_type, " indicates max of", int(width_in_bits/4),
1491 "and extra digits are non-zero (" + extra_digits + ")")
1492 errors_found += 1
1493 else:
1494 # Has extra leading zeros, still confusing, so warn.
1495 print('Warning:', self.filename, self.hf, 'filter=', self.filter, 'mask', self.mask, "with len", len(mask)-2,
1496 "but type", self.item_type, " indicates max of", int(width_in_bits/4))
1497 warnings_found += 1
1499 # Strict/fussy check - expecting mask length to match field width exactly!
1500 # Currently only doing for FT_BOOLEAN, and don't expect to be in full for 64-bit fields!
1501 if self.mask_exact_width:
1502 ideal_mask_width = int(width_in_bits/4)
1503 if self.item_type == 'FT_BOOLEAN' and ideal_mask_width < 16 and len(mask)-2 != ideal_mask_width:
1504 print('Warning:', self.filename, self.hf, 'filter=', self.filter, 'mask', self.mask, "with len", len(mask)-2,
1505 "but type", self.item_type, "|", self.display, " indicates should be", int(width_in_bits/4))
1506 warnings_found += 1
1508 else:
1509 # This type shouldn't have a mask set at all.
1510 print('Warning:', self.filename, self.hf, 'filter=', self.filter, ' - item has type', self.item_type, 'but mask set:', mask)
1511 warnings_found += 1
1513 def check_digits_all_zeros(self, mask):
1514 if mask.startswith('0x') and len(mask) > 3:
1515 if mask[2:] == '0'*(len(mask)-2):
1516 print('Warning:', self.filename, self.hf, 'filter=', self.filter, ' - item mask has all zeros - this is confusing! :', '"' + mask + '"')
1517 global warnings_found
1518 warnings_found += 1
1520 # A mask where all bits are set should instead be 0.
1521 # Exceptions might be where:
1522 # - in add_bitmask()
1523 # - represents flags, but dissector is not yet decoding them
1524 def check_full_mask(self, mask, field_arrays):
1525 if self.item_type == "FT_BOOLEAN":
1526 return
1527 if self.label.lower().find('mask') != -1 or self.label.lower().find('flag') != -1 or self.label.lower().find('bitmap') != -1:
1528 return
1529 if mask.startswith('0x') and len(mask) > 3:
1530 width_in_bits = self.get_field_width_in_bits()
1531 if not width_in_bits:
1532 return
1533 num_digits = int(width_in_bits / 4)
1534 if num_digits is None:
1535 return
1536 if mask[2:] == 'f'*num_digits or mask[2:] == 'F'*num_digits:
1537 # Don't report if appears in a 'fields' array
1538 for arr in field_arrays:
1539 list = field_arrays[arr][0]
1540 if self.hf in list:
1541 # These need to have a mask - don't judge for being 0
1542 return
1544 # No point in setting all bits if only want decimal number..
1545 if self.display == "BASE_DEC":
1546 print('Note:', self.filename, self.hf, 'filter=', self.filter, " - mask is all set - if only want value (rather than bits), set 0 instead? :", '"' + mask + '"')
1548 # An item that appears in a bitmask set, needs to have a non-zero mask.
1549 def check_mask_if_in_field_array(self, mask, field_arrays):
1550 # Work out if this item appears in a field array
1551 found = False
1552 for arr in field_arrays:
1553 list = field_arrays[arr][0]
1554 if self.hf in list:
1555 # These need to have a mask - don't judge for being 0
1556 found = True
1557 break
1559 if found:
1560 # It needs to have a non-zero mask.
1561 if self.mask_read and self.mask_value == 0:
1562 print('Error:', self.filename, self.hf, 'is in fields array', arr, 'but has a zero mask - this is not allowed')
1563 global errors_found
1564 errors_found += 1
1568 # Return True if appears to be a match
1569 def check_label_vs_filter(self, reportError=True, reportNumericalMismatch=True):
1570 global warnings_found
1572 last_filter = self.filter.split('.')[-1]
1573 last_filter_orig = last_filter
1574 last_filter = last_filter.replace('-', '')
1575 last_filter = last_filter.replace('_', '')
1576 last_filter = last_filter.replace(' ', '')
1577 label = self.label
1578 label_orig = label
1579 label = label.replace(' ', '')
1580 label = label.replace('-', '')
1581 label = label.replace('_', '')
1582 label = label.replace('(', '')
1583 label = label.replace(')', '')
1584 label = label.replace('/', '')
1585 label = label.replace("'", '')
1588 # OK if filter is abbrev of label.
1589 label_words = self.label.split(' ')
1590 label_words = [w for w in label_words if len(w)]
1591 if len(label_words) == len(last_filter):
1592 #print(label_words)
1593 abbrev_letters = [w[0] for w in label_words]
1594 abbrev = ''.join(abbrev_letters)
1595 if abbrev.lower() == last_filter.lower():
1596 return True
1598 # If both have numbers, they should probably match!
1599 label_numbers = [int(n) for n in re.findall(r'\d+', label_orig)]
1600 filter_numbers = [int(n) for n in re.findall(r'\d+', last_filter_orig)]
1601 if len(label_numbers) == len(filter_numbers) and label_numbers != filter_numbers:
1602 if reportNumericalMismatch:
1603 print('Note:', self.filename, self.hf, 'label="' + self.label + '" has different **numbers** from filter="' + self.filter + '"')
1604 print(label_numbers, filter_numbers)
1605 return False
1607 # If they match after trimming number from filter, they should match.
1608 if label.lower() == last_filter.lower().rstrip("0123456789"):
1609 return True
1611 # Are they just different?
1612 if label.lower().find(last_filter.lower()) == -1:
1613 if reportError:
1614 print('Warning:', self.filename, self.hf, 'label="' + self.label + '" does not seem to match filter="' + self.filter + '"')
1615 warnings_found += 1
1616 return False
1618 return True
1620 def check_boolean_length(self):
1621 global errors_found
1622 # If mask is 0, display must be BASE_NONE.
1623 if self.item_type == 'FT_BOOLEAN' and self.mask_read and self.mask_value == 0 and self.display.find('BASE_NONE') == -1:
1624 print('Error:', self.filename, self.hf, 'type is FT_BOOLEAN, no mask set (', self.mask, ') - display should be BASE_NONE, is instead', self.display)
1625 errors_found += 1
1626 # TODO: check for length > 64?
1628 def check_string_display(self):
1629 global warnings_found
1630 if self.item_type in { 'FT_STRING', 'FT_STRINGZ', 'FT_UINT_STRING'}:
1631 if self.display.find('BASE_NONE')==-1:
1632 print('Warning:', self.filename, self.hf, 'type is', self.item_type, 'display must be BASE_NONE, is instead', self.display)
1633 warnings_found += 1
1638 def check_ipv4_display(self):
1639 global errors_found
1640 if self.item_type == 'FT_IPv4' and self.display not in { 'BASE_NETMASK', 'BASE_NONE' }:
1641 print('Error:', self.filename, self.hf, 'type is FT_IPv4, should be BASE_NETMASK or BASE_NONE, is instead', self.display)
1642 errors_found += 1
1645 class CombinedCallsCheck:
1646 def __init__(self, file, apiChecks):
1647 self.file = file
1648 self.apiChecks = apiChecks
1649 self.get_all_calls()
1651 def get_all_calls(self):
1652 self.all_calls = []
1653 # Combine calls into one list.
1654 for check in self.apiChecks:
1655 self.all_calls += check.calls
1657 # Sort by line number.
1658 self.all_calls.sort(key=lambda x:x.line_number)
1660 def check_consecutive_item_calls(self):
1661 lines = open(self.file, 'r', encoding="utf8").read().splitlines()
1663 prev = None
1664 for call in self.all_calls:
1666 # These names commonly do appear together..
1667 if name_has_one_of(call.hf_name, [ 'unused', 'unknown', 'spare', 'reserved', 'default']):
1668 return
1670 if prev and call.hf_name == prev.hf_name:
1671 # More compelling if close together..
1672 if call.line_number>prev.line_number and call.line_number-prev.line_number <= 4:
1673 scope_different = False
1674 for no in range(prev.line_number, call.line_number-1):
1675 if lines[no].find('{') != -1 or lines[no].find('}') != -1 or lines[no].find('else') != -1 or lines[no].find('break;') != -1 or lines[no].find('if ') != -1:
1676 scope_different = True
1677 break
1678 # Also more compelling if check for and scope changes { } in lines in-between?
1679 if not scope_different:
1680 print('Warning:', f + ':' + str(call.line_number),
1681 call.hf_name + ' called consecutively at line', call.line_number, '- previous at', prev.line_number)
1682 global warnings_found
1683 warnings_found += 1
1684 prev = call
1689 # These are APIs in proto.c that check a set of types at runtime and can print '.. is not of type ..' to the console
1690 # if the type is not suitable.
1691 apiChecks = []
1692 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_item_ret_uint', { 'FT_CHAR', 'FT_UINT8', 'FT_UINT16', 'FT_UINT24', 'FT_UINT32'}, positive_length=True))
1693 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_item_ret_int', { 'FT_INT8', 'FT_INT16', 'FT_INT24', 'FT_INT32'}))
1694 apiChecks.append(APICheck('ptvcursor_add_ret_uint', { 'FT_CHAR', 'FT_UINT8', 'FT_UINT16', 'FT_UINT24', 'FT_UINT32'}, positive_length=True))
1695 apiChecks.append(APICheck('ptvcursor_add_ret_int', { 'FT_INT8', 'FT_INT16', 'FT_INT24', 'FT_INT32'}, positive_length=True))
1696 apiChecks.append(APICheck('ptvcursor_add_ret_string', { 'FT_STRING', 'FT_STRINGZ', 'FT_UINT_STRING', 'FT_STRINGZPAD', 'FT_STRINGZTRUNC'}))
1697 apiChecks.append(APICheck('ptvcursor_add_ret_boolean', { 'FT_BOOLEAN'}, positive_length=True))
1698 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_item_ret_uint64', { 'FT_UINT40', 'FT_UINT48', 'FT_UINT56', 'FT_UINT64'}, positive_length=True))
1699 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_item_ret_int64', { 'FT_INT40', 'FT_INT48', 'FT_INT56', 'FT_INT64'}, positive_length=True))
1700 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_item_ret_boolean', { 'FT_BOOLEAN'}, positive_length=True))
1701 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_item_ret_string_and_length', { 'FT_STRING', 'FT_STRINGZ', 'FT_UINT_STRING', 'FT_STRINGZPAD', 'FT_STRINGZTRUNC'}))
1702 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string_and_length', { 'FT_STRING', 'FT_STRINGZ', 'FT_UINT_STRING',
1704 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_item_ret_time_string', { 'FT_ABSOLUTE_TIME', 'FT_RELATIVE_TIME'}))
1705 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_uint', { 'FT_CHAR', 'FT_UINT8', 'FT_UINT16', 'FT_UINT24', 'FT_UINT32', 'FT_FRAMENUM'}))
1706 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_uint_format_value', { 'FT_CHAR', 'FT_UINT8', 'FT_UINT16', 'FT_UINT24', 'FT_UINT32', 'FT_FRAMENUM'}))
1707 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_uint_format', { 'FT_CHAR', 'FT_UINT8', 'FT_UINT16', 'FT_UINT24', 'FT_UINT32', 'FT_FRAMENUM'}))
1708 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_uint64', { 'FT_UINT40', 'FT_UINT48', 'FT_UINT56', 'FT_UINT64', 'FT_FRAMENUM'}))
1709 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_int64', { 'FT_INT40', 'FT_INT48', 'FT_INT56', 'FT_INT64'}))
1710 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_int64_format_value', { 'FT_INT40', 'FT_INT48', 'FT_INT56', 'FT_INT64'}))
1711 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_int64_format', { 'FT_INT40', 'FT_INT48', 'FT_INT56', 'FT_INT64'}))
1712 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_int', { 'FT_INT8', 'FT_INT16', 'FT_INT24', 'FT_INT32'}))
1713 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_int_format_value', { 'FT_INT8', 'FT_INT16', 'FT_INT24', 'FT_INT32'}))
1714 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_int_format', { 'FT_INT8', 'FT_INT16', 'FT_INT24', 'FT_INT32'}))
1715 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_boolean', { 'FT_BOOLEAN'}))
1716 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_boolean64', { 'FT_BOOLEAN'}))
1717 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_float', { 'FT_FLOAT'}))
1718 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_float_format', { 'FT_FLOAT'}))
1719 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_float_format_value', { 'FT_FLOAT'}))
1720 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_double', { 'FT_DOUBLE'}))
1721 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_double_format', { 'FT_DOUBLE'}))
1722 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_double_format_value', { 'FT_DOUBLE'}))
1723 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_string', { 'FT_STRING', 'FT_STRINGZ', 'FT_UINT_STRING', 'FT_STRINGZPAD', 'FT_STRINGZTRUNC'}))
1724 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_string_format', { 'FT_STRING', 'FT_STRINGZ', 'FT_UINT_STRING', 'FT_STRINGZPAD', 'FT_STRINGZTRUNC'}))
1725 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_string_format_value', { 'FT_STRING', 'FT_STRINGZ', 'FT_UINT_STRING', 'FT_STRINGZPAD', 'FT_STRINGZTRUNC'}))
1726 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_guid', { 'FT_GUID'}))
1727 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_oid', { 'FT_OID'}))
1728 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_none_format', { 'FT_NONE'}))
1729 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_item_ret_varint', { 'FT_INT8', 'FT_INT16', 'FT_INT24', 'FT_INT32', 'FT_INT40', 'FT_INT48', 'FT_INT56', 'FT_INT64',
1730 'FT_CHAR', 'FT_UINT8', 'FT_UINT16', 'FT_UINT24', 'FT_UINT32', 'FT_FRAMENUM',
1731 'FT_UINT40', 'FT_UINT48', 'FT_UINT56', 'FT_UINT64',}))
1732 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_boolean_bits_format_value', { 'FT_BOOLEAN'}))
1733 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_ascii_7bits_item', { 'FT_STRING'}))
1734 # TODO: positions are different, and takes 2 hf_fields..
1735 #apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_checksum', { 'FT_UINT8', 'FT_UINT16', 'FT_UINT24', 'FT_UINT32'}))
1736 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_int64_bits_format_value', { 'FT_INT40', 'FT_INT48', 'FT_INT56', 'FT_INT64'}))
1738 # TODO: add proto_tree_add_bytes_item, proto_tree_add_time_item ?
1740 bitmask_types = { 'FT_CHAR', 'FT_UINT8', 'FT_UINT16', 'FT_UINT24', 'FT_UINT32',
1741 'FT_INT8', 'FT_INT16', 'FT_INT24', 'FT_INT32',
1742 'FT_UINT40', 'FT_UINT48', 'FT_UINT56', 'FT_UINT64',
1743 'FT_INT40', 'FT_INT48', 'FT_INT56', 'FT_INT64',
1744 'FT_BOOLEAN'}
1745 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_bitmask', bitmask_types))
1746 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_bitmask_tree', bitmask_types))
1747 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_bitmask_ret_uint64', bitmask_types))
1748 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_bitmask_with_flags', bitmask_types))
1749 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_bitmask_with_flags_ret_uint64', bitmask_types))
1750 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_bitmask_value', bitmask_types))
1751 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_bitmask_value_with_flags', bitmask_types))
1752 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_bitmask_len', bitmask_types))
1753 # N.B., proto_tree_add_bitmask_list does not have a root item, just a subtree...
1755 add_bits_types = { 'FT_CHAR', 'FT_BOOLEAN',
1756 'FT_UINT8', 'FT_UINT16', 'FT_UINT24', 'FT_UINT32', 'FT_UINT40', 'FT_UINT48', 'FT_UINT56', 'FT_UINT64',
1757 'FT_INT8', 'FT_INT16', 'FT_INT24', 'FT_INT32', 'FT_INT40', 'FT_INT48', 'FT_INT56', 'FT_INT64',
1758 'FT_BYTES'}
1759 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_bits_item', add_bits_types))
1760 apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_bits_ret_val', add_bits_types))
1762 # TODO: doesn't even have an hf_item !
1763 #apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_bitmask_text', bitmask_types))
1765 # Check some ptvcuror calls too.
1766 apiChecks.append(APICheck('ptvcursor_add_ret_uint', { 'FT_CHAR', 'FT_UINT8', 'FT_UINT16', 'FT_UINT24', 'FT_UINT32'}))
1767 apiChecks.append(APICheck('ptvcursor_add_ret_int', { 'FT_INT8', 'FT_INT16', 'FT_INT24', 'FT_INT32'}))
1768 apiChecks.append(APICheck('ptvcursor_add_ret_boolean', { 'FT_BOOLEAN'}))
1771 # Also try to check proto_tree_add_item() calls (for length)
1772 apiChecks.append(ProtoTreeAddItemCheck())
1773 apiChecks.append(ProtoTreeAddItemCheck(True)) # for ptvcursor_add()
1777 def removeComments(code_string):
1778 code_string = re.sub(re.compile(r"/\*.*?\*/",re.DOTALL ) ,"" , code_string) # C-style comment
1779 code_string = re.sub(re.compile(r"//.*?\n" ) ,"" , code_string) # C++-style comment
1780 code_string = re.sub(re.compile(r"#if 0.*?#endif",re.DOTALL ) ,"" , code_string) # Ignored region
1782 return code_string
1784 # Test for whether the given file was automatically generated.
1785 def isGeneratedFile(filename):
1786 # Check file exists - e.g. may have been deleted in a recent commit.
1787 if not os.path.exists(filename):
1788 return False
1790 # Open file
1791 f_read = open(os.path.join(filename), 'r', encoding="utf8")
1792 lines_tested = 0
1793 for line in f_read:
1794 # The comment to say that its generated is near the top, so give up once
1795 # get a few lines down.
1796 if lines_tested > 10:
1797 f_read.close()
1798 return False
1799 if (line.find('Generated automatically') != -1 or
1800 line.find('Generated Automatically') != -1 or
1801 line.find('Autogenerated from') != -1 or
1802 line.find('is autogenerated') != -1 or
1803 line.find('automatically generated by Pidl') != -1 or
1804 line.find('Created by: The Qt Meta Object Compiler') != -1 or
1805 line.find('This file was generated') != -1 or
1806 line.find('This filter was automatically generated') != -1 or
1807 line.find('This file is auto generated, do not edit!') != -1):
1809 f_read.close()
1810 return True
1811 lines_tested = lines_tested + 1
1813 # OK, looks like a hand-written file!
1814 f_read.close()
1815 return False
1818 # TODO: could also look for macros in related/included header file(s)?
1819 def find_macros(filename):
1820 # Pre-populate with some useful values..
1821 macros = { 'BASE_NONE' : 0, 'BASE_DEC' : 1 }
1823 with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f:
1824 contents = f.read()
1825 # Remove comments so as not to trip up RE.
1826 contents = removeComments(contents)
1828 matches = re.finditer( r'#define\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]*)\s*([0-9xa-fA-F]*)\s*\n', contents)
1829 for m in matches:
1830 # Store this mapping.
1831 macros[m.group(1)] = m.group(2)
1833 # Also look for what could be enumeration assignments
1834 matches = re.finditer( r'\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]*)\s*=\s*([0-9xa-fA-F]*)\s*,?\n', contents)
1835 for m in matches:
1836 # Store this mapping.
1837 macros[m.group(1)] = m.group(2)
1839 return macros
1842 # Look for hf items (i.e. full item to be registered) in a dissector file.
1843 def find_items(filename, macros, value_strings, range_strings,
1844 check_mask=False, mask_exact_width=False, check_label=False, check_consecutive=False):
1845 is_generated = isGeneratedFile(filename)
1846 items = {}
1847 with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f:
1848 contents = f.read()
1849 # Remove comments so as not to trip up RE.
1850 contents = removeComments(contents)
1852 # N.B. re extends all the way to HFILL to avoid greedy matching
1853 # TODO: fix a problem where re can't cope with mask that involve a macro with commas in it...
1854 matches = re.finditer( r'.*\{\s*\&(hf_[a-z_A-Z0-9]*)\s*,\s*{\s*\"(.*?)\"\s*,\s*\"(.*?)\"\s*,\s*(.*?)\s*,\s*([0-9A-Z_\|\s]*?)\s*,\s*(.*?)\s*,\s*(.*?)\s*,\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\W\s_\u00f6\u00e4]*?)\s*,\s*HFILL', contents)
1855 for m in matches:
1856 # Store this item.
1857 hf = m.group(1)
1859 blurb = m.group(8)
1860 if blurb.startswith('"'):
1861 blurb = blurb[1:-1]
1863 items[hf] = Item(filename, hf, filter=m.group(3), label=m.group(2), item_type=m.group(4),
1864 display=m.group(5),
1865 strings=m.group(6),
1866 macros=macros,
1867 value_strings=value_strings,
1868 range_strings=range_strings,
1869 mask=m.group(7),
1870 blurb=blurb,
1871 check_mask=check_mask,
1872 mask_exact_width=mask_exact_width,
1873 check_label=check_label,
1874 check_consecutive=(not is_generated and check_consecutive))
1875 return items
1878 # Looking for args to ..add_bitmask_..() calls that are not NULL-terminated or have repeated items.
1879 # TODO: some dissectors have similar-looking hf arrays for other reasons, so need to cross-reference with
1880 # the 6th arg of ..add_bitmask_..() calls...
1881 # TODO: return items (rather than local checks) from here so can be checked against list of calls for given filename
1882 def find_field_arrays(filename, all_fields, all_hf):
1883 field_entries = {}
1884 global warnings_found
1885 with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f:
1886 contents = f.read()
1887 # Remove comments so as not to trip up RE.
1888 contents = removeComments(contents)
1890 # Find definition of hf array
1891 matches = re.finditer(r'static\s*g?int\s*\*\s*const\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*\[\]\s*\=\s*\{([a-zA-Z0-9,_\&\s]*)\}', contents)
1892 for m in matches:
1893 name = m.group(1)
1894 # Ignore if not used in a call to an _add_bitmask_ API
1895 if name not in all_fields:
1896 continue
1898 fields_text = m.group(2)
1899 fields_text = fields_text.replace('&', '')
1900 fields_text = fields_text.replace(',', '')
1902 # Get list of each hf field in the array
1903 fields = fields_text.split()
1905 if fields[0].startswith('ett_'):
1906 continue
1907 if fields[-1].find('NULL') == -1 and fields[-1] != '0':
1908 print('Warning:', filename, name, 'is not NULL-terminated - {', ', '.join(fields), '}')
1909 warnings_found += 1
1910 continue
1912 # Do any hf items reappear?
1913 seen_fields = set()
1914 for f in fields:
1915 if f in seen_fields:
1916 print(filename, name, f, 'already added!')
1917 warnings_found += 1
1918 seen_fields.add(f)
1920 # Check for duplicated flags among entries..
1921 combined_mask = 0x0
1922 for f in fields[0:-1]:
1923 if f in all_hf:
1924 new_mask = all_hf[f].mask_value
1925 if new_mask & combined_mask:
1926 print('Warning:', filename, name, 'has overlapping mask - {', ', '.join(fields), '} combined currently', hex(combined_mask), f, 'adds', hex(new_mask))
1927 warnings_found += 1
1928 combined_mask |= new_mask
1930 # Make sure all entries have the same width
1931 set_field_width = None
1932 for f in fields[0:-1]:
1933 if f in all_hf:
1934 new_field_width = all_hf[f].get_field_width_in_bits()
1935 if set_field_width is not None and new_field_width != set_field_width:
1936 # Its not uncommon for fields to be used in multiple sets, some of which can be different widths..
1937 print('Note:', filename, name, 'set items not all same width - {', ', '.join(fields), '} seen', set_field_width, 'now', new_field_width)
1938 set_field_width = new_field_width
1940 # Add entry to table
1941 field_entries[name] = (fields[0:-1], combined_mask)
1943 return field_entries
1945 def find_item_declarations(filename):
1946 items = set()
1948 with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f:
1949 lines = f.read().splitlines()
1950 p = re.compile(r'^static int (hf_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*\=\s*-1;')
1951 for line in lines:
1952 m = p.search(line)
1953 if m:
1954 items.add(m.group(1))
1955 return items
1957 def find_item_extern_declarations(filename):
1958 items = set()
1959 with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f:
1960 lines = f.read().splitlines()
1961 p = re.compile(r'^\s*(hf_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*\=\s*proto_registrar_get_id_byname\s*\(')
1962 for line in lines:
1963 m = p.search(line)
1964 if m:
1965 items.add(m.group(1))
1966 return items
1969 def is_dissector_file(filename):
1970 p = re.compile(r'.*(packet|file)-.*\.c$')
1971 return p.match(filename)
1974 def findDissectorFilesInFolder(folder, recursive=False):
1975 dissector_files = []
1977 if recursive:
1978 for root, subfolders, files in os.walk(folder):
1979 for f in files:
1980 if should_exit:
1981 return
1982 f = os.path.join(root, f)
1983 dissector_files.append(f)
1984 else:
1985 for f in sorted(os.listdir(folder)):
1986 if should_exit:
1987 return
1988 filename = os.path.join(folder, f)
1989 dissector_files.append(filename)
1991 return [x for x in filter(is_dissector_file, dissector_files)]
1995 # Run checks on the given dissector file.
1996 def checkFile(filename, check_mask=False, mask_exact_width=False, check_label=False, check_consecutive=False,
1997 check_missing_items=False, check_bitmask_fields=False, label_vs_filter=False, extra_value_string_checks=False,
1998 check_expert_items=False, check_subtrees=False):
1999 # Check file exists - e.g. may have been deleted in a recent commit.
2000 if not os.path.exists(filename):
2001 print(filename, 'does not exist!')
2002 return
2004 # Find simple macros so can substitute into items and calls.
2005 macros = find_macros(filename)
2007 # Find (and sanity-check) value_strings
2008 value_strings = findValueStrings(filename, macros, do_extra_checks=extra_value_string_checks)
2009 if extra_value_string_checks:
2010 for name in value_strings:
2011 value_strings[name].extraChecks()
2013 # Find (and sanity-check) range_strings
2014 range_strings = findRangeStrings(filename, macros, do_extra_checks=extra_value_string_checks)
2015 if extra_value_string_checks:
2016 for name in range_strings:
2017 range_strings[name].extraChecks()
2019 # Find (and sanity-check) string_strings
2020 string_strings = findStringStrings(filename, macros, do_extra_checks=extra_value_string_checks)
2021 if extra_value_string_checks:
2022 for name in string_strings:
2023 string_strings[name].extraChecks()
2025 # Find expert items
2026 if check_expert_items:
2027 expert_items = findExpertItems(filename, macros)
2028 checkExpertCalls(filename, expert_items)
2030 # Find important parts of items.
2031 items_defined = find_items(filename, macros, value_strings, range_strings,
2032 check_mask, mask_exact_width, check_label, check_consecutive)
2033 items_extern_declared = {}
2036 # Check that ett_ variables are registered
2037 if check_subtrees:
2038 ett_declared = findDeclaredTrees(filename)
2039 ett_defined = findDefinedTrees(filename, ett_declared)
2040 for d in ett_declared:
2041 if d not in ett_defined:
2042 global warnings_found
2043 print('Warning:', filename, 'subtree identifier', d, 'is declared but not found in an array for registering')
2044 warnings_found += 1
2046 items_declared = {}
2047 if check_missing_items:
2048 items_declared = find_item_declarations(filename)
2049 items_extern_declared = find_item_extern_declarations(filename)
2051 fields = set()
2053 # Get 'fields' out of calls
2054 for c in apiChecks:
2055 c.find_calls(filename, macros)
2056 for call in c.calls:
2057 # From _add_bitmask() calls
2058 if call.fields:
2059 fields.add(call.fields)
2061 # Checking for lists of fields for add_bitmask calls
2062 field_arrays = {}
2063 if check_bitmask_fields:
2064 field_arrays = find_field_arrays(filename, fields, items_defined)
2066 if check_mask and check_bitmask_fields:
2067 for i in items_defined:
2068 item = items_defined[i]
2069 item.check_full_mask(item.mask, field_arrays)
2070 item.check_mask_if_in_field_array(item.mask, field_arrays)
2072 # Now actually check the calls
2073 for c in apiChecks:
2074 c.check_against_items(items_defined, items_declared, items_extern_declared, check_missing_items, field_arrays)
2077 if label_vs_filter:
2078 matches = 0
2079 for hf in items_defined:
2080 if items_defined[hf].check_label_vs_filter(reportError=False, reportNumericalMismatch=True):
2081 matches += 1
2083 # Only checking if almost every field does match.
2084 checking = len(items_defined) and matches<len(items_defined) and ((matches / len(items_defined)) > 0.93)
2085 if checking:
2086 print(filename, ':', matches, 'label-vs-filter matches out of', len(items_defined), 'so reporting mismatches')
2087 for hf in items_defined:
2088 items_defined[hf].check_label_vs_filter(reportError=True, reportNumericalMismatch=False)
2090 for hf in items_defined:
2091 items_defined[hf].check_boolean_length()
2092 items_defined[hf].check_string_display()
2093 items_defined[hf].check_ipv4_display()
2097 #################################################################
2098 # Main logic.
2100 # command-line args. Controls which dissector files should be checked.
2101 # If no args given, will just scan epan/dissectors folder.
2102 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check calls in dissectors')
2103 parser.add_argument('--file', action='append',
2104 help='specify individual dissector file to test')
2105 parser.add_argument('--folder', action='store', default='',
2106 help='specify folder to test')
2107 parser.add_argument('--commits', action='store',
2108 help='last N commits to check')
2109 parser.add_argument('--open', action='store_true',
2110 help='check open files')
2111 parser.add_argument('--mask', action='store_true',
2112 help='when set, check mask field too')
2113 parser.add_argument('--mask-exact-width', action='store_true',
2114 help='when set, check width of mask against field width')
2115 parser.add_argument('--label', action='store_true',
2116 help='when set, check label field too')
2117 parser.add_argument('--consecutive', action='store_true',
2118 help='when set, copy copy/paste errors between consecutive items')
2119 parser.add_argument('--missing-items', action='store_true',
2120 help='when set, look for used items that were never registered')
2121 parser.add_argument('--check-bitmask-fields', action='store_true',
2122 help='when set, attempt to check arrays of hf items passed to add_bitmask() calls')
2123 parser.add_argument('--label-vs-filter', action='store_true',
2124 help='when set, check whether label matches last part of filter')
2125 parser.add_argument('--extra-value-string-checks', action='store_true',
2126 help='when set, do extra checks on parsed value_strings')
2127 parser.add_argument('--check-expert-items', action='store_true',
2128 help='when set, do extra checks on expert items')
2129 parser.add_argument('--check-subtrees', action='store_true',
2130 help='when set, do extra checks ett variables')
2131 parser.add_argument('--all-checks', action='store_true',
2132 help='when set, apply all checks to selected files')
2135 args = parser.parse_args()
2137 # Turn all checks on.
2138 if args.all_checks:
2139 args.mask = True
2140 args.mask_exact_width = True
2141 args.consecutive = True
2142 args.check_bitmask_fields = True
2143 args.label = True
2144 args.label_vs_filter = True
2145 #args.extra_value_string_checks = True
2146 args.check_expert_items = True
2147 #args.check_subtrees = Truue
2149 if args.check_bitmask_fields:
2150 args.mask = True
2153 # Get files from wherever command-line args indicate.
2154 files = []
2155 if args.file:
2156 # Add specified file(s)
2157 for f in args.file:
2158 if not os.path.isfile(f):
2159 print('Chosen file', f, 'does not exist.')
2160 exit(1)
2161 else:
2162 files.append(f)
2163 elif args.folder:
2164 # Add all files from a given folder.
2165 folder = args.folder
2166 if not os.path.isdir(folder):
2167 print('Folder', folder, 'not found!')
2168 exit(1)
2169 # Find files from folder.
2170 print('Looking for files in', folder)
2171 files = findDissectorFilesInFolder(folder, recursive=True)
2172 elif args.commits:
2173 # Get files affected by specified number of commits.
2174 command = ['git', 'diff', '--name-only', '--diff-filter=d', 'HEAD~' + args.commits]
2175 files = [f.decode('utf-8')
2176 for f in subprocess.check_output(command).splitlines()]
2177 # Will examine dissector files only
2178 files = list(filter(lambda f : is_dissector_file(f), files))
2179 elif args.open:
2180 # Unstaged changes.
2181 command = ['git', 'diff', '--name-only', '--diff-filter=d']
2182 files = [f.decode('utf-8')
2183 for f in subprocess.check_output(command).splitlines()]
2184 # Only interested in dissector files.
2185 files = list(filter(lambda f : is_dissector_file(f), files))
2186 # Staged changes.
2187 command = ['git', 'diff', '--staged', '--name-only', '--diff-filter=d']
2188 files_staged = [f.decode('utf-8')
2189 for f in subprocess.check_output(command).splitlines()]
2190 # Only interested in dissector files.
2191 files_staged = list(filter(lambda f : is_dissector_file(f), files_staged))
2192 for f in files_staged:
2193 if f not in files:
2194 files.append(f)
2195 else:
2196 # Find all dissector files.
2197 files = findDissectorFilesInFolder(os.path.join('epan', 'dissectors'))
2198 files += findDissectorFilesInFolder(os.path.join('plugins', 'epan'), recursive=True)
2201 # If scanning a subset of files, list them here.
2202 print('Examining:')
2203 if args.file or args.commits or args.open:
2204 if files:
2205 print(' '.join(files), '\n')
2206 else:
2207 print('No files to check.\n')
2208 else:
2209 print('All dissector modules\n')
2212 # Now check the files.
2213 for f in files:
2214 if should_exit:
2215 exit(1)
2216 checkFile(f, check_mask=args.mask, mask_exact_width=args.mask_exact_width, check_label=args.label,
2217 check_consecutive=args.consecutive, check_missing_items=args.missing_items,
2218 check_bitmask_fields=args.check_bitmask_fields, label_vs_filter=args.label_vs_filter,
2219 extra_value_string_checks=args.extra_value_string_checks,
2220 check_expert_items=args.check_expert_items, check_subtrees=args.check_subtrees)
2222 # Do checks against all calls.
2223 if args.consecutive:
2224 combined_calls = CombinedCallsCheck(f, apiChecks)
2225 # This hasn't really found any issues, but shows lots of false positives (and are difficult to investigate)
2226 #combined_calls.check_consecutive_item_calls()
2229 # Show summary.
2230 print(warnings_found, 'warnings')
2231 if errors_found:
2232 print(errors_found, 'errors')
2233 exit(1)