LATER packet-kerberos: ticket_checksum tmpvtb...
[wireshark-sm.git] / test / lua / nstime.lua
1 -- test script for various Lua functions
2 -- use with dhcp.pcap in test/captures directory
4 local testlib = require("testlib")
6 local FRAME = "frame"
7 local PER_FRAME = "per-frame"
8 local OTHER = "other"
10 -- expected number of runs per type
11 local n_frames = 4
12 local taptests = {
13 [FRAME]=n_frames,
14 [PER_FRAME]=n_frames*5,
15 [OTHER]=44
17 testlib.init(taptests)
19 ---------
20 -- the following are so we can use pcall (which needs a function to call)
21 local function setNSTime(nst,name,value)
22 nst[name] = value
23 end
25 local function getNSTime(nst,name)
26 local foo = nst[name]
27 end
29 ------------- test script ------------
30 testlib.testing(OTHER,"negative tests")
31 testlib.test(OTHER,"",not pcall(NSTime,"FooBARhowdy"))
32 testlib.test(OTHER,"",not pcall(NSTime,"ip","FooBARhowdy"))
33 local tmptime = NSTime()
34 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.set-3",pcall(setNSTime,tmptime,"secs",10))
35 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.set-4",not pcall(setNSTime,tmptime,"foobar",1000))
36 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.set-5",pcall(setNSTime,tmptime,"nsecs",123))
37 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.set-6",not pcall(setNSTime,NSTime,"secs",0))
38 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.set-7",not pcall(setNSTime,tmptime,"secs","foobar"))
39 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.set-8",not pcall(setNSTime,NSTime,"nsecs",0))
40 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.set-9",not pcall(setNSTime,tmptime,"nsecs","foobar"))
42 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.get-10",pcall(getNSTime,tmptime,"secs"))
43 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.get-11",pcall(getNSTime,tmptime,"nsecs"))
44 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.get-12",not pcall(getNSTime,NSTime,"secs"))
45 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.get-13",not pcall(getNSTime,NSTime,"nsecs"))
48 testlib.testing(OTHER,"basic tests")
49 local first = NSTime()
50 local second = NSTime(100,100)
51 local third = NSTime(0,100)
52 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.secs-14", first.secs == 0)
53 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.secs-15", second.secs == 100)
54 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.secs-16", third.secs == 0)
56 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.nsecs-17", first.nsecs == 0)
57 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.nsecs-18", second.nsecs == 100)
58 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.nsecs-19", third.nsecs == 100)
60 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.eq-20", first == NSTime())
61 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.neq-21", second ~= third)
63 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.add-22", first + second == second)
64 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.add-23", third + NSTime(100,0) == second)
65 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.add-24", NSTime(100) + NSTime(nil,100) == second)
67 testlib.test(OTHER,"", third < second)
68 testlib.test(OTHER,"", third > first)
69 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.le-27", second <= NSTime(100,100))
71 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.unm-28", -first == first)
72 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.unm-29", -(-second) == second)
73 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.unm-30", -second == NSTime(-100,-100))
74 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.unm-31", -third == NSTime(0,-100))
76 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.tostring-32", tostring(first) == "0.000000000")
77 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.tostring-33", tostring(second) == "100.000000100")
78 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.tostring-34", tostring(third) == "0.000000100")
80 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.tonumber-35", first:tonumber() == 0.0)
81 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.tonumber-36", second:tonumber() == 100.0000001)
82 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.tonumber-37", third:tonumber() == 0.0000001)
84 testlib.testing(OTHER,"setters/getters")
85 first.secs = 123
86 first.nsecs = 100
87 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.set-38", first == NSTime(123,100))
88 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.get-39", first.secs == 123)
89 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.get-40", first.nsecs == 100)
91 local minus0_4 = NSTime() - NSTime(0,400000000)
92 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.negative_tonumber-41", minus0_4:tonumber() == -0.4)
93 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.negative_tostring-42", tostring(minus0_4) == "-0.400000000")
94 local minus0_4 = NSTime() - NSTime(1,400000000)
95 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.negative_tonumber-43", minus0_4:tonumber() == -1.4)
96 testlib.test(OTHER,"NSTime.negative_tostring-44", tostring(minus0_4) == "-1.400000000")
99 ----------------------------------
101 -- declare some field extractors
102 local f_frame_time ="frame.time")
103 local f_frame_time_rel ="frame.time_relative")
104 local f_frame_time_delta ="frame.time_delta")
106 local tap =
108 local begin = NSTime()
109 local now, previous
111 function tap.packet(pinfo,tvb,frame)
112 testlib.countPacket(FRAME)
113 testlib.testing(FRAME,"NSTime in Frame")
115 local fi_now = f_frame_time()
116 local fi_rel = f_frame_time_rel()
117 local fi_delta = f_frame_time_delta()
119 testlib.test(PER_FRAME,"typeof-1", typeof(begin) == "NSTime")
120 testlib.test(PER_FRAME,"typeof-2", typeof(fi_now()) == "NSTime")
122 now = fi_now()
123 if testlib.getPktCount(FRAME) == 1 then
124 testlib.test(PER_FRAME,"__eq-1", begin == fi_delta())
125 testlib.test(PER_FRAME,"NSTime.secs-1", fi_delta().secs == 0)
126 testlib.test(PER_FRAME,"NSTime.nsecs-1", fi_delta().nsecs == 0)
127 begin = fi_now()
128 else
129 testlib.test(PER_FRAME,"__sub__eq-1", now - previous == fi_delta())
130 testlib.test(PER_FRAME,"__sub__eq-2", now - begin == fi_rel())
131 testlib.test(PER_FRAME,"__add-1", (previous - begin) + (now - previous) == fi_rel())
133 previous = now
135 testlib.pass(FRAME)
138 function tap.draw()
139 testlib.getResults()