epan/dissectors/pidl/ C99 drsuapi
[wireshark-sm.git] / epan / dissectors / asn1 / p22 / p22.cnf
1 # p22.cnf
2 # X.420 (InterPersonal Messaging) conformance file
5 Time                    TYPE = FT_STRING  DISPLAY = BASE_NONE  STRING = NULL BITMASK = 0
6 # Permitted-Actions-Attribute is exported from FTAM as DISPLAY = BASE_HEX -
7 # but this causes a runtime error.
8 # We override the definition here until we can identify the fix correct fix
9 Permitted-Actions-Attribute TYPE = FT_BYTES   DISPLAY = BASE_NONE   STRINGS = NULL  BITMASK = 0
11 #.IMPORT ../ftam/ftam-exp.cnf
12 #.IMPORT ../p1/p1-exp.cnf
13 #.IMPORT ../p7/p7-exp.cnf
14 #.IMPORT ../x509af/x509af-exp.cnf
15 #.IMPORT ../x509ce/x509ce-exp.cnf
16 #.IMPORT ../acse/acse-exp.cnf
19 # These gives unused code warnings
21 NRN
24 #.END
26 #.NO_EMIT
27 # These fields are only used through COMPONENTS OF,
28 # and consequently generate unused code warnings
29 CommonFields
30 #.END
33 ORDescriptor
34 InformationObject
35 ExtensionsField
36 IPM
37 IPN
38 MessageParameters
39 NonReceiptReasonField
40 DiscardReasonField
41 ReceiptTimeField
45 G3FacsimileBodyPart/data        g3facsimile_data
46 VideotexBodyPart/data   videotex_data
47 ExtendedBodyPart/data   extended_data
48 TeletexBodyPart/data    teletex_data
49 IA5TextBodyPart/data    ia5text_data
50 MessageBodyPart/data    message_data
51 EncryptedBodyPart/data  encrypted_data
53 G3FacsimileBodyPart/parameters  g3facsimile_parameters
54 VideotexBodyPart/parameters     videotex_parameters
55 ExtendedBodyPart/parameters     extended_parameters
56 TeletexBodyPart/parameters      teletex_parameters
57 IA5TextBodyPart/parameters      ia5text_parameters
58 MessageBodyPart/parameters      message_parameters
59 EncryptedBodyPart/parameters    encrypted_parameters
61 TeletexParameters/non-basic-parameters          teletex_non_basic_parameters
62 G3FacsimileParameters/non-basic-parameters      g3facsimile_non_basic_parameters
64 CirculationSignatureData/algorithm-identifier   circulation-signature-algorithm-identifier
66 Account-Attribute/actual-values         account-actual-values
67 User-Identity-Attribute/actual-values   identity-actual-values
69 MessageReference/user-relative-identifier user-relative-identifier-ref
71 BodyPartSignatureVerification/_item/body-part-signature body-part-signature-status
72 BodyPart/basic/encrypted                encrypted-bp
73 BodyPartSynopsis/message                message-synopsis
74 NonMessageBodyPartSynopsis/type         bp-type
75 NonMessageBodyPartSynopsis/parameters   bp-parameters
77 ForwardedContentToken/_item/body-part-choice    body-part-token-choice
78 ForwardedContentToken/_item/body-part-choice/message-or-content-body-part       forwarded-content-token
82 ForwardedContentToken/_item/body-part-choice    T_body_part_token_choice
85 G3FacsimileBodyPart/data                                ABBREV=g3facsimile.data
86 VideotexBodyPart/data                                   ABBREV=videotex.data
87 ExtendedBodyPart/data                                   ABBREV=extended.data
88 TeletexBodyPart/data                                    ABBREV=teletex.data
89 IA5TextBodyPart/data                                    ABBREV=ia5text.data
90 MessageBodyPart/data                                    ABBREV=message.data
91 EncryptedBodyPart/data                                  ABBREV=encrypted.data
92 Account-Attribute/actual-values                 ABBREV=account.actual-values
93 User-Identity-Attribute/actual-values   ABBREV=identity.actual-values
96 AbsenceAdvice                           B ""  "id-on-absence-advice"
97 ChangeOfAddressAdvice           B ""  "id-on-change-of-address-advice"
98 IPMAssemblyInstructions         B ""  "id-mst-assembly-instructions"
100 IncompleteCopy                          B ""   "id-hex-incomplete-copy"
101 Languages                                       B ""   "id-hex-languages"
102 AutoSubmitted                           B ""   "id-hex-auto-submitted"
103 BodyPartSignatures                      B ""   "id-hex-body-part-signatures"
104 IPMSecurityLabel                        B ""   "id-hex-ipm-security-label"
105 AuthorizationTime                       B ""   "id-hex-authorization-time"
106 CirculationList                         B ""   "id-hex-circulation-list-recipients"
107 CirculationListIndicator        B ""  "id-rex-circulation-list-indicator"
108 DistributionCodes                       B ""   "id-hex-distribution-codes"
109 ExtendedSubject                         B ""   "id-hex-extended-subject"
110 InformationCategories           B ""   "id-hex-information-categories"
111 ManualHandlingInstructions      B ""  "id-hex-manual-handling-instructions"
112 OriginatorsReference            B ""  "id-hex-originators-reference"
113 PrecedencePolicyIdentifier      B ""  "id-hex-precedence-policy-id"
114 Precedence                                      B ""  "id-rex-precedence"
116 IA5TextData                             B ""   "id-et-ia5-text"
117 IA5TextParameters                       B ""  "id-ep-ia5-text"
118 G3FacsimileData                         B ""   "id-et-g3-facsimile"
119 G3FacsimileParameters           B ""  "id-ep-g3-facsimile"
120 G4Class1BodyPart                        B ""   "id-et-g4-class1"
121 TeletexData                             B ""   "id-et-teletex"
122 TeletexParameters                       B ""  "id-ep-teletex"
123 VideotexData                            B ""   "id-et-videotex"
124 VideotexParameters                      B ""  "id-ep-videotex"
125 EncryptedData                           B ""   "id-et-encrypted"
126 EncryptedParameters             B ""  "id-ep-encrypted"
127 MessageData                             B ""   "id-et-message"
128 MessageParameters                       B ""  "id-ep-message"
129 MixedModeBodyPart                       B ""   "id-et-mixed-mode"
130 BilaterallyDefinedBodyPart      B ""   "id-et-bilaterally-defined"
132 GeneralTextParameters           B "" "id-ep-general-text"
133 GeneralTextData                         B ""  "id-et-general-text"
134 FileTransferParameters          B "" "id-ep-file-transfer"
135 FileTransferData                        B ""  "id-et-file-transfer"
136 # {id-et 13} is no longer defined
137 # ForwardedReportBodyPart {id-et 14} defined in p1.cnf
138 MessageParameters                       B "" "id-ep-notification"
139 IPN                                                     B ""  "id-et-notification"
140 VoiceParameters                         B "" "id-ep-voice"
141 VoiceData                                       B ""  "id-et-voice"
142 # P22
143 ForwardedContentParameters      B ""      "id-ep-content-p22"
144 InformationObject                       B ""       "id-et-content-p22"
146 ForwardedContentParameters      B ""      "id-ep-content-p2"
147 InformationObject                       B ""       "id-et-content-p2"
148 #p722
149 ForwardedContentParameters      B ""     "id-ep-content-p772"
152 # PKCS#7Bodypart {id-et 18} defined in cms.cnf
154 # Message Store Attributes
155 IPMEntryType                            B       ""     "id-sat-ipm-entry-type"
156 IPMSynopsis                                     B       ""     "id-sat-ipm-synopsis"
157 BodyPartDescriptor                      B       ""     "id-sat-body-parts-summary"
158 #Boolean                                        B       ""     "id-sat-ipm-auto-discarded" - see x509sat.cnf
160 Heading                                         B       ""     "id-hat-heading"
161 ThisIPMField                            B       ""     "id-hat-this-ipm"
162 OriginatorField                         B       ""     "id-hat-originator"
163 RepliedToIPMField                       B       ""     "id-hat-replied-to-IPM"
164 SubjectField                            B       ""     "id-hat-subject"
165 ExpiryTimeField                         B       ""     "id-hat-expiry-time"
166 ReplyTimeField                          B       ""     "id-hat-reply-time"
167 ImportanceField                         B       ""     "id-hat-importance"
168 SensitivityField                        B       ""     "id-hat-sensitivity"
169 AutoForwardedField                      B       ""     "id-hat-auto-forwarded"
170 AuthorizingUsersSubfield        B       ""    "id-hat-authorizing-users"
171 PrimaryRecipientsSubfield       B       ""    "id-hat-primary-recipients"
172 CopyRecipientsSubfield          B       ""    "id-hat-copy-recipients"
173 BlindCopyRecipientsSubfield     B       ""    "id-hat-blind-copy-recipients"
174 ObsoletedIPMsSubfield           B       ""    "id-hat-obsoleted-IPMs"
175 RelatedIPMsSubfield                     B       ""    "id-hat-related-IPMs"
176 ReplyRecipientsSubfield         B       ""    "id-hat-reply-recipients"
177 IncompleteCopy                          B       ""    "id-hat-incomplete-copy"
178 Language                                        B       ""    "id-hat-languages"
179 ORDescriptor                            B       ""    "id-hat-rn-requestors"
180 ORDescriptor                            B       ""    "id-hat-nrn-requestors"
181 ORDescriptor                            B       ""    "id-hat-reply-requestors"
182 AutoSubmitted                           B       ""    "id-hat-auto-submitted"
183 BodyPartSignatures                      B       ""    "id-hat-body-part-signatures"
184 IPMSecurityLabel                        B       ""    "id-hat-ipm-security-label"
185 BodyPartSecurityLabel           B       ""    "id-hat-body-part-security-label"
186 BodyPartTokens                          B       ""    "id-hat-body-part-encryption-token"
187 AuthorizationTime                       B       ""    "id-hat-authorization-time"
188 CirculationMember                       B       ""    "id-hat-circulation-list-recipients"
189 DistributionCode                        B       ""    "id-hat-distribution-codes"
190 ExtendedSubject                         B       ""    "id-hat-extended-subject"
191 InformationCategory                     B       ""    "id-hat-information-category"
192 ManualHandlingInstruction       B       ""    "id-hat-manual-handling-instructions"
193 OriginatorsReference            B       ""    "id-hat-originators-reference"
194 PrecedencePolicyIdentifier      B       ""    "id-hat-precedence-policy-id"
195 ForwardedContentToken           B       ""    "id-hat-forwarded-content-token"
196 #MessageToken                           B       ""    "id-hat-forwarded-token" - see p1.cnf
197 Precedence                                      B       ""    "id-hat-precedence"
198 BodyPartSignatureVerification   B       ""    "id-hat-body-part-signature-verification-status"
200 Body                                            B       ""     "id-bat-body"
202 # id-cat ID ::= {id-ipms  13} -- correlation attributes
203 CorrelatedDeliveredIPNs         B       ""    "id-cat-correlated-delivered-ipns"
204 CorrelatedDeliveredReplies      B       ""    "id-cat-correlated-delivered-replies"
205 DeliveredIPNStatus                      B       ""    "id-cat-delivered-ipn-summary"
206 DeliveredReplyStatus            B       ""    "id-cat-delivered-replies-summary"
207 #SequenceNumber                         B       ""    "id-cat-forwarded-ipms"
208 #SequenceNumber                         B       ""    "id-cat-forwarding-ipms"
209 #ORDescriptor                           B       ""    "id-cat-ipm-recipients"
210 IPMLocation                                     B       ""    "id-cat-obsoleted-ipms"
211 #SequenceNumber                         B       ""    "id-cat-obsoleting-ipms"
212 #IPMLocation                            B       ""    "id-cat-related-ipms"
213 #SequenceNumber                         B       ""   "id-cat-relating-ipms"
214 #SequenceNumber                         B       ""   "id-cat-replied-to-ipm"
215 #id-cat-replying-ipms           B       ""   "id-cat-replying-ipms"
216 #ReplyTimeField                         B       ""   "id-cat-revised-reply-time"
217 SubmittedIPNStatus                      B       ""   "id-cat-submitted-ipn-status"
218 #SequenceNumber                         B       ""   "id-cat-submitted-ipns"
219 SubmittedReplyStatus            B       ""   "id-cat-submitted-reply-status"
220 #SequenceNumber                         B       ""   "id-cat-subject-ipm"
221 RecipientCategory                       B       ""   "id-cat-recipient-category"
223 # id-sec ID ::= {id-ipms  18} -- ipm security extensions
224 RecipientSecurityRequest        B       ""    "id-sec-ipm-security-request"
225 IpnSecurityResponse                     B       ""    "id-sec-security-common-fields"
227 #.FN_PARS IPMSExtension/type
228         FN_VARIANT = _str  VAL_PTR = &actx->external.direct_reference
230 #.FN_BODY IPMSExtension/type
231   const char *name = NULL;
233   %(DEFAULT_BODY)s
235   name = oid_resolved_from_string(actx->pinfo->pool, actx->external.direct_reference);
236   proto_item_append_text(tree, " (%%s)", name ? name : actx->external.direct_reference);
238 #.FN_BODY IPMSExtension/value
240   offset=call_ber_oid_callback(actx->external.direct_reference, tvb, offset, actx->pinfo, tree, NULL);
244  col_append_str(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " Message");
246   %(DEFAULT_BODY)s
251  col_append_str(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " Notification");
253   %(DEFAULT_BODY)s
255 #.FN_PARS SubjectField
256   VAL_PTR=&subject
258 #.FN_BODY SubjectField
259   tvbuff_t *subject=NULL;
261   %(DEFAULT_BODY)s
263   if(subject)
264    col_append_fstr(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " (%%s)", tvb_get_string_enc(actx->pinfo->pool, subject, 0,
265                                                                              tvb_reported_length(subject), ENC_T61));
268 SubjectField DISPLAY = BASE_NONE
271 TeletexData/_item DISPLAY = BASE_NONE
274 FreeFormName DISPLAY = BASE_NONE
277 VideotexData DISPLAY = BASE_NONE
279 #.FN_PARS CharacterSetRegistration
280   VAL_PTR=&crs
282 #.FN_BODY CharacterSetRegistration
283   uint32_t crs;
284   %(DEFAULT_BODY)s
286   if(actx->created_item)
287     proto_item_append_text(actx->created_item, " (%%s)", val_to_str_const(crs, charsetreg_vals, "unknown"));
289 #.FN_BODY Interchange-Data-Element
290 /* XXX Not implemented yet */
292 #.FN_BODY NationallyDefinedBodyPart
293 /* XXX Not implemented yet */
295 #.FN_BODY Contents-Type-Attribute/document-type/parameter
296 /* XXX: Not implemented yet */
298 #.FN_BODY CompressionParameter/compression-algorithm-id
299     offset = dissect_ber_object_identifier_str(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index, &actx->external.direct_reference);
301 #.FN_BODY CompressionParameter/compression-algorithm-param
302 /* XXX: Not implemented yet */
304 #.END