1 -- http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/asn1/database/itu-t/x/x413/1999/index.html
2 -- Module MSAbstractService (X.413:06/1999)
3 MSAbstractService {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) ms(4) modules(0) abstract-service(1)
4 version-1999(1)} DEFINITIONS ::=
10 -- MTS information object classes
13 -- MTS objects and ports
14 administration, delivery, mts-user,
16 -- MTS abstract-operations and abstract-errors
17 cancel-deferred-delivery, element-of-service-not-subscribed,
18 inconsistent-request, new-credentials-unacceptable,
19 old-credentials-incorrectly-specified, originator-invalid,
20 recipient-improperly-specified, remote-bind-error, security-error,
21 submission-control, submission-control-violated,
22 unsupported-critical-function,
23 -- MTS abstract-service data-types
24 CertificateSelectors, Credentials, InitiatorCredentials,
25 MessageSubmissionArgument, MessageSubmissionResult, MessageToken,
26 ORAddressAndOrDirectoryName, ProbeSubmissionArgument,
27 ProbeSubmissionResult, ResponderCredentials, SecurityContext, SecurityLabel,
28 -- WS added imports because of expansion of COMPONENTS OF
29 MessageSubmissionIdentifier, ExtensionField, OriginatorName,
30 OriginalEncodedInformationTypes, ContentType, ProbeSubmissionIdentifier,
32 FROM MTSAbstractService {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) mts(3) modules(0)
33 mts-abstract-service(1) version-1999(1)}
34 -- MTS abstract-service 1988 ports
36 FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects
39 FROM MTSAbstractService88 {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) mts(3) modules(0)
40 mts-abstract-service(1) version-1988(1988)}
41 -- MTS abstract-service upper bounds
42 ub-content-types, ub-encoded-information-types, ub-labels-and-redirections
44 FROM MTSUpperBounds {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) mts(3) modules(0)
45 upper-bounds(3) version-1999(1)}
46 -- MS X413ATTRIBUTE table
49 FROM MSGeneralAttributeTypes {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) ms(4) modules(0)
50 general-attribute-types(2) version-1999(1)}
51 -- MS matching rule table
54 FROM MSMatchingRules {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) ms(4) modules(0)
55 general-matching-rules(5) version-1999(1)}
56 -- MS auto-action-table and auto-action-error table
57 AutoActionTable, AutoActionErrorTable
59 FROM MSGeneralAutoActionTypes {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) ms(4) modules(0)
60 general-auto-action-types(3) version-1994(0)}
61 -- MS object-identifiers
62 id-cp-ms-connection, id-crt-ms-access-88, id-crt-ms-access-94,
63 id-ext-modify-capability, id-ext-modify-retrieval-status-capability,
64 id-ext-originator-token, id-ext-originator-certificate-selectors-override,
65 id-ext-protected-change-credentials,
66 id-ext-protected-change-credentials-capability, id-ot-ms, id-ot-ms-user,
67 id-pt-retrieval-88, id-pt-retrieval-94, id-pt-ms-submission
69 FROM MSObjectIdentifiers {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) ms(4) modules(0)
70 object-identifiers(0) version-1999(1)}
71 -- MS Access abstract-operation and error codes
72 err-attribute-error, err-auto-action-request-error, err-ms-extension-error,
73 err-delete-error, err-entry-class-error, err-fetch-restriction-error,
74 err-invalid-parameters-error, err-message-group-error, err-modify-error,
75 err-range-error, err-security-error, err-sequence-number-error,
76 err-service-error, err-register-ms-error, op-alert, op-delete, op-fetch,
77 op-list, op-modify, op-ms-message-submission, op-ms-probe-submission,
78 op-register-ms, op-summarize
80 FROM MSAccessProtocol {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) protocols(0) modules(0)
81 ms-access-protocol(2) version-1999(1)}
82 -- MS abstract-service upper bounds
83 ub-attributes-supported, ub-attribute-values, ub-auto-action-errors,
84 ub-auto-actions, ub-auto-registrations, ub-default-registrations,
85 ub-entry-classes, ub-error-reasons, ub-extensions, ub-group-depth,
86 ub-group-descriptor-length, ub-group-part-length, ub-matching-rules,
87 ub-message-groups, ub-messages, ub-modifications, ub-per-entry,
88 ub-per-auto-action, ub-service-information-length, ub-summaries,
89 ub-supplementary-info-length, ub-ua-registration-identifier-length,
90 ub-ua-registrations, ub-ua-restrictions
92 FROM MSUpperBounds {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) ms(4) modules(0) upper-bounds(4)
94 -- MATCHING-RULE information object class
97 FROM InformationFramework {joint-iso-itu-t ds(5) module(1)
98 informationFramework(1) 3}
102 FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects {joint-iso-itu-t
103 remote-operations(4) informationObjects(5) version1(0)}
105 FROM Remote-Operations-Useful-Definitions {joint-iso-itu-t
106 remote-operations(4) useful-definitions(7) version1(0)};
108 -- MS Abstract Objects
111 RESPONDS {ms-access-contract-88 | ms-access-contract-94}
115 ms-user MHS-OBJECT ::= {
116 INITIATES {ms-access-contract-88 | ms-access-contract-94}
121 ms-access-contract-94 CONTRACT ::= {
122 CONNECTION ms-connect
123 INITIATOR CONSUMER OF {retrieval | ms-submission | administration}
124 ID id-crt-ms-access-94
127 ms-access-contract-88 CONTRACT ::= {
128 CONNECTION ms-connect -- with all 1994 extensions omitted
129 INITIATOR CONSUMER OF {retrieval-88 | submission | administration-88}
130 ID id-crt-ms-access-88
133 -- Connection-package
134 ms-connect CONNECTION-PACKAGE ::= {
137 ID id-cp-ms-connection
141 --retrieval PORT ::= {
142 -- OPERATIONS {operationObject1, ...}
144 -- {summarize | list | fetch | delete | register-MS,
145 -- ... - 1994 extension addition -, modify}
146 -- SUPPLIER INVOKES {alert}
147 -- ID id-pt-retrieval-94
150 --retrieval-88 PORT ::= {
151 -- - With all 1994 extensions to the abstract-operations absent
152 -- OPERATIONS {operationObject1, ...}
153 -- CONSUMER INVOKES {summarize | list | fetch | delete | register-MS}
154 -- SUPPLIER INVOKES {alert}
155 -- ID id-pt-retrieval-88
158 --ms-submission PORT ::= {
159 -- OPERATIONS {operationObject1, ...}
161 -- {ms-message-submission | ms-probe-submission | ms-cancel-deferred-delivery}
162 -- SUPPLIER INVOKES {ms-submission-control}
163 -- ID id-pt-ms-submission
166 -- X413ATTRIBUTE information object class
168 &id AttributeType UNIQUE,
170 &equalityMatch MATCHING-RULE OPTIONAL,
171 &substringsMatch MATCHING-RULE OPTIONAL,
172 &orderingMatch MATCHING-RULE OPTIONAL,
173 &numeration ENUMERATED {single-valued(0), multi-valued(1)},
179 [EQUALITY MATCHING-RULE &equalityMatch,]
180 [SUBSTRINGS MATCHING-RULE &substringsMatch,]
181 [ORDERING MATCHING-RULE &orderingMatch,]
182 [OTHER MATCHING-RULES &OtherMatches,]
183 NUMERATION &numeration,
187 Attribute ::= SEQUENCE {
188 attribute-type X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}),
190 SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-attribute-values) OF
191 X413ATTRIBUTE.&Type({AttributeTable}{@attribute-type})
194 AttributeType ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER
196 -- AUTO-ACTION information object class
198 &id AutoActionType UNIQUE,
199 &RegistrationParameter OPTIONAL,
203 [REGISTRATION PARAMETER IS &RegistrationParameter]
208 AutoActionType ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER
210 AutoActionRegistration ::= SEQUENCE {
211 auto-action-type AUTO-ACTION.&id({AutoActionTable}),
212 registration-identifier [0] INTEGER(1..ub-per-auto-action) DEFAULT 1,
213 registration-parameter
214 [1] AUTO-ACTION.&RegistrationParameter
215 ({AutoActionTable}{@auto-action-type}) OPTIONAL
218 -- AUTO-ACTION-ERROR information object class
222 AutoActionError ::= SET {
223 error-code [0] AUTO-ACTION-ERROR.&errorCode({AutoActionErrorTable}),
225 [1] AUTO-ACTION-ERROR.&ParameterType({AutoActionErrorTable}{@error-code})
229 -- MS-EXTENSION information object class
234 MSExtensions ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-extensions) OF MSExtensionItem
236 -- Common data-types related to the information model
237 EntryClass ::= INTEGER {
240 submission(1), draft(2), stored-message(3), delivery-log(4),
241 submission-log(5), message-log(6), auto-action-log(7)}(0..ub-entry-classes)
243 EntryType ::= INTEGER {
244 delivered-message(0), delivered-report(1),
247 submitted-message(3), submitted-probe(4), draft-message(5),
248 auto-action-event(6)}
250 SequenceNumber ::= INTEGER(0..ub-messages)
252 RetrievalStatus ::= INTEGER {new(0), listed(1), processed(2)}
254 MessageGroupName ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-group-depth) OF GroupNamePart
256 GroupNamePart ::= GeneralString(SIZE (1..ub-group-part-length))
258 -- MS-bind abstract-operation
259 ms-bind -- ABSTRACT- -- OPERATION ::= {
260 ARGUMENT MSBindArgument
262 ERRORS {ms-bind-error}
263 CODE op-ros-bind -- WS: internal operation code
266 MSBindArgument ::= SET {
267 initiator-name ORAddressAndOrDirectoryName,
268 initiator-credentials [2] InitiatorCredentials,
269 security-context [3] IMPLICIT SecurityContext OPTIONAL,
270 fetch-restrictions [4] Restrictions OPTIONAL -- default is none--,
271 ms-configuration-request [5] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
273 ua-registration-identifier [6] RegistrationIdentifier OPTIONAL,
274 bind-extensions [7] MSExtensions OPTIONAL
277 Restrictions ::= SET {
278 allowed-content-types
279 [0] SET SIZE (1..ub-content-types) OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL--default is no restriction--,
280 allowed-EITs [1] MS-EITs OPTIONAL --default is no restriction--,
281 maximum-attribute-length [2] INTEGER OPTIONAL --default is no restriction--
284 MS-EITs ::= SET SIZE (1..ub-encoded-information-types) OF MS-EIT
288 RegistrationIdentifier ::=
289 PrintableString(SIZE (1..ub-ua-registration-identifier-length))
291 MSBindResult ::= SET {
292 responder-credentials [2] ResponderCredentials,
293 available-auto-actions
294 [3] SET SIZE (1..ub-auto-actions) OF AUTO-ACTION.&id({AutoActionTable})
296 available-attribute-types
297 [4] SET SIZE (1..ub-attributes-supported) OF
298 X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}) OPTIONAL,
299 alert-indication [5] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
300 content-types-supported
301 [6] SET SIZE (1..ub-content-types) OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL,
303 entry-classes-supported
304 [7] SET SIZE (1..ub-entry-classes) OF EntryClass OPTIONAL,
305 matching-rules-supported
306 [8] SET SIZE (1..ub-matching-rules) OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL,
307 bind-result-extensions [9] MSExtensions OPTIONAL,
308 message-group-depth [10] INTEGER(1..ub-group-depth) OPTIONAL,
309 auto-action-error-indication [11] AutoActionErrorIndication OPTIONAL,
310 unsupported-extensions
311 [12] SET SIZE (1..ub-extensions) OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL,
312 ua-registration-id-unknown [13] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
314 [14] GeneralString(SIZE (1..ub-service-information-length)) OPTIONAL
317 modify-capability MS-EXTENSION ::= {
319 IDENTIFIED BY id-ext-modify-capability
322 modify-retrieval-status-capability MS-EXTENSION ::= {
324 IDENTIFIED BY id-ext-modify-retrieval-status-capability
327 protected-change-credentials-capability MS-EXTENSION ::= {
328 ChangeCredentialsAlgorithms
329 IDENTIFIED BY id-ext-protected-change-credentials-capability
332 ChangeCredentialsAlgorithms ::= SET OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER
334 AutoActionErrorIndication ::= CHOICE {
335 indication-only [0] NULL,
336 auto-action-log-entry [1] SequenceNumber
339 ms-bind-error -- ABSTRACT- -- ERROR ::= {
341 CHOICE {unqualified-error BindProblem,
344 SET {bind-problem [0] BindProblem,
345 supplementary-information
346 [1] GeneralString(SIZE (1..ub-supplementary-info-length))
348 bind-extension-errors
349 [2] SET SIZE (1..ub-extensions) OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER
351 CODE err-ros-bind -- WS: internal error code
354 BindProblem ::= ENUMERATED {
355 authentication-error(0), unacceptable-security-context(1),
356 unable-to-establish-association(2), ... -- 1994 extension addition --,
357 bind-extension-problem(3), inadequate-association-confidentiality(4)
360 -- MS Unbind abstract-operation
361 ms-unbind ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= emptyUnbind
365 sequence-number-range [0] NumberRange,
366 creation-time-range [1] TimeRange
369 NumberRange ::= SEQUENCE {
370 from [0] SequenceNumber OPTIONAL -- omitted means no lower bound--,
371 to [1] SequenceNumber OPTIONAL -- omitted means no upper bound--
374 TimeRange ::= SEQUENCE {
375 from [0] CreationTime OPTIONAL -- omitted means no lower bound--,
376 to [1] CreationTime OPTIONAL -- omitted means no upper bound--
379 CreationTime ::= UTCTime
383 and [1] SET OF Filter,
384 or [2] SET OF Filter,
388 FilterItem ::= CHOICE {
389 equality [0] AttributeValueAssertion,
391 [1] SEQUENCE {type X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}),
395 [0] X413ATTRIBUTE.&Type
396 ({AttributeTable}{@substrings.type}),
398 [1] X413ATTRIBUTE.&Type
399 ({AttributeTable}{@substrings.type}),
401 [2] X413ATTRIBUTE.&Type
402 ({AttributeTable}{@substrings.type})
404 greater-or-equal [2] AttributeValueAssertion,
405 less-or-equal [3] AttributeValueAssertion,
406 present [4] X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}),
407 approximate-match [5] AttributeValueAssertion,
409 other-match [6] MatchingRuleAssertion
412 MatchingRuleAssertion ::= SEQUENCE {
413 matching-rule [0] MATCHING-RULE.&id({MatchingRuleTable}),
414 attribute-type [1] X413ATTRIBUTE.&id,
416 [2] MATCHING-RULE.&AssertionType({MatchingRuleTable}{@matching-rule})
419 AttributeValueAssertion ::= SEQUENCE {
420 attribute-type X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}),
421 attribute-value X413ATTRIBUTE.&Type({AttributeTable}{@attribute-type})
425 child-entries [0] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
426 range [1] Range OPTIONAL -- default is unbounded --,
429 OPTIONAL -- default is all entries within the specified range --,
430 limit [3] INTEGER(1..ub-messages) OPTIONAL,
431 override [4] OverrideRestrictions OPTIONAL -- by default, --
432 -- any fetch-restrictions in force apply
435 OverrideRestrictions ::= BIT STRING {
436 override-content-types-restriction(0), override-EITs-restriction(1),
437 override-attribute-length-restriction(2)}(SIZE (1..ub-ua-restrictions))
439 EntryInformationSelection ::= SET SIZE (0..ub-per-entry) OF AttributeSelection
441 AttributeSelection ::= SET {
442 type X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}),
444 [0] INTEGER(1..ub-attribute-values)
445 OPTIONAL --used if type is multi valued--,
447 [1] INTEGER(0..ub-attribute-values)
448 OPTIONAL --used if type is multi valued--
451 EntryInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
452 sequence-number SequenceNumber,
453 attributes SET SIZE (1..ub-per-entry) OF Attribute OPTIONAL,
456 [0] SET SIZE (1..ub-per-entry) OF AttributeValueCount OPTIONAL
459 AttributeValueCount ::= SEQUENCE {
460 type [0] X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}),
464 MSSubmissionOptions ::= SET {
466 [0] EntryClass(submission | submission-log | draft) OPTIONAL,
467 disable-auto-modify [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
468 add-message-group-names
469 [2] SET SIZE (1..ub-message-groups) OF MessageGroupName OPTIONAL,
470 ms-submission-extensions [3] MSExtensions OPTIONAL
473 originator-token MS-EXTENSION ::= {
475 IDENTIFIED BY id-ext-originator-token
482 -- Must contain an asymmetric-token with an encrypted-data component --})
484 originator-certificate-selectors-override MS-EXTENSION ::= {
488 message-origin-authentication ABSENT
490 IDENTIFIED BY id-ext-originator-certificate-selectors-override
493 CommonSubmissionResults ::= SET {
494 created-entry [0] SequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
495 auto-action-error-indication [1] AutoActionErrorIndication OPTIONAL,
496 ms-submission-result-extensions [2] MSExtensions OPTIONAL
499 -- Retrieval Port abstract-operations
500 summarize -- ABSTRACT- -- OPERATION ::= {
501 ARGUMENT SummarizeArgument
502 RESULT SummarizeResult
504 {attribute-error | invalid-parameters-error | range-error | security-error
505 | service-error, ... -- 1994 extension additions --, entry-class-error |
507 LINKED {operationObject1, ...}
511 SummarizeArgument ::= SET {
512 entry-class [0] EntryClass DEFAULT delivery,
513 selector [1] Selector,
515 [2] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-summaries) OF X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable})
516 OPTIONAL -- absent if no summaries are requested--,
518 summarize-extensions [3] MSExtensions OPTIONAL
521 SummarizeResult ::= SET {
522 next [0] SequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
524 [1] INTEGER(0..ub-messages)-- of the entries selected-- ,
525 span [2] Span OPTIONAL -- of the entries selected,---- omitted if count is zero --,
527 [3] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-summaries) OF Summary OPTIONAL,
529 summarize-result-extensions [4] MSExtensions OPTIONAL
532 Span ::= SEQUENCE {lowest [0] SequenceNumber,
533 highest [1] SequenceNumber
538 [0] INTEGER(1..ub-messages)
539 OPTIONAL --count of entries where X413ATTRIBUTE is absent--,
541 [1] SET SIZE (1..ub-attribute-values)
542 OF--one for each X413ATTRIBUTE value present--
543 SEQUENCE {type X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}),
544 value X413ATTRIBUTE.&Type({AttributeTable}{@.type}),
545 count INTEGER(1..ub-messages)} OPTIONAL
549 list -- ABSTRACT- -- OPERATION ::= {
550 ARGUMENT ListArgument
553 {attribute-error | invalid-parameters-error | range-error | security-error
554 | service-error, ... -- 1994 extension additions --, entry-class-error |
556 LINKED {operationObject1, ...}
560 ListArgument ::= SET {
561 entry-class [0] EntryClass DEFAULT delivery,
562 selector [1] Selector,
563 requested-attributes [3] EntryInformationSelection OPTIONAL,
565 list-extensions [4] MSExtensions OPTIONAL
569 next [0] SequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
571 [1] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-messages) OF EntryInformation OPTIONAL--omitted if none found--,
573 list-result-extensions [2] MSExtensions OPTIONAL
577 fetch -- ABSTRACT- -- OPERATION ::= {
578 ARGUMENT FetchArgument
581 {attribute-error | fetch-restriction-error | invalid-parameters-error |
582 range-error | security-error | sequence-number-error | service-error,
583 ... -- 1994 extension additions --, entry-class-error |
585 LINKED {operationObject1, ...}
589 FetchArgument ::= SET {
590 entry-class [0] EntryClass DEFAULT delivery,
592 CHOICE {search [1] Selector,
593 precise [2] SequenceNumber},
594 requested-attributes [3] EntryInformationSelection OPTIONAL,
596 fetch-extensions [4] MSExtensions OPTIONAL
599 FetchResult ::= SET {
601 [0] EntryInformation OPTIONAL --if an entry was selected--,
603 [1] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-messages) OF SequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
604 next [2] SequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
606 fetch-result-extensions [3] MSExtensions OPTIONAL
610 delete -- ABSTRACT- -- OPERATION ::= {
611 ARGUMENT DeleteArgument
614 {delete-error | invalid-parameters-error | range-error | security-error |
615 sequence-number-error | service-error,
616 ... -- 1994 extension additions --, entry-class-error |
618 LINKED {operationObject1, ...}
622 DeleteArgument ::= SET {
623 entry-class [0] EntryClass DEFAULT delivery,
625 CHOICE {selector [1] Selector,
626 sequence-numbers [2] SET SIZE (1..ub-messages) OF SequenceNumber
629 delete-extensions [3] MSExtensions OPTIONAL
632 DeleteResult ::= CHOICE {
633 delete-result-88 NULL,
637 [0] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-messages) OF SequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
638 delete-result-extensions [1] MSExtensions OPTIONAL}
642 register-MS -- ABSTRACT- -- OPERATION ::= {
643 ARGUMENT Register-MSArgument
644 RESULT Register-MSResult
646 {attribute-error | auto-action-request-error | invalid-parameters-error |
647 security-error | service-error | old-credentials-incorrectly-specified |
648 new-credentials-unacceptable, ... -- 1994 extension additions --,
649 message-group-error | ms-extension-error | register-ms-error}
650 LINKED {operationObject1, ...}
654 Register-MSArgument ::= SET {
655 auto-action-registrations
656 [0] SET SIZE (1..ub-auto-registrations) OF AutoActionRegistration OPTIONAL,
657 auto-action-deregistrations
658 [1] SET SIZE (1..ub-auto-registrations) OF AutoActionDeregistration
660 list-attribute-defaults
661 [2] SET SIZE (0..ub-default-registrations) OF
662 X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}) OPTIONAL,
663 fetch-attribute-defaults
664 [3] SET SIZE (0..ub-default-registrations) OF
665 X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}) OPTIONAL,
667 [4] SEQUENCE {old-credentials
668 [0] Credentials(WITH COMPONENTS {
672 [1] Credentials(WITH COMPONENTS {
676 [5] SET SIZE (1..ub-labels-and-redirections) OF SecurityLabel OPTIONAL,
679 [6] SET SIZE (1..ub-ua-registrations) OF UARegistration OPTIONAL,
680 submission-defaults [7] MSSubmissionOptions OPTIONAL,
681 message-group-registrations [8] MessageGroupRegistrations OPTIONAL,
682 registration-status-request [9] RegistrationTypes OPTIONAL,
683 register-ms-extensions [10] MSExtensions OPTIONAL
686 AutoActionDeregistration ::= SEQUENCE {
687 auto-action-type AUTO-ACTION.&id({AutoActionTable}),
688 registration-identifier [0] INTEGER(1..ub-per-auto-action) DEFAULT 1
691 UARegistration ::= SET {
692 ua-registration-identifier [0] RegistrationIdentifier,
693 ua-list-attribute-defaults
694 [1] SET SIZE (0..ub-default-registrations) OF
695 X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}) OPTIONAL,
696 ua-fetch-attribute-defaults
697 [2] SET SIZE (0..ub-default-registrations) OF
698 X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}) OPTIONAL,
699 ua-submission-defaults [3] MSSubmissionOptions OPTIONAL,
700 content-specific-defaults [4] MSExtensions OPTIONAL
703 MessageGroupRegistrations ::=
704 SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-default-registrations) OF
705 CHOICE {register-group [0] MessageGroupNameAndDescriptor,
706 deregister-group [1] MessageGroupName,
707 change-descriptors [2] MessageGroupNameAndDescriptor}
709 MessageGroupNameAndDescriptor ::= SET {
710 message-group-name [0] MessageGroupName,
711 message-group-descriptor
712 [1] GeneralString(SIZE (1..ub-group-descriptor-length)) OPTIONAL
715 RegistrationTypes ::= SET {
717 [0] BIT STRING {auto-action-registrations(0), list-attribute-defaults(1),
718 fetch-attribute-defaults(2), ua-registrations(3),
719 submission-defaults(4), message-group-registrations(5)}
721 extended-registrations [1] SET OF MS-EXTENSION.&id OPTIONAL,
722 restrict-message-groups [2] MessageGroupsRestriction OPTIONAL
725 MessageGroupsRestriction ::= SET {
726 parent-group [0] MessageGroupName OPTIONAL,
727 immediate-descendants-only [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,
728 omit-descriptors [2] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE
731 protected-change-credentials MS-EXTENSION ::= {
732 ProtectedChangeCredentials
733 IDENTIFIED BY id-ext-protected-change-credentials
736 ProtectedChangeCredentials ::= SEQUENCE {
737 algorithm-identifier [0] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
739 InitiatorCredentials(WITH COMPONENTS {
742 password-delta [2] IMPLICIT BIT STRING
745 Register-MSResult ::= CHOICE {
746 no-status-information NULL,
748 registered-information
749 SET {auto-action-registrations
750 [0] SET SIZE (1..ub-auto-registrations) OF AutoActionRegistration
752 list-attribute-defaults
753 [1] SET SIZE (1..ub-default-registrations) OF
754 X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}) OPTIONAL,
755 fetch-attribute-defaults
756 [2] SET SIZE (1..ub-default-registrations) OF
757 X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}) OPTIONAL,
759 [3] SET SIZE (1..ub-ua-registrations) OF UARegistration OPTIONAL,
760 submission-defaults [4] MSSubmissionOptions OPTIONAL,
761 message-group-registrations
762 [5] SET SIZE (1..ub-message-groups) OF
763 MessageGroupNameAndDescriptor OPTIONAL,
764 register-ms-result-extensions [6] MSExtensions OPTIONAL}
768 alert -- ABSTRACT- -- OPERATION ::= {
769 ARGUMENT AlertArgument
771 ERRORS {security-error}
772 LINKED {operationObject1, ...}
776 AlertArgument ::= SET {
777 alert-registration-identifier [0] INTEGER(1..ub-auto-actions),
778 new-entry [2] EntryInformation OPTIONAL
784 modify -- ABSTRACT- -- OPERATION ::= {
785 ARGUMENT ModifyArgument
788 {attribute-error | invalid-parameters-error | security-error |
789 sequence-number-error | service-error | modify-error |
790 message-group-error | entry-class-error | ms-extension-error,
791 ... -- For future extension additions --}
792 LINKED {operationObject1, ...}
796 ModifyArgument ::= SET {
797 entry-class [0] EntryClass DEFAULT delivery,
799 CHOICE {selector [1] Selector,
801 [2] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-messages) OF SequenceNumber},
803 [3] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-modifications) OF EntryModification,
804 modify-extensions [4] MSExtensions OPTIONAL
807 EntryModification ::= SET {
810 CHOICE {add-attribute [1] Attribute,
811 remove-attribute [2] X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}),
812 add-values [3] OrderedAttribute,
813 remove-values [4] OrderedAttribute}
816 OrderedAttribute ::= SEQUENCE {
817 attribute-type X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}),
819 SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-attribute-values) OF
820 SEQUENCE {-- at least one must be specified
822 [0] X413ATTRIBUTE.&Type({AttributeTable}{@attribute-type})
824 position [1] INTEGER(1..ub-attribute-values) OPTIONAL
828 ModifyResult ::= SET {
830 [0] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-messages) OF SequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
831 modify-result-extensions [1] MSExtensions OPTIONAL
834 -- MS-submission Port abstract-operations
835 ms-message-submission -- ABSTRACT- -- OPERATION ::= {
836 ARGUMENT MSMessageSubmissionArgument
837 RESULT MSMessageSubmissionResult
839 {submission-control-violated | element-of-service-not-subscribed |
840 originator-invalid | recipient-improperly-specified |
841 inconsistent-request | security-error | unsupported-critical-function |
842 remote-bind-error, ... -- 1994 extension additions --, ms-extension-error
843 | message-group-error | entry-class-error | service-error}
844 LINKED {operationObject1, ...}
845 CODE op-ms-message-submission
848 MSMessageSubmissionArgument ::= SEQUENCE {
850 -- MessageSubmissionArgument - This imported type has IMPLICIT tags -,
852 envelope MessageSubmissionEnvelope,
856 submission-options [4] MSSubmissionOptions OPTIONAL
859 forwarding-request EXTENSION ::= {
861 IDENTIFIED BY standard-extension:36
864 MSMessageSubmissionResult ::= CHOICE {
867 -- MessageSubmissionResult- This imported type has IMPLICIT tags - ,
869 message-submission-identifier MessageSubmissionIdentifier,
870 message-submission-time [0] IMPLICIT MessageSubmissionTime,
871 content-identifier ContentIdentifier OPTIONAL,
873 [1] SET OF ExtensionField --{{MessageSubmissionResultExtensions}}-- DEFAULT {},
876 ms-message-result [4] CommonSubmissionResults OPTIONAL},
878 store-draft-result [4] CommonSubmissionResults
882 ms-probe-submission -- ABSTRACT- -- OPERATION ::= {
883 ARGUMENT MSProbeSubmissionArgument
884 RESULT MSProbeSubmissionResult
886 {submission-control-violated | element-of-service-not-subscribed |
887 originator-invalid | recipient-improperly-specified |
888 inconsistent-request | security-error | unsupported-critical-function |
889 remote-bind-error, ... -- 1994 extension additions --, ms-extension-error
890 | message-group-error | entry-class-error | service-error}
891 LINKED {operationObject1, ...}
892 CODE op-ms-probe-submission
895 MSProbeSubmissionArgument ::= SET {
897 -- ProbeSubmissionArgument - This imported type has IMPLICIT tags -,
899 originator-name OriginatorName,
900 original-encoded-information-types OriginalEncodedInformationTypes OPTIONAL,
901 content-type ContentType,
902 content-identifier ContentIdentifier OPTIONAL,
903 content-length [0] ContentLength OPTIONAL,
904 per-message-indicators PerMessageIndicators DEFAULT {},
906 [2] SET OF ExtensionField --{{PerProbeSubmissionExtensions}}-- DEFAULT {}
907 ,per-recipient-fields
908 [3] SEQUENCE --SIZE (1..ub-recipients)-- OF PerRecipientProbeSubmissionFields,
912 submission-options [4] MSSubmissionOptions OPTIONAL
915 MSProbeSubmissionResult ::= SET {
917 -- ProbeSubmissionResult - This imported type has IMPLICIT tags -,
918 probe-submission-identifier ProbeSubmissionIdentifier,
919 probe-submission-time [0] ProbeSubmissionTime,
920 content-identifier ContentIdentifier OPTIONAL,
922 [1] SET OF ExtensionField --{{ProbeResultExtensions}}-- DEFAULT {},
925 ms-probe-result [4] CommonSubmissionResults OPTIONAL
928 ms-cancel-deferred-delivery ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= cancel-deferred-delivery
930 ms-submission-control ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= submission-control
933 attribute-error -- ABSTRACT- -- ERROR ::= {
936 [0] SET SIZE (1..ub-per-entry) OF
937 SET {problem [0] AttributeProblem,
938 type [1] X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}),
940 [2] X413ATTRIBUTE.&Type({AttributeTable}{@.type})
942 CODE err-attribute-error
945 AttributeProblem ::= INTEGER {
946 invalid-attribute-value(0), unavailable-attribute-type(1),
947 inappropriate-matching(2), attribute-type-not-subscribed(3),
948 inappropriate-for-operation(4),
950 inappropriate-modification(5), single-valued-attribute(6)
951 }(0..ub-error-reasons)
954 auto-action-request-error -- ABSTRACT- -- ERROR ::= {
957 [0] SET SIZE (1..ub-auto-registrations) OF
958 SET {problem [0] AutoActionRequestProblem,
959 type [1] AUTO-ACTION.&id({AutoActionTable})
961 CODE err-auto-action-request-error
964 AutoActionRequestProblem ::= INTEGER {
965 unavailable-auto-action-type(0),
966 auto-action-type-not-subscribed(1),
968 not-willing-to-perform(2)}(0..ub-error-reasons)
971 delete-error -- ABSTRACT- -- ERROR ::= {
974 [0] SET SIZE (1..ub-messages) OF
975 SET {problem [0] DeleteProblem,
976 sequence-number [1] SequenceNumber},
979 [1] SET SIZE (1..ub-messages) OF SequenceNumber OPTIONAL}
980 CODE err-delete-error
983 DeleteProblem ::= INTEGER {
984 child-entry-specified(0),
985 delete-restriction-problem(1),
987 new-entry-specified(2), entry-class-restriction(3), stored-message-exists(4)
988 }(0..ub-error-reasons)
991 fetch-restriction-error -- ABSTRACT- -- ERROR ::= {
994 [0] SET SIZE (1..ub-default-registrations) OF
995 SET {problem [3] FetchRestrictionProblem,
997 CHOICE {content-type [0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
999 attribute-length [2] INTEGER}}}
1000 CODE err-fetch-restriction-error
1003 FetchRestrictionProblem ::= INTEGER {
1004 content-type-problem(1), eit-problem(2), maximum-length-problem(3)
1005 }(0..ub-error-reasons)
1008 invalid-parameters-error -- ABSTRACT- -- ERROR ::= {
1010 CODE err-invalid-parameters-error
1014 range-error -- ABSTRACT- -- ERROR ::= {
1015 PARAMETER SET {problem [0] RangeProblem}
1016 CODE err-range-error
1019 RangeProblem ::= INTEGER {reversed(0)}(0..ub-error-reasons)
1022 sequence-number-error -- ABSTRACT- -- ERROR ::= {
1025 [1] SET SIZE (1..ub-messages) OF
1026 SET {problem [0] SequenceNumberProblem,
1027 sequence-number [1] SequenceNumber}}
1028 CODE err-sequence-number-error
1031 SequenceNumberProblem ::= INTEGER {no-such-entry(0)}(0..ub-error-reasons)
1034 service-error -- ABSTRACT- -- ERROR ::= {
1035 PARAMETER ServiceErrorParameter
1036 CODE err-service-error
1039 ServiceErrorParameter ::= SET {
1040 problem [0] ServiceProblem,
1042 supplementary-information
1043 [1] GeneralString(SIZE (1..ub-supplementary-info-length)) OPTIONAL
1046 ServiceProblem ::= INTEGER {busy(0), unavailable(1), unwilling-to-perform(2)
1047 }(0..ub-error-reasons)
1050 message-group-error -- ABSTRACT- -- ERROR ::= {
1051 PARAMETER MessageGroupErrorParameter
1052 CODE err-message-group-error
1055 MessageGroupErrorParameter ::= SET {
1056 problem [0] MessageGroupProblem,
1057 name [1] MessageGroupName
1060 MessageGroupProblem ::= INTEGER {
1061 name-not-registered(0), name-already-registered(1), parent-not-registered(2),
1062 group-not-empty(3), name-in-use(4), child-group-registered(5),
1063 group-depth-exceeded(6)}(0..ub-error-reasons)
1066 ms-extension-error -- ABSTRACT- -- ERROR ::= {
1067 PARAMETER MSExtensionErrorParameter
1068 CODE err-ms-extension-error
1071 MSExtensionErrorParameter ::= CHOICE {
1072 ms-extension-problem [0] MSExtensionItem,
1073 unknown-ms-extension [1] OBJECT IDENTIFIER
1077 register-ms-error -- ABSTRACT- -- ERROR ::= {
1079 SET {problem [0] RegistrationProblem,
1080 registration-type [1] RegistrationTypes}
1081 CODE err-register-ms-error
1084 RegistrationProblem ::= ENUMERATED {
1085 registration-not-supported(0), registration-improperly-specified(1),
1086 registration-limit-exceeded(2), ... -- For future extension additions --
1090 modify-error -- ABSTRACT- -- ERROR ::= {
1091 PARAMETER ModifyErrorParameter
1092 CODE err-modify-error
1095 ModifyErrorParameter ::= SET {
1097 [0] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-messages) OF SequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
1098 failing-entry [1] SequenceNumber,
1099 modification-number [2] INTEGER,
1100 problem [3] ModifyProblem
1103 ModifyProblem ::= INTEGER {
1104 attribute-not-present(0), value-not-present(1),
1105 attribute-or-value-already-exists(2), invalid-position(3),
1106 modify-restriction-problem(4)}(0..ub-error-reasons)
1109 entry-class-error -- ABSTRACT- -- ERROR ::= {
1110 PARAMETER EntryClassErrorParameter
1111 CODE err-entry-class-error
1114 EntryClassErrorParameter ::= SET {
1115 entry-class [0] EntryClass,
1117 [1] BIT STRING {unsupported-entry-class(0), entry-class-not-subscribed(1),
1118 inappropriate-entry-class(2)}
1121 END -- of MS Abstract Service
1123 -- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D