1 -- Facility-Information-Element-Components.asn
3 -- Taken from ITU ASN.1 database
4 -- http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/asn1/database/itu-t/q/q932/1998-Amd1/Facility-Information-Element-Components.asn
7 -- Module Facility-Information-Element-Components (Q.932:05/1998)
8 Facility-Information-Element-Components {itu-t recommendation q 932
9 facility-information-element-component(3)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::=
15 FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects {joint-iso-itu-t
16 remote-operations(4) informationObjects(5) version1(0)};
18 ROS{InvokeId:InvokeIdSet, OPERATION:Invokable, OPERATION:Returnable} ::=
20 invoke [1] Invoke{{InvokeIdSet}, {Invokable}},
21 returnResult [2] ReturnResult{{Returnable}},
22 returnError [3] ReturnError{{Errors {{Returnable}}}},
25 (CONSTRAINED BY { -- must conform to the above definition --} !
26 RejectProblem:general-unrecognizedPDU)
28 Invoke{InvokeId:InvokeIdSet, OPERATION:Operations} ::= SEQUENCE {
31 (CONSTRAINED BY {-- must be unambiguous -- } !
32 RejectProblem:invoke-duplicateInvocation),
34 CHOICE {present [0] IMPLICIT present < InvokeId,
35 absent [1] IMPLICIT NULL
37 (CONSTRAINED BY { -- must identify an outstanding operation --} !
38 RejectProblem:invoke-unrecognizedLinkedId)
39 (CONSTRAINED BY { -- which has one or more linked operations--} !
40 RejectProblem:invoke-linkedResponseUnexpected) OPTIONAL,
42 OPERATION.&operationCode
43 ({Operations} !RejectProblem:invoke-unrecognizedOperation),
45 OPERATION.&ArgumentType
46 ({Operations}{@opcode} !RejectProblem:invoke-mistypedArgument) OPTIONAL
48 (CONSTRAINED BY { -- must conform to the above definition --} !
49 RejectProblem:general-mistypedPDU)
57 opcode (CONSTRAINED BY { -- must be in the &Linked field of the associated operation --
58 } !RejectProblem:invoke-unexpectedLinkedOperation)
61 ReturnResult{OPERATION:Operations} ::= SEQUENCE {
64 (CONSTRAINED BY {-- must be that for an outstanding operation -- } !
65 RejectProblem:returnResult-unrecognizedInvocation)
66 (CONSTRAINED BY {--which returns a result -- } !
67 RejectProblem:returnResult-resultResponseUnexpected),
70 OPERATION.&operationCode
72 RejectProblem:returnResult-unrecognizedInvocation),
75 ({Operations}{@.opcode} !
76 RejectProblem:returnResult-mistypedResult)} OPTIONAL
78 (CONSTRAINED BY { -- must conform to the above definition --} !
79 RejectProblem:general-mistypedPDU)
81 ReturnError{ERROR:Errors} ::= SEQUENCE {
84 (CONSTRAINED BY {-- must be that for an outstanding operation -- } !
85 RejectProblem:returnError-unrecognizedInvocation)
86 (CONSTRAINED BY {-- which returns an error -- } !
87 RejectProblem:returnError-errorResponseUnexpected),
89 ERROR.&errorCode({Errors} !RejectProblem:returnError-unrecognizedError)
90 (CONSTRAINED BY {--must be in the &Errors field of the associated operation --
91 } !RejectProblem:returnError-unexpectedError),
94 ({Errors}{@errcode} !RejectProblem:returnError-mistypedParameter)
97 (CONSTRAINED BY { -- must conform to the above definition --} !
98 RejectProblem:general-mistypedPDU)
100 Reject ::= SEQUENCE {
103 CHOICE {general [0] GeneralProblem,
104 invoke [1] InvokeProblem,
105 returnResult [2] ReturnResultProblem,
106 returnError [3] ReturnErrorProblem}
108 (CONSTRAINED BY { -- must conform to the above definition --} !
109 RejectProblem:general-mistypedPDU)
111 GeneralProblem ::= INTEGER {
112 unrecognizedComponent(0), mistypedComponent(1), badlyStructuredComponent(2)
115 InvokeProblem ::= INTEGER {
116 duplicateInvocation(0), unrecognizedOperation(1), mistypedArgument(2),
117 resourceLimitation(3), releaseInProgress(4), unrecognizedLinkedId(5),
118 linkedResponseUnexpected(6), unexpectedLinkedOperation(7)}
120 ReturnResultProblem ::= INTEGER {
121 unrecognizedInvocation(0), resultResponseUnexpected(1), mistypedResult(2)
124 ReturnErrorProblem ::= INTEGER {
125 unrecognizedInvocation(0), errorResponseUnexpected(1), unrecognizedError(2),
126 unexpectedError(3), mistypedParameter(4)}
128 RejectProblem ::= INTEGER {
129 general-unrecognizedPDU(0), general-mistypedPDU(1),
130 general-badlyStructuredPDU(2), invoke-duplicateInvocation(10),
131 invoke-unrecognizedOperation(11), invoke-mistypedArgument(12),
132 invoke-resourceLimitation(13), invoke-releaseInProgress(14),
133 invoke-unrecognizedLinkedId(15), invoke-linkedResponseUnexpected(16),
134 invoke-unexpectedLinkedOperation(17),
135 returnResult-unrecognizedInvocation(20),
136 returnResult-resultResponseUnexpected(21), returnResult-mistypedResult(22),
137 returnError-unrecognizedInvocation(30),
138 returnError-errorResponseUnexpected(31), returnError-unrecognizedError(32),
139 returnError-unexpectedError(33), returnError-mistypedParameter(34)}
141 InvokeId ::= CHOICE {present INTEGER,
145 noInvokeId InvokeId ::= absent:NULL
147 NoInvokeId InvokeId ::= {noInvokeId}
149 Errors{OPERATION:Operations} ERROR ::= {Operations.&Errors}
151 -- the Range of the Invoke-Id's must be restricted to -32768..32767
152 Components{OPERATION:Invokable, OPERATION:Returnable} ::= CHOICE {
153 gfpROS ROS{{GFPInvokeIDSet}, {Invokable}, {Returnable}}
156 GFPInvokeIDSet ::= InvokeId(WITH COMPONENTS {
157 present (-32768..32767)
160 END -- end of generic ROS PDU definitions
162 -- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D