2 * header field declarations, value_string definitions and true_false_string
3 * definitions for audio manager messages
4 * Copyright 2007 Don Newton <dnewton@cypresscom.net>
6 * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
7 * By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
8 * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
10 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
13 #ifndef UNISTIM_AUDIO_H
14 #define UNISTIM_AUDIO_H
16 static int hf_audio_mgr_attr
17 static int hf_audio_mgr_opts
18 static int hf_audio_mgr_alert
19 static int hf_audio_mgr_adj_rx_vol
20 static int hf_audio_mgr_def_rx_vol
21 static int hf_audio_mgr_handset
22 static int hf_audio_mgr_headset
23 static int hf_audio_default_rx_vol_id
25 static int hf_audio_mgr_opt_max_vol
26 static int hf_audio_mgr_opt_adj_vol
27 static int hf_audio_mgr_opt_aa_rx_vol_rpt
28 static int hf_audio_mgr_opt_hs_on_air
29 static int hf_audio_mgr_opt_hd_on_air
30 static int hf_audio_mgr_opt_noise_squelch
32 static int hf_audio_mgr_mute
33 static int hf_audio_mgr_tx_rx
34 static int hf_audio_mgr_stream_id
36 static int hf_audio_mgr_transducer_based_tone_id
37 static int hf_audio_mgr_attenuated
38 static int hf_audio_mgr_warbler_select
39 static int hf_audio_mgr_transducer_routing
40 static int hf_audio_mgr_tone_vol_range
41 static int hf_audio_mgr_cadence_select
42 static int hf_audio_special_tone
43 static int hf_audio_tone_level
44 static int hf_audio_visual_tones
46 static int hf_audio_stream_based_tone_id
47 static int hf_audio_stream_based_tone_rx_tx
48 static int hf_audio_stream_based_tone_mute
49 static int hf_audio_stream_id
50 static int hf_audio_stream_based_volume
52 static int hf_audio_apb_number
53 static int hf_audio_apb_op_code
54 static int hf_audio_apb_param_len
55 static int hf_audio_apb_data
56 static int hf_audio_vocoder_id
57 static int hf_audio_vocoder_param
58 static int hf_audio_vocoder_entity
59 static int hf_audio_vocoder_annexa
60 static int hf_audio_vocoder_annexb
61 static int hf_audio_sample_rate
62 static int hf_audio_rtp_type
63 static int hf_audio_bytes_per_frame
65 static int hf_audio_rx_stream_id
66 static int hf_audio_tx_stream_id
67 static int hf_rx_vocoder_type
68 static int hf_tx_vocoder_type
69 static int hf_frames_per_packet
70 static int hf_audio_tos
71 static int hf_audio_precedence
72 static int hf_audio_frf_11
73 static int hf_rtcp_bucket_id
74 static int hf_audio_lcl_rtp_port
75 static int hf_audio_lcl_rtcp_port
76 static int hf_audio_far_rtp_port
77 static int hf_audio_far_rtcp_port
78 static int hf_audio_far_ip_add
79 static int hf_audio_rtcp_bucket_id
80 static int hf_audio_clear_bucket
82 static int hf_audio_transducer_pair
83 static int hf_audio_rx_enable
84 static int hf_audio_tx_enable
85 static int hf_audio_sidetone_disable
86 static int hf_audio_destruct_additive
87 static int hf_audio_dont_force_active
88 static int hf_audio_source_descr
89 static int hf_audio_sdes_rtcp_bucket
90 static int hf_audio_desired_jitter
91 static int hf_audio_high_water_mark
92 static int hf_audio_early_packet_resync_thresh
93 static int hf_audio_late_packet_resync_thresh
94 static int hf_audio_resolve_phone_port
95 static int hf_audio_far_end_echo_port
96 static int hf_audio_far_end_ip_address
97 static int hf_audio_nat_port
98 static int hf_audio_nat_ip_address
99 static int hf_audio_direction_code
100 static int hf_audio_hf_support
101 static int hf_audio_opt_rpt_max
102 static int hf_audio_opt_rpt_adj_vol
103 static int hf_audio_opt_rpt_auto_adj_vol
104 static int hf_audio_opt_rpt_hs_on_air
105 static int hf_audio_opt_rpt_hd_on_air
106 static int hf_audio_opt_rpt_noise_squelch
107 static int hf_audio_rx_vol_apb_rpt
108 static int hf_audio_rx_vol_vol_up
109 static int hf_audio_rx_vol_vol_floor
110 static int hf_audio_rx_vol_vol_ceiling
111 static int hf_audio_current_adj_vol_id
112 static int hf_audio_current_rx_level
113 static int hf_audio_current_rx_range
114 static int hf_audio_cadence_select
115 static int hf_audio_warbler_select
116 static int hf_audio_open_stream_rpt
117 static int hf_audio_sdes_rpt_source_desc
118 static int hf_audio_sdes_rpt_buk_id
119 static int hf_audio_phone_port
120 static int hf_audio_phone_ip
122 static int hf_audio_phone_add_len
123 static int hf_audio_nat_listen_port
124 static int hf_audio_nat_ip
125 static int hf_audio_nat_add_len
126 static int hf_audio_stream_direction_code
127 static int hf_audio_stream_state
128 static int hf_audio_transducer_list_length
131 static const value_string audio_switch_msgs
132 {0x00,"Query Audio Manager"},
133 {0x01,"Query Supervisor Headset Status"},
134 {0x02,"Audio Manager Options"},
135 {0x04,"Mute/Unmute"},
136 {0x10,"Transducer Based Tone On"},
137 {0x11,"Transducer Based Tone Off"},
138 {0x12,"Alerting Tone Configuration"},
139 {0x13,"Special Tone Configuration"},
140 {0x14,"Paging Tone Configuration"},
141 {0x15,"Alerting Tone Cadence Download"},
142 {0x17,"Paging Tone Cadence Download"},
143 {0x18,"Transducer Based Tone Volume Level"},
144 {0x1a,"Visual Transducer Based Tone Enable"},
145 {0x1b,"Stream Based Tone On"},
146 {0x1c,"Stream Based Tone Off"},
147 {0x1d,"Stream Based Tone Frequency Component List Download"},
148 {0x1e,"Stream Based Tone Cadence Download"},
149 {0x20,"Select Adjustable Rx Volume"},
150 {0x21,"Set APB's Rx Volume Level"},
151 {0x22,"Change Adjustable Rx Volume (quieter)"},
152 {0x23,"Change Adjustable Rx Volume (louder)"},
153 {0x24,"Adjust Default Rx Volume (quieter)"},
154 {0x25,"Adjust Default Rx Volume (louder)"},
155 {0x28,"APB Download"},
156 {0x30,"Open Audio Stream"},
157 {0x31,"Close Audio Stream"},
158 {0x32,"Connect Transducer"},
159 {0x34,"Filter Block Download"},
160 {0x37,"Query RTCP Statistics"},
161 {0x38,"Configure Vocoder Parameters"},
162 {0x39,"Query RTCP Bucket's SDES Information"},
163 {0x3a,"Jitter Buffer Parameters Configuration"},
164 {0x3b,"Resolve Port Mapping"},
165 {0x3c,"Port Mapping Discovery"},
166 {0x3d,"Query Audio Stream Status"},
170 static const value_string audio_phone_msgs
171 {0x00,"Handset Connected"},
172 {0x01,"Handset Disconnected"},
173 {0x02,"Headset Connected"},
174 {0x03,"Headset Disconnected"},
175 {0x04,"Supervisor Headset Connected"},
176 {0x05,"Supervisor Headset Disconnected"},
177 {0x07,"Audio Manager Attributes Info"},
178 {0x08,"Audio Manager Options Report"},
179 {0x09,"Adjustable Rx Volume Report"},
180 {0x0a,"Adjustable Rx Volume Information"},
181 {0x0b,"APB's Default Rx Volume Value"},
182 {0x0c,"Alerting Tone Select"},
183 {0x0e,"RTCP Statistics Report"},
184 {0x0f,"Open Audio Stream Report"},
185 {0x10,"RTCP Bucket SDES Information Report"},
186 {0x11,"Port Mapping Discovery"},
187 {0x12,"Resolve Port Mapping"},
188 {0x13,"Audio Stream Status Report"},
189 {0x14,"Query APB Response"},
195 static const true_false_string stream_states
200 static const value_string stream_direction_codes
202 {0x01,"Command contains information about an Rx Audio stream"},
203 {0x02,"Command contains information about a Tx Audio stream"},
210 static const value_string source_descipts
211 {0x00,"Information Not Available"},
212 {0x01,"Canonical End-Point Identifier associated with the IT"},
213 {0x02,"Name used to describe the IT e.g. Homer Does IT "},
214 {0x03,"E-mail address associated with the IT"},
215 {0x04,"Phone number of the IT"},
216 {0x05,"Geographic location of the IT"},
217 {0x06,"IT software version"},
218 {0x07,"Notice/Status information"},
222 static const value_string stream_result
223 {0x00,"Stream opened successfully"},
224 {0x01,"Operation failed: Invalid Stream ID"},
225 {0x02,"Operation failed: Unsupported Vocoder"},
226 {0x03,"Operation failed: Stream already in use"},
227 {0x04,"Operation failed: Local port already in use"},
228 {0x05,"Operation failed: No streams specified"},
229 {0x06,"Operation failed: Audio packet size too large based on frames per packets"},
230 {0x07,"Operation failed: Invalid Frames Per Packet value"},
231 {0x08,"Operation failed: Invalid Bucket ID"},
232 {0x09,"Operation failed: RTP and RTCP ports Identical"},
233 {0x0a,"Operation failed: Inconsistent Parameters on full duplex promotion"},
234 {0x0b,"Operation failed: No Empty Vocoder Bins"},
235 {0x0c,"Operation failed: Vocoders Not Identical"},
240 static const value_string volume_rpt_apbs
241 {0x01,"Audio Param Bank 1"},
242 {0x02,"Audio Param Bank 2"},
243 {0x03,"Audio Param Bank 3"},
244 {0x04,"Audio Param Bank 4"},
245 {0x05,"Audio Param Bank 5"},
246 {0x06,"Audio Param Bank 6"},
247 {0x07,"Audio Param Bank 7"},
248 {0x08,"Audio Param Bank 8"},
249 {0x09,"Audio Param Bank 9"},
250 {0x0a,"Audio Param Bank 10"},
251 {0x0b,"Audio Param Bank 11"},
252 {0x0c,"Audio Param Bank 12"},
253 {0x0d,"Audio Param Bank 13"},
254 {0x0e,"Audio Param Bank 14"},
255 {0x0f,"Audio Param Bank 15"},
256 {0x10,"Special Tones"},
257 {0x11,"Paging Tones"},
260 static const true_false_string opt_rpt_adjust_volume
261 "Volume level adjustments are performed locally in the IT",
262 "Volume level adjustments are not performed locally in the IT"
264 static const true_false_string opt_rpt_automatic_adjustable_rx_volume_report
265 "Adjustable Rx volume reports sent to the NI when volume keys are pressed",
266 "Adjustable Rx volume reports not sent to the NI when volume keys are pressed"
268 static const true_false_string opt_rpt_enable_max_tone_vol
269 "Maximum tone volume is set equal to the physical maximum",
270 "Maximum tone volume is one level lower than physical maximum"
272 static const true_false_string opt_rpths_on_air_feature
273 "Single tone frequency sent to HS port while call in progress",
274 "Single tone frequency NOT sent to HS port while call in progress"
276 static const true_false_string opt_rpt_hd_on_air_feature
277 "Single tone frequency sent to HD port while call in progress",
278 "Single tone frequency NOT sent to HD port while call in progress"
280 static const true_false_string opt_rpt_noise_sqlch_disable
281 "Automatic noise squelching enabled",
282 "Automatic noise squelching disabled"
285 static const value_string direction_codes
287 {0x01,"Rx Audio stream is queried"},
288 {0x02,"Tx Audio stream is queried"},
289 {0x03,"Rx and Tx Audio streams are queried"},
293 static const value_string source_descriptions
294 {0x01,"Canonical End-Point Identifier associated with the Phone"},
295 {0x02,"Name used to describe the Phone e.g. Homer Does Phone"},
296 {0x03,"E-mail address associated with the Phone"},
297 {0x04,"Phone number of the Phone"},
298 {0x05,"Geographic location of the Phone"},
299 {0x06,"Phone software version"},
300 {0x07,"Notice/Status information"},
304 static const true_false_string dont_force_active
305 "The APB specified will NOT be the active one",
306 "The APB specified will be the active one"
310 static const true_false_string destruct_additive
311 "This will not affect the connections that were established prior",
312 "All transducers that were connected prior will be disconnected"
317 static const value_string transducer_pairs
320 {0x02,"Handsfree Speaker/Microphone"},
321 {0x3F,"All Transducer Pairs"},
325 static const value_string types_of_service
326 {0x08,"Minimize Delay"},
327 {0x04,"Maximize Throughput"},
328 {0x02,"Maximize Reliability"},
329 {0x01,"Minimize Monetary Cost"},
330 {0x00,"Normal Service"},
333 static const value_string precedences
338 {0x04,"Flash Override"},
340 {0x06,"Internetwork Control"},
341 {0x07,"Network Control"},
344 static const value_string sample_rates
346 {0x01,"16 kbit/sec"},
347 {0x02,"44.1 kbit/sec"},
351 static const value_string config_param_entities
352 {0x01,"Configuration Parameter in byte only affects the encoder"},
353 {0x02,"Configuration Parameter in byte only affects decoder"},
354 {0x03," Configuration Parameter in byte affects the whole vocoder"},
357 static const value_string vocoder_config_params
358 {0x00,"Turn Off Voice Activity Detection"},
359 {0x01,"Turn On Voice Activity Detection"},
360 {0x02,"Turn Off Bad Frame Interpolation Algorithm"},
361 {0x03,"Turn On Bad Frame Interpolation Algorithm"},
362 {0x04,"Disable Post Filter"},
363 {0x05,"Enable Post Filter"},
364 {0x06,"Disable High Pass Filter"},
365 {0x07,"Enable High Pass Filter"},
366 {0x08,"G.723 6.3kbps Working Rate "},
367 {0x09,"G.723 5.3kbps Working Rate "},
368 {0x0A,"G.729 Annexes Selection "},
369 {0x0B,"Set the sampling Rate of the vocoder "},
370 {0x0C,"Set RTP Payload Type "},
371 {0x20,"Set number of bytes per frame "},
374 static const value_string vocoder_ids
375 {0x00,"G.711, Mu-Law"},
377 {0x08,"G.711, A-Law"},
378 {0x0A,"16-bit Linear"},
380 {0x60,"8-bit Linear"},
381 {0x61,"G.711, Mu-Law with PLP"},
382 {0x62,"G.711, A-Law with PLP"},
387 static const value_string apb_op_codes
388 {0x00,"Enable Return To Default Option"},
389 {0x01,"Disable Return To Default Option"},
390 {0x02,"Enable Automatic Gain Control Option"},
391 {0x03,"Disable Automatic Gain Control Option"},
392 {0x04,"Select APB for Volume Control Option"},
393 {0x05,"Deselect APB for Volume Control Option"},
394 {0x06,"Enable Listener Sidetone Option"},
395 {0x07,"Disable Listener Sidetone Option"},
396 {0x08,"Enable Acoustic Echo Canceller (AEC) Option"},
397 {0x09,"Disable Acoustic Echo Canceller (AEC) Option"},
398 {0x10,"Enable Hearing Impaired (HIP) Option"},
399 {0x11,"Disable Hearing Impaired (HIP) Option"},
400 {0x0A,"Enable Rx Squelch Option"},
401 {0x0B,"Disable Rx Squelch Option"},
402 {0x0C,"Enable Rx Compressor Option"},
403 {0x0D,"Disable Rx Compressor Option"},
404 {0x0E,"Enable Tx Echo Squelch Option"},
405 {0x0F,"Disable Tx Echo Squelch Option"},
406 {0x40,"Query Audio Parameters"},
407 {0x41,"Step Size setting"},
408 {0x42,"Maximum Volume setting"},
409 {0x43,"Minimum Volume setting"},
410 {0x44,"Rx CODEC Gain Value"},
411 {0x45,"Tx CODEC Gain Value"},
412 {0x46,"Rx DSP Gain Value"},
413 {0x47,"Tx DSP Gain Value"},
414 {0x48,"Sidetone Gain Value"},
415 {0x49,"Switched Loss Depth"},
416 {0x4A,"Length of AEC"},
417 {0x4B,"MCS_NOISE_THR"},
418 {0x4C,"LineDelayLength"},
419 {0x4D,"MaxReturnLossTG"},
420 {0x4E,"SWL_AEC_OFF"},
422 {0x50,"TxLevelCompHD"},
424 {0x52,"NoiseWaitCounter" },
426 {0x54,"Change Default Volume setting"},
427 {0x55,"Change Current Volume setting"},
428 {0x56,"Sampling Rate setting"},
429 {0x57,"The filter(s) to be used when the HIP is enabled"},
430 {0x58,"The threshold that should be used when AGC is enabled"},
431 {0x59,"The threshold that should be used when Listener Sidetone (LST) is enabled"},
434 static const true_false_string stream_based_tone_rx_tx_yn
435 "Stream ID specified in last byte is in the tx direction",
436 "Stream ID specified in last byte is in the rx direction"
438 static const true_false_string stream_based_tone_mute_yn
439 "Stream Based Tone will replace Stream Data",
440 "Stream Based tone will be summed with Stream Data"
442 static const value_string stream_based_tone_vals
443 {0x00,"Dial Tone F1=0x0B33 - 350 Hz F2=0x0E14 - 440 Hz F3=0x00 - not present F4=0x00 - not present"},
444 {0x01,"Recall Dial Tone F1=0x0B33 - 350 Hz F2=0x0E14 - 440 Hz F3=0x00 - not present F4=0x00 - not present"},
445 {0x02,"Line Busy F1 = 0x0F5C - 480 Hz F2 = 0x13D7 - 620 Hz F3 = 0x00 - not present F4 = 0x00 - not present"},
446 {0x03,"Reorder F1 = 0x0F5C - 480 Hz F2 = 0x13D7 - 620 Hz F3 = 0x00 - not present F4 = 0x00 - not present"},
447 {0x04,"Audible Ringing F1=0x0E14 - 440 Hz F2=0x0F5C - 480 Hz F3=0x00 - not present F4=0x00 - not present"},
448 {0x05,"Receiver Off Hook (ROH) F1=0x2CCC-1400 Hz F2=0x4851-2260 Hz F3=0x4E66-2450 Hz F4=0x5333 - 2600 Hz"},
449 {0x06,"No Tone F1=0x00-0 Hz F2=0x00-0 Hz F3=0x00-0 Hz F4=0x00-0 Hz 0x00 C1=0x00 C2=0x00 C3=0x0 c4=0x0"},
450 {0x07,"No Tone F1=0x00-0 Hz F2=0x00-0 Hz F3=0x00-0 Hz F4=0x00-0 Hz 0x00 C1=0x00 C2=0x00 C3=0x0 c4=0x0"},
451 {0x08,"No Tone F1=0x00-0 Hz F2=0x00-0 Hz F3=0x00-0 Hz F4=0x00-0 Hz 0x00 C1=0x00 C2=0x00 C3=0x0 c4=0x0"},
452 {0x09,"No Tone F1=0x00-0 Hz F2=0x00-0 Hz F3=0x00-0 Hz F4=0x00-0 Hz 0x00 C1=0x00 C2=0x00 C3=0x0 c4=0x0"},
453 {0x0a,"No Tone F1=0x00-0 Hz F2=0x00-0 Hz F3=0x00-0 Hz F4=0x00-0 Hz 0x00 C1=0x00 C2=0x00 C3=0x0 c4=0x0"},
454 {0x0b,"No Tone F1=0x00-0 Hz F2=0x00-0 Hz F3=0x00-0 Hz F4=0x00-0 Hz 0x00 C1=0x00 C2=0x00 C3=0x0 c4=0x0"},
455 {0x0c,"No Tone F1=0x00-0 Hz F2=0x00-0 Hz F3=0x00-0 Hz F4=0x00-0 Hz 0x00 C1=0x00 C2=0x00 C3=0x0 c4=0x0"},
456 {0x0d,"No Tone F1=0x00-0 Hz F2=0x00-0 Hz F3=0x00-0 Hz F4=0x00-0 Hz 0x00 C1=0x00 C2=0x00 C3=0x0 c4=0x0"},
457 {0x0e,"No Tone F1=0x00-0 Hz F2=0x00-0 Hz F3=0x00-0 Hz F4=0x00-0 Hz 0x00 C1=0x00 C2=0x00 C3=0x0 c4=0x0"},
458 {0x0f,"No Tone F1=0x00-0 Hz F2=0x00-0 Hz F3=0x00-0 Hz F4=0x00-0 Hz 0x00 C1=0x00 C2=0x00 C3=0x0 c4=0x0"},
461 static const value_string stream_base_vol_level
462 /*{0x6F,"C1=0xFF00 C2=0x00 C3=0x00 c4=0x00 Steady on. -13 dBmO per frequency."},*/
463 {0x6F,"C1=0x0505 C2=0x0505 C3=0x0505 c4=0xFF00 3 burst(0.1 sec on,0.1 sec off),Then steady on.-13 dBmO per frequency."},
464 {0x60,"C1=0x1919 C2=0x00 C3=0x00 c4=0x00 0.5 sec on, 0.5 sec off, repeating. -24 dBmO per frequency."},
465 {0x67,"C1=0x64C8 C2=0x00 C3=0x00 c4=0x00 2 sec on, 4 sec off, repeating. -19 dBmO per frequency."},
466 {0x80,"C1=0xFF00 C2=0x00 C3=0x00 c4=0x00 0.1 sec on, 0.1 sec off, repeating. +3 to -6 dBmO/frequency."},
469 static const value_string special_tones_vals
479 static const value_string transducer_routing_vals
480 {0x00,"Handset Speaker"},
481 {0x01,"Headset Speaker"},
482 {0x02,"Handsfree Speaker"},
485 static const value_string cadence_select_vals
486 {0x00,"cadence 0 (2 secs on, 4 secs off, cyclic)"},
487 {0x01,"cadence 1 (0.5 secs on, 0.3 secs off, 1.2 secs on, 4 secs off, cyclic)"},
488 {0x02,"cadence 2 (0.7 secs on, 0.5 secs off, 0.7 secs on, 4 secs off, cyclic)"},
489 {0x03,"cadence 3 (0.5 secs on then off, one-shot)"},
490 {0x04,"cadence 4 (test cadence)"},
491 {0x05,"cadence 5 (test cadence)"},
492 {0x06," cadence 6 (test cadence)"},
493 {0x07,"downloadable alerter tone cadence"},
497 static const true_false_string audio_mgr_mute_val
498 "Following Stream will be Muted",
499 "Following Stream will be UnMuted"
501 static const true_false_string audio_mgr_tx_rx_val
502 "Next Byte specifies an RX Stream ID",
503 "Next Byte specifies an TX Stream ID"
506 static const true_false_string audio_opts_enable_max_tone_vol
507 "Maximum tone volume is set equal to the physical maximum",
508 "Maximum tone volume is one level lower than physical maximum"
510 static const true_false_string audio_opts_adjust_volume
511 "Volume level adjustments are performed locally in the phone",
512 "Volume level adjustments are not performed locally in the phone"
514 static const true_false_string audio_opts_automatic_adjustable
515 "Adjustable Rx volume reports sent to the switch when volume keys are pressed",
516 "Adjustable Rx volume reports not sent to the switch when volume keys are pressed Rx Volume Report"
518 static const true_false_string audio_opts_hs_on_air_feature
519 "Single tone frequency sent to Handset port while call in progress",
520 "Single tone frequency NOT sent to Handset (HS) port while call in progress"
522 static const true_false_string audio_opts_hd_on_air_feature
523 "Single tone frequency sent to Headset (HD) port while call in progress",
524 "Single tone frequency NOT sent to Headset (HD) port while call in progress"
526 static const true_false_string noise_sqlch_disable
527 "Automatic noise squelching enabled",
528 "Automatic noise squelching disabled"
531 static const value_string default_rx_vol_id
533 {0x01,"Audio Param Bank 1"},
534 {0x02,"Audio Param Bank 2"},
535 {0x03,"Audio Param Bank 3"},
536 {0x04,"Audio Param Bank 4"},
537 {0x05,"Audio Param Bank 5"},
538 {0x06,"Audio Param Bank 6"},
539 {0x07,"Audio Param Bank 7"},
540 {0x08,"Audio Param Bank 8"},
541 {0x09,"Audio Param Bank 9"},
542 {0x0a,"Audio Param Bank a"},
543 {0x0b,"Audio Param Bank b"},
544 {0x0c,"Audio Param Bank c"},
545 {0x0d,"Audio Param Bank d"},
546 {0x0e,"Audio Param Bank e"},
547 {0x0f,"Audio Param Bank f"},
549 {0x11,"Special Tones"},
550 {0x12,"Paging Tones"},
554 static const value_string trans_base_tone_ids
556 {0x01,"Special Tones"},
557 {0x02,"Paging Tones"},