epan/dissectors/pidl/ C99 drsuapi
[wireshark-sm.git] / plugins / epan / wimax / wimax_harq_map_decoder.c
1 /* wimax_harq_map_decoder.c
2 * WiMax HARQ Map Message decoder
4 * Copyright (c) 2007 by Intel Corporation.
6 * Author: Lu Pan <lu.pan@intel.com>
8 * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
9 * By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
10 * Copyright 1999 Gerald Combs
12 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
15 /* Include files */
17 #include "config.h"
19 #include <epan/packet.h>
20 #include <epan/expert.h>
21 #include "crc.h"
22 #include "wimax-int.h"
23 #include "wimax_compact_dlmap_ie_decoder.h"
24 #include "wimax_compact_ulmap_ie_decoder.h"
26 extern int proto_wimax;
28 static int proto_wimax_harq_map_decoder;
29 static int ett_wimax_harq_map_decoder;
31 /* MASKs */
32 #define LSB_NIBBLE_MASK 0x0F
34 /* HARQ MAP masks */
37 #define WIMAX_HARQ_MAP_RESERVED_MASK 0x080000
43 /* HARQ MAP display indexies */
44 static int hf_harq_map_indicator;
45 static int hf_harq_ul_map_appended;
46 static int hf_harq_map_reserved;
47 static int hf_harq_map_msg_length;
48 static int hf_harq_dl_ie_count;
49 static int hf_harq_map_msg_crc;
50 static int hf_harq_map_msg_crc_status;
52 static expert_field ei_harq_map_msg_crc;
55 /* Copied and renamed from proto.c because global value_strings don't work for plugins */
56 static const value_string plugin_proto_checksum_vals[] = {
60 { PROTO_CHECKSUM_E_NOT_PRESENT, "Not present" },
62 { 0, NULL }
65 /* HARQ MAP message decoder */
66 static int dissector_wimax_harq_map_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data _U_)
68 unsigned i, offset = 0;
69 unsigned tvb_len, length, dl_ie_count;
70 unsigned ie_length;
71 proto_item *harq_map_item = NULL;
72 proto_tree *harq_map_tree = NULL;
73 unsigned nibble_offset;
74 proto_item *parent_item = NULL;
75 unsigned ulmap_appended;
76 uint32_t harq_map_msg_crc, calculated_crc;
77 uint32_t first_24bits;
79 /* check the tvb reported length */
80 tvb_len = tvb_reported_length(tvb);
81 if(!tvb_len)
82 { /* do nothing if tvb is empty */
83 return 0;
85 /* Ensure the right payload type */
86 first_24bits = tvb_get_ntoh24(tvb, offset);
88 { /* do nothing if tvb is not a HARQ MAP message */
89 return 0;
91 /* update the info column */
92 col_append_sep_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, NULL, "HARQ-MAP Message: ");
93 if (tree)
94 { /* we are being asked for details */
95 /* get the parent */
96 parent_item = proto_tree_get_parent(tree);
97 /* display HARQ-MAP Message and create subtree */
98 harq_map_item = proto_tree_add_protocol_format(tree, proto_wimax_harq_map_decoder, tvb, offset, tvb_len, "HARQ-MAP Message (%u bytes)", tvb_len);
99 harq_map_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(harq_map_item, ett_wimax_harq_map_decoder);
100 /* display the HARQ MAP Indicator */
101 proto_tree_add_item(harq_map_tree, hf_harq_map_indicator, tvb, offset, 3, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
102 /* display the HARQ MAp UL-MAP Appended */
103 proto_tree_add_item(harq_map_tree, hf_harq_ul_map_appended, tvb, offset, 3, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
104 /* display the reserved bit */
105 proto_tree_add_item(harq_map_tree, hf_harq_map_reserved, tvb, offset, 3, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
106 /* display the HARQ MAP message length */
107 proto_tree_add_item(harq_map_tree, hf_harq_map_msg_length, tvb, offset, 3, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
108 /* display the DL IE count */
109 proto_tree_add_item(harq_map_tree, hf_harq_dl_ie_count, tvb, offset, 3, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
110 /* get the message length */
111 /* XXX - make sure the length isn't smaller than the minimum */
113 /* get the DL IE count */
114 dl_ie_count = ((first_24bits & WIMAX_HARQ_MAP_DL_IE_COUNT_MASK) >> WIMAX_HARQ_MAP_DL_IE_COUNT_SHIFT);
115 /* get the UL MAP appended */
116 ulmap_appended = (first_24bits & WIMAX_HARQ_UL_MAP_APPENDED_MASK);
118 /* set the offsets to Compact DL-MAP IEs */
119 offset += 2;
120 nibble_offset = 1;
121 /* process the compact dl_map ies */
122 for(i=0; i<dl_ie_count; i++)
123 { /* add the DL-MAp IEs info */
124 proto_item_append_text(parent_item, " - DL-MAP IEs");
125 /* decode Compact DL-MAP IEs */
126 ie_length = wimax_compact_dlmap_ie_decoder(harq_map_tree, pinfo, tvb, offset, nibble_offset);
127 offset += ((nibble_offset + ie_length) >> 1);
128 nibble_offset = ((nibble_offset + ie_length) & 1);
130 /* check if there exist the compact ul_map IEs */
131 if (ulmap_appended)
132 { /* add the UL-MAp IEs info */
133 proto_item_append_text(parent_item, ",UL-MAP IEs");
134 /* process the compact ul_map ies */
135 while(offset < (length - (int)sizeof(harq_map_msg_crc)))
136 { /* decode Compact UL-MAP IEs */
137 ie_length = wimax_compact_ulmap_ie_decoder(harq_map_tree, pinfo, tvb, offset, nibble_offset);
138 /* Prevent endless loop with erroneous data. */
139 if (ie_length < 2)
140 ie_length = 2;
141 offset += ((nibble_offset + ie_length) >> 1);
142 nibble_offset = ((nibble_offset + ie_length) & 1);
145 /* handle the padding */
146 if(nibble_offset)
148 /* add the Padding info */
149 proto_item_append_text(parent_item, ",Padding");
150 proto_tree_add_protocol_format(harq_map_tree, proto_wimax_harq_map_decoder, tvb, offset, 1, "Padding Nibble: 0x%x", (tvb_get_uint8(tvb, offset) & LSB_NIBBLE_MASK));
152 /* add the CRC info */
153 proto_item_append_text(parent_item, ",CRC");
154 /* calculate the HARQ MAM Message CRC */
155 if (length >= (int)sizeof(harq_map_msg_crc)) {
156 calculated_crc = wimax_mac_calc_crc32(tvb_get_ptr(tvb, 0, length - (int)sizeof(harq_map_msg_crc)), length - (int)sizeof(harq_map_msg_crc));
157 proto_tree_add_checksum(tree, tvb, length - (int)sizeof(harq_map_msg_crc), hf_harq_map_msg_crc, hf_harq_map_msg_crc_status, &ei_harq_map_msg_crc,
158 pinfo, calculated_crc, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN, PROTO_CHECKSUM_VERIFY);
161 return tvb_captured_length(tvb);
164 /* Register Wimax HARQ MAP Protocol */
165 void wimax_proto_register_wimax_harq_map(void)
167 /* HARQ MAP display */
168 static hf_register_info hf_harq_map[] =
171 &hf_harq_map_indicator,
172 {"HARQ MAP Indicator", "wmx.harq_map.indicator", FT_UINT24, BASE_HEX, NULL, WIMAX_HARQ_MAP_INDICATOR_MASK, NULL, HFILL}
175 &hf_harq_ul_map_appended,
176 {"HARQ UL-MAP Appended", "wmx.harq_map.ul_map_appended", FT_UINT24, BASE_HEX, NULL, WIMAX_HARQ_UL_MAP_APPENDED_MASK, NULL, HFILL}
179 &hf_harq_map_reserved,
180 {"Reserved", "wmx.harq_map.reserved", FT_UINT24, BASE_HEX, NULL, WIMAX_HARQ_MAP_RESERVED_MASK, NULL, HFILL}
183 &hf_harq_map_msg_length,
184 {"Map Message Length", "wmx.harq_map.msg_length", FT_UINT24, BASE_DEC, NULL, WIMAX_HARQ_MAP_MSG_LENGTH_MASK, NULL, HFILL}
187 &hf_harq_dl_ie_count,
188 {"DL IE Count", "wmx.harq_map.dl_ie_count", FT_UINT24, BASE_DEC, NULL, WIMAX_HARQ_MAP_DL_IE_COUNT_MASK, NULL, HFILL}
191 &hf_harq_map_msg_crc,
192 {"HARQ MAP Message CRC", "wmx.harq_map.msg_crc", FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL}
195 &hf_harq_map_msg_crc_status,
196 {"HARQ MAP Message CRC Status", "wmx.harq_map.msg_crc.status", FT_UINT8, BASE_NONE, VALS(plugin_proto_checksum_vals), 0x0, NULL, HFILL}
200 /* Setup protocol subtree array */
201 static int *ett[] =
203 &ett_wimax_harq_map_decoder,
206 static ei_register_info ei[] = {
207 { &ei_harq_map_msg_crc, { "wmx.harq_map.bad_checksum", PI_CHECKSUM, PI_ERROR, "Bad checksum", EXPFILL }},
210 expert_module_t* expert_harq_map;
212 proto_wimax_harq_map_decoder = proto_wimax;
214 proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
215 proto_register_field_array(proto_wimax_harq_map_decoder, hf_harq_map, array_length(hf_harq_map));
216 expert_harq_map = expert_register_protocol(proto_wimax_harq_map_decoder);
217 expert_register_field_array(expert_harq_map, ei, array_length(ei));
219 register_dissector("wimax_harq_map_handler", dissector_wimax_harq_map_decoder, proto_wimax_harq_map_decoder);
223 * Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html
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