3 Wireshark's user interface is showing its age. While GTK+ is wonderful on
4 Linux and BSD its low-tier status on Windows and even-lower-tier status on OS
5 X makes it hard to deliver a good product to users on those platforms.
7 The Qt port is an attempt at an updated UI which will better serve our users
8 and let us add features more easily.
11 1. Getting up and running
13 The Qt interface for Wireshark has been compiled and tested on Mac OS X 10.8
14 (XCode LLVM/clang), Windows 7 x86 (Visual C++ 2010), and Ubuntu 12.04 (gcc).
15 Compilation via Qt Creator and via the command line compilation using QMake and
16 make or nmake should work.
18 There are several ways of building qtshark:
22 The ui/qt directory is loosely coupled with the rest of the codebase.
23 The main Wireshark sources must be built beforehand using CMake on Linux
24 and OS X and nmake on Windows. Autotools + QMake is a basket full of
25 crazy that hasn't yet been sorted and folded. (Autotools + Boring Old
26 Make, without using QMake at all, might actually be simpler:
28 http://www.mail-archive.com/automake@gnu.org/msg11149.html
31 set BUILD_qtshark to ON (default: OFF) in CmakeOptions.txt (may be set
32 in parallel with BUILD_wireshark) or add -DBUILD_qtshark=YES flag
33 Do the normal out-of-tree or in-tree build.
34 To build with Qt5 instead of Qt4, add the following option set ENABLE_QT5
35 to ON. Note: Qt5 requires cmake 2.8.3 or newer.
36 This has only been tested on a current openSUSE Linux system with fairly
37 current QT and cmake. It may be necessary to copy the FindQt4.cmake and
38 supporting files from cmake to Wireshark's cmake/modules/
39 If using cmake installing qtcreator is not required. Basically almost
40 all stuff below can be ignored ;-)
44 Pass --with-qt to the configure script and build.
46 Work is in progress on this.)
50 Before compiling you need the Qt SDK and Qt Creator.
54 Download the latest Qt Library + Qt Creator (currently 5.1) from
55 http://qt-project.org/downloads/ and install it. For a more native
56 look and feel you should also install Qt Mac Extras:
58 git clone http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qtmacextras.git
60 /path/to/qt5/qmake qtmacextras.pro
63 # Make sure install output looks sensible
66 This may or may not work for you; see
68 https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-32594
72 The default Qt SDK libraries are built using MinGW, which isn't supported for
73 Wireshark. Instead of downloading the Qt SDK all-in-one package, download the Qt
74 Libraries package from http://qt-project.org/downloads/ that matches your
75 compiler (VS 2010 or VS 2012) and Qt Creator for Windows.
77 Settings in config.nmake are passed to the Qt environment via
78 ui/qt/config.pri. This file should be created automatically when you
79 compile Wireshark in the top-level source directory. You can create it by
80 hand by running "nmake -f Makefile.nmake ui\qt\config.pri".
82 Qt Creator can be used to compile and run Wireshark. Alternatively qmake
83 and nmake at the cmd line can be used.
85 The Windows Qt version of Wireshark will be compiled and linked with
86 essentially the same options as that used when building the Gtk version of
91 Before compiling in Qt Creator select "Projects" in the left toolbar,
92 select "Build Settings" and do the following:
94 - In "Edit build configuration" make sure the "Release" build is selected.
95 (The "Debug" build won't work unless Wireshark is recompiled to link with a "debug"
96 the "debug" C runtime library (using /MDd). See ui\qt\QtShark.pro for details).
98 - Make sure "Qt version" matches your version of Visual Studio.
99 - Make sure "Tool chain" matches your Visual C++ version.
101 If you require plugin support select "Run Settings" and add
102 "WIRESHARK_RUN_FROM_BUILD_DIRECTORY=1" to the Run Environment.
104 XXX: (WMeier): I've not had too much satisfaction using the "native Windows debugger" (CDB ?)
105 accessed via Qt Creator. (In fact, a web search turns up some fairly negative comments
106 about the debugger. I've successfully (and pretty easily) been able to use the
107 Visual Studio debugger; See below under "Command Line".
108 ToDo: Investigate "Qt Visual Studio AddIn":
109 http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/QtVSAddin#6112edd2e39a1695c242723d5c764aae
114 c:\qt\4.8.0\bin\qtvars.bat [vsvars] ;;; optional 'vsvars' to also setup VC env vars
116 - [Create and] Switch to a working dir to be used for .obj files, etc for Wireshark-qt compilation
118 - Use qmake to create Windows Makefile (based upon info in ui\qt\QtShark.pro and config.pri)
119 qmake -o Makefile.nmake ..\..\ui\qt\QtShark.pro
120 ;; (Only needs to be run once;
121 ;; nmake -f Makefile.nmake will redo qmake if any
122 ;; dependendencies (e.g., QtShark.pro) change.
125 nmake -f Makefile.nmake ;; qtshark.exe + all DLL's will be in <working-dir>\wireshark-qt-debug
127 <working-dir>\wireshark-qt-debug
129 - Debug (with Visual Studio debugger)
131 File ! Open ! Project/Solution ! .../<working-dir>/wireshark-qt-debug/qtshark.exe
132 (Using Solution Explorer ! Properties ! Environment to
133 add PATH=C:\Qt\4.8.0\bin;%PATH% will pobably be required).
134 ... Debug in the usual manner
139 Install the Qt libraries and Qt Creator via your package manager or from
140 http://qt-project.org/downloads/. On Debian and Ubuntu the "qt-sdk" (and qttools5-dev when use Qt5) meta-package
141 should provide everything you need. Build the top-level directory using CMake
142 (see section "Using cmake" above). As an alternative do an in-tree build without
143 QT and then inside ui/qt/ do "qtcreate QtShark.pro".
147 GammaRay lets you inspect the internals of a running Qt application
148 similar to Spy++ on Windows.
150 http://www.kdab.com/kdab-products/gammaray/
154 DO NOT simply port things over. Every feature, window, and element should be
155 re-thought. For example, should the user have to navigate two dialogs to get
156 HTTP request statistics?
158 2.1 Coding guidelines
160 2.1.1 Name conventions
162 Most of the code in the ui/qt directory uses three APIs: Qt (which uses
163 InterCapConvention), GLib (which uses underscore_convention), and the Wireshark
164 API (which also uses underscore_convention). As a general rule Wireshark's Qt
165 code uses InterCapConvention for class names and methods and
166 underscore_convention for variables, with a trailing underscore for member
169 2.1.2 Mixing C and C++
171 Sometimes we have to call C++ functions from one of Wireshark's C callbacks and
172 pass C++ objects to or from C. The C++ FAQ describes how to do this safely:
174 http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq/mixing-c-and-cpp.html
178 - The display filter entry has been significantly reworked.
180 - The welcome screen has been reworked. The interface list includes sparklines
182 - "Go to packet" pops up a text entry in the main window instead of a separate dialog.
184 - Preferences are complete, and are arguably more useful than the GTK+ version.
185 An "Advanced" preference pane exists, which lets you edit everything. They use
186 the proper menu placement and keyboard shortcut on OS X.
188 - Some dialogs (file sets, profiles, and UATs) provide a link to filesystem paths
191 3. Translations (i18n)
192 For make your own translation of QtShark ! it is easy !
194 - Add your translation (qtshark_XX.ts) in QtShark.pro, i18n.qrc, ui/qt/Makefile.common
195 and ui/qt/CMakeList.txt
196 - Add also in epan/prefs.c, in ui/qt/main.cpp add case in switch(prefs_p->gui_qt_language)
197 and in main_windows_preferences_frame.ui (use qt-design) to add in prefs
198 - Launch "lupdate QtShark.pro" to generate/update your translation file
199 - Translate with Qt Linguist
200 - Launch "lrelease QtShark.pro" to create/update qtshark_xx.qm file
201 - Attach your modification ("svn diff") in Wireshark Bug Tracker
203 More information about Qt Linguist
204 http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/linguist-manual.html