5 rem Download the latest source archive from
6 rem http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/downloads#qt-lib
8 rem Unpack the archive and run this script from the archive directory.
10 rem The default installation prefix is c:\Qt\5.1.1-... You can change
13 echo "%PATH%" | find "cygwin"
14 if errorlevel 1 set PATH=%PATH%;c:\cygwin\bin
19 rem Visual Studio version
21 if not "%VCINSTALLDIR%"=="" (
22 echo "%VCINSTALLDIR%" | find "10.0"
26 echo "%VCINSTALLDIR%" | find "9.0"
33 if "%VS_VERSION%"=="" goto no_vs_version
37 if not "%FrameworkDir64%"=="" (
40 if not "%FrameworkDir%"=="" (
41 echo %FrameworkDir% | find "64"
50 if "%API_BITS%"=="" goto no_api_bits
52 set QT_PLATFORM=win32-msvc%VS_VERSION%
53 set QT_PREFIX=c:\Qt\5.1.1-MSVC%VS_VERSION%-win%API_BITS%
55 nmake confclean || echo ...and that's probably OK.
59 echo Building using mkspec %QT_PLATFORM% (%API_BITS% bit)
60 echo Installing in %QT_PREFIX%
63 rem We could probably get away with skipping several other modules, e.g.
64 rem qtsensors and qtserialport
65 configure -opensource -confirm-license -platform %QT_PLATFORM% -prefix %QT_PREFIX% ^
67 -no-opengl -no-angle ^
73 -skip qtquickcontrols ^
75 -skip qtwebkit-examples ^
82 echo You'll have to run nmake install yourself.
87 echo "Unable to find your Visual Studio version. Did you run vcvarsall.bat?"
91 echo "Unable to find your target API. Did you run vcvarsall.bat?"