MSWSP: add parse_CNatLanguageRestriction()
[wireshark-wip.git] / asn1 / Makefile.nmake
1 ## Makefile for building wireshark.exe with Microsoft C and nmake
2 ## Use: $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f makefile.nmake
3 ##  (See 'Logic' below for additional details)
5 # $Id$
8 # Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
9 # By Gerald Combs <>
10 # Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
12 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
15 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
17 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 # GNU General Public License for more details.
22 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
24 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
27 # Logic;
28 # 1. If this Makefile is invoked w/o a target:
29 #    Do default target 'all' which invokes the Makefile.nmake
30 #     in each individual ASN1 sub-directory using the value of ASN1_MAKE_TARGET
31 #     as the make target.
32 #    (If ASN1_MAKE_TARGET is not defined then default to "all"
33 #     which generates the individual ASN1 dissector files into
34 #     epan\dissectors).
36 # 2. If this Makefile is invoked with one of the following targets, then do the action for the target:
37 #    Reinvoke this Makefile with 'all' as target and with ASN1_MAKE_TARGET
38 #     defined as appropriate.
39 #       clean
40 #       copy_files           : generate the dissectors into epan\dissectors
41 #                            :  (This is, in effect, the same as invoking this makefile w/o a target).
43 include Custom.make 
45 BER_LIST= \
46         acp133                  \
47         acse                    \
48         ansi_map                \
49         ansi_tcap               \
50         atn-cm          \
51         atn-cpdlc       \
52         atn-ulcs        \
53         camel                   \
54         cdt                     \
55         charging_ase            \
56         cmip                    \
57         cmp                     \
58         crmf                    \
59         cms                     \
60         credssp                 \
61         dap                     \
62         dop                     \
63         disp                    \
64         dsp                     \
65         ess                     \
66         ftam                    \
67         gnm                     \
68         goose                   \
69         gsm_map                 \
70         gprscdr                 \
71         h248                    \
72         HI2Operations           \
73         idmp                    \
74         inap                    \
75         isdn-sup                \
76 ###     kerberos                \
77         ldap                    \
78         logotypecertextn        \
79         mms                     \
80         ns_cert_exts            \
81         ocsp                    \
82         p1                      \
83         p22                     \
84         p7                      \
85         p772                    \
86         pkcs1                   \
87         pkcs12                  \
88         pkinit                  \
89         pkixac                  \
90         pkix1explicit           \
91         pkix1implicit           \
92         pkixproxy               \
93         pkixqualified           \
94         pkixtsp                 \
95         pres                    \
96         q932                    \
97         q932-ros                \
98         qsig                    \
99         ros                     \
100         rtse                    \
101         smrse                   \
102         snmp                    \
103         spnego                  \
104         sv                      \
105         t125                    \
106         tcap                    \
107         wlancertextn            \
108         x509af                  \
109         x509ce                  \
110         x509if                  \
111         x509sat                 \
112         $(CUSTOM_BER_LIST)
114 PER_LIST= \
115         h225                    \
116         h235                    \
117         h245                    \
118         h282                    \
119         h283                    \
120         h323                    \
121         h450                    \
122         h450-ros                \
123         h460                    \
124         h501                    \
125         hnbap                   \
126         ilp                     \
127         lcsap                   \
128         lpp                     \
129         lppa                    \
130         lppe                    \
131         lte-rrc                 \
132         nbap                    \
133         m3ap                    \
134         mpeg-audio              \
135         mpeg-pes                \
136         pcap                    \
137         ranap                   \
138         rnsap                   \
139         rrc                     \
140         rrlp                    \
141         rua                     \
142         s1ap                    \
143         sabp                    \
144         sbc-ap                  \
145         t124                    \
146         t38                     \
147         tetra                   \
148         ulp                     \
149         x2ap                    \
150 ###     x721
151         $(CUSTOM_PER_LIST)
155 !ENDIF
157 all: ber per
159 ber: $(BER_LIST)
161 per: $(PER_LIST)
163 $(BER_LIST) $(PER_LIST) : _FORCE_  # _FORCE_ req'd since each target actually exists
164         cd $@
165         $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f Makefile.nmake $(ASN1_MAKE_TARGET)
166         cd ..
168 # When this Makefile is invoked with an explicit target then
169 #  this Makefile is re-invoked with 'all' as target and with
170 #  ASN1_MAKE_TARGET defined as to the action needed.
171 # copy_files is a bit of a misnomer now, but we need another
172 # (non-"all") target...
174 clean copy_files :
175         $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f Makefile.nmake all ASN1_MAKE_TARGET=$@
177 ####
178 _FORCE_:  ## Assumption: no file named _FORCE_ exists in the current directory