2 -- Module IN-errortypes (Q.1248.1:07/2001)
3 IN-errortypes {itu-t recommendation q 1248 modules(1) in-errortypes(2)
8 ros-InformationObjects, common-datatypes, errorcodes, sdf-sdf-Operations,
9 scf-scf-classes, ds-UsefulDefinitions, spkmGssTokens, tc-Messages
10 FROM IN-object-identifiers {itu-t recommendation q 1248 modules(1)
11 in-object-identifiers(0) version1(0)}
12 directoryAbstractService, distributedOperations, enhancedSecurity
13 FROM UsefulDefinitions ds-UsefulDefinitions
15 FROM EnhancedSecurity enhancedSecurity
16 CommonResults, ServiceProblem, SecurityProblem, SecurityParameters, Versions
17 FROM DirectoryAbstractService directoryAbstractService
19 FROM IN-SCF-SCF-Classes scf-scf-classes
20 AccessPointInformation
21 FROM DistributedOperations distributedOperations
23 FROM SpkmGssTokens spkmGssTokens
25 FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects ros-InformationObjects
26 InvokeID, UnavailableNetworkResource
27 FROM IN-common-datatypes common-datatypes
28 errcode-canceled, errcode-cancelFailed, errcode-chainingRefused,
29 errcode-eTCFailed, errcode-executionError, errcode-improperCallerResponse,
30 errcode-missingCustomerRecord, errcode-missingParameter,
31 errcode-parameterOutOfRange, errcode-requestedInfoError,
32 errcode-scfTaskRefused, errcode-scfReferral, errcode-systemFailure,
33 errcode-taskRefused, errcode-unavailableResource,
34 errcode-unexpectedComponentSequence, errcode-unexpectedDataValue,
35 errcode-unexpectedParameter, errcode-unknownLegID, errcode-unknownResource
36 FROM IN-errorcodes errorcodes;
39 canceled ERROR ::= {CODE errcode-canceled
42 -- The operation has been cancelled.
43 cancelFailed ERROR ::= {
46 [0] ENUMERATED {unknownOperation(0), tooLate(1),
47 operationNotCancellable(2)},
48 operation [1] InvokeID}
49 CODE errcode-cancelFailed
52 -- The operation failed to be cancelled.
53 chainingRefused ERROR ::= {CODE errcode-chainingRefused
56 eTCFailed ERROR ::= {CODE errcode-eTCFailed
59 -- The establish temporary connection failed.
60 -- WS:Duplicates error-code
61 --executionError ERROR ::= {
63 -- {SET {problem [0] EXPLICIT ExecutionProblem,
64 -- COMPONENTS OF CommonResults}
65 -- dirqop.&dirErrors-QOP},
66 -- CODE errcode-executionError
69 -- The executionError is returned by an Execute operation in the case of the operation is not completing.
70 --ExecutionProblem ::= INTEGER {missingInputValues(1), executionFailure(2)
73 -- The executeProblem identifies the cause of the execute operation failure:
74 -- missingInputValues is returned in the input-values field contains the wrong input
75 -- information for the method being executed.
76 -- executionFailure is returned when the method fails to complete correctly. This is caused by
77 -- .the failure of one of the DAP operations contained within the method.
78 improperCallerResponse ERROR ::= {CODE errcode-improperCallerResponse
81 -- The caller response was not as expected.
82 missingCustomerRecord ERROR ::= {CODE errcode-missingCustomerRecord
85 -- The Service Logic Program could not be found in the SCF.
86 missingParameter ERROR ::= {CODE errcode-missingParameter
89 -- An expected optional parameter was not received.
90 parameterOutOfRange ERROR ::= {CODE errcode-parameterOutOfRange
93 -- The parameter was not as expected (e.g. missing or out of range).
94 requestedInfoError ERROR ::= {
96 ENUMERATED {unknownRequestedInfo(1), requestedInfoNotAvailable(2)
99 CODE errcode-requestedInfoError
102 -- The requested information cannot be found.
103 -- WS:CODE missing comment it out
104 --scfBindFailure ERROR ::= {PARAMETER FailureReason
107 --FailureReason ::= CHOICE {
108 -- systemFailure [0] UnavailableNetworkResource,
109 -- scfTaskRefused [1] ScfTaskRefusedParameter,
111 -- [2] SET {problem [0] SecurityProblem,
112 -- spkmInfo [1] SPKM-ERROR}
115 scfTaskRefused ERROR ::= {
116 PARAMETER ScfTaskRefusedParameter
117 CODE errcode-scfTaskRefused
120 ScfTaskRefusedParameter ::=
123 ENUMERATED {generic(0), unobtainable(1), congestion(2)
126 securityParameters [1] SecurityParameters OPTIONAL
127 }--, scfqop.&scfErrorsQOP}
129 scfReferral ERROR ::= {
130 PARAMETER ReferralParameter
131 CODE errcode-scfReferral
134 ReferralParameter ::=
136 SEQUENCE {tryhere [0] AccessPointInformation,
137 securityParameters [1] SecurityParameters OPTIONAL
138 }--, scfqop.&scfErrorsQOP}
140 systemFailure ERROR ::= {
141 PARAMETER UnavailableNetworkResource
142 CODE errcode-systemFailure
145 -- The operation could not be completed due to e.g. a system failure at the serving physical entity, the
146 -- unavailability of the required resource or due to screening.
147 taskRefused ERROR ::= {
149 ENUMERATED {generic(0), unobtainable(1), congestion(2)
152 CODE errcode-taskRefused
155 -- An entity normally capable of the task requested cannot or chooses not to perform the task at this
156 -- time. This includes error situations like congestion and unobtainable address as used in e.g. the
157 -- connect operation.
158 -- WS:CODE missing comment it out
159 -- tfcBindError ERROR ::= {
161 -- SET {versions [0] Versions DEFAULT {v1},
163 -- CHOICE {serviceError [1] ServiceProblem,
164 -- securityError [2] SecurityProblem}}
167 unavailableResource ERROR ::= {CODE errcode-unavailableResource
170 -- A requested resource is not available at the serving entity.
171 unexpectedComponentSequence ERROR ::= {
172 CODE errcode-unexpectedComponentSequence
175 -- An incorrect sequence of Components was received (e.g. "DisconnectForwardConnection"
176 -- followed by "PlayAnnouncement").
177 unexpectedDataValue ERROR ::= {CODE errcode-unexpectedDataValue
180 -- The data value was not as expected (e.g. routing number expected but billing number received)
181 unexpectedParameter ERROR ::= {CODE errcode-unexpectedParameter
184 -- A parameter received was not expected.
185 unknownLegID ERROR ::= {CODE errcode-unknownLegID
188 -- Leg not known to the SSF.
189 unknownResource ERROR ::= {CODE errcode-unknownResource
192 -- Resource whose status is being requested is not known to the serving entity.
195 -- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D