HACK: pinfo->private_data points to smb_info again
[wireshark-wip.git] / epan / dissectors / x11-fields
2 # Fields for X11 dissector.
4 # Copyright 2000, Christophe Tronche <ch.tronche@computer.org>
6 # $Id$
8 # Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
9 # By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
10 # Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
12 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
15 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
17 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 # GNU General Public License for more details.
22 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
24 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
27 above-sibling           UINT32  HEX
28 acceleration-denominator        INT16   DEC
29 acceleration-numerator  INT16   DEC
30 access-mode     UINT8   DEC     VALS
31 address         BYTES   NONE
32 ip-address      IPv4    NONE
33 address-length  UINT16  DEC
34 alloc           UINT8   DEC     VALS
35 allow-events-mode       UINT8   DEC     VALS
36 allow-exposures UINT8   DEC     VALS(yes_no_default)
37 arcs            NONE    NONE
39 arc             NONE    NONE
40         x               INT16   DEC
41         y               INT16   DEC
42         width   UINT16  DEC
43         height  UINT16  DEC
44         angle1  INT16   DEC
45         angle2  INT16   DEC
47 arc-mode        UINT8   DEC     VALS    Tell us if we're drawing an arc or a pie
48 atom            UINT32  HEX
49 authorization-protocol-name-length      UINT16  DEC
50 authorization-protocol-name     STRING  NONE
51 authorization-protocol-data-length      UINT16  DEC
52 authorization-protocol-data     STRING  NONE
53 auto-repeat-mode        UINT8   DEC     VALS
55 bitmap-format-bit-order UINT8   HEX     VALS(image_byte_order)
56 bitmap-format-scanline-pad      UINT8   DEC     bitmap format scanline-pad
57 bitmap-format-scanline-unit     UINT8   DEC     bitmap format scanline unit
58 bytes-after     UINT32  DEC     bytes after
59 back-blue       UINT16  DEC             Background blue value for a cursor
60 back-green      UINT16  DEC             Background green value for a cursor
61 back-red        UINT16  DEC             Background red value for a cursor
62 background      UINT32  HEX             Background color
63 background-pixel        UINT32  HEX     Background color for a window
64 background-pixmap       UINT32  HEX     VALS    Background pixmap for a window
65 backing-pixel   UINT32  HEX
66 backing-planes  UINT32  HEX
67 backing-store   UINT8   DEC     VALS
68 bell-duration   INT16   DEC
69 bell-percent    INT8    DEC
70 bell-pitch      INT16   DEC
71 bit-gravity     UINT8   DEC     VALS(gravity)
72 bit-plane       UINT32  HEX
73 blue            UINT16  DEC
74 blues           UINT16  DEC
75 border-pixel    UINT32  HEX
76 border-pixmap   UINT32  HEX     VALS
77 border-width    UINT16  DEC
78 button          UINT8   DEC     VALS
79 byte-order      UINT8   HEX     VALS
81 childwindow     UINT32  HEX
82 cap-style       UINT8   DEC     VALS
83 change-host-mode        UINT8   DEC     VALS(insert_delete)
84 cid             UINT32  HEX
85 class           UINT8   DEC     VALS
86 clip-mask       UINT32  HEX     VALS(zero_is_none)
87 clip-x-origin   INT16   DEC
88 clip-y-origin   INT16   DEC
89 close-down-mode UINT8   DEC     VALS
90 cmap            UINT32  HEX
91 colormap        UINT32  HEX
92 colormap-state  UINT8   DEC     VALS
93 color-items     NONE    NONE
95 coloritem               NONE    NONE
96         pixel           UINT32  HEX
97         red             UINT16  DEC
98         green           UINT16  DEC
99         blue            UINT16  DEC
100         flags           UINT8   HEX
101                 do-red          BOOLEAN 8       0x01
102                 do-green        BOOLEAN 8       0x02
103                 do-blue         BOOLEAN 8       0x04
104                 unused          BOOLEAN 8       0xf8
105         unused          NONE    NONE
107 colors          UINT16  DEC                     The number of color cells to allocate
109 configure-window-mask   UINT16  HEX
110         x               BOOLEAN 16      0x0001
111         y               BOOLEAN 16      0x0002
112         width           BOOLEAN 16      0x0004
113         height          BOOLEAN 16      0x0008
114         border-width    BOOLEAN 16      0x0010
115         sibling         BOOLEAN 16      0x0020
116         stack-mode      BOOLEAN 16      0x0040
118 confine-to      UINT32  HEX     VALS(zero_is_none)
119 contiguous      BOOLEAN NONE
120 coordinate-mode UINT8   DEC     VALS
121 count           UINT8   DEC
122 cursor          UINT32  HEX     VALS(zero_is_none)
123 dash-offset     UINT16  DEC
124 dashes          BYTES   NONE
125 dashes-length   UINT16  DEC
126 do-acceleration BOOLEAN NONE
127 do-threshold    BOOLEAN NONE
129 detail  UINT8   DEC
130 do-not-propagate-mask   UINT32  HEX
131         KeyPress                BOOLEAN 32      0x00000001
132         KeyRelease              BOOLEAN 32      0x00000002
133         ButtonPress             BOOLEAN 32      0x00000004
134         ButtonRelease           BOOLEAN 32      0x00000008
135         PointerMotion           BOOLEAN 32      0x00000040
136         Button1Motion           BOOLEAN 32      0x00000100
137         Button2Motion           BOOLEAN 32      0x00000200
138         Button3Motion           BOOLEAN 32      0x00000400
139         Button4Motion           BOOLEAN 32      0x00000800
140         Button5Motion           BOOLEAN 32      0x00001000
141         ButtonMotion            BOOLEAN 32      0x00002000
142         erroneous-bits          BOOLEAN 32      0xffffc0b0
144 event-sequencenumber    UINT16  DEC
145 error   UINT8   DEC
146 error-badvalue  UINT32  DEC     error badvalue
147 error_sequencenumber    UINT16  DEC     error sequencenumber
148 errorcode       UINT8   DEC     VALS
149 event-x UINT16  DEC     event x
150 event-y UINT16  DEC     event y
151 eventbutton     UINT8   DEC
152 eventcode       UINT8   DEC     VALS
153 eventwindow     UINT32  HEX
155 first-event     UINT8   DEC
156 first-error     UINT8   DEC
158 gc-dashes       UINT8   DEC
160 gc-value-mask   UINT32  HEX
161         function                BOOLEAN 32      0x00000001
162         plane-mask              BOOLEAN 32      0x00000002
163         foreground              BOOLEAN 32      0x00000004
164         background              BOOLEAN 32      0x00000008
165         line-width              BOOLEAN 32      0x00000010
166         line-style              BOOLEAN 32      0x00000020
167         cap-style               BOOLEAN 32      0x00000040
168         join-style              BOOLEAN 32      0x00000080
169         fill-style              BOOLEAN 32      0x00000100
170         fill-rule               BOOLEAN 32      0x00000200
171         tile                    BOOLEAN 32      0x00000400
172         stipple                 BOOLEAN 32      0x00000800
173         tile-stipple-x-origin   BOOLEAN 32      0x00001000
174         tile-stipple-y-origin   BOOLEAN 32      0x00002000
175         font                    BOOLEAN 32      0x00004000
176         subwindow-mode          BOOLEAN 32      0x00008000
177         graphics-exposures      BOOLEAN 32      0x00010000
178         clip-x-origin           BOOLEAN 32      0x00020000
179         clip-y-origin           BOOLEAN 32      0x00040000
180         clip-mask               BOOLEAN 32      0x00080000
181         dash-offset             BOOLEAN 32      0x00100000
182         gc-dashes               BOOLEAN 32      0x00200000
183         arc-mode                BOOLEAN 32      0x00400000
185 green           UINT16  DEC
186 greens          UINT16  DEC
187 data            BYTES   NONE
188 data16          NONE    NONE
189         item    UINT16  HEX
190 data32          NONE    NONE
191         item    UINT32  HEX
192 data-length     UINT32  DEC
193 delete          BOOLEAN NONE            Delete this property after reading
194 delta           INT16   DEC
195 depth           UINT8   DEC
196 destination     UINT8   DEC     VALS
197 direction       UINT8   DEC     VALS
198 drawable        UINT32  HEX
199 dst-drawable    UINT32  HEX
200 dst-gc          UINT32  HEX
201 dst-window      UINT32  HEX
202 dst-x           INT16   DEC
203 dst-y           INT16   DEC
204 event-detail    UINT8   DEC     VALS
206 event-mask      UINT32  HEX
207         KeyPress                BOOLEAN 32      0x00000001
208         KeyRelease              BOOLEAN 32      0x00000002
209         ButtonPress             BOOLEAN 32      0x00000004
210         ButtonRelease           BOOLEAN 32      0x00000008
211         EnterWindow             BOOLEAN 32      0x00000010
212         LeaveWindow             BOOLEAN 32      0x00000020
213         PointerMotion           BOOLEAN 32      0x00000040
214         PointerMotionHint       BOOLEAN 32      0x00000080
215         Button1Motion           BOOLEAN 32      0x00000100
216         Button2Motion           BOOLEAN 32      0x00000200
217         Button3Motion           BOOLEAN 32      0x00000400
218         Button4Motion           BOOLEAN 32      0x00000800
219         Button5Motion           BOOLEAN 32      0x00001000
220         ButtonMotion            BOOLEAN 32      0x00002000
221         KeymapState             BOOLEAN 32      0x00004000
222         Exposure                BOOLEAN 32      0x00008000
223         VisibilityChange        BOOLEAN 32      0x00010000
224         StructureNotify         BOOLEAN 32      0x00020000
225         ResizeRedirect          BOOLEAN 32      0x00040000
226         SubstructureNotify      BOOLEAN 32      0x00080000
227         SubstructureRedirect    BOOLEAN 32      0x00100000
228         FocusChange             BOOLEAN 32      0x00200000
229         PropertyChange          BOOLEAN 32      0x00400000
230         ColormapChange          BOOLEAN 32      0x00800000
231         OwnerGrabButton         BOOLEAN 32      0x01000000
232         erroneous-bits          BOOLEAN 32      0xfe000000
234 exact-blue      UINT16  DEC
235 exact-green     UINT16  DEC
236 exact-red       UINT16  DEC
237 exposures       BOOLEAN NONE
238 family          UINT8   DEC     VALS
239 fid             UINT32  HEX             Font id
240 fill-rule       UINT8   DEC     VALS
241 fill-style      UINT8   DEC     VALS
242 first-keycode   UINT8   DEC
243 focus           UINT8   DEC     VALS
244 focus-detail    UINT8   DEC     VALS
245 focus-mode      UINT8   DEC     VALS
246 font            UINT32  HEX
247 fore-blue       UINT16  DEC
248 fore-green      UINT16  DEC
249 fore-red        UINT16  DEC
250 foreground      UINT32  HEX
251 format          UINT8   DEC
252 from-configure  BOOLEAN NONE
253 function        UINT8   DEC     VALS
254 gc              UINT32  HEX
255 get-property-type       UINT32  HEX     VALS(zero_is_any_property_type)
256 grab-mode       UINT8   DEC     VALS
257 grab-status     UINT8   DEC     VALS
258 grab-window     UINT32  HEX
259 graphics-exposures      BOOLEAN NONE
260 height          UINT16  DEC
261 image-byte-order        UINT8   HEX     VALS
262 initial-connection      NONE    NONE    undecoded
263 image-format    UINT8   DEC     VALS
264 image-pixmap-format     UINT8   DEC     VALS
265 interval        INT16   DEC
266 items           NONE    NONE
267 join-style      UINT8   DEC     VALS
268 key             UINT8   DEC     VALS
269 key-click-percent       INT8    DEC
270 keyboard-key    UINT8   DEC
271 keyboard-mode   UINT8   DEC     VALS(pointer_keyboard_mode)
272 keybut-mask-erroneous-bits      BOOLEAN 16      0xe000  keybut mask erroneous bits
273 keycode UINT8   HEX
275 keyboard-value-mask     UINT32  HEX
276         key-click-percent       BOOLEAN 32      0x0001
277         bell-percent            BOOLEAN 32      0x0002
278         bell-pitch              BOOLEAN 32      0x0004
279         bell-duration           BOOLEAN 32      0x0008
280         led                     BOOLEAN 32      0x0010
281         led-mode                BOOLEAN 32      0x0020
282         keyboard-key            BOOLEAN 32      0x0040
283         auto-repeat-mode        BOOLEAN 32      0x0080
285 keycode-count   UINT8   DEC
287 keycodes        NONE    NONE
288         item    BYTES   NONE
290 keycodes-per-modifier   UINT8   DEC
292 keys            BYTES   NONE
294 keysyms         NONE    NONE
295         item    NONE    NONE
296                 keysym  UINT32  HEX
298 keysyms-per-keycode     UINT8   DEC
299 length-of-reason        UINT8   DEC     length of reason
300 length-of-vendor        UINT16  DEC     length of vendor
301 led             UINT8   DEC
302 led-mode        UINT8   DEC     VALS(on_off)
303 left-pad        UINT8   DEC
304 line-style      UINT8   DEC     VALS
305 line-width      UINT16  DEC
306 long-length     UINT32  DEC             The maximum length of the property in bytes
307 long-offset     UINT32  DEC             The starting position in the property bytes array
308 map             BYTES   NONE
309 map-length      UINT8   DEC
310 mapping-request UINT8   DEC     VALS(mapping_request)
311 mask            UINT32  HEX     VALS(zero_is_none)
312 mask-char       UINT16  DEC
313 mask-font       UINT32  HEX     VALS(zero_is_none)
314 max-names       UINT16  DEC
315 mid             UINT32  HEX
316 mode            UINT8   DEC     VALS
317 major-opcode    UINT16  DEC     major opcode
318 max-keycode     UINT8   DEC     max keycode
319 maximum-request-length  UINT16  DEC     maximum request length
320 min-keycode     UINT8   DEC     min keycode
321 minor-opcode    UINT16  DEC     minor opcode
323 modifiers-mask          UINT16  HEX
324         Shift                   BOOLEAN 16      0x0001
325         Lock                    BOOLEAN 16      0x0002
326         Control                 BOOLEAN 16      0x0004
327         Mod1                    BOOLEAN 16      0x0008
328         Mod2                    BOOLEAN 16      0x0010
329         Mod3                    BOOLEAN 16      0x0020
330         Mod4                    BOOLEAN 16      0x0040
331         Mod5                    BOOLEAN 16      0x0080
332         Button1                 BOOLEAN 16      0x0100
333         Button2                 BOOLEAN 16      0x0200
334         Button3                 BOOLEAN 16      0x0400
335         Button4                 BOOLEAN 16      0x0800
336         Button5                 BOOLEAN 16      0x1000
337         AnyModifier             UINT16  HEX     0x8000
338         erroneous-bits          BOOLEAN 16      0xff00
340 motion-buffer-size      UINT16  DEC     motion buffer size
342 new             BOOLEAN NONE
343 number-of-formats-in-pixmap-formats     UINT8   DEC     number of formats in pixmap formats
344 number-of-screens-in-roots      UINT8   DEC     number of screens in roots
346 name            STRING  NONE
347 name-length     UINT16  DEC
348 odd-length      BOOLEAN NONE
349 only-if-exists  BOOLEAN NONE
350 opcode          UINT8   DEC     VALS
351 ordering        UINT8   DEC     VALS
352 override-redirect       BOOLEAN NONE    Window manager doesn't manage this window when true
353 owner           UINT32  HEX     VALS(zero_is_none)
354 owner-events    BOOLEAN NONE
355 parent          UINT32  HEX
357 path    NONE    NONE
358         string                  STRING  NONE
360 pattern         STRING  NONE
361 pattern-length  UINT16  DEC
362 percent         UINT8   DEC
363 pid             UINT32  HEX
364 pixel           UINT32  HEX
365 pixels          NONE    NONE
366 pixels_item     UINT32  HEX
367 pixmap          UINT32  HEX
368 place           UINT8   DEC     VALS
369 plane-mask      UINT32  HEX     VALS
370 planes          UINT16  DEC
371 point           NONE    NONE
372 points          NONE    NONE
373 point-x         INT16   DEC
374 point-y         INT16   DEC
376 pointer-event-mask      UINT16  HEX
377         ButtonPress             BOOLEAN 16      0x0004
378         ButtonRelease           BOOLEAN 16      0x0008
379         EnterWindow             BOOLEAN 16      0x0010
380         LeaveWindow             BOOLEAN 16      0x0020
381         PointerMotion           BOOLEAN 16      0x0040
382         PointerMotionHint       BOOLEAN 16      0x0080
383         Button1Motion           BOOLEAN 16      0x0100
384         Button2Motion           BOOLEAN 16      0x0200
385         Button3Motion           BOOLEAN 16      0x0400
386         Button4Motion           BOOLEAN 16      0x0800
387         Button5Motion           BOOLEAN 16      0x1000
388         ButtonMotion            BOOLEAN 16      0x2000
389         KeymapState             BOOLEAN 16      0x4000
390         erroneous-bits          BOOLEAN 16      0x8003
392 pointer-mode    UINT8   DEC     VALS(pointer_keyboard_mode)
393 prefer-blanking UINT8   DEC     VALS(yes_no_default)
394 present         BOOLEAN NONE
395 propagate       BOOLEAN NONE
397 properties      NONE    NONE
398         item    UINT32  HEX
400 property        UINT32  HEX
401 property-number UINT16  DEC
402 property-state  UINT8   DEC     VALS
403 protocol-major-version  UINT16  DEC
404 protocol-minor-version  UINT16  DEC
405 reason          STRING  NONE
406 rectangle-height        UINT16  DEC
407 rectangles      NONE    NONE
408 rectangle       NONE    NONE
409 rectangle-width UINT16  DEC
410 rectangle-x     INT16   DEC
411 rectangle-y     INT16   DEC
412 red             UINT16  DEC
413 reds            UINT16  DEC
414 request         UINT8   DEC     VALS(opcode)
415 requestor       UINT32  HEX
416 request-length  UINT16  DEC             Request length
417 resource        UINT32  HEX     VALS(all_temporary)
418 revert-to       UINT8   DEC     VALS
419 release-number  UINT32  DEC     release number
420 reply   UINT8   DEC
421 reply-sequencenumber    UINT16  DEC     VALS(opcode)
422 replylength     UINT32  DEC
423 replyopcode     UINT8   DEC     VALS(opcode)
424 resource-id-base        UINT32  HEX     resource id base
425 resource-id-mask        UINT32  HEX     resource id mask
426 root-x  UINT16  DEC     root x
427 root-y  UINT16  DEC     root y
428 rootwindow      UINT32  HEX
430 same-screen     BOOLEAN NONE    same screen
431 same-screen-focus-mask  UINT8   HEX
432         focus                   BOOLEAN 8       0x01
433         same-screen             BOOLEAN 8       0x02
434 success         UINT8   DEC
435 save-set-mode   UINT8   DEC     VALS(insert_delete)
436 save-under      BOOLEAN NONE
437 screen-saver-mode       UINT8   DEC     VALS
438 segment         NONE    NONE
439 segments        NONE    NONE
440 segment_x1      INT16   DEC
441 segment_x2      INT16   DEC
442 segment_y1      INT16   DEC
443 segment_y2      INT16   DEC
444 selection       UINT32  HEX
445 shape           UINT8   DEC     VALS
446 sibling         UINT32  HEX
447 source-pixmap   UINT32  HEX
448 source-font     UINT32  HEX
449 source-char     UINT16  DEC
450 src-cmap        UINT32  HEX
451 src-drawable    UINT32  HEX
452 src-gc          UINT32  HEX
453 src-height      UINT16  DEC
454 src-width       UINT16  DEC
455 src-window      UINT32  HEX
456 src-x           INT16   DEC
457 src-y           INT16   DEC
458 start           UINT32  DEC
459 stack-mode      UINT8   DEC     VALS
460 stipple         UINT32  HEX
461 stop            UINT32  DEC
462 str-number-in-path      UINT16  DEC
463 string          STRING  NONE
465 string16        STRING  NONE
466         bytes   BYTES   NONE
468 string-length   UINT32  DEC
469 subwindow-mode  UINT8   DEC     VALS
470 target          UINT32  HEX
472 textitem        NONE    NONE
473         font    UINT32  HEX
474         string          NONE    NONE
475                 delta           INT8    DEC
476                 string8         STRING  NONE
477                 string16        STRING  NONE
478                         bytes   BYTES   NONE
480 threshold       INT16   DEC
481 tile            UINT32  HEX
482 tile-stipple-x-origin   INT16   DEC
483 tile-stipple-y-origin   INT16   DEC
484 time            UINT32  DEC
485 timeout         INT16   DEC
486 type            UINT32  HEX
487 undecoded       NONE    NONE            Yet undecoded by dissector
488 unused          NONE    NONE
489 valuelength     UINT32  DEC
490 vendor          STRING  NONE
491 visibility-state UINT8  DEC     VALS
492 visual          UINT32  HEX
493 visual-blue     UINT16  DEC
494 visual-green    UINT16  DEC
495 visual-red      UINT16  DEC
496 visualid        UINT32  HEX
497 warp-pointer-dst-window UINT32  HEX     VALS(zero_is_none)
498 warp-pointer-src-window UINT32  HEX     VALS(zero_is_none)
499 wid             UINT32  HEX             Window id
500 width           UINT16  DEC
501 win-gravity     UINT8   DEC     VALS(gravity)
502 win-x           INT16   DEC
503 win-y           INT16   DEC
504 window          UINT32  HEX
505 window-class    UINT16  DEC     VALS            Window class
507 window-value-mask       UINT32  HEX
508         background-pixmap       BOOLEAN 32      0x00000001
509         background-pixel        BOOLEAN 32      0x00000002
510         border-pixmap           BOOLEAN 32      0x00000004
511         border-pixel            BOOLEAN 32      0x00000008
512         bit-gravity             BOOLEAN 32      0x00000010
513         win-gravity             BOOLEAN 32      0x00000020
514         backing-store           BOOLEAN 32      0x00000040
515         backing-planes          BOOLEAN 32      0x00000080
516         backing-pixel           BOOLEAN 32      0x00000100
517         override-redirect       BOOLEAN 32      0x00000200
518         save-under              BOOLEAN 32      0x00000400
519         event-mask              BOOLEAN 32      0x00000800
520         do-not-propagate-mask   BOOLEAN 32      0x00001000
521         colormap                BOOLEAN 32      0x00002000
522         cursor                  BOOLEAN 32      0x00004000
524 x               INT16   DEC
525 y               INT16   DEC