1 If you have any suggests I am happy to add them to the list.
5 - version number in the files
6 - resize windows/columns with Mod1-[+-] or Mod1-Ctrl-[hjkl]
7 - action and program history (bring up the last X choices in
11 - mpd: controls / volume
12 - acpi: battery life / thermal
13 - cpufreq: cpu freq / governor
14 - whereami: wireless / controls
16 - Mod1-[oi] to provide window history
17 - Mod4-[oi] to provide workspace history (vim inspired)
18 - at: use the at scheduler to implement a reminder system
19 action of 'at' or '@' for short
21 alt-a @ 20:00 "message to display"
26 - bundle xclipboard functionality (add a core/x11.so)
27 - make wmii.load_plugin() support multiple api versions
29 - Mod1-; will display a "execute lua code here" command line
30 - it would be nice if it tab completed
32 - tags starting with '@' are reserved for internal use and don't
34 - Mod1-[ and Mod1-] to push/pop windows off a stack in a hidden
37 - figure out a better way for wmiirc to remap function in
39 - an option would be to give each function a name (be it an
40 event, key-binding, or action) and make them usable from
41 either so people could bind a function ring_my_bell() to an
42 event, key, or action. Maybe...
43 wmii.bind_event ("ring", wmii.h_ring_my_bell)
44 wmii.bind_key ("Alt-r", wmii.h_ring_my_bell)
45 wmii.bind_action ("ring", wmii.h_ring_my_bell)
46 it should really make no difference how the action was
47 invoked. We could let the handler function know *how* with
48 a parameter that wmii.lua passes to it.
51 - use file in ~/.wmii-3.5/ like wmii+ruby
55 - remember where windows are, and restart the "session" as
60 - add action or hot-key to copy last message to xclipboard
63 - grouping multiple windows (maybe a tag prefix, and use the
66 - group all in a view,
68 - sending input to all windows in that group
69 - would be useful for a cluster, etc.
71 vim: set ts=8 et sw=8 tw=72