1 See doc/configuration for how to change bindings.
2 See contrib/remap-caps-ctrl-mod4/README about possible remapping to get
8 Mod1-Return Launch terminal.
9 Mod1-Shift-Return Ask for tag, launch terminal in that view, and follow.
11 Mod1-p Ask for a program and execute it.
12 Mod1-Shift-p Run program with given tag (presents a menu twice to get
13 the tag and the program).
14 Mod1-Shift-c Kill (close) current client
16 Mod1-a Ask for action and execute it. A menu is presented at
17 the bottom of the screen, after selection action is
18 executed. Actions can be defined by plugins, default
19 actions are outlined below.
21 Mod4-a..z Jump to first view whose name starts with the given
22 letter, sorted with intellisort
24 Mod4-0..9 Choose either the corresponding numerical view or the
25 non-numeric view at index specified by the number. For
26 example, if the views are '1 2 3 4 code irc web' and
27 you press MODKEY-6, it'll take you to irc
28 Mod4-Shift-0..9 Move the current client to the view specified; selection
29 is done in the same way as Mod4-Shift-0..9
31 Mod1-h Select prev column.
32 Mod1-l Select next column.
33 Mod1-k Select prev client.
34 Mod1-j Select next client.
36 Mod1-space Toggle managed/floating layer.
37 Mod1-Shift-space Toggle managed/floating layer for client.
39 Mod1-d Set default mode.
40 Mod1-s Set stacked mode.
43 Mod1-Shift-h Send to prev column.
44 Mod1-Shift-l Send to next column.
45 Mod1-Shift-j Swap with lower client.
46 Mod1-Shift-k Swap with upper client.
48 Mod1-comma Move to preceding view.
49 Mod1-period Move to following view.
51 Mod1-r Go back to previous view (where we came from).
52 Pressing more than once makes you cycle between 2 views.
53 Mod1-Shift-r Retag current client and move to corresponding view.
55 Mod1-t Ask for view to move to.
56 Mod1-Shift-t Retag in the namespace. Given a client tagged as foo+bar:
57 baz retags it as bar:baz
58 +baz retags it as foo+bar+bar:baz
59 Given foo+bar:baz, -baz retags as foo
61 Internal actions (Mod1-a)
62 ==========================
63 browser if given an argument, open the given URL in a browser,
65 google same as 'browser', but searches with google.
67 man with no arguments display the wmiirc-lua manpage, or
68 if argument is specified loads any page.
69 exec with no argument it restarts wmii, with an argument it
70 replace wmii with another window manager (dangerous).
72 wmiirc reload the wmiirc configuration.
78 The following keyboard shortcuts need to be ported from wmii+ruby.
80 Mod4-space Switch between raw and normal input modes.
81 The current mode is indicated in the bar. All other key
82 bindings are ignored in raw mode.
83 Mod1-f Maximize current floating client.
84 Mod4-comma Move to preceding view within current namespace.
85 Mod4-period Move to following view within current namespace.
87 The following actions need to be ported from wmii+ruby.
89 rename-view: change the name of the current view, and retag all clients
90 accordingly. Takes the new name as a parameter, or asks for it.
91 screenshot: takes a screenshot in $HOME/tmp/NAME-IDX.png, where NAME is
92 either the given parameter or 'screenshot', and IDX is
93 incremented automatically
98 vim: set ts=8 et sw=8 tw=72