Update more links
[worg.git] / org-contrib / babel / examples / org-check.org
1 #+TITLE: Verify an Org-mode environment
2 #+OPTIONS: num:nil ^:nil
3 #+LaTeX_CLASS: normal
4 #+STARTUP: hideblocks
7 Check an Org-mode environment.
9 *warning*: executing the table in this buffer will execute elisp and
10  shell commands on your system.  These commands are intended to check
11  aspects of your environment for compatibility with Org-mode, however
12  malicious people could tie arbitrary and/or malicious code blocks to
13  this table.
14  - don't be malicious, only put reasonable code into this buffer
15  - don't be angry, you've been warned about the possible risks of
16    using this buffer
18  In general Org-moders are very nice and will most likely keep this
19  buffer both safe and useful.
21 * Instructions
22   - Download the file [[https://git.sr.ht/~bzg/worg/tree/master/item/org-contrib/babel/examples/org-check.org][org-check.org]]
23   - Calculate the table by putting point in the table and pressing =C-u C-c *=
24   - Check the =results= column
25     - if you see all "pass" results, then your environment passes
26     - if you see "fail" or other unexpected results, then follow the
27       link in the =topic= column for an explanation
29 | task          | topic          | command          | arg                | results |
30 |---------------+----------------+------------------+--------------------+---------|
31 | [[*Org Setup][Org-mode]]      |                |                  |                    |         |
32 |               | [[*Org library][Library]]        | org-library      |                    |         |
33 |               | [[*Org version][Version]]        | org-version      |                    |         |
34 |---------------+----------------+------------------+--------------------+---------|
35 | [[*Agenda][Agenda]]        |                |                  |                    |         |
36 |               |                | chk-agenda-files |                    |         |
37 |---------------+----------------+------------------+--------------------+---------|
38 | [[*Export LaTeX][LaTeX Export]]  |                |                  |                    |         |
39 |               | [[*Check =org-export-latex-classes=][LaTeX classes]] | chk-ltx-cls      |                    |         |
40 |               |                | pkg-loaded       | 'org-latex         |         |
41 |---------------+----------------+------------------+--------------------+---------|
42 | [[*HTML export][HTML export]]   |                |                  |                    |         |
43 |               |                | pkg-loaded       | 'org-html          |         |
44 |---------------+----------------+------------------+--------------------+---------|
45 | [[*Preview LaTeX][Preview Latex]] |                |                  |                    |         |
46 |               |                | chk-ext-cmd      | "latex"            |         |
47 |               |                | chk-sys-cmd      | "latex"            |         |
48 |               |                | chk-ext-cmd      | "dvipng"           |         |
49 |               |                | chk-sys-cmd      | "dvipng"           |         |
50 |               | [[*=check-latex-scale=][latex-scale]] | chk-latex-scale  |                    |         |
51 |               |                | pkg-loaded       | 'org-latex         |         |
52 |---------------+----------------+------------------+--------------------+---------|
53 | [[*Make pdf files][Make Pdfs]]     |                |                  |                    |         |
54 |               | [[*LaTeX language configuration][latex]]          | chk-ext-cmd      | "latex"            |         |
55 |               | [[*LaTeX language configuration][latex-system]]   | chk-sys-cmd      | "latex"            |         |
56 |               | [[*LaTeX engine specified][latex-engine]] | chk-latex-engine |                    |         |
57 |               | [[*LaTeX engine present][engine-present]] | chk-engine-cmd   |                    |         |
58 |---------------+----------------+------------------+--------------------+---------|
59 | [[*Babel][Org-babel]]     |                |                  |                    |         |
60 |               | [[*Org-babel provided][Org-babel]]    | pkg-loaded       | 'org-babel         |         |
61 |               |                |                  |                    |         |
62 |               | [[*R language configuration][R language]]     | chk-babel-lang   | "R"                |         |
63 |               |                | chk-ext-cmd      | "R"                |         |
64 |               |                | chk-sys-cmd      | "R"                |         |
65 |               |                | pkg-loaded       | 'org-babel-R       |         |
66 |               |                |                  |                    |         |
67 |               | [[*C language configuration][C language]]     | chk-babel-lang   | "C"                |         |
68 |               |                | chk-ext-cmd      | "cc"               |         |
69 |               |                | chk-sys-cmd      | "cc"               |         |
70 |               |                | pkg-loaded       | 'org-babel-C       |         |
71 |               |                |                  |                    |         |
72 |               | [[*Clojure language configuration][Clojure]]        | chk-babel-lang   | "clojure"          |         |
73 |               |                | pkg-loaded       | 'org-babel-clojure |         |
74 |               |                |                  |                    |         |
75 |               | [[*Ditaa language configuration][Ditaa]]          | chk-babel-lang   | "ditaa"            |         |
76 |               |                | pkg-loaded       | 'org-babel-ditaa   |         |
77 |               |                |                  |                    |         |
78 |               | [[*CSS configuration][CSS]]            | chk-babel-lang   | "css"              |         |
79 |               |                | pkg-loaded       | 'org-babel-css     |         |
80 |               |                |                  |                    |         |
81 |               | [[*Gnuplot language configuration][Gnuplot]]        | chk-babel-lang   | "gnuplot"          |         |
82 |               |                | chk-ext-cmd      | "gnuplot"          |         |
83 |               |                | chk-sys-cmd      | "gnuplot"          |         |
84 |               |                | pkg-loaded       | 'org-babel-gnuplot |         |
85 |               |                |                  |                    |         |
86 |               | [[*LaTeX language configuration][LaTeX]]          | chk-babel-lang   | "latex"            |         |
87 |               |                | chk-ext-cmd      | "latex"            |         |
88 |               |                | chk-sys-cmd      | "latex"            |         |
89 |               |                | pkg-loaded       | 'org-babel-latex   |         |
90 |               |                |                  |                    |         |
91 |               | [[*MATLAB® language configuration][MATLAB®]]        | chk-babel-lang   | "matlab"           |         |
92 |               |                | chk-ext-cmd      | "matlab"           |         |
93 |               |                | chk-sys-cmd      | "matlab"           |         |
94 |               |                | pkg-loaded       | 'org-babel-matlab  |         |
95 |               |                |                  |                    |         |
96 |               | [[*Perl language configuration][Perl]]           | chk-babel-lang   | "perl"             |         |
97 |               |                | chk-ext-cmd      | "perl"             |         |
98 |               |                | chk-sys-cmd      | "perl"             |         |
99 |               |                | pkg-loaded       | 'org-babel-perl    |         |
100 |               |                |                  |                    |         |
101 |               | [[*Python language configuration][Python]]         | chk-babel-lang   | "python"           |         |
102 |               |                | chk-ext-cmd      | "python"           |         |
103 |               |                | chk-sys-cmd      | "python"           |         |
104 |               |                | pkg-loaded       | 'org-babel-python  |         |
105 |               |                |                  |                    |         |
106 |               | [[*Ruby language configuration][Ruby]]           | chk-babel-lang   | "ruby"             |         |
107 |               |                | chk-ext-cmd      | "ruby"             |         |
108 |               |                | chk-sys-cmd      | "ruby"             |         |
109 |               |                | pkg-loaded       | 'org-babel-ruby    |         |
110 |---------------+----------------+------------------+--------------------+---------|
111 #+TBLFM:
113 * Tasks
114 ** Org Setup
115    - It is sometimes the case that updating Org-mode seems to have no
116      effect.  This can arise when there are multiple Org-mode
117      installations, or if Org-mode was compiled and then not
118      recompiled after an update.
119 *** Org library
120     - This is where emacs is finding the Org-mode installation
121 *** Org version
122     - This is the hard-coded version number from org.el.
123 ** Export LaTeX
125    - [[https://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-latex-export.html][LaTeX Export Tutorial]]
127 *** Check =org-export-latex-classes=
129     - Check that the variable =org-export-latex-classes= has been set: [[elisp:(progn (describe-variable 'org-export-latex-classes) (other-window 1))]] 
131 ** Preview LaTeX
132    - Previewing LaTeX in the Org-mode buffer requires:
133      - a working LaTeX installation, including the =latex= executable
134      - the [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/dvipng/][dvipng]] executable
135      - paths to these executables on =exec-path=
136    - If either latex-system or dvipng-system fails, then you probably
137      need to install software
138    - If latex-system passes and latex fails, then you need to modify
139      the variable =exec-path=, so the path to the latex executable is
140      included
141    - If dvipng-system passes and dvipng fails, then you need to modify
142      the variable =exec-path=, so the path to the dvipng executable is
143      included
144    - Image size can be scaled using the =:scale= property of the
145      variable =org-format-latex-options=
146 ** Make pdf files
147    - Pdf files are created for in-buffer preview and as the
148      end-product of [[https://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-latex-export.html#sec-7][LaTeX export]]
149 ** Agenda
150    - The [[https://orgmode.org/manual/Agenda-Views.html#Agenda-Views][agenda]] is key to using Org-mode effectively
151 ** Babel
152    - [[https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/index.php][Org-babel]] extends the very excellent Org-mode with the ability to
153      execute code blocks
154    - [[https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/intro.php#getting-started][Org-babel configuration]] is a 5-step process that requires entries
155      in =.emacs=
156 *** Org-babel provided
157     - If this test fails, then Org-babel isn't loaded
158     - You probably need something like this in =.emacs=
159 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
160   (require 'org-babel-init)
161 #+end_src
162     - [[https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/intro.php#getting-started][Org-babel installation]] is a 5-step process
164 *** R language configuration
165     - [[http://www.r-project.org/][R]] is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics
166     - if =chk-babel-lang= returns =fail= then you should add this line
167       to =.emacs=
168 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
169   (require 'org-babel-R)
170 #+end_src
171     - if =chk-ext-cmd= returns =fail= then you should check if there
172       is a path to the R executable in =exec-path= : [[elisp:(progn (describe-variable 'exec-path) (other-window))]] and possibly add a line to =.emacs=
173 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
174    (setq exec-path (append exec-path '("/path/to/R/executable")))
175 #+end_src
176     - if =chk-sys-cmd= returns =fail= then you should check to see if
177       R is installed on your system
178 *** C language configuration
179     - [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_%28programming_language%29][C]] is a general-purpose computer programming language
180     - if =chk-babel-lang= returns =fail= then you should add this line
181       to =.emacs=
182 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
183   (require 'org-babel-C)
184 #+end_src
185     - if =chk-ext-cmd= returns =fail= then you should check if there
186       is a path to the cc executable in [[elisp:(progn (describe-variable 'exec-path) (other-window 1))][exec-path]] and possibly add a
187       line to =.emacs=
188 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
189    (setq exec-path (append exec-path '("/path/to/cc/executable")))
190 #+end_src
191     - if =chk-sys-cmd= returns =fail= then you should check to see if
192       a C compiler is installed on your system and, if it is, what it
193       is called other than =cc=
194 *** Clojure language configuration
195     - [[http://clojure.org/][Clojure]] is a dynamic programming language that targets the Java Virtual Machine
196     - if =chk-babel-lang= returns =fail= then you should add this line
197       to =.emacs=
198 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
199   (require 'org-babel-clojure)
200 #+end_src
202 *** Ditaa language configuration
203     - [[http://ditaa.sourceforge.net/][Ditaa]] is a small command-line utility written in Java, that can convert diagrams drawn using ascii art into proper bitmap graphics
204     - if =chk-babel-lang= returns =fail= then you should add this line
205       to =.emacs=
206 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
207   (require 'org-babel-ditaa)
208 #+end_src
210 *** CSS configuration
211     - [[http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/][Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)]] is a simple mechanism for adding style to Web documents
212     - if =chk-babel-lang= returns =fail= then you should add this line
213       to =.emacs=
214 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
215   (require 'org-babel-css)
216 #+end_src
218 *** Gnuplot language configuration
219     - [[http://www.gnuplot.info/][Gnuplot]] is a command-line driven graphing utility
220     - if =chk-babel-lang= returns =fail= then you should add this line
221       to .emacs
222 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
223   (require 'org-babel-gnuplot)
224 #+end_src
225     - if =chk-ext-cmd= returns =fail= then you should check if there
226       is a path to the gnuplot executable in [[elisp:(progn (describe-variable 'exec-path) (other-window 1))][exec-path]] and possibly add a
227       line to .emacs
228 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
229    (setq exec-path (append exec-path '("/path/to/gnuplot/executable")))
230 #+end_src
231     - if =chk-sys-cmd= returns =fail= then you should check to see if
232       gnuplot is installed on your system
234 *** LaTeX language configuration
235     - [[http://www.tug.org/][LaTeX]] is a TeX macro package that provides a document processing system
236     - if =chk-babel-lang= returns =fail= then you should add this line
237       to .emacs
238 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
239   (require 'org-babel-latex)
240 #+end_src
241     - if =chk-ext-cmd= returns =fail= then you should check if there
242       is a path to the latex executable in [[elisp:(progn (describe-variable 'exec-path) (other-window 1))][exec-path]] and possibly add a
243       line to .emacs
244 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
245    (setq exec-path (append exec-path '("/path/to/latex/executable")))
246 #+end_src
247     - if =chk-sys-cmd= returns =fail= then you should check to see if
248       latex is installed on your system
250 *** MATLAB® language configuration
251     - MATLAB® is a high-level language and interactive environment
252       that enables you to perform computationally intensive tasks
253       faster than with traditional programming languages such as C,
254       C++, and Fortran
255     - if =chk-babel-lang= returns =fail= then you should add this line
256       to .emacs
257 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
258   (require 'org-babel-matlab)
259 #+end_src
260     - if =chk-ext-cmd= returns =fail= then you should check if there
261       is a path to the MATLAB® executable in [[elisp:(progn (describe-variable 'exec-path) (other-window 1))][exec-path]] and possibly add a
262       line to .emacs
263 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
264    (setq exec-path (append exec-path '("/path/to/matlab/executable")))
265 #+end_src
266     - if =chk-sys-cmd= returns =fail= then you should check to see if
267       MATLAB® is installed on your system
269 *** Perl language configuration
270     - [[http://www.perl.org/][Perl]] is a highly capable, feature-rich programming language with
271       over 22 years of development
272     - if =chk-babel-lang= returns =fail= then you should add this line
273       to =.emacs=
274 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
275   (require 'org-babel-perl)
276 #+end_src
277     - if =chk-ext-cmd= returns =fail= then you should check if there
278       is a path to the Perl executable in [[elisp:(progn (describe-variable 'exec-path) (other-window 1))][exec-path]] and possibly add a
279       line to =.emacs=
280 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
281    (setq exec-path (append exec-path '("/path/to/perl/executable")))
282 #+end_src
283     - if =chk-sys-cmd= returns =fail= then you should check to see if
284       Perl is installed on your system
286 *** Python language configuration
287     - [[http://www.python.org/][Python]] is a programming language that lets you work more quickly
288       and integrate your systems more effectively
289     - if =chk-babel-lang= returns =fail= then you should add this line
290       to =.emacs=
291 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
292   (require 'org-babel-python)
293 #+end_src
294     - if =chk-ext-cmd= returns =fail= then you should check if there
295       is a path to the Python executable in [[elisp:(progn (describe-variable 'exec-path) (other-window 1))][exec-path]] and possibly add a
296       line to =.emacs=
297 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
298    (setq exec-path (append exec-path '("/path/to/python/executable")))
299 #+end_src
300     - if =chk-sys-cmd= returns =fail= then you should check to see if
301       Python is installed on your system
303 *** Ruby language configuration
304     - [[http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/][Ruby]] is a dynamic, open source programming language with a focus
305       on simplicity and productivity
306     - if =chk-babel-lang= returns =fail= then you should add this line
307       to =.emacs=
308 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
309   (require 'org-babel-ruby)
310 #+end_src
311     - if =chk-ext-cmd= returns =fail= then you should check if there
312       is a path to the Ruby executable in [[elisp:(progn (describe-variable 'exec-path) (other-window 1))][exec-path]] and possibly add a
313       line to =.emacs=
314 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
315    (setq exec-path (append exec-path '("/path/to/ruby/executable")))
316 #+end_src
317     - if =chk-sys-cmd= returns =fail= then you should check to see if
318       Ruby is installed on your system
320 ** HTML export
321 * Commands
322 ** Org stuff
323 #+name: org-library
324 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
325   (let (
326         (x (locate-library "org"))
327         )
328     (if (null x) "fail" x)
329     )
330 #+end_src
332 #+name: org-version
333 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
334 (if (null org-version) "fail" org-version)
335 #+end_src
337 ** COMMENT Package loaded
339 FIXME: fix error "variable "pkg-loaded" in block "transpose-elisp" must be
340 assigned a default value"
342 #+name: pkg-loaded(x)
343 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
344   (if (featurep x) "pass" "fail")
345 #+end_src
347 ** COMMENT Babel languages
349 FIXME: "variable "chk-babel-lang" in block "transpose-elisp" must be
350 assigned a default value"
352    - Checks if a language can be tangled by Org-babel
353 #+name: chk-babel-lang(x)
354 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
355   (let ((z  (mapcar #'(lambda (y)
356                 (first y)) org-babel-tangle-langs )
357   )) (if (member x z) "pass" "fail") )
358 #+end_src
360 ** COMMENT Check external commands
361 #+name: chk-ext-cmd(x)
362 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
363     (if (org-check-external-command x "" t) "pass" "fail")
364 #+end_src
366 ** Export LaTeX classes
367 #+name: chk-ltx-cls
368 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
369   (if (null org-export-latex-classes) "fail" "pass")
370 #+end_src
372 ** LaTeX engine specified
373    - Returns the first argument of the first entry in =org-latex-to-pdf-process=
374    - This is typically a call to the LaTeX engine
375    - If =fail= is returned, then the variable =org-latex-to-pdf-process=
376      needs to be set
377 #+name: chk-latex-engine
378 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
379   (require 'org-latex)
380   (if  (null org-latex-to-pdf-process) "fail" (substring (first org-latex-to-pdf-process) 0 (string-match "\\ " (first org-latex-to-pdf-process))) )
381 #+end_src
383 ** LaTeX engine present
384    - Checks if the LaTeX engine specified by
385      =org-latex-to-pdf-process= can be found by Org-mode
386    - Returns =fail= if  =chk-latex-engine= returns =fail=
387    - If =fail= is returned, then the variable =exec-path= probably
388      needs to have the path to the LaTeX engine
389 #+name: chk-engine-cmd
390 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var x=chk-latex-engine :results silent
391   (if (string-equal x "fail") x (if (org-check-external-command x "" t)
392   "pass" "fail"))
393 #+end_src
396 ** =org-agenda-files=
397    - The [[elisp:(progn (describe-variable 'org-agenda-files) (other-window 1))][org-agenda-files]] variable is required for a number of optional, but useful, Org-mode commands
398         - [[elisp:(progn (describe-function 'org-agenda) (other-window 1))][org-agenda]]
399         - org-export-icalendar-combine-agenda-files : [[elisp:(progn (describe-variable 'org-export-icalendar-combine-agenda-files) (other-window 1))]]
400         - others?
401    - It is [[https://orgmode.org/manual/Agenda-files.html#Agenda-files][easy to set]]
402 #+name: chk-agenda-files
403 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
404   (if (null org-agenda-files)
405       "consider setting [[* org-agenda-files][org-agenda-files]]"
406     "pass")
407 #+end_src
409 ** COMMENT Check System Command
411 FIXME: "variable "chk-sys-cmd" in block "transpose-elisp" must be assigned
412 a default value"
414    - Check if x is present on the system path
415    - If =fail= is returned, ensure that the executable is found on
416      your system, then check that =$PATH= holds a path to the
417      executable
419 #+name: chk-sys-cmd(x)
420 #+begin_src sh :results silent
421     if which $x > /dev/null;
422     then echo pass;
423     else echo fail;
424     fi
425 #+end_src
428 ** =check-latex-scale=
429 Report the scale setting for inline images.  Default is 1.0.
431 #+name: chk-latex-scale
432 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
433   (plist-get org-format-latex-options :scale)
434 #+end_src
435 * Learning Lisp (slowly)                                           :noexport:
436 ** Check LaTeX packages
437 #+name: chk-kpse
438 #+begin_src sh :results silent
439   if which kpsewhich > /dev/null;
440   then echo pass;
441   else echo fail;
442   fi
443 #+end_src
445 #+name: chk-ltx-pkg
446 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var x=chk-kpse()
447   (if (string-equal x "pass")
448     (let* ((z (org-splice-latex-header org-format-latex-header
449                                       org-export-latex-default-packages-alist
450                                       org-export-latex-packages-alist nil))
451           (d (mapcar #'(lambda (m) (if (listp m) (nth 1 m) m))
452                      org-export-latex-default-packages-alist))
453           (e (mapcar #'(lambda (f)
454                          (position (concatenate 'string "{" f "}") z))d))
455           )
456      e ) "fail")
457 #+end_src
459 #+results: chk-ltx-pkg
461 * Acknowledgments
462 Many thanks to the following people for their generous help:
463   - Eric Schulte for setting up the original table and correcting code
464   - Sebastian Rose for the pointer to (featurep FEATURE &optional SUBFEATURE)
465   - Carsten Dominick for [[https://orgmode.org/guide/][Org-mode Guide]] and his many other efforts to
466     make Org-mode accessible to Lisp illiterates
468 * Notes                                                            :noexport:
469 ** DONE Provide a link to the org-check.org file in Instructions
470 ** DONE Check, does Windows have something like which?
471    - which is used in the shell scripts td wrote to check for latex
472      and dvipng commands at the system level
473 ** Source
474 #+name: copy-to-worg
475 #+begin_src sh :exports none :results output
476   cd ~/org/worg/
477   git pull
478   cp ~/org/org-check/org-check.org  ~/org/worg/org-contrib/babel/examples/org-check.org
479   git add org-contrib/babel/examples/org-check.org
480   git commit -m "Additions to org-check.org"
481   git push
482 #+end_src
484 #+results: copy-to-worg
485 #+begin_example
486 Already up-to-date.
487 [master 25fb17b] Additions to org-check.org
488  1 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)
489 Counting objects: 11, done.
490 Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
491 Compressing objects:  16% (1/6)
493 To git@git.sr.ht:~bzg/worg
494    108db30..25fb17b  master -> master
495 #+end_example