1 #+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:t \n:nil ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t tex:t d:(HIDE) tags:not-in-toc
2 #+STARTUP: align fold nodlcheck hidestars oddeven lognotestate
4 #+TAGS: Write(w) Update(u) Fix(f) Check(c)
5 #+TITLE: Org Color Themes
7 #+EMAIL: mdl AT imapmail DOT org
12 # This file is released by its authors and contributors under the GNU
13 # Free Documentation license v1.3 or later, code examples are released
14 # under the GNU General Public License v3 or later.
16 # This file is the default header for new Org files in Worg. Feel free
17 # to tailor it to your needs.
19 [[file:index.org][{Back to Worg's index}]]
21 # Contributing Screenshots to this page.
23 # To make an addition to this page
24 # 1) place your screenshot in the /images/screenshots/ directory in the
25 # base of the worg repository -- or not if you'd rather host the
27 # 2) place your color-theme-*.el file in the code/elisp/ directory in
28 # the base of the worg repository
29 # 3) add a macro call like those shown below passing the name of your
30 # color theme and the link to your screen-shot respectively to the
37 A popular way of customizing Emacs colours is to use the color-theme
38 package (see [[http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ColorTheme][color-theme emacswiki page]].)
40 Here is a list of color themes that are aware of Org: You can see
41 screen shots of these themes [[file:./color-themes-screenshot.org][here]]. Once you have installed a theme it
42 is easy to tweak its appearance by editing the theme's lisp file.
44 Some of these themes are available in Worg in the color-themes
45 directory, whilst others are linked either to the author's site, or to
48 There is a page with screenshots of each of the themes [[file:color-themes-screenshot.org][here]].
50 ** [[http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/zenburn.el][color-theme-zenburn.el]] (maintained by Daniel Brockman)
51 ** [[http://jaderholm.com/color-themes/color-theme-colorful-obsolescence.el][color-theme-colorful-obsolescence.el]] (Scott Jaderholm)
53 Links to Scott's themes all point directly to his site.
54 ** [[http://jaderholm.com/color-themes/color-theme-wombat.el][color-theme-wombat.el]] (Scott Jaderholm)
56 ** [[http://jaderholm.com/color-themes/color-theme-active.el][color-theme-active.el]] (Scott Jaderholm)
58 ** [[https://github.com/fniessen/color-theme-leuven][color-theme-leuven.el]] (Fabrice Niessen)
60 ** [[file:code/elisp/color-theme-zenburn.el][color-theme-zenburn.el]] (Daniel Brockman Adrian C., Bastien Guerry)
62 ** [[file:code/elisp/color-theme-tangotango.el][color-theme-tangotango.el]] (Julien Barnier)
63 [[http://blog.nozav.org/post/2010/07/12/Updated-tangotango-emacs-color-theme][Link]] to Julien's blog post about tangotango. [[http://github.com/juba/color-theme-tangotango][Link]] to the Github repository.
65 ** [[file:code/elisp/color-theme-folio.el][color-theme-folio.el]] color-theme-folio.el (David O'Toole)
67 ** [[file:code/elisp/color-theme-manoj.el][color-theme-manoj.el]] (maintained by [[http://www.golden-gryphon.com/blog/manoj/blog/2008/05/26/Theming_Emacs/][Memnon]])
69 ** [[file:code/elisp/color-theme-zenash.el][color-theme-zenash.el]] (maintained by Yavuz Arkun)
70 A modified version of zenburn. [[http://github.com/yarkun/zenash][Link]] to the Github repository.
72 ** [[http://github.com/suvayu/.emacs.d/blob/master/lisp/color-theme-dark-emacs.el][color-theme-dark-emacs.el]] (maintained by Suvayu Ali)
73 Based on theme made by the emacswiki user, ZWZ. The original theme can
74 be found [[http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/zwz][here]]. Suvayu has also made some org-mode font modifications
75 outside of the colour theme, which can be obtained [[http://github.com/suvayu/.emacs.d/blob/master/lisp/org-mode-settings.el][here]]. Suvayu's
76 [[http://github.com/suvayu/.emacs.d/blob/master/init.el][init.el]] gives more information on how to use his customizations.
78 /NB:/ This theme is not maintained anymore, and won't work with the
79 trunk version of Emacs 24.1. Emacs 24.1 removes support for the
80 deprecated 3rd argument form for =face-spec-set=. This breaks the
81 =color-theme= package in general; so instead of waiting for it to be
82 fixed, ~dark-emacs~ is now available as an Emacs 24 custom theme. The
83 latest version can be found [[http://github.com/suvayu/.emacs.d/blob/master/themes/dark-emacs-theme.el][here]].
85 ** [[https://github.com/n3mo/cyberpunk-theme.el][cyberpunk-theme.el]] (Nick Van Horn)
86 Cyberpunk color theme for the emacs 24+ built-in color theme support
87 known loosely as deftheme. The theme is mostly a direct port of the
88 overtone/emacs-live theme of the same name (designed originally for
89 the color-theme package). Many mode-specific customizations,
90 particularly with respect to org-mode, have also been added.
92 ** Installing Org Colour Themes.
93 First make sure that you have the Emacs color-theme package
94 installed. Copy the lisp files for the themes into a directory in your
97 If you want to be able to easily cycle between different
98 colour schemes, you need something like the following in your .emacs:
100 #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
101 (require 'color-theme)
102 (setq color-theme-is-global t)
103 (color-theme-initialize)
105 (load "color-theme-colorful-obsolescence")
106 (load "color-theme-zenburn")
107 (load "color-theme-tangotango")
108 (load "color-theme-railscast")
109 (load "color-theme-leuven")
110 (load "color-theme-folio")
111 (load "color-theme-zenash")
112 (load "color-theme-manoj")
114 (setq my-color-themes (list
115 'color-theme-tangotango
116 'color-theme-colorful-obsolescence 'color-theme-zenburn
117 'color-theme-leuven 'color-theme-folio
118 'color-theme-manoj 'color-theme-zenash
119 'color-theme-railscast
122 (defun my-theme-set-default () ; Set the first row
124 (setq theme-current my-color-themes)
125 (funcall (car theme-current)))
127 (defun my-describe-theme () ; Show the current theme
129 (message "%s" (car theme-current)))
131 ; Set the next theme (fixed by Chris Webber - tanks)
132 (defun my-theme-cycle ()
134 (setq theme-current (cdr theme-current))
135 (if (null theme-current)
136 (setq theme-current my-color-themes))
137 (funcall (car theme-current))
138 (message "%S" (car theme-current)))
140 (setq theme-current my-color-themes)
141 (setq color-theme-is-global nil) ; Initialization
142 (my-theme-set-default)
143 (global-set-key [f4] 'my-theme-cycle)
147 Now you can cycle through the installed themes using the F4 key.