1 #+TITLE: Update Worg for the New Exporter
2 #+DATE: <2013-04-22 Mon>
5 #+TAGS: Write(w) Update(u) Fix(f) Check(c) noexport(n)
6 #+OPTIONS: ':nil *:t -:t ::t <:t H:3 \n:nil ^:t arch:headline
7 #+OPTIONS: author:t c:nil creator:comment d:nil date:t e:t email:nil
8 #+OPTIONS: f:t inline:t num:t p:nil pri:nil stat:t tags:not-in-toc
9 #+OPTIONS: tasks:t tex:t timestamp:t toc:t todo:t |:t
10 #+CREATOR: Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.0)
11 #+EXCLUDE_TAGS: noexport
14 # This file is released by its authors and contributors under the GNU
15 # Free Documentation license v1.3 or later, code examples are released
16 # under the GNU General Public License v3 or later.
18 * How to use this document
20 The below is a complete listing of all files and directories on Worg
21 current as of 2013-04-22 at approximately 19:30 EDT. Each headline
22 represents a subdirectory of Worg, and items under headlines represent
25 1. Update an org file (if necessary) and verify that it exports
26 cleanly under the new exporter shipped with Org 8.0.
27 2. Find the file in the list below and mark it DONE with =C-c C-t d=.
28 After finishing all files in a directory, locate the heading for
29 that directory in the headlines above and =C-c C-t= to mark that
31 4. You can set the original AUTHOR (or other useful info) of an Org
32 file with a headline property, =C-c C-x p=.
33 5. If you are working on something please mark it as INPROGRESS with
34 =C-c C-t i= so other people can update efficiently elsewhere.
36 ** Other important things:
37 1. For the time being, all that is important is for the Org file to
38 export cleanly with the new exporter. Publishing is a worry for
40 2. If you find something that does not work correctly, please mention
41 it on the emacs-orgmode mailing list so problems can be identified
43 3. Please update this file as you make progress.
47 You can clean out everything untracked (after having exported a
48 bunch of .html files) with =git clean -fd=.
52 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 22:53]
56 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:24]
59 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:41]
61 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 02:02]
62 ** DONE org-testimonies
63 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:38]
65 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:36]
67 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:36]
72 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:39]
74 ** DONE agenda-optimization.org
76 ** DONE color-themes-screenshot.org
79 ** DONE gtd-software-comparison.org
81 ** DONE macros.setupfile
83 ** DONE org-artwork.org
84 ** DONE org-blog-articles.org
85 ** DONE org-blog-wiki.org
86 ** DONE org-color-themes.org
87 ** DONE org-conference.org
88 ** DONE org-contribute.org
89 ** DONE org-dependencies.org
92 ** DONE org-glossary.org
93 ** DONE org-gtd-etc.org
95 ** DONE org-info-js.org
96 ** DONE org-issues.org
98 ** DONE org-mailing-list.org
99 ** DONE org-papers.org
100 ** DONE org-people.org
101 ** DONE org-quotes.org
102 ** DONE org-screenshots-org-on-the-web.org
103 ** DONE org-screenshots.org
104 ** DONE org-survey.org
105 ** DONE org-symbols.org
106 ** DONE org-translators.org
108 ** DONE org-worg-stats.org
112 ** DONE preamble.html
114 ** DONE worg-about.org
115 ** DONE worg-editing.org
116 ** DONE worg-git-advanced.org
117 ** DONE worg-git-ssh-key.org
119 ** DONE worg-header.org
120 ** DONE worg-maintenance.org
121 ** DONE worg-setup.org
122 ** DONE worg-todo.org
123 ** DONE worg-todo_archive
125 CLOSED: [2013-04-24 mer. 15:29]
127 ** DONE ./FIXME: [4/4]
128 CLOSED: [2018-04-26 jeu. 13:30]
129 *** DONE how-to-use-Org-Babel-for-R.org
130 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:26]
131 *** DONE test-for-how-to-use-Org-Babel-for-R.org
132 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:27]
133 *** DONE other files moved here for successful publish
134 CLOSED: [2018-04-26 jeu. 13:30]
135 *** DONE org-customization-survey.org (moved from org-configs)
136 CLOSED: [2018-04-26 jeu. 13:30]
137 ** DONE ./code: [10/10]
138 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 22:52]
140 CLOSED: [2013-04-25 Thu 09:13]
142 CLOSED: [2013-04-25 Thu 09:13]
144 CLOSED: [2013-04-25 Thu 09:14]
146 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 22:49]
148 CLOSED: [2013-04-25 Thu 09:15]
150 *** DONE ./code/awk: [1/1]
151 **** DONE ical2org.awk
153 *** DONE ./code/elisp: [11/11]
155 **** DONE dto-org-gtd.el
156 **** DONE org-collector.el
157 **** DONE org-effectiveness.el
158 **** DONE org-exchange-capture.el
159 **** DONE org-favtable.el
160 **** DONE org-issue.el
161 **** DONE org-license.el
162 **** DONE org-player.el
163 **** DONE worg-fortune.el
166 *** DONE ./code/latex: [2/2]
167 **** DONE fr-orgcard.tex
170 *** DONE ./code/org-info-js: [9/9]
171 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 22:49]
173 **** DONE changes.org
174 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 22:46]
176 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 22:46]
177 **** DONE org-info-src.js
178 **** DONE org-info.js
180 **** DONE stylesheet.css
182 **** DONE ./code/org-info-js/img: [1/1]
183 ***** DONE emacs23-org.js.org.png
185 **** DONE ./code/org-info-js/org-slides: [4/4]
186 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 22:52]
187 ***** DONE slides.css
188 ***** DONE slides.html
189 ***** DONE slides.org
190 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 22:52]
192 ***** DONE ./code/org-info-js/org-slides/img: [2/2]
194 ****** DONE unicorn.png
196 *** DONE ./code/perl: [1/1]
197 **** DONE org2remind.pl
199 ** DONE ./color-themes: [6/6]
200 *** DONE color-theme-folio.el
201 *** DONE color-theme-manoj.el
202 *** DONE color-theme-railscast.el
203 *** DONE color-theme-tangotango.el
204 *** DONE color-theme-zenash.el
205 *** DONE color-theme-zenburn.el
209 *** DONE org-build-system.org
210 *** DONE org-export-reference.org
211 *** DONE org-syntax.org
212 CLOSED: [2013-04-24 mer. 14:47]
214 ** DONE ./exporters: [11/11]
215 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:24]
217 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:17]
218 *** DONE filter-markup.org
219 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:19]
220 *** DONE freemind.org
221 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:19]
223 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:20]
224 *** DONE ox-groff.org
225 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:20]
226 *** DONE ox-overview.org
227 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:22]
228 *** DONE ox-template.org
229 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:23]
230 *** DONE taskjuggler (directory)
231 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:23]
233 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:24]
235 *** DONE ./exporters/beamer: [4/4]
236 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:17]
238 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:08]
239 **** DONE ox-beamer.org
240 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:09]
241 **** DONE presentation.org
242 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:14]
243 **** DONE tutorial.org
244 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:16]
246 *** DONE ./exporters/taskjuggler: [1/1]
247 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:18]
248 **** DONE ox-taskjuggler.org
249 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:18]
251 ** DONE ./images: [44/44]
257 *** DONE color-themes
264 *** DONE org-collector
265 *** DONE org-exp-blocks
266 *** DONE org-lilypond
275 *** DONE ./images/artwork: [2/2]
276 **** DONE uniborg.png
278 :AUTHOR: G. Jay Kerns
280 **** DONE uniborg.svg
282 :AUTHOR: G. Jay Kerns
285 *** DONE ./images/babel: [16/16]
286 **** DONE babelfish.png
289 **** DONE dot-emacs-1.png
290 **** DONE dot-emacs-2.png
291 **** DONE dot-emacs.png
292 **** DONE drift-1-gen.png
293 **** DONE drift-2-gen.png
294 **** DONE example-graph.png
295 **** DONE library-of-babel.png
296 **** DONE r-example.png
297 **** DONE repdrift.png
298 **** DONE sequencechart.png
299 **** DONE simpledrift.png
300 **** DONE tower-of-babel.png
301 **** DONE transprob.png
303 *** DONE ./images/blorgit: [5/5]
304 **** DONE Passenger.png
305 **** DONE blorgit_features.png
306 **** DONE blorgit_search.png
310 *** DONE ./images/bzg: [5/5]
311 **** DONE formulas_editor.jpg
312 **** DONE fr-orgcard.pdf
313 **** DONE org-spreadsheet-table1.jpg
314 **** DONE org-spreadsheet-table2.jpg
315 **** DONE reference_visualization.jpg
317 *** DONE ./images/cd: [4/4]
318 **** DONE customize-1.png
319 **** DONE customize-2.png
320 **** DONE customize-3.png
321 **** DONE customize-4.png
323 *** DONE ./images/color-themes: [9/9]
324 **** DONE color-theme-colorful-obsolescence.png
325 **** DONE color-theme-dark-emacs.png
326 **** DONE color-theme-leuven.png
327 **** DONE color-theme-manoj.png
328 **** DONE color-theme-tangotango.png
329 **** DONE color-theme-wombat.png
330 **** DONE color-theme-zenash.png
331 **** DONE color-theme-zenburn.png
332 **** DONE cyberpunk-theme.png
334 *** DONE ./images/dto: [15/15]
335 **** DONE tutorial-1.png
336 **** DONE tutorial-10.png
337 **** DONE tutorial-11.png
338 **** DONE tutorial-12.png
339 **** DONE tutorial-13.png
340 **** DONE tutorial-14.png
341 **** DONE tutorial-15.png
342 **** DONE tutorial-16.png
343 **** DONE tutorial-2.png
344 **** DONE tutorial-3.png
345 **** DONE tutorial-4.png
346 **** DONE tutorial-5.png
347 **** DONE tutorial-6.png
348 **** DONE tutorial-7.png
349 **** DONE tutorial-9.png
351 *** DONE ./images/gsoc: [2/2]
354 **** DONE ./images/gsoc/2012: [4/4]
355 ***** DONE beach-books-beer-60pc.png
356 ***** DONE beach-books-beer.png
359 ***** DONE ./images/gsoc/2012/bugpile: [47/47]
360 ****** DONE add-attachment-uml-roa.png
361 ****** DONE add-attachment-uml-soa.png
362 ****** DONE add-comment-uml-roa.png
363 ****** DONE add-comment-uml-soa.png
364 ****** DONE bugpile-users-example-class-model.png
365 ****** DONE bugpile-users-roles-class-model.png
366 ****** DONE bugpile-users.png
367 ****** DONE create-project-uml-roa.png
368 ****** DONE create-project-uml-soa.png
369 ****** DONE delete-attachment-uml-roa.png
370 ****** DONE delete-attachment-uml-soa.png
371 ****** DONE domain-class-uml.png
372 ****** DONE edit-comment-uml-roa.png
373 ****** DONE edit-comment-uml-soa.png
374 ****** DONE edit-project-uml-roa.png
375 ****** DONE edit-project-uml-soa.png
376 ****** DONE edit-task-uml-roa.png
377 ****** DONE edit-task-uml-soa.png
378 ****** DONE edit-user-details-uml-roa.png
379 ****** DONE edit-user-details-uml-soa.png
380 ****** DONE iorg-arch.png
381 ****** DONE login-uml-roa.png
382 ****** DONE login-uml-soa.png
383 ****** DONE logout-uml-roa.png
384 ****** DONE logout-uml-soa.png
385 ****** DONE open-new-task-uml-roa.png
386 ****** DONE open-new-task-uml-soa.png
387 ****** DONE project-management-uml-uc.png
388 ****** DONE refined-arch-iorg.png
389 ****** DONE register-as-user-uml-roa.png
390 ****** DONE register-as-user-uml-soa.png
391 ****** DONE search-event-log-uml-roa.png
392 ****** DONE search-event-log-uml-soa.png
393 ****** DONE search-tasklist-uml-roa.png
394 ****** DONE search-tasklist-uml-soa.png
395 ****** DONE search-tasks-uml-csa.png
396 ****** DONE search-users-uml-csa.png
397 ****** DONE search-users-uml-roa.png
398 ****** DONE search-users-uml-soa.png
399 ****** DONE switch-project-uml-roa.png
400 ****** DONE switch-project-uml-soa.png
401 ****** DONE take-action-select-tasks-uml-roa.png
402 ****** DONE take-action-select-tasks-uml-soa.png
403 ****** DONE take-action-select-users-uml-roa.png
404 ****** DONE take-action-select-users-uml-soa.png
405 ****** DONE task-management-uml-uc.png
406 ****** DONE user-management-uml-uc.png
408 *** DONE ./images/icons: [2/2]
410 **** DONE warning.png
412 *** DONE ./images/mdl: [3/3]
413 **** DONE org-custom-agenda-commands-1.png
414 **** DONE org-custom-agenda-commands-2.png
415 **** DONE org-custom-agenda-commands-3.png
417 *** DONE ./images/org-R: [9/9]
418 **** DONE density.png
419 **** DONE histogram-example.png
420 **** DONE org-R-output-652pRO.png
421 **** DONE org-R-output-8119Y_N.png
422 **** DONE org-plot-example-1.png
423 **** DONE org-users-tree.png
424 **** DONE org-variables-barplot.png
425 **** DONE org-variables-hist.png
426 **** DONE org-variables-tree.png
428 *** DONE ./images/org-beamer: [4/4]
429 **** DONE a-simple-slide.png
430 **** DONE babel-octave.png
431 **** DONE column-view.png
432 **** DONE two-column-slide-madrid-style.png
434 *** DONE ./images/org-collector: [1/1]
435 **** DONE dec-spending.png
437 *** DONE ./images/org-exp-blocks: [3/3]
439 **** DONE cardioid.png
442 *** DONE ./images/org-lilypond: [1/1]
443 **** DONE mixolydian.png
445 *** DONE ./images/org-plot: [8/8]
446 **** DONE example-1.png
447 **** DONE example-2.png
448 **** DONE example-3.png
449 **** DONE example-4.png
450 **** DONE example-5.png
451 **** DONE example-6.png
452 **** DONE example-7.png
453 **** DONE example-8.png
455 *** DONE ./images/orgcamps: [1/1]
456 **** DONE orgcamp-paris-january-2011.png
458 *** DONE ./images/orgweb: [8/8]
468 *** DONE ./images/screenshots: [6/6]
469 **** DONE davison-minimal-research-thumb.png
470 **** DONE davison-minimal-research.png
471 **** DONE org-fireforg-screenshot-context-menu.png
472 **** DONE org-fireforg-screenshot.png
473 **** DONE org-mode-publishing.jpg
474 **** DONE schulte.dark-background.png
476 *** DONE ./images/sr: [1/1]
477 **** DONE phplayermenu-example-tree.png
479 *** DONE ./images/taskjuggler: [8/8]
480 **** DONE TaskJugglerUI1.png
481 **** DONE TaskJugglerUI2.png
482 **** DONE TaskJugglerUI3.png
483 **** DONE assign-resources.png
484 **** DONE define-dependencies.png
485 **** DONE effort-estimation.png
486 **** DONE project-plan.pdf
487 **** DONE resource-graph.png
489 *** DONE ./images/thumbs: [11/11]
490 **** DONE anothertest.png
492 **** DONE minimal-org-file.png
493 **** DONE org-col-default-customized-view1.png
494 **** DONE org-col-default-customized-view2.png
495 **** DONE org-col-default-customized-view3.png
496 **** DONE org-col-default-customized-view4.png
497 **** DONE org-col-default-customized-view5.png
498 **** DONE org-col-default-view.png
499 **** DONE org-export-as-latex.png
502 ** DONE ./org-configs: [4/4]
503 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:41]
505 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:29]
506 *** DONE org-config-examples.org
507 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:31]
508 *** DONE org-customization-guide.org
509 CLOSED: [2013-04-26 Fri 23:32]
511 :AUTHOR: Carsten Dominik
513 *** DONE org-customization-survey.org (moved to FIXME)
514 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:41]
516 :AUTHOR: Charles Cave
519 ** DONE ./org-contrib: [33/33]
520 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 02:02]
522 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 02:02]
525 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:18]
527 :AUTHOR: Thorsten Jolitz, Andrew Young, Aurelian Aptel
530 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:47]
531 *** DONE ob-table-operations.org
532 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:47]
533 *** DONE org-annotation-helper.org
534 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:48]
536 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:49]
537 *** DONE org-checklist.org
538 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:49]
539 *** DONE org-choose.org
540 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:49]
541 *** DONE org-collector-example.org
542 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:51]
543 *** DONE org-collector.org
544 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:50]
545 *** DONE org-depend.org
546 *** DONE org-drill.org
547 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:52]
548 *** DONE org-eval-light.org
549 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:52]
550 *** DONE org-exp-blocks.org
551 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:53]
552 *** DONE org-export-generic.org
553 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:53]
554 *** DONE org-export-template.org
555 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:54]
556 *** DONE org-favtable.org
557 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:55]
558 *** DONE org-feed.org
559 *** DONE org-git-link.org
560 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:57]
561 *** DONE org-mac-iCal.org
562 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:57]
563 *** DONE org-mac-link-grabber.org
564 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:57]
565 *** DONE org-mac-maillink.org
566 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:58]
567 *** DONE org-mac-message.org
568 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:59]
569 *** DONE org-mime.org
570 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:59]
571 *** DONE org-protocol.org
572 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:01]
573 *** DONE org-special-blocks.org
574 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:01]
575 *** DONE org-track.org
576 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:02]
577 *** DONE org-velocity.org
578 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:03]
579 *** DONE org-wikinodes.org
580 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:03]
582 *** DONE ./org-contrib/babel: [14/14]
583 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 02:02]
585 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 02:01]
586 **** DONE header-args.org
587 CLOSED: [2013-04-24 Mi 13:20]
589 :AUTHOR: Thorsten Jolitz
593 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:21]
595 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:22]
597 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 02:01]
598 **** DONE languages.org
599 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:24]
600 **** DONE library-of-babel.org
601 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:25]
602 **** DONE ob-template.el
603 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:25]
604 **** DONE org-babel.org
605 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:26]
607 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:27]
609 **** DONE ./org-contrib/babel/examples: [16/16]
610 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:38]
611 ***** DONE Rpackage.org
612 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:36]
614 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:29]
615 ***** DONE auxiliary-files
616 ***** DONE data-collection-analysis.org
617 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:29]
619 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:32]
620 ***** DONE finances.org
621 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:32]
622 ***** DONE fontify-src-code-blocks.org
623 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:32]
625 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:33]
626 ***** DONE foo.org.html
628 ***** DONE latex-form.org
629 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:34]
630 ***** DONE lob-table-operations.org
631 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:34]
632 ***** DONE org-babel-gnuplot.org
633 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:35]
634 ***** DONE org-check.org
635 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:35]
636 ***** DONE short-report.org
637 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:37]
639 ***** DONE ./org-contrib/babel/examples/auxiliary-files: [1/1]
640 ****** DONE o18-data.zip
642 **** DONE ./org-contrib/babel/images: [9/9]
643 ***** DONE fontified-src-code-blocks.png
644 ***** DONE gnuplot-basic-function.png
645 ***** DONE gnuplot-basic-plot.png
646 ***** DONE gnuplot-broken-axis.png
647 ***** DONE gnuplot-diff-scales.png
648 ***** DONE gnuplot-multi-axes.png
649 ***** DONE gnuplot-named-xtics.png
650 ***** DONE gnuplot-uneven-named-xtics.png
651 ***** DONE org-article-text-blocks.png
653 **** DONE ./org-contrib/babel/languages: [29/29]
654 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 02:01]
656 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 02:01]
658 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:38]
659 ***** DONE ob-doc-C.org
660 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:39]
661 ***** DONE ob-doc-LaTeX.org
662 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:47]
663 ***** DONE ob-doc-R.org
664 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:58]
665 ***** DONE ob-doc-asymptote.org
666 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:40]
667 ***** DONE ob-doc-awk.org
668 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:41]
669 ***** DONE ob-doc-clojure.org
670 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:42]
671 ***** DONE ob-doc-css.org
672 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:42]
673 ***** DONE ob-doc-ditaa.org
674 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:43]
675 ***** DONE ob-doc-dot.org
676 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:44]
677 ***** DONE ob-doc-eukleides.org
678 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:45]
679 ***** DONE ob-doc-gnuplot.org
680 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:46]
681 ***** DONE ob-doc-ledger.org
682 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:48]
683 ***** DONE ob-doc-lilypond.org
684 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:49]
685 ***** DONE ob-doc-lisp.org
686 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:50]
687 ***** DONE ob-doc-makefile.org
688 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:51]
689 ***** DONE ob-doc-mathomatic.org
690 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:52]
691 ***** DONE ob-doc-maxima.org
692 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:54]
693 ***** DONE ob-doc-mscgen.org
694 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:54]
695 ***** DONE ob-doc-octave-matlab.org
696 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:54]
697 ***** DONE ob-doc-oz.org
698 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 01:55]
699 ***** DONE ob-doc-picolisp.org
700 CLOSED: [2013-04-24 Mi 13:20]
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715 ****** DONE RBabelExample.org
716 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 02:00]
717 ****** DONE RBabelExample.pdf
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720 ****** DONE asy-tile.png
721 ****** DONE asymptote.png
722 ****** DONE hello-world-round.png
723 ****** DONE hello-world.png
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725 ****** DONE maxima-3d.png
726 ****** DONE python-matplot-fig.png
727 ****** DONE slime-small.png
728 ****** DONE test-dot.png
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732 **** DONE Delescluse2011.bib
733 **** DONE Dominik2010.bib
734 **** DONE Schulte_Davison_2011.bib
735 **** DONE Schulte_et_al_2012.bib
736 **** DONE Voit2013.bib
737 **** DONE Voit_Dye_2012.bib
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754 **** DONE orgmode-gsoc2012-ideas.org
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757 :AUTHOR: Thorsten Jolitz
759 **** DONE orgmode-gsoc2012-mentor.org
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767 :AUTHOR: Thorsten Jolitz
769 **** DONE student-projects
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772 **** DONE ./org-contrib/gsoc2012/student-projects: [4/4]
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774 ***** DONE git-merge-tool
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781 ****** DONE development.org
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785 ****** DONE index.org
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793 ****** DONE prototype.org
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796 ***** DONE ./org-contrib/gsoc2012/student-projects/org-sync: [5/5]
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798 ****** DONE backends.org
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802 ****** DONE index.org
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810 ******* DONE first-sync.png
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844 ** TODO ./org-tutorials: [44/46]
846 *** TODO ./org-tutorials/org-R: [10/12]
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849 **** DONE density.png
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854 **** DONE org-variables-counts.org
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857 **** DONE org-variables-incidence.org
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861 **** TODO variable-popcon-restricted.org
862 **** TODO variable-popcon.org
864 **** DONE ./org-tutorials/org-R/data: [4/4]
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871 ****** DONE ./org-tutorials/org-R/data/2c/e0fc04-b308-4b8d-8acc-805a9e5fed7d: [6/6]
872 ******* DONE org-R-output-16365QHx.png
873 ******* DONE org-R-output-18038ZGt.png
874 ******* DONE org-R-output-18038_xg.png
875 ******* DONE org-R-output-652oJT.png
876 ******* DONE org-R-output-8119YGC.png
877 ******* DONE org-R-output-8119Zys.png
879 ***** DONE ./org-tutorials/org-R/data/45: [2/2]
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884 ******* DONE org-R-output-652pRO.png
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886 ******* DONE org-R-output-8119M2O.png
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892 *** DONE advanced-searching.org
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894 *** DONE agenda-filters.org
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896 *** DONE encrypting-files.org
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898 *** DONE images-and-xhtml-export.org
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902 *** DONE multitarget-tables.org
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906 *** DONE org-appearance.org
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908 *** DONE org-column-screencast.org
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910 *** DONE org-column-view-tutorial.org
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912 *** DONE org-custom-agenda-commands.org
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914 *** DONE org-customize.org
915 *** DONE org-e-man-documentation.org
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925 *** DONE org-latex-export.org
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927 *** DONE org-lookups.org
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929 *** DONE org-meeting-tasks.org
930 *** DONE org-outside-org.org
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933 :AUTHOR: Thorsten Jolitz
935 *** DONE org-plot.org
936 CLOSED: [2013-04-27 Sat 00:02]
937 *** DONE org-protocol-custom-handler.org
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939 *** DONE org-publish-html-tutorial.org
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941 *** DONE org-publish-layersmenu.org
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943 *** DONE org-reference-guide-es.org
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945 *** DONE org-ruby.org
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947 *** DONE org-spreadsheet-intro.org
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949 *** DONE org-spreadsheet-lisp-formulas.org
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951 *** DONE org-tableur-tutoriel.org
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953 *** DONE org-taskjuggler-scr.org
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955 *** DONE org-taskjuggler.org
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959 *** DONE org4beginners.org
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961 *** DONE orgtutorial_dto-es.org
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969 *** DONE theme-test.org
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971 *** DONE tracking-habits.org
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974 *** DONE ./org-tutorials/org-beamer: [4/4]
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978 **** DONE org-e-beamer.org
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980 **** DONE presentation.org
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982 **** DONE tutorial.org
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987 **** DONE ghm2011-demo.org
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993 **** DONE org-series-episode-1.org
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996 ** DONE ./orgguide: [10/10]
998 *** DONE doclicense.texi
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