scan of worm works now
[woropt.git] / raytrace / raytrace.lisp
1 (in-package :raytrace)
3 (declaim (optimize (speed 2) (safety 3) (debug 3)))
5 (define-condition one-solution () ())
6 (define-condition no-solution () ())
8 (defun quadratic-roots (a b c)
9 (declare (double-float a b c)
10 (values double-float double-float &optional))
11 "Find the two roots of ax^2+bx+c=0 and return them as multiple
12 values."
13 ;; see numerical recipes sec 5.6, p. 251 on how to avoid roundoff
14 ;; error
15 (let ((det2 (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))))
16 (unless (<= 0d0 det2)
17 (error 'no-solution))
18 (let* ((pdet2 det2)
19 (q (* .5d0 (+ b (* (signum b) (sqrt pdet2)))))
20 (aa (abs a))
21 (aq (abs q)))
22 (declare ((double-float 0d0) pdet2))
23 (cond ((and (< aq 1d-12) (< aa 1d-12)) (error 'no-solution))
24 ((or (< aq 1d-12) (< aa 1d-12)) (error 'one-solution))
25 (t (values (/ q a) (/ c q)))))))
27 #+nil ;; two solution
28 (quadratic-roots 1d0 2d0 -3d0)
29 #+nil ;; one solution
30 (quadratic-roots 0d0 1d0 0d0)
31 #+nil ;; no solution
32 (quadratic-roots 0d0 -0d0 1d0)
34 (defclass sphere ()
35 ((center :accessor center :initarg :center :initform (v) :type vec)
36 (radius :accessor radius :initarg :radius :initform 1d0 :type double-float)))
39 (defmethod print-object ((sphere sphere) stream)
40 (with-slots (center radius) sphere
41 (format stream "#<sphere radius: ~4f center: <~4f ~4f ~4f>>"
42 radius (vec-x center) (vec-y center) (vec-z center))))
44 (defmethod ray-sphere-intersection-length ((ray ray) center radius)
45 (declare (vec center)
46 (double-float radius)
47 (values double-float &optional))
48 ;; (c-x)^2=r^2 defines the sphere, substitute x with the rays p+alpha a,
49 ;; the raydirection should have length 1, solve the quadratic equation,
50 ;; the distance between the two solutions is the distance that the ray
51 ;; travelled through the sphere
52 (check-direction-norm ray)
53 (with-slots ((start vector::start) (direction vector::direction)) ray
54 (let* ((l (v- center start))
55 (c (- (v. l l) (* radius radius)))
56 (b (* -2d0 (v. l direction))))
57 (handler-case
58 (multiple-value-bind (x1 x2)
59 (quadratic-roots 1d0 b c)
60 (abs (- x1 x2)))
61 (one-solution () 0d0)
62 (no-solution () 0d0)))))
64 #+nil
65 (ray-sphere-intersection-length (v 0d0 .1d0 -12d0) (v 0d0 0d0 1d0) (v) 3d0)
67 (defmethod ray-spheres-intersection ((ray ray) (model sphere-algebraic-model)
68 illuminated-sphere-index)
69 (declare (fixnum illuminated-sphere-index)
70 (values double-float &optional))
71 (with-slots (centers-mm radii-mm) model
72 (let ((sum 0d0))
73 (loop for c in centers-mm and r in radii-mm and i from 0 do
74 (unless (eq i illuminated-sphere-index)
75 (incf sum (ray-sphere-intersection-length ray c r))))
76 sum)))