1 function plot_paths2d(path_struct)
2 %plots paths in 2d setting
3 % input: path_struct - structure with graph, paths, red, etc...
4 % path_struct = graph_dets(w,cull)
7 % draw filled contour of fuels
8 fuel_map = r.nfuel_cat;
9 %fuel_map = simp_fuels(fuel_map);
10 figure,contourf(r.fxlong,r.fxlat,fuel_map,'LineWidth',0.5);
14 paths = path_struct.paths;
15 pts = path_struct.points;
17 for i = 1:length(paths)
19 plot(pts(p,2),pts(p,1),'r','LineWidth',2);
23 %plot elevation data and paths
25 % draw filled contour of fuels
27 %fuel_map = simp_fuels(fuel_map);
28 figure,contour(r.fxlong,r.fxlat,elev,'k','LineWidth',0.5,'ShowText','on');
31 paths = path_struct.paths;
32 pts = path_struct.points;
34 for i = 1:length(paths)
36 plot(pts(p,2),pts(p,1),'r','LineWidth',2);
40 %plot paths with gradient of surface
42 r.tign = imgaussfilt(r.tign,1/2)
43 [dx,dy]= fire_gradients(r.fxlong,r.fxlat,r.tign,1);
45 figure,contour(r.fxlong,r.fxlat,r.tign)
47 quiver(r.fxlong,r.fxlat,dy,dx)
48 for i = 1:length(paths)
50 plot(pts(p,2),pts(p,1),'r','LineWidth',1);