print dims
[wrf-fire-matlab.git] / femwind / read_fmw_wrfout.m
1 function [X,u0]=read_fmw_wrfout(path,timestep)
3 % if timestep not exist, last timestep
4 if ~exist('timestep','var'),
5     timestep=size(nc2struct(path,{'Times'},{}).times,2);
6 end
7 % reading wrfout variables
8 % p=nc2struct(path,{'U0_FMW','V0_FMW','W0_FMW','HT_FMW','ZSF'},{'DX','DY'},timestep);
9 p=nc2struct(path,{'U0_FMW','V0_FMW','W0_FMW','HT_FMW','ZSF','U_FMW','W_FMW','V_FMW','UF','VF'},{'DX','DY'},timestep);
10 % looking at sizes
11 [nx,ny,nz]=size(p.u0_fmw);
12 % height profile from the ground
13 htt_fmw=zeros(nz+1,1);
14 for z=1:nz
15     htt_fmw(z+1)=2*p.ht_fmw(z)-htt_fmw(z);
16 end
17 % compute elevation at corners from midpoints
18 zsf=midpoints2corners(p.zsf);
19 % creating grid 
20 [Cx,Cy,Cz]=ndgrid(p.dx*[0:nx],p.dy*[0:ny],htt_fmw);
21 % adding ZSF
22 for z=1:nz+1
23     Cz(:,:,z)=Cz(:,:,z)+zsf;
24 end
25 % generate and check mesh
26 X={Cx,Cy,Cz};
27 check_mesh(X);
28 % compute initial wind at the corners from midpoints
29 %Xu0=midpoints2corners(p.u0_fmw);
30 %Yu0=midpoints2corners(p.v0_fmw);
31 %Zu0=midpoints2corners(p.w0_fmw);
32 % generate initial wind at corners of the cells
33 %u0={Xu0,Yu0,Zu0};
34 u0={p.u0_fmw,p.v0_fmw,p.w0_fmw};
36 end