1 function p=run_plot_wind_at_h(wrfout,timestep,heights,levels,alpha,wscale,hscale)
2 % p=run_plot_wind_at_h(wrfout,levels,ilayers,alpha)
6 % timestep number of time step to extract out of the wrfout file
7 % heights array of heights (m) above the terrain
8 % levels indices of discretization levels
9 % alpha transparency, between 0 and 1
10 % wscale max wind speed for color scale (m/s)
11 % hscale max height for z-axis scale (m)
14 % p structure with the arrays displayed, and more
18 % run_plot_wind_at_h('wrfout_d01_2006-02-23_12:43:00',35,6.1,[],1.0,10.0,10)
19 % run_plot_wind_at_h('wrfout_d01_2006-02-23_12:43:00',35,[6.1],[1:4],0.5,10.0,10)
20 % for i=1:35,run_plot_wind_at_h('wrfout_d01_2006-02-23_12:43:00',i,[1,6.1],[],1,10.0,10),end
21 % for i=1:60,run_plot_wind_at_h('wrfout_d01_0001-01-01_00:00:00',i,[1,6.1],[],1,10.0,210),end
24 % wrfout='fireflux_small/wrfout_d01_2006-02-23_12:43:00';
25 %levels=[0.5,2,6,46, 100, 250]; % in m, what gets computed
26 %ilevels=[]; % indices, which levels from above get displayed
28 %ilayers=[]; % indices of mesh layers to display
31 p=wrfatm2struct(wrfout,timestep)
32 p=wind_uv_at_h(p,heights);
33 plot_wind_at_h(p,1:length(heights),levels,alpha,1,wscale,hscale)