[wrf-fire-matlab.git] / quicwind / mass_cons_flux_test.m
1 function err = mass_cons_flux_test
2 disp('mass_cons_flux_test - testing mass consistent flux approximation with terrain')
4 %% Settings
5 % options:
6 %   'constant' : constant wind to x direction, 
7 %   'log' : vertical log profile,
8 init_wind = 'log'; 
9 terrain_following = true; % still under developmentssss
10 u0 = 1; % initial wind magnitude
11 h0 = .5; % roughness high: only for log profile cases ('log' or 'terrain')
12 mesh_len=[20,20,20];
13 mesh_disp=[20,20,20];
14 h=ones(1,3);
15 X = regular_mesh(mesh_len,h,1.2);
16 X = add_terrain_to_mesh(X,'hill','squash',0.05);
17 x = X{1};
18 y = X{2};
19 z = X{3};
20 [nx,ny,nz] = size(X{1});
22 %% Initial wind
23 % declare initial wind
24 U0 = grad3z(ones(size(x)-1),mesh_len);
25 switch init_wind
26     case 'constant'
27         U0{1} = u0*ones(size(U0{1}));
28         U0{2} = 0*ones(size(U0{2}));
29         U0{3} = 0*ones(size(U0{3}));
30     case 'log'   
31         hz = z-z(:,:,1);
32         h_at_u = (hz(:,1:end-1,1:end-1)+hz(:,2:end,1:end-1)+hz(:,1:end-1,2:end)+hz(:,2:end,2:end))/4;
33         mlogh = log(max(h_at_u(:)));
34         U0{1} = u0*log(max(h_at_u/h0,1))/mlogh;
35         U0{2} = 0*ones(size(U0{2}));
36         U0{3} = 0*ones(size(U0{3}));
37     otherwise
38         error('mass_cons_flux_test: unknown init_wind')
39 end
40 plot_wind_above_terrain(U0,X,mesh_disp)
41 if terrain_following
42     U0 = terrain_correction(U0,X);
43     plot_wind_above_terrain(U0,X,mesh_disp)
44 end
46 %% Direct solve
47 [U,Lambda_d] = mass_cons_flux(U0,X,'direct','check'); 
48 plot_wind_above_terrain(U,X,mesh_disp)
50 %% PCG solve
51 [V,Lambda_pcg,err] = mass_cons_flux(U0,X,'pcg','check');
52 plot_wind_above_terrain(V,X,mesh_disp)
54 %% Test results
55 direct_vs_pcg = big(cell2vec(U)-cell2vec(V))
56 lambda_diff = big(Lambda_d-Lambda_pcg)
58 end