1 function relres=multigrid_3d_test
3 nc=[4,3,3]; % the coarsest grid points
4 a=[1,3,2]; % domain size
5 % solve Dirichlet problem with vertex nodes
6 % homogeneous boundary conditions
7 % mesh is 0:n1+1 times 0:n2+1 but the boundary is not stored
9 % 0 1 ... n1 n1+1 level l+1
10 % 0 1 2 ... 2*n1 2*n1+1 2*(n1+1) level l
13 n{l} = (nc+1)*2^(N-l)-1; % mesh points
14 h{l}=[a./(n{l}+1)]; % mesh step
15 A{l}=@(x)flat(@mlap3z,x,n{l},h{l}); % matrix vector multiply
16 M{l}=@(x)x; % identity preconditioner
18 P{l}=@(x)flat(@prolongation_3d,x,n{l+1});
19 R{l}=@(x)flat(@restriction_3d,x,n{l});
21 fprintf('level %i size %i %i %i\n',l,n{l})
27 p.tol=1e-9; % relative residual tolerance
28 p.maxit=7; % maximum number of multigrid iterations
29 p.tolsm1=p.tol; % tolerance in pre-smoothing,
30 p.tolsm2=p.tol; % tolerance in pre-smoothing
31 p.tolcr=p.tol; % tolerance for coarse solver
32 p.maxsm1=7; % max pre-smoothing iterations
33 p.maxsm2=7; % max post-smoothing iterations
34 p.maxcr=20; % max coarse solve iterations
35 p.ncoarse=1; % number of coarse solves 1=V-cycle, 2=W-cycle
37 [x,relres]=multigrid(A,f(:),[],M,P,R,p);