1 function [c,wrf,sfire,write,cores] = collect_timings(test_path)
2 %collects timings for all wrf runs in a path
4 % test_path - string with path to directory whose subdirectories are
7 % c - struct, data structure with timings etc...
8 r = dir([test_path,'/cyc_i1*']);
11 wrf_path = [r(i).folder,'/',r(i).name];
12 c(i).name = r(i).name;
13 c(i).folder = r(i).folder;
14 [c(i).wrf,c(i).sfire,c(i).write] = wrf_timing(wrf_path);
16 sfire(i) = c(i).sfire;
17 write(i) = c(i).write;
18 cores(i) = 36;%str2num(c(i).name(end-2:end));
22 figure,plot(cores,wrf);
23 title('Timings for wrf');
24 xlabel('Cores');ylabel('Time [s]');
25 figure,plot(cores,sfire);
26 title('Timings for sfire');
27 xlabel('Cores');ylabel('Time [s]');
29 save('timings.mat','c','wrf','sfire','write','cores');