fixing prereqs
[wrf-fire-matlab.git] / perimeter_new / read_file_perimeter_jm.m
1 function [fxlong,fxlat,fire_perimeter,timestep_end]=read_file_perimeter(wrfout,wrfout_fire,time,input_type,input_file)
2 % Volodymyr Kondratenko           April 3 2012
4 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
6 % Input: wrfout : String with the name of the wrfout file,  
7 %                  It is needed for reading the latitude and longtitude
8 %                  coordinates of the mesh and also UNIT_FXLONG and
9 %                  UNIT_FXLAT variables
10 %        time    : time step index in the wrfout (last index)
11 %                  example FXLAT(:,:,time)  
12 % Output: 
13 %        p      structure with various fiels
14 %        long = FXLONG, longtitude coordinates of the mesh converted to (m)
15 %        lat = FXLAT, latitude coordinates of the mesh converted to (m)
16 %        fire_area = fire map,[0,1] array, where 0- not
17 %                  burning area, >0 burning area, 1 - area that was burnt
18 %                  If input_type=1, then fire_area - set of ordered points 
19 %                  of the boundary 1st=last;
20 %                  bound(i,1)-horisontal; bound(i,1)-vertical coordinate
22 datafile=sprintf('data_%s_%i_%i',wrfout,time,input_type);
23 global saved_data  % 0 = read from original files and store in matlab files, 1=read saved data 
24 disp(['read_file_perimeter time=',num2str(time),' input_type=',num2str(input_type)]);
26 if (input_type==0)
27     error('not supported')
28     if saved_data
29         w=load(datafile);
30         p=w.p; q=w.q;
31     else
32         p=nc2struct(wrfout,{'UNIT_FXLONG','UNIT_FXLAT','FXLONG','FXLAT','Times','ITIMESTEP'},{'DT'},time);
33         q=nc2struct(wrfout_fire,{'FIRE_AREA'},{},time);    
34         save(datafile,'p','q')
35     end
36     fire_area=q.fire_area;
37     fxlong=p.fxlong*p.unit_fxlong;
38     fxlat=p.fxlat*p.unit_fxlat;
39 elseif (input_type==1) 
40     error('not supported')
41     if saved_data
42         w=load(datafile);
43         p=w.p; 
44     else
45         p=nc2struct(wrfout,{'UNIT_FXLONG','UNIT_FXLAT','FXLONG','FXLAT'},{},time);
46         save(datafile,'p')
47     end
48     fxlong=p.fxlong*p.unit_fxlong;
49     fxlat=p.fxlat*p.unit_fxlat;
50     fire_area=read_perim_from_file(input_file,fxlong,fxlat,p.unit_fxlong,p.unit_fxlat);
52 % Test
53     fid = fopen('output_fire_area.txt', 'w');
54     dlmwrite('output_fire_area.txt', fire_area, 'delimiter', '\t','precision', '%.4f');
55     fclose(fid);
56 elseif (input_type==2)
57     if saved_data
58         disp(['loading from ',datafile])
59         w=load(datafile);
60         p=w.p; 
61     else
62         p=nc2struct(wrfout,{'UNIT_FXLONG','UNIT_FXLAT','FXLONG','FXLAT','ITIMESTEP'},{'DT','DX','DY'},time);
63         disp(['storing to ',datafile])
64         save(datafile,'p')
65     end
66     disp(['reading fire_perimeter_big from ',input_file,' frame ',num2str(time)])
67     fire_perimeter_big=dlmread(input_file);
68     fxlong=p.fxlong*p.unit_fxlong;
69     fxlat=p.fxlat*p.unit_fxlat;
70     fire_area=zeros(size(fire_perimeter_big(:,1:2)));
71     fire_perimeter(:,1)=fire_perimeter_big(:,1)*p.unit_fxlong;
72     fire_perimeter(:,2)=fire_perimeter_big(:,2)*p.unit_fxlat;
73     timestep_end=p.itimestep*p.dt;
74     %fire_area=fire_area_big(:,1:2);
75 end
77 end
80 % Input                 data : String - data, that contains the name of the Text file.
81 %                  First 2 columns - coordinates of all the
82 %                  points on the boundary (lon,lat). 
83 %                  1rt row - time_now (second number is not needed, is set to 0);
84 %                  2nd row - size of the mesh;
85 %                  3rd row - coordinates of ignition point;
86 %                  All next rows - coordinates of all the
87 %                  points on the boundary (lon,lat). %   
88 % Output           bound - set of ordered points of the boundary 1st=last 
89 %                  bound(i,1)-horisontal; bound(i,1)-vertical coordinate
92 function IN=read_perim_from_file(data,long,lat,unit_long,unit_lat)
93 fid = fopen(data);
94 bound = fscanf(fid,'%9g %*1s %8g %*3s',[2 inf]);
95 % bound - set of ordered points of the boundary 1st=last 
96 %         bound(i,1)-horisontal; bound(i,1)-vertical coordinate
98 bound = bound';
99 fclose(fid);
101 bound(:,1)=bound(:,1)*unit_long;
102 bound(:,2)=bound(:,2)*unit_lat;
104 xv=bound(:,1);
105 yv=bound(:,2);
106 xv=xv*100000;
107 yv=yv*100000;
108 lat1=lat*100000;
109 long1=long*100000;
110 [IN,ON] = inpolygon(long1,lat1,xv,yv);
112 max(max(IN(:,:)))