1 function result=perimeter(long,lat,uf,vf,dzdxf,dzdyf,time_now,bound)
3 % Volodymyr Kondratenko December 8 2012
5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
7 % The function creates the initial matrix of times of ignitions
8 % given the perimeter and time of ignition at the points of the perimeter and
9 % is using wind and terrain gradient in its calculations
10 % Input: We get it after reading the data using function read_file_perimeter.m
12 % long FXLONG*UNIT_FXLONG, longtitude coordinates of the mesh converted into meters
13 % lat FXLAT*UNIT_FXLAT, latitude coordinates of the mesh converted into meters
14 % uf,vf horizontal wind velocity vectors of the points of the mesh
15 % dzdxf,dzdyf terrain gradient of the points of the mesh
16 % time_now time of ignition on the fireline (fire perimeter)
17 % bound set of ordered points of the fire perimeter 1st=last
18 % bound(i,1)-horisontal; bound(i,1)-vertical coordinate
20 % Output: Matrix of time of ignition
24 %addpath('../../other/Matlab/util1_jan');
25 %addpath('../../other/Matlab/netcdf');
27 fuels % This function is needed to create fuel variable, that contains all the characteristics
28 % types of fuel, this function lies in the same folder where you run the main_function.m
29 % (where is it originally located/can be created?)
37 %tign=zeros(n,m); % "time of ignition matrix" of the nodes
38 %A=zeros(n,m); % flag matrix of the nodes, A(i,j)=1 if the time of ignition of the
39 % point (i,j) was updated at least once
42 % IN - matrix, that shows, whether the point is inside (IN(x,y)>0) the burning region
43 % or outside (IN(x,y)<0)
44 % ON - matrix that, shows whether the point is on the boundary or not
45 % Both matrices evaluated using "polygon", coefficients are multiplied by
46 % 10^6, because the function looses acuracy when it deals with decimals
54 [IN,ON] = inpolygon(long1,lat1,xv,yv);
58 [ichap,bbb,phiwc,betafl,r_0]=fire_ros_new(fuel);
59 delta_tign=delta_tign_calculation(long,lat,vf,uf,dzdxf,dzdyf,ichap,bbb,phiwc,betafl,r_0);
60 % Calculates needed variables for rate of fire spread calculation
62 %%%%%%% First part %%%%%%%
63 % Set everything inside to time_now and update the tign of the points outside
65 % Initializing flag matrix A and time of ignition (tign)
66 % Extending the boundaries, in order to speed up the algorythm
69 % A contains coordinates of the points that were updated during the last
71 IN_ext=(2)*ones(n+2,m+2);
72 IN_ext(2:n+1,2:m+1)=IN(:,:,1);
77 if sum(sum(IN_ext(i-1:i+1,j-1:j+1)))<9
83 tign=ones(n+2,m+2)*1000*time_now;
84 tign(2:n+1,2:m+1)=IN(:,:,1)*time_now+(1-IN(:,:,1))*1000*time_now; % and their time of ignition is set to time_now
90 % The algorithm stops when the matrix converges (tign_old-tign==0) or if
91 % the amount of iterations
92 % reaches the max(size()) of the mesh
93 for istep=1:max(2*size(tign)),
103 str=sprintf('%f -- How long does it take to run step %i',time_toc,istep-1);
105 % tign_update - updates the time of ignition of the points
107 [tign,A,C]=tign_update(tign,A,IN_ext,delta_tign,time_now,0);
108 % tign_update - updates the time of ignition of the points
110 changed=sum(tign(:)~=tign_last(:));
112 sprintf('%s \n step %i outside tign changed at %i points \n %f -- norm of the difference',str,istep,changed,norm(tign-tign_last))
118 'did not find fixed point'
121 %%%%%%% Second part %%%%%%%
123 % Set all the points outside to time_now and update the points inside
125 % Initializing flag matrix A and time of ignition (tign)
126 % Extending the boundaries, in order to speed up the algorythm
132 if sum(sum(IN_ext(i-1:i+1,j-1:j+1)))>0
139 tign_in=zeros(n+2,m+2);
140 tign_in(2:n+1,2:m+1)=(1-IN(:,:,1)).*tign(2:n+1,2:m+1);
143 % The algorithm stops when the matrix converges (tign_old-tign==0) or if the amount of iterations
144 % % reaches the max(size()) of the mesh
145 for istep=1:max(size(tign)),
147 % The matrix of tign converged
154 str= sprintf('%f -- How long does it take to run step %i',time_toc,istep-1);
157 % tign_update - updates the tign of the points
158 [tign_in,A,C]=tign_update(tign_in,A,IN_ext,delta_tign,time_now,1);
159 % hwen it is outside the last parameter is 0, inside 1
160 changed=sum(tign_in(:)~=tign_last(:));
162 sprintf('%s \n step %i inside tign changed at %i points \n %f -- norm of the difference',str,istep,changed,norm(tign_in-tign_last))
165 final_tign=zeros(n+2,m+2);
166 final_tign(2:n+1,2:m+1)=(IN(:,:,1)>0).*tign_in(2:n+1,2:m+1)+(IN(:,:,1)==0).*tign(2:n+1,2:m+1);
167 result=final_tign(2:n+1,2:m+1);
169 fid = fopen('output_tign.txt', 'w');
170 dlmwrite('output_tign.txt', result, 'delimiter', '\t','precision', '%.4f');
174 'did not find fixed point inside'
178 function [tign,A,C]=tign_update(tign,A,IN,delta_tign,time_now,where)
180 % Does one iteration of the algorythm and updates the tign of the points of
181 % the mesh that are next to the previously updated neighbors
183 C=zeros(size(tign,1),size(tign,2));
187 if where*IN(A(i,1)+dx,A(i,2)+dy)==1
188 tign_new=tign(A(i,1),A(i,2))-0.5*(delta_tign(A(i,1)+dx,A(i,2)+dy,dx+2,dy+2)+delta_tign(A(i,1),A(i,2),2-dx,2-dy));
189 if (tign(A(i,1)+dx,A(i,2)+dy)<tign_new)&&(tign_new<=time_now)
190 % Looking for the max tign, which
191 % should be <= than time_now, since the
192 % point is inside of the preimeter
193 % if (B(end,1)~=A(i,1)+dx)||(B(end,2)~=A(i,2)+dy)
194 % B=[B;[A(i,1)+dx,A(i,2)+dy]];
195 tign(A(i,1)+dx,A(i,2)+dy)=tign_new;
196 C(A(i,1)+dx,A(i,2)+dy)=1;
200 elseif (1-where)*(1-IN(A(i,1)+dx,A(i,2)+dy))==1
201 tign_new=tign(A(i,1),A(i,2))+0.5*(delta_tign(A(i,1)+dx,A(i,2)+dy,dx+2,dy+2)+delta_tign(A(i,1),A(i,2),2-dx,2-dy));
203 if (A(i,1)+dx==2)&&(A(i,2)+dy==2)
204 display('**********************************************************')
205 display('i=1,j=1, (2,2) in extended array')
206 display('we calculate it from the point')
209 display('tign_new that was calculated')
211 display('tign(A(i,1),A(i,2))')
213 display('delta_tign(A(i,1)+dx,A(i,2)+dy,dx+2,dy+2) ')
214 delta_tign(A(i,1)+dx,A(i,2)+dy,dx+2,dy+2)
215 display('delta_tign(A(i,1),A(i,2),2-dx,2-dy)')
216 delta_tign(A(i,1),A(i,2),2-dx,2-dy)
217 display('tign(A(i,1)+dx,A(i,2)+dy')
218 tign(A(i,1)+dx,A(i,2)+dy)
222 display('check (tign(A(i,1)+dx,A(i,2)+dy)>tign_new)&&(tign_new>=time_now)')
223 (tign(A(i,1)+dx,A(i,2)+dy)>tign_new)&&(tign_new>=time_now)
226 if (tign(A(i,1)+dx,A(i,2)+dy)>tign_new)&&(tign_new>=time_now);
227 % Looking for the min tign, which
228 % should be >= than time_now, since the
229 % point is outside of the preimeter
230 % if (B(end,1)~=A(i,1)+dx+1)||(B(end,2)~=A(i,2)+dy)
231 % B=[B;[A(i,1)+dx,A(i,2)+dy]];
232 tign(A(i,1)+dx,A(i,2)+dy)=tign_new;
233 C(A(i,1)+dx,A(i,2)+dy)=1;
241 [A(:,1),A(:,2)]=find(C>0);
244 function [ichap,bbb,phiwc,betafl,r_0]=fire_ros_new(fuel,fmc_g)
245 % ros=fire_ros(fuel,speed,tanphi)
246 % ros=fire_ros(fuel,speed,tanphi,fmc_g)
248 % fuel fuel description structure
251 % fmc_g optional, overrides fuelmc_g from the fuel description
257 windrf=fuel.windrf; % WIND REDUCTION FACTOR
258 fgi=fuel.fgi; % INITIAL TOTAL MASS OF SURFACE FUEL (KG/M**2)
259 fueldepthm=fuel.fueldepthm; % FUEL DEPTH (M)
261 fuelmce=fuel.fuelmce; % MOISTURE CONTENT OF EXTINCTION
262 fueldens=fuel.fueldens; % OVENDRY PARTICLE DENSITY, LB/FT^3
266 fci_d=fuel.fci_d; % INITIAL DRY MASS OF CANOPY FUEL
268 ichap=fuel.ichap; % 1 if chaparral, 0 if not
270 fcbr=fuel.fcbr; % FUEL CANOPY BURN RATE (KG/M**2/S)
272 cmbcnst=fuel.cmbcnst; % JOULES PER KG OF DRY FUEL
273 fuelheat=fuel.fuelheat; % FUEL PARTICLE LOW HEAT CONTENT, BTU/LB
274 fuelmc_g=fuel.fuelmc_g; % FUEL PARTICLE (SURFACE) MOISTURE CONTENT, jm: 1 by weight?
275 fuelmc_c=fuel.fuelmc_c; % FUEL PARTICLE (CANOPY) MOISTURE CONTENT, 1
277 if exist('fmc_g','var') % override moisture content by given
281 % computations from CAWFE code: wf2_janice/fire_startup.m4
283 bmst = fuelmc_g/(1+fuelmc_g); % jm: 1
284 fuelheat = cmbcnst * 4.30e-04; % convert J/kg to BTU/lb
285 fci = (1.+fuelmc_c)*fci_d;
286 fuelloadm= (1.-bmst) * fgi; % fuelload without moisture
287 % jm: 1.-bmst = 1/(1+fuelmc_g) so fgi includes moisture?
288 fuelload = fuelloadm * (.3048)^2 * 2.205; % to lb/ft^2
289 fueldepth= fueldepthm/0.3048; % to ft
290 betafl = fuelload/(fueldepth * fueldens);% packing ratio jm: lb/ft^2/(ft * lb*ft^3) = 1
291 betaop = 3.348 * savr^(-0.8189); % optimum packing ratio jm: units??
292 qig = 250. + 1116.*fuelmc_g; % heat of preignition, btu/lb
293 epsilon = exp(-138./savr ); % effective heating number
294 rhob = fuelload/fueldepth; % ovendry bulk density, lb/ft^3
295 c = 7.47 * exp(-0.133 * savr^0.55); % const in wind coef
296 bbb = 0.02526 * savr^0.54; % const in wind coef
297 c = c * windrf^bbb; % jm: wind reduction from 20ft per Baughman&Albini(1980)
298 e = 0.715 * exp( -3.59e-4 * savr); % const in wind coef
299 phiwc = c * (betafl/betaop)^(-e);
301 gammax = rtemp2/(495. + 0.0594*rtemp2); % maximum rxn vel, 1/min
302 a = 1./(4.774 * savr^0.1 - 7.27); % coef for optimum rxn vel
303 ratio = betafl/betaop;
304 gamma = gammax*(ratio^a)*exp(a*(1.-ratio)); % optimum rxn vel, 1/min
305 wn = fuelload/(1 + st); % net fuel loading, lb/ft^2
306 rtemp1 = fuelmc_g/fuelmce;
307 etam = 1.-2.59*rtemp1 +5.11*rtemp1^2 -3.52*rtemp1^3; % moist damp coef
308 etas = 0.174* se^(-0.19); % mineral damping coef
309 ir = gamma * wn * fuelheat * etam * etas; % rxn intensity,btu/ft^2 min
310 irm = ir * 1055./( 0.3048^2 * 60.) * 1.e-6;% for mw/m^2 (set but not used)
311 xifr = exp( (0.792 + 0.681*savr^0.5)...
312 * (betafl+0.1)) /(192. + 0.2595*savr); % propagating flux ratio
313 % ... r_0 is the spread rate for a fire on flat ground with no wind.
314 r_0 = ir*xifr/(rhob * epsilon *qig); % default spread rate in ft/min
316 % computations from CAWFE code: wf2_janice/fire_ros.m4
321 function delta_tign=delta_tign_calculation(long,lat,vf,uf,dzdxf,dzdyf,ichap,bbb,phiwc,betafl,r_0)
322 %Extend the boundaries to speed up the algorithm, the values of the
323 %extended boundaries would be set to zeros and are never used in the
327 delta_tign=zeros(size(long,1)+2,size(long,2)+2,3,3);
328 rate_of_spread=zeros(size(long,1)+2,size(long,2)+2,3,3);
330 long2=zeros(size(long,1)+2,size(long,2)+2);
331 long2(2:size(long,1)+1,2:size(long,2)+1)=long;
334 lat2=zeros(size(lat,1)+2,size(lat,2)+2);
335 lat2(2:size(lat,1)+1,2:size(lat,2)+1)=lat;
338 vf2=zeros(size(vf,1)+2,size(vf,2)+2);
339 vf2(2:size(vf,1)+1,2:size(vf,2)+1)=vf;
342 uf2=zeros(size(uf,1)+2,size(uf,2)+2);
343 uf2(2:size(uf,1)+1,2:size(uf,2)+1)=uf;
346 dzdxf2=zeros(size(dzdxf,1)+2,size(dzdxf,2)+2);
347 dzdxf2(2:size(dzdxf,1)+1,2:size(dzdxf,2)+1)=dzdxf;
350 dzdyf2=zeros(size(dzdyf,1)+2,size(dzdyf,2)+2);
351 dzdyf2(2:size(dzdyf,1)+1,2:size(dzdyf,2)+1)=dzdyf;
354 for i=2:size(long,1)-1
355 for j=2:size(long,2)-1
358 wind=0.5*((long(i,j,1)-long(i+a,j+b,1))*vf(i,j,1)+ ...
359 (lat(i,j,1)-lat(i+a,j+b,1))*uf(i,j,1));
360 angle=0.5*((long(i,j,1)-long(i+a,j+b,1))*dzdxf(i,j,1)+ ...
361 (lat(i,j,1)-lat(i+a,j+b,1))*dzdyf(i,j,1));
363 % ... if wind is 0 or into fireline, phiw = 0, &this reduces to backing ros.
364 spdms = max(wind,0.);
365 umidm = min(spdms,30.); % max input wind spd is 30 m/s !param!
366 umid = umidm * 196.850; % m/s to ft/min
367 % eqn.: phiw = c * umid**bbb * (betafl/betaop)**(-e) ! wind coef
368 phiw = umid^bbb * phiwc; % wind coef
369 phis = 5.275 * betafl^(-0.3) *max(0,angle)^2; % slope factor
370 ros = r_0*(1. + phiw + phis) * .00508; % spread rate, m/s
372 % .... spread rate has no dependency on fuel character, only windspeed.
373 spdms = max(wind,0.);
374 ros = max(.03333,1.2974 * spdms^1.41); % spread rate, m/s
376 rate_of_spread(i,j,a+2,b+2)=min(ros,6);
377 % DEscribe the coefficient below
378 delta_tign(i,j,a+2,b+2)=sqrt((long(i+a,j+b,1)-long(i,j,1))^2+ ...
379 (lat(i+a,j+b,1)-lat(i,j,1))^2)/rate_of_spread(i,j,a+2,b+2);
388 function [tign,A]=point_update(i,j,tign,delta_tign,inside)
392 % loop over all neighbors
393 if (A(i+dx,j+dy)==1) % the neighbor was already updated
394 % All the vectors are split in half-intervals
395 % to get better calculation
396 %%% Make a picture of what is happening %%%
398 tign_new=tign(i+dx,j+dy)-delta_tign(i,j,dx+2,dy+2)-delta_tign(i+dx,j+dy,2-dx,2-dy);
400 if (tign(i,j)<tign_new)&&(tign_new<=time_now);
401 % Looking for the max tign, which
402 % should be <= than time_now, since the
403 % point is inside of the preimeter
412 % function result=print_matrix(tign,fid)
415 % fprintf(fid,'%s\n','j=1740:1744, i=2750:2754');
418 % fprintf(fid,'%g\t',tign(ii,1740:1744));
421 % fprintf(fid,'%s\n','i=100');
424 % fprintf(fid,'%g\t',tign(ii,98:102));
427 % fprintf(fid,'%s\n','i=1000');
430 % fprintf(fid,'%g\t',tign(ii,998:1002));
436 % for i=2:size(tign,1)-1
437 % for j=2:size(tign,2)-1
438 % % sum_A is needed to know what is the amount of points that surrounds (i,j)
439 % sum_A=sum(sum(A(i-1:i+1,j-1:j+1)));
443 % % sum_A>0 then at least on eneighbor was previously updated and its
444 % % tign can be used to update the tign of the point (i,j)
446 % % I subtract 1 in all IN, long, lat, uf, vf, dzdxf, dzdyf
447 % % matrices, because their boundaries were not updated, unlike
448 % %%% tign (do the loop 1:n, 1:m and change the indexes in tign) %%%
453 % % loop over all neighbors
454 % if (A(i+dx,j+dy)==1) % the neighbor was already updated
455 % % All the vectors are split in half-intervals
456 % % to get better calculation
457 % %%% Make a picture of what is happening %%%
458 % % I do multiplication by 0.5 here 0.5-(IN(i-1,j-1)>0
460 % tign_new=tign(i+dx,j+dy)+(0.5-(IN(i-1,j-1)>0))*(delta_tign(i,j,dx+2,dy+2)+delta_tign(i+dx,j+dy,2-dx,2-dy));
464 % if (tign(i,j)<tign_new)&&(tign_new<=time_now)
465 % % Looking for the max tign, which
466 % % should be <= than time_now, since the
467 % % point is inside of the preimeter
468 % tign(i,j)=tign_new;
471 % elseif (tign(i,j)>tign_new)&&(tign_new>=time_now);
472 % % Looking for the min tign, which
473 % % should be >= than time_now, since the
474 % % point is outside of the preimeter
475 % tign(i,j)=tign_new;
487 % Old Code -- tign_update
490 % % wind1 = vect.*(uf,vf)
491 % wind1=0.5*((long(a-1,b-1,1)-long(i-1,j-1, 1))*vf(i-1,j-1,1)+ ...
492 % (lat(a-1,b-1,1)-lat(i-1,j-1,1))*uf(i-1,j-1,1));
493 % angle1=0.5*((long(a-1,b-1,1)-long(i-1,j-1,1))*dzdxf(i-1,j-1,1)+ ...
494 % (lat(a-1,b-1,1)-lat(i-1,j-1,1))*dzdyf(i-1,j-1,1));
496 % % This is needed to calculate the ros(i,j)
498 % % ... if wind is 0 or into fireline, phiw = 0, &this reduces to backing ros.
499 % spdms = max(wind1,0.);
500 % umidm = min(spdms,30.); % max input wind spd is 30 m/s !param!
501 % umid = umidm * 196.850; % m/s to ft/min
502 % % eqn.: phiw = c * umid**bbb * (betafl/betaop)**(-e) ! wind coef
503 % phiw = umid^bbb * phiwc; % wind coef
504 % phis = 5.275 * betafl^(-0.3) *max(0,angle1)^2; % slope factor
505 % ros = r_0*(1. + phiw + phis) * .00508; % spread rate, m/s
507 % % .... spread rate has no dependency on fuel character, only windspeed.
508 % spdms = max(wind1,0.);
509 % ros = max(.03333,1.2974 * spdms^1.41); % spread rate, m/s
513 % % tign_new=tign(a,b)-delta(t);
514 % tign_new1=tign(a,b)-0.5*sqrt((long(a-1,b-1,1)-long(i-1,j-1,1))^2+ ...
515 % (lat(a-1,b-1,1)-lat(i-1,j-1,1))^2)/ros; ...
517 % % Same calculation for the second half of the
520 % wind2=0.5*((long(a-1,b-1,1)-long(i-1,j-1, 1))*vf(a-1,b-1,1)+ ...
521 % (lat(a-1,b-1,1)-lat(i-1,j-1,1))*uf(a-1,b-1,1));
522 % angle2=0.5*((long(a-1,b-1,1)-long(i-1,j-1,1))*dzdxf(a-1,b-1,1)+ ...
523 % (lat(a-1,b-1,1)-lat(i-1,j-1,1))*dzdyf(a-1,b-1,1));
525 % % ... if wind is 0 or into fireline, phiw = 0, &this reduces to backing ros.
526 % spdms = max(wind2,0.);
527 % umidm = min(spdms,30.); % max input wind spd is 30 m/s !param!
528 % umid = umidm * 196.850; % m/s to ft/min
529 % % eqn.: phiw = c * umid**bbb * (betafl/betaop)**(-e) ! wind coef
530 % phiw = umid^bbb * phiwc; % wind coef
531 % phis = 5.275 * betafl^(-0.3) *max(0,angle2)^2; % slope factor
532 % ros = r_0*(1. + phiw + phis) * .00508; % spread rate, m/s
534 % % .... spread rate has no dependency on fuel character, only windspeed.
535 % spdms = max(wind2,0.);
536 % ros = max(.03333,1.2974 * spdms^1.41); % spread rate, m/s
539 % tign_new2=-0.5*sqrt((long(a-1,b-1,1)-long(i-1,j-1,1))^2+ ...
540 % (lat(a-1,b-1,1)-lat(i-1,j-1,1))^2)/ros;
541 % tign_new=tign_new1+tign_new2;
550 % wind1=0.5*((long(i-1,j-1,1)-long(a-1,b-1,1))*vf(i-1,j-1,1)+ ...
551 % (lat(i-1,j-1,1)-lat(a-1,b-1,1))*uf(i-1,j-1,1));
552 % angle1=0.5*((long(i-1,j-1,1)-long(a-1,b-1,1))*dzdxf(i-1,j-1,1)+ ...
553 % (lat(i-1,j-1,1)-lat(a-1,b-1,1))*dzdyf(i-1,j-1,1));
555 % % ... if wind is 0 or into fireline, phiw = 0, &this reduces to backing ros.
556 % spdms = max(wind1,0.);
557 % umidm = min(spdms,30.); % max input wind spd is 30 m/s !param!
558 % umid = umidm * 196.850; % m/s to ft/min
559 % % eqn.: phiw = c * umid**bbb * (betafl/betaop)**(-e) ! wind coef
560 % phiw = umid^bbb * phiwc; % wind coef
561 % phis = 5.275 * betafl^(-0.3) *max(0,angle1)^2; % slope factor
562 % ros = r_0*(1. + phiw + phis) * .00508; % spread rate, m/s
564 % % .... spread rate has no dependency on fuel character, only windspeed.
565 % spdms = max(wind1,0.);
566 % ros = max(.03333,1.2974 * spdms^1.41); % spread rate, m/s
569 % % tign_new=tign(a,b)-delta(t);
570 % tign_new1=tign(a,b)+0.5*sqrt((long(a-1,b-1,1)-long(i-1,j-1,1))^2+ ...
571 % (lat(a-1,b-1,1)-lat(i-1,j-1,1))^2)/r
574 % wind2=0.5*((long(i-1,j-1,1)-long(a-1,b-1,1))*vf(a-1,b-1,1)+ ...
575 % (lat(i-1,j-1,1)-lat(a-1,b-1,1))*uf(a-1,b-1,1));
576 % angle2=0.5*((long(i-1,j-1,1)-long(a-1,b-1,1))*dzdxf(a-1,b-1,1)+ ...
577 % (lat(i-1,j-1,1)-lat(a-1,b-1,1))*dzdyf(a-1,b-1,1));
579 % % ... if wind is 0 or into fireline, phiw = 0, &this reduces to backing ros.
580 % spdms = max(wind2,0.);
581 % umidm = min(spdms,30.); % max input wind spd is 30 m/s !param!
582 % umid = umidm * 196.850; % m/s to ft/min
583 % % eqn.: phiw = c * umid**bbb * (betafl/betaop)**(-e) ! wind coef
584 % phiw = umid^bbb * phiwc; % wind coef
585 % phis = 5.275 * betafl^(-0.3) *max(0,angle2)^2; % slope factor
586 % ros = r_0*(1. + phiw + phis) * .00508; % spread rate, m/s
588 % % .... spread rate has no dependency on fuel character, only windspeed.
589 % spdms = max(wind2,0.);
590 % ros = max(.03333,1.2974 * spdms^1.41); % spread rate, m/s
593 % tign_new2=0.5*sqrt((long(a-1,b-1,1)-long(i-1,j-1,1))^2+ ...
594 % (lat(a-1,b-1,1)-lat(i-1,j-1,1))^2)/ros;
595 % tign_new=tign_new1+tign_new2; ...
596 % % Here the direction of the vector is
597 % % opposite, since fire is going from the
598 % % inside point towards the point that was