fixing ndt boundary conditions tile and domain bounds, adding debug prints
[wrf-fire-matlab.git] / detection / load_subset_detections.m
1 function g = load_subset_detections(prefix,p,red,time_bounds,fig)
4 itime=find(p.time>=time_bounds(1) & p.time<=time_bounds(2));
5 d=p.file(itime);      % files within the specified time
6 t=p.time(itime);
7 fprintf('Selected %i files in the given time bounds, from %i total.\n',...
8     length(d),length(p.time))
10 k=0;
11 for i=1:length(d),
13     file=d{i};
14     fprintf('%s file %s \n',stime(t(i),red),file);
15     %v=readmod14(prefix,file,'silent'); original line
16     if file(end) == 't'
17         v=readmod14(prefix,file);
18         l2 = 0;
19         %[v.lon,] = meshgrid(v.lon,;
21     % reading l2 data instead of tifs
22     else
23         % take only as matched pairs
24         l2 = 1;
25         if mod(i,2) == 1
26             file2 = d{i+1};
27             fprintf('send to readl2data , i = %d \n',i)
28             v = readl2data(prefix,file,file2);
29             % loop over unclassified data to filter
30             % this will turn matrices to vectors
31             unclass = [0,1,2,6];
32             for uu = 1:length(unclass)
33                mask = ~= unclass(uu);
34       =;
35                v.lon = v.lon(mask);
36       =;
37                %check for filter fail
38                fail = sum(;
39                if fail
40                    fprintf('Data corruption in %, class %d',file,unclass(uu));
41                end
42             end
43         end
44     end
45     % select fire detection within the domain
46     xj=find(v.lon > red.min_lon & v.lon < red.max_lon);
47     xi=find( > red.min_lat & < red.max_lat);
48     idx = intersect(xi,xj);
49     ax=[red.min_lon red.max_lon red.min_lat red.max_lat];
50     if isempty(xi) | isempty(xj)
51         fprintf('outside of the domain\n');
52     else
53         x=[];
54         if l2 == 0
55   ,xj);    % subset data
56         else
57   ;
58         end
59         x.det(1)=sum(; % water 
60         x.det(2)=sum(;  % land
61         x.det(3)=sum((; % low confidence fire
62         x.det(4)=sum((; % medium confidence fire
63         x.det(5)=sum((; % high confidence fire
64         if ~any(x.det) 
65             fprintf(' no data in the domain\n')
66         else
67             if l2 == 0
68                 k=k+1;
69             else
70                 if mod(i,2) == 1
71                     k = k+1;
72                 end
73             end
75             fprintf('water %i land %i fire low %i med %i high %i\n',x.det)
76             x.axis=[red.min_lon,red.max_lon,red.min_lat,red.max_lat];
77             x.file=v.file; 
78             x.time=v.time;
79             if l2 == 0
80                 x.lon=v.lon(xj);
81       ;
82             else
83                 x.lon = v.lon(idx);
84        =;
85             end
86             %interpolate to fire mesh, projection????
87             if l2 == 0
88                 [x.xlon,x.xlat]=meshgrid(x.lon,;
89                 %use scatter interpolation instead, seems to make no
90                 %difference but need to check
91                 x.fxdata=griddata(double(x.xlon(:)),double(x.xlat(:)),double(,red.fxlong,red.fxlat,'nearest');
92                 %x.fxdata=interp2(v.lon,,,red.fxlong,red.fxlat,'nearest');
93             else
94                 %this next line breaks the plotting of detections
95                 %downstream in fire_pixels3d.m
96                 du = 0.005;
97                 dv = 0.005;
98                 u_space = red.min_lat:du:red.max_lat;
99                 v_space = red.min_lon:dv:red.max_lon;
100                 [x.xlon,x.xlat]=meshgrid(v_space,u_space);
101                 %[x.xlon,x.xlat]=meshgrid(x.lon,;
102                 data = griddata(double(x.lon(:)),double(,double(,x.xlon,x.xlat,'nearest');
103                 x.fxdata=griddata(double(x.lon(:)),double(,double(,red.fxlong,red.fxlat,'nearest');
104        = data;
105                 x.lon = v_space;
106        = u_space;
107             end
108             if fig.fig_interp,  % map interpolated data to reduced domain
109                 figure(fig.fig_interp)
110                 cmap=cmapmod14;
111                 c=reshape(cmap(x.fxdata+1,:),[size(x.fxdata),3]);
112                 surf(red.fxlong,red.fxlat,zeros(size(red.fxlat)),c,'EdgeAlpha',0.2);
113                 title(['Detection interpolated to fire mesh ',stime(x.time,red)])
114             end
115             g(k)=x;   % store the data structure
116             if fig.fig_map,
117                 figure(fig.fig_map);clf
118                 showmod14(x)
119                 hold on
120                 contour(red.fxlong,red.fxlat,red.tign,[v.time v.time],'-k');
121                 %fprintf('image time            %s\n',datestr(x.time));
122                 if plot_also_wind, 
123                     if x.time >= ss.min_time && x.time <= ss.max_time,
124                         step=interp1(ss.time,ss.num,x.time);
125                         step0=floor(step);
126                         if step0 < ss.steps,
127                             step1 = step0+1;
128                         else
129                             step1=step0;
130                             step0=step1-1;
131                         end
132                         w0=step1-step;
133                         w1=step-step0;
134                         uu=w0*ss.uh(:,:,step0)+w1*ss.uh(:,:,step1);
135                         vv=w0*ss.vh(:,:,step0)+w1*ss.vh(:,:,step1);
136                         fprintf('wind interpolated to %s from\n',datestr(x.time))
137                         fprintf('step %i %s weight %8.3f\n',step0,datestr(ss.time(step0)),w0)
138                         fprintf('step %i %s weight %8.3f\n',step1,datestr(ss.time(step1)),w1)
139                         fprintf('wind interpolated to %s from\n',datestr(x.time))
140                         sc=0.006;quiver(w.xlong,w.xlat,sc*uu,sc*vv,0);
141                     end
142                 end
143                 hold off
144                 axis(ax)
145                 drawnow
146                 % M(k)=getframe(gcf);
147                 % print(fig.fig_map,'-dpng',['fig',v.timestr]);
148             end
149             if fig.fig_3d,
150                 hold on; fire_pixels_3d(fig.fig_3d,x,red.base_time)
151             end
152         end
153     end
155 if ~exist('g','var'),
156     fprintf('No files found.')
157     g=struct([]);
159 fprintf('%i detections selected\n',length(g))